Caravan of Blue Roses
Long ago, Queen Neferata stole the secrets of eternal life from Nagash. The elixir she created was flawed, bestowing immortality but at great cost. And so the Vampires were created and they have been a plague upon the living ever since.
Millennia later, the darkling figure of Vlad von Carstein arrived in Sylvania – before long, the region's destitute nobility were in his thrall and the von Carstein bloodline was born. Every few centuries, a von Carstein would take the reins of power and strike out against mortals at the head of an Unliving army of zombies, wraths, Necromancers and other abyssal monstrosities .
The Empire has thwarted such legions before, but the dead have never rested easily in Sylvania and now they lurch from their graves, summoned to Unlife by the Midnight Aristocracy as each prepares to challenge mankind once more.

![]() |
Faction Name Caravan of Blue Roses |
Campaign wh3_main_chaos |
Culture wh_main_vmp_vampire_counts |
Subculture wh_main_sc_vmp_vampire_counts |
Military Group wh_main_group_vampire_counts |
Faction Group wh_main_fact_group_vampire_counts |
Faction Group Name Vampire Counts |
Ghorst’s caravan has travelled the Ivory Road from Sylvania as far as the Haunted Forest on the gateway to Cathay, spreading a plague of Undeath in its wake. Originally the youngest of five strong brothers from Templehof, Ghorst was a farrier and groom just like his father. His love of danger and the open road meant he would make any excuse to deliver messages to Ulfheim or Vassel. One day, he returned from his adventures to find his brothers and father dead in their beds, taken by the ravaging Plague of Blue Roses. Fungus-bruises covered their bodies, and its spores were thick in the air. Ghorst could not accept their loss. At first he tried to embrace his lost brothers, but the plague would not take him - fate had other designs for Helman Ghorst! Eventually he plunged himself into the study of the black arts, hoping to return his brothers to life.
From that moment on, Ghorst was far from the good-natured farrier’s son, instead being marked for a much darker destiny. In studying the black arts, he lost himself to forbidden lore and communed with dread things. Driven by far more than the lust for power, but a deep personal grief, he went further than many other Necromancer had previously dared. Such ambition, combined with a wilful lack of self-preservation for his own soul, drew the attention of Mannfred von Carstein, another driven by familial bonds, though ones far different in nature. In Ghorst, Mannfred found a willing puppet, a servant whose loyalty he could easily buy; in Mannfred, Ghorst saw a master of Necromantic lore, who could bring his brothers back to full Unlife, if he himself proved worthy.
Student of Darkness
Following the death of his family from the Plague of Blue Roses, Helman Ghorst plunged himself into the study of the black arts, hoping to return his brothers to life.
Bound spell: "Lesser Raise Dead" for Corpse Cart and Mortis Engine units (1.0000)
Raise Dead pool capacity: +0 for Zombies units (4.0000)
Enables poison attacks for Zombies, Skeleton Spearmen, and Skeleton Warriors units (1.0000)
Casualty replenishment rate: +0% (10.0000)

Faction Group

Lords |
Heinrich Kemmler (Barded Nightmare)
Heinrich Kemmler
Mannfred von Carstein
Mannfred von Carstein (Hellsteed)
Mannfred von Carstein (Zombie Dragon)
Mannfred von Carstein (Barded Nightmare)
Master Necromancer
Master Necromancer (Hellsteed)
Master Necromancer (Barded Nightmare)
Vampire Lord
Vampire Lord (Hellsteed)
Vampire Lord (Zombie Dragon)
Vampire Lord (Barded Nightmare)
(wh_main_vmp_cha_vampire_lord_5) |
Heroes |
Vampire (Shadows)
Vampire (Shadows) (Barded Nightmare)
Vampire (Shadows) (Hellsteed)
Necromancer (Nightmare)
Vampire (Death)
Vampire (Death) (Barded Nightmare)
Vampire (Death) (Hellsteed)
Wight King
Wight King (Skeletal Steed)
Wight King (Barded Skeletal Steed)
(wh_main_vmp_cha_wight_king_2) |
Infantry |
The Tithe (Zombies)
Skeleton Warriors
Skeleton Spearmen
The Konigstein Stalkers (Skeleton Warriors)
Crypt Ghouls
The Feasters in the Dusk (Crypt Ghouls)
Cairn Wraiths
Grave Guard
Grave Guard (Great Weapons)
The Sternsmen (Grave Guard)
(wh_dlc04_vmp_inf_sternsmen_0) |
Cavalry & Chariots |
Black Knights
Black Knights (Lances & Barding)
Verek's Reavers (Black Knights - Lances & Barding)
Blood Knights
The Chillgheists (Hexwraiths)
(wh_dlc04_vmp_cav_chillgheists_0) |
Monsters & Beasts |
Fell Bats
Dire Wolves
The Direpack (Dire Wolves)
Crypt Horrors
The Devils of Swartzhafen (Vargheists)
(wh_main_vmp_mon_terrorgheist) |
Artillery & War Machines |
Corpse Cart
Corpse Cart (Balefire)
Corpse Cart (Unholy Lodestone)
Black Coach
Mortis Engine
The Claw of Nagash (Mortis Engine)
(wh_dlc04_vmp_veh_claw_of_nagash_0) |