Seducers of Slaanesh
Slaanesh is dedicated to the pursuit of excess, gratification, hedonism, pain and amoral pleasure at the expense of any other soul. He is the youngest of the Chaos Gods, for the complex emotions of erotic desire and decadence only exist within the minds of intelligent races. From within the Realm of Chaos, the Dark Prince revels in each new sensation discovered. He guides the mortal inhabitants laden with desire to go ever further in their pursuit of stimulation.
Those who serve Slaanesh are consumed by their own dark passions, driven by the need for their mistress-master’s approval to commit more sordid atrocities. And so Slaanesh's followers practice war upon the nations of the south, seducing their foes into the service of their Dark God and inflicting symphonies of misery upon those who resist his call.
Faction Name Seducers of Slaanesh |
Campaign wh3_main_chaos |
Culture wh3_main_sla_slaanesh |
Subculture wh3_main_sc_sla_slaanesh |
Military Group wh3_main_sla |
Faction Group wh3_main_fact_group_slaanesh |
Faction Group Name Slaanesh |
The Arch-Temptor
Very few beings, if any at all, can decline the temptations, offers and secrets granted by N'Kari.
Allegiance points gained: +0% (25.0000)
Tribute from vassals: +0% (100.0000)
Diplomatic relations: +0 with all factions (20.0000)
Long ago defeated by the High Elves of Ulthuan, N’Kari has returned to the Shrine of Kurnous, seeking his vengeance in Elven souls.
The Arch-Temptor
Very few beings, if any at all, can decline the temptations, offers and secrets granted by N'Kari.
Allegiance points gained: +0% (25.0000)
Tribute from vassals: +0% (100.0000)
Diplomatic relations: +0 with all factions (20.0000)
Summon Disciple Armies: Use Devotees to summon armies in corrupted areas.
Seduction: Compel enemy units to join your army during battles, and force whole factions into vassalage via your Seductive Influence.
Faction Group
Sea Lanes journey duration: +0 turns (-1.0000)
Underworld Sea travel time: +0 (-1.0000)
Spell: "Acquiescence" for Keeper of Secrets units (1.0000)
Spell: "Lash of Slaanesh" for Keeper of Secrets units (1.0000)
Army ability: "Fascination" (1.0000)
Liberated factions will be vassals (1.0000)
Battering rams: +0 per siege item constructed (1.0000)
Siege towers: +0 per siege item constructed (2.0000)
[HIDDEN] Their military forces suffer penalties when low at winds of magic level (1.0000)
Lords |
Exalted Keeper of Secrets (Shadow)
Exalted Keeper of Secrets (Slaanesh)
Herald of Slaanesh (Shadow)
Herald of Slaanesh (Shadow) (Steed of Slaanesh)
Herald of Slaanesh (Shadow) (Seeker Chariot)
Herald of Slaanesh (Shadow) (Exalted Seeker Chariot)
Herald of Slaanesh (Slaanesh)
Herald of Slaanesh (Slaanesh) (Steed of Slaanesh)
Herald of Slaanesh (Slaanesh) (Seeker Chariot)
Herald of Slaanesh (Slaanesh) (Exalted Seeker Chariot)
(wh3_main_sla_cha_nkari_0) |
Heroes |
Alluress (Shadow)
Alluress (Shadow) (Steed of Slaanesh)
Alluress (Shadow) (Seeker Chariot)
Alluress (Shadow) (Exalted Seeker Chariot)
Alluress (Slaanesh)
Alluress (Slaanesh) (Steed of Slaanesh)
Alluress (Slaanesh) (Seeker Chariot)
Alluress (Slaanesh) (Exalted Seeker Chariot)
Cultist of Slaanesh
Cultist of Slaanesh (Chaos Steed)
(wh3_main_sla_cha_cultist_1) |
Infantry |
Marauders of Slaanesh
Marauders of Slaanesh (Spears)
Marauders of Slaanesh (Hellscourges)
Daemonettes of Slaanesh
Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh
Forsaken of Slaanesh
Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh (Hellscourges)
Exalted Daemonettes of Slaanesh
Chosen of Slaanesh
Bringers of Beguilement (Exalted Daemonettes of Slaanesh)
Chosen of Slaanesh (Hellscourges)
Mirror Guard (Chaos Warriors)
(wh_pro04_chs_inf_chaos_warriors_ror_0) |
Cavalry & Chariots |
Hellstriders of Slaanesh
Hellstriders of Slaanesh (Hellscourges)
Seeker Chariots
Chaos Chariots of Slaanesh
Seekers of Slaanesh
Heartseekers of Slaanesh
Exalted Seeker Chariot
Chaos Knights of Slaanesh
Eternal Entourage (Heartseekers of Slaanesh)
Chaos Knights of Slaanesh (Lances)
The Sibilant Slaughtercade (Chaos Chariots)
(wh3_dlc20_chs_cav_chaos_chariot_msla_ror) |
Missile Cavalry & Chariots |
Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh
(wh3_dlc20_chs_cav_marauder_horsemen_msla_javelins) |
Monsters & Beasts |
Chaos Furies (Slaanesh)
Spawn of Slaanesh
Chaos Warshrine of Slaanesh
Fiends of Slaanesh
Soul Grinder (Slaanesh)
Keeper of Secrets
The Marquis of Masochism (Keeper of Secrets)
(wh3_twa08_sla_mon_keeper_of_secrets_0_ror) |