The Lizardmen are an ancient race of cold-blooded reptilians said to be the first and oldest civilisation. Alien, enigmatic, and entirely without mercy, the Lizardmen were there at the start of all things and will be there when the world draws its last dying breath, never tiring nor relenting until order is finally restored to this uncaring, chaotic world.
From the primeval jungles of Lustria they come, disciplined cohorts of Saurian warriors with giant scaly beasts in their midst, led by the most powerful Sorcerers the world has ever seen. The ground trembles from their approach. They go to battle for reasons indecipherable to others – an ancient plan known only to themselves.
Faction Name Hexoatl |
Campaign wh3_main_combi |
Culture wh2_main_lzd_lizardmen |
Subculture wh2_main_sc_lzd_lizardmen |
Military Group wh2_main_lzd |
Faction Group wh2_main_fact_group_lizardmen |
Faction Group Name Lizardmen |
Lord Mazdamundi is fully roused in Hexoatl, City of the Sun, ready to wage war on all who bring the Great Plan into discordance. "The time of inaction is over. The great purpose must be accomplished."
The Lizardmen are the reptilian guardians of Order. They follow the Great Plan set down by the Old Ones, as interpreted by the Slann Mage-Priests who direct the small and capable Skinks, the Saurus Warriors, bestial Kroxigor and myriad other reptilian servants.
Being cold-blooded, Lizardmen reside in the warmer climates, mainly across the jungle-continent of Lustria and the Southlands. Hidden within the undergrowth are the temple-cities where the Slann contemplate and the other reptilian castes live to serve the Old Ones’ will. Shining brightest of all the ancient temple-cities is Hexoatl, the City of the Sun. Though Itza is the First City, Hexoatl has eclipsed it in importance due to its status as home to Lord Mazdamundi, the most active of all the remaining Slann Mage-Priests. Due to its location and history, the City of the Sun is the most fortified and martial of all the temple-cities. Whereas the boundaries of most other cities simply merge with the jungle, Hexoatl has mighty walls and serried ranks of Saurus patrol its plazas. Until recently, even the Norse trespassers of Skeggi and its surrounding colonies avoided Hexoatl, although that has changed of late.
Yet it is not just the city and its reptilian legions that enemies and invaders must be wary of, but its mighty leader, Lord Mazdamundi, oldest and most powerful of the living Slann Mage-priests; he who can bring ruination upon cities; he that rides the horned beast.
After years of contemplation, Mazdamundi has come to a simple epiphany: the Great Plan cannot move to the next phase until the first stage has been completed. This involves relocating a few, select races and the utter obliteration of the fell spawn that infests the world.
And so, with the fire of Old One, Chotec, burning within Lord Mazdamundi, the time of inaction is over – the Great Plan will be executed – order *will* come from Chaos, no matter the cost!
Lord of the Solar-City
Lord Mazdamundi is the oldest and most powerful of the living Slann Mage-Priests. At the Dawn of Creation, he was instructed by none other than Lord Kroak himself.
Construction cost: +0% for Star Chamber buildings (-50.0000)
Rite cost: +0% (-30.0000)
Diplomatic relations: +0 with most factions (-10.0000)
Special Spawnings: Periodic missions allow access to powerful Blessed variants of certain units.
Beasts suitable for every task, though some are so ferocious they may lose control and charge ahead.
Faction Group
Battering rams: +0 per siege item constructed (1.0000)
Siege towers: +0 per siege item constructed (2.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_bastiladon_armour (15.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_bastiladon_missile_damage (20.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_carnosaur_charge_bonus (10.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_carnosaur_melee_attack (12.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_carnosaur_speed (10.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_chameleon_skinks_missile_damage (12.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_chameleon_skinks_missile_range (12.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_cold_one_riders_armour (7.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_cold_one_riders_charge_bonus (8.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_cold_one_riders_melee_attack (10.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_horned_ones_melee_attack (15.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_horned_ones_melee_defence (8.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_kroxigors_cause_terror (1.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_kroxigors_charge_bonus (8.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_saurus_guard_armour (7.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_saurus_guard_melee_defence (6.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_saurus_warriors_ap_damage (12.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_saurus_warriors_charge_bonus (6.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_saurus_warriors_melee_attack (8.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_skink_skirmishers_leadership (5.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_skink_skirmishers_speed (14.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_stegadon_ammo (100.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_stegadon_missile_range (10.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_temple_guard_armour (6.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_temple_guard_melee_defence (8.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_terradon_riders_ammo (100.0000)
wh2_main_spawning_blessed_terradon_riders_movement_speed (20.0000)
Lords |
Slann Mage-Priest (High)
(wh2_main_lzd_cha_slann_mage_priest_high_0) |
Heroes |
Skink Oracle
Saurus Scar-Veteran
Saurus Scar-Veteran (Cold One)
Saurus Scar-Veteran (Carnosaur)
Skink Chief
Skink Priest (Beasts)
Skink Priest (Heavens)
(wh2_main_lzd_cha_skink_priest_heavens_0) |
Infantry |
Skink Cohort
Red Crested Skinks
Chameleon Stalkers
Saurus Spears
Saurus Warriors
Saurus Spears (Shields)
Saurus Warriors (Shields)
Temple Guards
Temple Guards
Legion of Chaqua (Saurus Spears)
Cohort of Sotek (Red Crested Skinks)
Star Chamber Guardians (Temple Guard)
(wh2_dlc12_lzd_inf_temple_guards_ror_0) |
Missile Infantry |
Skink Cohort (Javelins)
Skink Skirmishers
Chameleon Skinks
(wh2_main_lzd_inf_chameleon_skinks_0) |
Cavalry & Chariots |
Feral Cold Ones
Cold One Riders
Cold One Spear-Riders
Ripperdactyl Riders
Horned Ones
Horned Ones
Pok-Hopak Cohort (Cold One Spear-Riders)
Colossadon Hunters (Ripperdactyl Riders)
(wh2_dlc12_lzd_cav_ripperdactyl_riders_ror_0) |
Monsters & Beasts |
Feral Bastiladon
Bastiladon (Ark of Sotek)
Bastiladon (Ark of Sotek)
Bastiladon (Revivification Crystal)
Feral Stegadon
Sacred Kroxigor
Sacred Kroxigor
Feral Carnosaur
Geltblöm's Terror (Feral Carnosaur)
Ancient Stegadon (Engine of the Gods)
Ancient Stegadon (Engine of the Gods)
Spirit of Tepok (Coatl)
Feral Dread Saurian
Dread Saurian
The Shredder of Lustria (Dread Saurian)
Cohort of Huatl (Sacred Kroxigor)
(wh2_dlc13_lzd_mon_sacred_kroxigors_ror_0) |
Missile Monsters & Beasts |
Terradon Riders
Terradon Riders (Fireleech Bolas)
Razordon Hunting Pack
Salamander Hunting Pack
Ancient Salamander
Bastiladon (Solar Engine)
Feral Troglodon
Ancient Stegadon
The Pale Death (Feral Troglodon)
Pahaux Sentinels (Terradon Riders)
The Thunderous One (Ancient Stegadon)
The Umbral Tide (Salamander Hunting Pack)
Amaxon Barbs (Razordon Hunting Pack)
(wh2_dlc13_lzd_mon_razordon_pack_ror_0) |