The Wood Elves – or Asrai – are the guardians of Athel Loren, the most ancient forest in the Old World. They are a reclusive and mysterious race who rarely emerge from the forest and are generally only seen when coming to its defence. Although they can appear cruel or capricious, in reality the Asrai are a neutral power who act only to maintain the balance of their environment.
It is this cause for which they fight, for no land remains untarnished long if it cannot take up arms against those that wish it harm. The waking woodlands of Athel Loren have endured for many thousands of years, so long as the watchful eyes of her protectors continue their loyal vigilance.

![]() |
Faction Name Argwylon |
Campaign wh3_main_combi |
Culture wh_dlc05_wef_wood_elves |
Subculture wh_dlc05_sc_wef_wood_elves |
Military Group wh_dlc05_group_wood_elves |
Faction Group wh_dlc05_fact_group_wood_elves |
Faction Group Name Wood Elves |
Durthu strides out from Athel Loren into the Grey Mountains to unleash the lashing tendrils of the forest’s mighty wrath. Once, Durthu was benevolent. It was he, the eldest of the Treeman Ancients that first bound the spirits of the forest with the Children of Isha. For many seasons, the alliance was considered a good thing; the forest flourished and the Worldroots seeped deep underneath the land. Then, he bore witness to the rapacity of blooded life. He saw untold acres of trees felled and the Elves themselves invite countless calamities not only on their race, but on the greater forest realms as well. Now Durthu's patience has gone, replaced by anger and madness. Once a healer, now he is wrathful, making no distinction between the lost, the innocent and the wicked. The Elves are spared the Ancient's anger… for now at least, but he no longer considers them friends, only allies for common cause. And yet there are many foes wishing to trespass under the boughs of Athel Loren, forcing the ancient Treeman to fight with the Asrai, who respect Durthu still, even if he no longer cares for them.
Durthu is an Elder of Athel Loren, a Treeman so ancient that even Ariel's millennia-long existence pales in comparison. It was he who first forged a union between Elves and forest, and he also who argued with his fellow Elders that the binding be made permanent.
Passive ability: "Wrath of the Wood" for Ancient Treemen (20.0000)
Attribute: Mastery of the Elemental Winds for Ancient Treemen and embedded Spellsingers (1.0000)
Attribute: Wallbreaker for Ancient Treemen and Treemen units (1.0000)
No colonisation cost (2.0000)

Faction Group

Lords |
Glade Lord
Glade Lord (Elven Steed)
Glade Lord (Great Eagle)
Glade Lord (Forest Dragon)
Glade Lord
Glade Lord (Elven Steed)
Glade Lord (Great Eagle)
Glade Lord (Forest Dragon)
(wh_dlc05_wef_cha_orion_0) |
Heroes |
Spellsinger (Beasts)
Spellsinger (Beasts) (Elven Steed)
Spellsinger (Beasts) (Great Eagle)
Spellsinger (Beasts) (Unicorn)
Spellsinger (Life)
Spellsinger (Life) (Elven Steed)
Spellsinger (Life) (Great Eagle)
Spellsinger (Life) (Unicorn)
Spellsinger (Shadows)
Spellsinger (Shadows) (Elven Steed)
Spellsinger (Shadows) (Great Eagle)
Spellsinger (Shadows) (Unicorn)
(wh_dlc05_wef_cha_waystalker_0) |
Infantry |
Eternal Guard
Eternal Guard (Shields)
Wildwood Rangers
Wardancers (Asrai Spears)
Wraiths of the Frozen Heart (Dryads)
Winterheart Guards (Eternal Guard - Shields)
Loec's Tricksters (Wardancers - Asrai Spears)
Wardens of Cythral (Wildwood Rangers)
(wh_pro04_wef_inf_wildwood_rangers_ror_0) |
Missile Infantry |
Glade Guard
Glade Guard (Hagbane Tips)
Glade Guard (Starfire Shafts)
Deepwood Scouts
Deepwood Scouts (Swiftshiver Shards)
Hawk-Eyes of Drakira (Waywatchers)
(wh_pro04_wef_inf_waywatchers_ror_0) |
Cavalry & Chariots |
Glade Riders (Spears)
Wild Riders
Wild Riders (Shields)
Great Stag Knights
Lost Sylvan Knights (Great Stag Knights)
Wild Hunters of Kurnous (Wild Riders - Shields)
(wh_pro04_wef_cav_wild_riders_ror_0) |
Missile Cavalry & Chariots |
Glade Riders
Glade Riders (Hagbane Tips)
Hawk Riders
Sisters of the Thorn
(wh_dlc05_wef_cav_sisters_thorn_0) |
Monsters & Beasts |
Great Eagle
Tree Kin
Forest Dragon
Enigmas of Ghyran (Zoats)
Firebark Elders (Tree Kin)
(wh_pro04_wef_mon_treekin_ror_0) |