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The Huntsmarshal's Expedition Immortal Empires

The Huntsmarshal's Expedition

Lying at the heart of the Old World, the Empire is the greatest and most powerful of all the kingdoms forged by men. But it is a realm in constant turmoil, both from enemies without and strife from within as rival Elector Counts vie for the throne. Whether fighting between themselves or the many exterior invaders, the greatest nation of man can muster a formidable army of disciplined warriors, magic, steam-powered wonders and menageries of fantastical beasts.

Now, the Twin-Tailed Comet blazes across the sky once again and a new Emperor has been crowned – surely an omen that the time has come to unite the Empire, secure its borders and bring prosperity to its beleaguered citizens.

The Huntsmarshal's Expedition
The Huntsmarshal's Expedition

Faction Name

The Huntsmarshal's Expedition







Military Group


Faction Group


Faction Group Name

The Empire

  • (wh2_dlc13_political_party_wulfhart_ruler)
    Making camp in the Temple of Kara, Markus Wulfhart answers the Emperor’s call to reaffirm the Empire’s foothold in Lustria. "Civilisation shall triumph over the wilderness. Man shall triumph over beast."

    For two and a half millennia, the Empire has formed a bulwark against the encroaching forces of Destruction. Lying at the heart of the Old World, it is the greatest and most powerful of all the nations forged by men. Yet across its lands, evil always lurks in its shadiest corners and darkest depths. Mutant monsters prowl its dark forests, malevolent ratmen plot beneath its cities, and the living dead rise from its graveyards. Monstrous enemies gaze belligerently across its borders, with the threat of invasion from any number of murderous abominations an ever-present danger.

    Yet it endures, for mankind has a steely determination not merely to live, but to thrive. Ever since the legendary warrior Sigmar first united the primitive man-tribes against their common enemies, the longevity of the Empire has been assured by great men hailing from across its provinces.

    Out of the forests of Middenland emerged Markus Wulfhart, who rose to prominence to become the finest scout in all the Empire. Once a lowly huntsman, his life was irrevocably shattered when a one-eyed Bonegrinder Giant razed his hometown of Drakenburg to the ground, slaughtering its inhabitants. Burning with the desire for revenge, the young hunter tracked the monster to its lair and skilfully blinded it with a single shot from his bow, before severing its rope-like hamstrings with his blade. Closing in on the crippled giant, he hacked at its neck repeatedly with manic determination and decapitated it.

    Markus had slain the beast that had murdered his kin, but in suffering the tragedy of losing his entire village he had been set on a new, death-strewn path. He swore that as long as he still lived, no other settlement would suffer the fate of Drakenburg, and he set out to hunt the various monsters that preyed on the Empire. Only when every last one of them was slain would he rest. In recognition of his deeds, Markus was offered a knighthood and a nobleman’s estate by Karl Franz himself. Wulfhart declined, wishing only to be allowed to continue with his self-imposed quest. Impressed with his grim fortitude, the Emperor bestowed unto Markus the title of Huntsmarshal – the Emperor’s Captain of Scouts.

    Answering only to the Emperor himself, Markus leads an elite, hand-picked regiment of scouts and hunters from across the land – a disparate group in which city-born men rub shoulders with those raised in rural backwaters. One thing is certain, however – Wulfhart’s hunters are the most accomplished group of monster-slayers in the Empire.

    Huntsmarshal of the Empire
    Markus Wulfhart’s great deeds in service to the Empire have earned him the recognition of Karl Franz himself, who has bestowed unto him the title of Huntsmarshal: the Emperor’s Captain of Scouts.
    Hostile actions will result in retaliation from local factions, but will also empower your own armies (0.0000)
    Recruit rank: +0 for Huntsman Generals (3.0000)
    Reinforcements from the Empire bring powerful units to bolster your armies (0.0000)
    Limited Roster: Only basic units are immediately recruitable (0.0000)
    Diplomatic relations: +0 with Lizardmen (-40.0000)

Emperor’s Mandate: Receive the Emperor’s acclaim by advancing the Empire’s cause in Lustria, leading to the provision of better-quality units to reinforce the expedition.
Wulfhart’s Hunters: Attain the services of some of the finest hunters to have ever lived.
Well-rounded unit roster with a wide range of magical lores and war machines.

Faction Group

wh2_dlc09_effect_increase_army_capacity_hidden (9999.0000)
Upkeep and recruitment cost: +0% for Knights of the Blazing Sun units (50.0000)
Seductive influence: +0 required for complete seduction (150.0000)
Seductive influence: +0 per turn from race (-3.0000)
Income from post-battle loot: +0% (-50.0000)
Battering rams: +0 per siege item constructed (1.0000)
Siege towers: +0 per siege item constructed (2.0000)
1 Balthasar Gelt
Balthasar Gelt
1 Balthasar Gelt (Quicksilver)
Balthasar Gelt (Quicksilver)
1 General of the Empire
General of the Empire
1 General of the Empire (Barded Warhorse)
General of the Empire (Barded Warhorse)
1 General of the Empire (Imperial Pegasus)
General of the Empire (Imperial Pegasus)
1 General of the Empire (Imperial Griffon)
General of the Empire (Imperial Griffon)
1 General of the Empire (Warhorse)
General of the Empire (Warhorse)
1 Karl Franz
Karl Franz
1 Karl Franz (Deathclaw)
Karl Franz (Deathclaw)
1 Karl Franz (Imperial Pegasus)
Karl Franz (Imperial Pegasus)
1 Karl Franz (Warhorse)
Karl Franz (Warhorse)
1 Karl Franz (Barded Warhorse)
Karl Franz (Barded Warhorse)
1 Hertwig van Hal
Hertwig van Hal
1 Jorek Grimm
Jorek Grimm
1 Kalara
1 Rodrik L'Anguille
Rodrik L'Anguille
1 Ulrika Magdova
Ulrika Magdova
1 Ulrika Magdova (Barded Warhorse)
Ulrika Magdova (Barded Warhorse)
1 Waystalker
1 Thane
1 Empire Captain
Empire Captain
1 Empire Captain (Warhorse)
Empire Captain (Warhorse)
1 Empire Captain (Barded Warhorse)
Empire Captain (Barded Warhorse)
1 Empire Captain (Imperial Pegasus)
Empire Captain (Imperial Pegasus)
1 Warrior Priest
Warrior Priest
1 Warrior Priest (Warhorse)
Warrior Priest (Warhorse)
1 Warrior Priest (Barded Warhorse)
Warrior Priest (Barded Warhorse)
1 Witch Hunter
Witch Hunter
1 Bright Wizard
Bright Wizard
1 Bright Wizard (Warhorse)
Bright Wizard (Warhorse)
1 Bright Wizard (Imperial Pegasus)
Bright Wizard (Imperial Pegasus)
1 Bright Wizard (Barded Warhorse)
Bright Wizard (Barded Warhorse)
1 Celestial Wizard
Celestial Wizard
1 Celestial Wizard (Warhorse)
Celestial Wizard (Warhorse)
1 Celestial Wizard (Imperial Pegasus)
Celestial Wizard (Imperial Pegasus)
1 Celestial Wizard (Barded Warhorse)
Celestial Wizard (Barded Warhorse)
1 Light Wizard
Light Wizard
1 Light Wizard (Warhorse)
Light Wizard (Warhorse)
1 Light Wizard (Imperial Pegasus)
Light Wizard (Imperial Pegasus)
1 Light Wizard (Barded Warhorse)
Light Wizard (Barded Warhorse)
120 Spearmen
120 Spearmen (Shields)
Spearmen (Shields)
120 Swordsmen
120 Halberdiers
120 Flagellants
120 Greatswords
120 Greatswords
120 Carroburg Greatswords (Greatswords)
Carroburg Greatswords (Greatswords)
120 Halberdiers
120 Nordland Mariners (Halberdiers)
Nordland Mariners (Halberdiers)
120 Eldred's Guard (Spearmen - Shields)
Eldred's Guard (Spearmen - Shields)
120 Swords of Ulric (Swordsmen)
Swords of Ulric (Swordsmen)
120 Sigmar's Sons (Swordsmen)
Sigmar's Sons (Swordsmen)
160 The Tattersouls (Flagellants)
The Tattersouls (Flagellants)
Missile Infantry
90 Archers
120 Free Company Militia
Free Company Militia
90 Crossbowmen
90 Handgunners
90 Huntsmen
90 Deathjacks (Archers)
Deathjacks (Archers)
90 Stir River Patrol (Crossbowmen)
Stir River Patrol (Crossbowmen)
90 Handgunners
90 Gunderman's Surefires (Handgunners)
Gunderman's Surefires (Handgunners)
90 The White Wolves (Huntsmen)
The White Wolves (Huntsmen)
90 The Silver Bullets (Handgunners)
The Silver Bullets (Handgunners)
120 Stirland's Revenge (Free Company Militia)
Stirland's Revenge (Free Company Militia)
Cavalry & Chariots
60 Empire Knights
Empire Knights
60 Reiksguard
60 Knights of the Blazing Sun
Knights of the Blazing Sun
32 Demigryph Knights
Demigryph Knights
32 Demigryph Knights (Halberds)
Demigryph Knights (Halberds)
32 Demigryph Knights
Demigryph Knights
32 Demigryph Knights (Halberds)
Demigryph Knights (Halberds)
60 Empire Knights
Empire Knights
60 Knights of the Everlasting Light (Empire Knights)
Knights of the Everlasting Light (Empire Knights)
60 Knights of Morr (Empire Knights)
Knights of Morr (Empire Knights)
60 The Stubborn Bulls (Empire Knights - Greatswords)
The Stubborn Bulls (Empire Knights - Greatswords)
60 Reiksguard
32 The Royal Altdorf Gryphites (Demigryph Knights)
The Royal Altdorf Gryphites (Demigryph Knights)
60 Zintler's Reiksguard (Reiksguard)
Zintler's Reiksguard (Reiksguard)
Missile Cavalry & Chariots
60 Pistoliers
60 Outriders
48 Outriders (Grenade Launcher)
Outriders (Grenade Launcher)
4 War Wagons
War Wagons
4 War Wagons (Mortars)
War Wagons (Mortars)
48 Outriders (Grenade Launcher)
Outriders (Grenade Launcher)
48 The Bordermen (Outriders - Grenade Launcher)
The Bordermen (Outriders - Grenade Launcher)
60 Pistoliers
60 The Noble Sons Abroad (Pistoliers)
The Noble Sons Abroad (Pistoliers)
4 War Wagons
War Wagons
4 War Wagons (Mortars)
War Wagons (Mortars)
4 The Black Lions (War Wagons - Helblasters)
The Black Lions (War Wagons - Helblasters)
Flying War Machines
4 Obsinite Gyrocopter
Obsinite Gyrocopter
Artillery & War Machines
4 Mortars
4 Great Cannons
Great Cannons
4 Helblaster Volley Guns
Helblaster Volley Guns
4 Helstorm Rocket Battery
Helstorm Rocket Battery
1 Luminark of Hysh
Luminark of Hysh
1 Steam Tank
Steam Tank
4 Great Cannons
Great Cannons
4 Helblaster Volley Guns
Helblaster Volley Guns
4 Helstorm Rocket Battery
Helstorm Rocket Battery
4 Sootson's Guns (Mortars)
Sootson's Guns (Mortars)
1 Luminark of Hysh
Luminark of Hysh
1 Steam Tank
Steam Tank
1 The Emperor's Wrath (Steam Tank)
The Emperor's Wrath (Steam Tank)
4 Hammer of the Witches (Great Cannons)
Hammer of the Witches (Great Cannons)
4 The Sunmaker (Helstorm Rocket Battery)
The Sunmaker (Helstorm Rocket Battery)
1 Templehof Luminark (Luminark of Hysh)
Templehof Luminark (Luminark of Hysh)