Lying at the heart of the Old World, the Empire is the greatest and most powerful of all the kingdoms forged by men. But it is a realm in constant turmoil, both from enemies without and strife from within as rival Elector Counts vie for the throne. Whether fighting between themselves or the many exterior invaders, the greatest nation of man can muster a formidable army of disciplined warriors, magic, steam-powered wonders and menageries of fantastical beasts.
Now, the Twin-Tailed Comet blazes across the sky once again and a new Emperor has been crowned – surely an omen that the time has come to unite the Empire, secure its borders and bring prosperity to its beleaguered citizens.

![]() |
Faction Name Reikland |
Campaign wh3_main_combi |
Culture wh_main_emp_empire |
Subculture wh_main_sc_emp_empire |
Military Group wh_main_group_empire_reikland |
Faction Group wh_main_fact_group_empire |
Faction Group Name The Empire |
Karl Franz retains his high seat in Altdorf at the heart of the Empire as threats new and old close in on all sides. The Emperor is Karl Franz, Prince of Altdorf and Elector Count of Reikland. Karl Franz is said to be the greatest statesman the Old World has ever seen. He is also a military genius and a valiant general. The Emperor frequently takes personal command of his soldiers, like Sigmar, the Warrior-God of old, smiting enemies of the Empire with every blow.
There is little doubt that Karl Franz is one of the greatest generals of his age. He stands at the forefront of the battles against those that would see his beloved realm torn asunder, and it is a responsibility that weighs heavily upon his shoulders.
Heir of Sigmar
The newly-elected Emperor is Karl Franz, Prince of Altdorf and Elector Count of Reikland. Franz is already garnering a reputation as a great statesman and warrior but has yet to prove himself as sovereign.
wh2_dlc13_effect_upkeep_elector_count_units_hidden (75.0000)
Prestige: +0% gained from battles (25.0000)
Campaign movement range: +0% (10.0000)
Diplomatic relations: +0 with Empire (10.0000)
Lord recruit rank: +0 (2.0000)
[HIDDEN - do not translate] Used to increase lord rank when replacing a lord (target the effect at forces factionwide) - use in conjunction with a shown effect that targets provinces factionwide (2.0000)

Faction Group

Lords |
Balthasar Gelt
Balthasar Gelt (Quicksilver)
General of the Empire
General of the Empire (Barded Warhorse)
General of the Empire (Imperial Pegasus)
General of the Empire (Imperial Griffon)
General of the Empire (Warhorse)
Karl Franz
Karl Franz (Deathclaw)
Karl Franz (Imperial Pegasus)
Karl Franz (Warhorse)
Karl Franz (Barded Warhorse)
(wh_main_emp_cha_karl_franz_4) |
Heroes |
Hertwig van Hal
Jorek Grimm
Rodrik L'Anguille
Empire Captain
Empire Captain (Warhorse)
Empire Captain (Barded Warhorse)
Empire Captain (Imperial Pegasus)
Warrior Priest
Warrior Priest (Warhorse)
Warrior Priest (Barded Warhorse)
Witch Hunter
Bright Wizard
Bright Wizard (Warhorse)
Bright Wizard (Imperial Pegasus)
Bright Wizard (Barded Warhorse)
Celestial Wizard
Celestial Wizard (Warhorse)
Celestial Wizard (Imperial Pegasus)
Celestial Wizard (Barded Warhorse)
Light Wizard
Light Wizard (Warhorse)
Light Wizard (Imperial Pegasus)
Light Wizard (Barded Warhorse)
(wh_main_emp_cha_wizard_light_4) |
Infantry |
Spearmen (Shields)
Sigmar's Sons (Swordsmen)
Carroburg Greatswords (Greatswords)
Nordland Mariners (Halberdiers)
Eldred's Guard (Spearmen - Shields)
Swords of Ulric (Swordsmen)
The Tattersouls (Flagellants)
(wh_dlc04_emp_inf_tattersouls_0) |
Missile Infantry |
Free Company Militia
Deathjacks (Archers)
Stir River Patrol (Crossbowmen)
Gunderman's Surefires (Handgunners)
The White Wolves (Huntsmen)
The Silver Bullets (Handgunners)
Stirland's Revenge (Free Company Militia)
(wh_dlc04_emp_inf_stirlands_revenge_0) |
Cavalry & Chariots |
Empire Knights
Knights of the Blazing Sun
Demigryph Knights
Demigryph Knights (Halberds)
Knights of the Everlasting Light (Empire Knights)
Knights of Morr (Empire Knights)
The Stubborn Bulls (Empire Knights - Greatswords)
The Royal Altdorf Gryphites (Demigryph Knights)
Zintler's Reiksguard (Reiksguard)
(wh_dlc04_emp_cav_zintlers_reiksguard_0) |
Missile Cavalry & Chariots |
Outriders (Grenade Launcher)
War Wagons
War Wagons (Mortars)
The Bordermen (Outriders - Grenade Launcher)
The Noble Sons Abroad (Pistoliers)
The Black Lions (War Wagons - Helblasters)
(wh2_dlc13_emp_veh_war_wagon_ror_0) |
Flying War Machines |
Obsinite Gyrocopter
(wh2_dlc13_huntmarshall_veh_obsinite_gyrocopter_0) |
Artillery & War Machines |
Great Cannons
Helblaster Volley Guns
Helstorm Rocket Battery
Luminark of Hysh
Steam Tank
Sootson's Guns (Mortars)
The Emperor's Wrath (Steam Tank)
Hammer of the Witches (Great Cannons)
The Sunmaker (Helstorm Rocket Battery)
Templehof Luminark (Luminark of Hysh)
(wh_dlc04_emp_veh_templehof_luminark_0) |