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Couronne Immortal Empires


Bretonnia is a feudal society, split between the rich nobles with their gallant Knights and the lowly peasant class toiling in the fields. The Knights of Bretonnia – the flower of its military – have a code of chivalry that forms an unbreakable duty to protect its subjects, and when called to war, are considered by many to be the most powerful heavy cavalry in the Old World. However, a Bretonnian army rarely consists of Knights alone, and so ranks of solid, if unremarkable, foot troops and peasant levies are provided to soak up damage from unchivalrous cannons and other ranged devices.

So it is that in times of need the Knights of Bretonnia ride forth with lances dipped, and a prayer to the Lady on their lips!


Faction Name








Military Group


Faction Group


Faction Group Name


  • (wh_dlc07_political_party_bretonnia_ruler)
    King Louen rides out from Couronne with the blessings of the Lady to eradicate evil from Bretonnia's lands and beyond. King Louen Leoncoeur – ‘the Lionhearted’ – is the current King of Bretonnia, having ascended to the throne following a unanimous vote of his peers and with the consent of the Fay Enchantress, the earthly representative of the blessed Lady of the Lake. It is this approval that means the most to Louen, for in years past he completed a Grail Quest, expelling evil from Bretonnian lands before supping from the mystical chalice and receiving the Lady’s blessing. From his capital at Couronne, the King rules wisely and with an even-hand when dealing with Knight or noble alike. Fairness in all matters is his watchword, never allowing the law as written to compromise its noble intent, never refusing anyone – peasants excepted of course – a hearing in his presence to air grievances of which he must be the judge. So great is Louen’s statecraft and mastery of diplomacy that many consider him to be not just the natural successor of Gilles the Uniter, but believe he is descended from the same noble bloodline.

    On the battlefield, Louen is a deadly adversary, a natural general, and the Lady’s chosen champion – leading the Knights of Bretonnia into the fray upon his noble Hippogryph, Beaquis, and smiting evil wherever he finds it. Somehow, the King has halted the aging process, appearing to be a much younger man than his birth records belie; maybe it is the Lady’s favour, her eternal blessings – or even her ethereal kiss – that enables Louen to hold back the advancing years and continue to lead his kingdom to glory? For glory is at hand – the time has come for Bretonnians to rally under King Louen’s banner and, with the blessing of the Lady and the protection of the Fay Enchantress, march on dark, corrupted Mousillon and bring it back under control once and for all!

    Royal Blood
    The greatest Bretonnian leader since Gilles the Uniter, King Louen is a mighty warrior-king – the very pinnacle of Knightly perfection.
    Leadership aura size: +0% for Lords when attacking (50.0000)
    Campaign movement range: +0% (10.0000)

Chivalry: Through their noble actions, the Bretonnian dukes will benefit from powerful bonuses.
Peasant Economy: Farm or fight? Peasants form Bretonnia’s financial and military backbone.
Equestrian-based unit roster with a host of fast-moving skirmish cavalry and heavily-armoured shock cavalry.

Faction Group

wh2_dlc09_effect_increase_army_capacity_hidden (9999.0000)
Sea Lanes journey duration: +0 turns (-1.0000)
Underworld Sea travel time: +0 (-1.0000)
Seductive influence: +0 required for complete seduction (250.0000)
Seductive influence: +0 per turn from race (-5.0000)
Peasant Economy: +0 peasants available to the faction (6.0000)
Upkeep greatly reduced for:
Grail Knights
Grail Guardians
Royal Pegasus Knights
Royal Hippogryph Knights (200.0000)
Upkeep greatly reduced for:
Knights Errant
Knights of the Realm
Pegasus Knights (200.0000)
Upkeep greatly reduced for:
Questing Knights (200.0000)
Income from post-battle loot: +0% (-50.0000)
Income from raiding: +0% (100.0000)
Income from sacking settlements: +0% (100.0000)
Battering rams: +0 per siege item constructed (1.0000)
Siege towers: +0 per siege item constructed (2.0000)
Local recruitment capacity: +0 (1.0000)
1 Fay Enchantress
Fay Enchantress
1 Fay Enchantress (Silvaron)
Fay Enchantress (Silvaron)
1 Prophetess (Life)
Prophetess (Life)
1 Prophetess (Life) (Warhorse)
Prophetess (Life) (Warhorse)
1 Prophetess (Life) (Barded Warhorse)
Prophetess (Life) (Barded Warhorse)
1 Prophetess (Life) (Royal Pegasus)
Prophetess (Life) (Royal Pegasus)
1 Prophetess (Beasts)
Prophetess (Beasts)
1 Prophetess (Beasts) (Warhorse)
Prophetess (Beasts) (Warhorse)
1 Prophetess (Beasts) (Barded Warhorse)
Prophetess (Beasts) (Barded Warhorse)
1 Prophetess (Beasts) (Royal Pegasus)
Prophetess (Beasts) (Royal Pegasus)
1 Prophetess (Heavens)
Prophetess (Heavens)
1 Prophetess (Heavens) (Warhorse)
Prophetess (Heavens) (Warhorse)
1 Prophetess (Heavens) (Barded Warhorse)
Prophetess (Heavens) (Barded Warhorse)
1 Prophetess (Heavens) (Royal Pegasus)
Prophetess (Heavens) (Royal Pegasus)
1 King Louen Leoncoeur
King Louen Leoncoeur
1 King Louen Leoncoeur (Beaquis)
King Louen Leoncoeur (Beaquis)
1 King Louen Leoncoeur (Barded Warhorse)
King Louen Leoncoeur (Barded Warhorse)
1 King Louen Leoncoeur (Royal Pegasus)
King Louen Leoncoeur (Royal Pegasus)
1 King Louen Leoncoeur
King Louen Leoncoeur
1 Lord
1 Lord (Hippogryph)
Lord (Hippogryph)
1 Lord (Royal Pegasus)
Lord (Royal Pegasus)
1 Lord (Barded Warhorse)
Lord (Barded Warhorse)
1 Jade Wizard
Jade Wizard
1 Jade Wizard (Warhorse)
Jade Wizard (Warhorse)
1 Jade Wizard (Barded Warhorse)
Jade Wizard (Barded Warhorse)
1 Jade Wizard (Imperial Pegasus)
Jade Wizard (Imperial Pegasus)
1 Damsel (Beasts)
Damsel (Beasts)
1 Damsel (Beasts) (Warhorse)
Damsel (Beasts) (Warhorse)
1 Damsel (Beasts) (Barded Warhorse)
Damsel (Beasts) (Barded Warhorse)
1 Damsel (Life)
Damsel (Life)
1 Damsel (Life) (Warhorse)
Damsel (Life) (Warhorse)
1 Damsel (Life) (Barded Warhorse)
Damsel (Life) (Barded Warhorse)
1 The Green Knight (Shadowsteed)
The Green Knight (Shadowsteed)
1 Damsel (Heavens)
Damsel (Heavens)
1 Damsel (Heavens) (Warhorse)
Damsel (Heavens) (Warhorse)
1 Damsel (Heavens) (Barded Warhorse)
Damsel (Heavens) (Barded Warhorse)
1 Paladin
1 Paladin (Pegasus)
Paladin (Pegasus)
1 Paladin (Barded Warhorse)
Paladin (Barded Warhorse)
160 Peasant Mob
Peasant Mob
120 Men-at-Arms
120 Spearmen-at-Arms
1 Grail Reliquae
Grail Reliquae
120 Men-at-Arms (Shields)
Men-at-Arms (Shields)
120 Spearmen-at-Arms (Shields)
Spearmen-at-Arms (Shields)
120 Men-at-Arms (Polearm)
Men-at-Arms (Polearm)
120 Battle Pilgrims
Battle Pilgrims
120 Foot Squires
Foot Squires
120 The Holy Wardens of La Maisontaal (Battle Pilgrims)
The Holy Wardens of La Maisontaal (Battle Pilgrims)
120 Beastslayers of Bastonne (Foot Squires)
Beastslayers of Bastonne (Foot Squires)
Missile Infantry
90 Peasant Bowmen
Peasant Bowmen
90 Peasant Bowmen (Fire Arrows)
Peasant Bowmen (Fire Arrows)
90 Peasant Bowmen (Pox Arrows)
Peasant Bowmen (Pox Arrows)
Cavalry & Chariots
60 Mounted Yeomen
Mounted Yeomen
60 Knights Errant
Knights Errant
60 Knights of the Realm
Knights of the Realm
60 Questing Knights
Questing Knights
24 Pegasus Knights
Pegasus Knights
60 Grail Knights
Grail Knights
60 Grail Guardians
Grail Guardians
24 Royal Pegasus Knights
Royal Pegasus Knights
8 Royal Hippogryph Knights
Royal Hippogryph Knights
60 Defenders of the Fleur-de-lis (Knights Errant)
Defenders of the Fleur-de-lis (Knights Errant)
60 Knights of the Lionhearted (Knights of the Realm)
Knights of the Lionhearted (Knights of the Realm)
60 The Companions of Quenelles (Questing Knights)
The Companions of Quenelles (Questing Knights)
Missile Cavalry & Chariots
60 Mounted Yeomen Archers
Mounted Yeomen Archers
60 Wardens of Montfort (Mounted Yeomen Archers)
Wardens of Montfort (Mounted Yeomen Archers)
Artillery & War Machines
4 Field Trebuchets
Field Trebuchets
4 Blessed Field Trebuchets
Blessed Field Trebuchets