Order of Loremasters
The High Elves – or the Asur, as they call themselves – are one of the most ancient and powerful civilisations of the Old World. Hailing from a mighty, mist-shrouded island-continent located at the centre of the Great Ocean, the High Elves of Ulthuan are a proud and mighty kingdom of masterful warriors, peerless mages and lords of sky and sea. At the zenith of their power, the world was truly theirs for the taking, but in their arrogance they brought about a bloody war against the Dwarfs which crippled both of these two elder races.
The time of the High Elves has passed, yet such is their immense pride that they fight on regardless, for they consider themselves the true and rightful protectors of the known world. Let the servants of destruction beware the Asur's righteous wrath!

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Faction Name Order of Loremasters |
Campaign wh3_main_combi |
Culture wh2_main_hef_high_elves |
Subculture wh2_main_sc_hef_high_elves |
Military Group wh2_main_hef |
Faction Group wh2_main_fact_group_high_elves |
Faction Group Name High Elves |
Travelling to the Fortress of Dawn, Teclis uses his magical prowess to help its defend against a Tzeentchian incursion. "With Moon Staff and Sword, I am master of magics and shaper of fates. Destiny beckons and I must heed the call."
The High Elves – or Asur as they call themselves – are among the oldest civilisations in the world; possibly, only the jungle-dwelling Lizardmen can lay claim to a longer existence. Although mortal, Elves lead incredibly long lives; so long, in fact, that the spans allotted to men seem to be as fleeting as those of mayflies. From their island fortress-paradise of Ulthuan near the centre of the world, the High Elves – although aloof and arrogant in their manner – have generally walked the path of Order, using their longevity to become warriors without peer and mages without equal.
As descendants of Aenarion, the first Phoenix King, the twin brothers Tyrion and Teclis were marked for greatness from the moment they were born, like all of his line. Whereas Tyrion is renowned for his martial excellence, Teclis, who could not hope to match his brother’s physical prowess, instead became a magic-user of no small note. Widely considered to be the most powerful sorcerer of the age and one of the greatest ever to walk the world, there are few, if any, capable of defeating him in a duel, not even the vengeance-obsessed Dark Elf Witch King, Malekith.
Unlike his brother, who considers the defence of the High Elf kingdom of Ulthuan his chief duty, Teclis has a care for the whole world and sees it as his duty to prevent it falling into the hands of the Ruinous Powers. It is this generosity of spirit that has seen the High Elves allied with such disparate races as the men of the Empire and the Lizardmen of Lustria, impacting the former to the extent that the Empire’s fabled Colleges of Magic would never have existed if it was not for Teclis’ wise counsel and tuition in magical matters. Such is his renown, Teclis – the Loremaster of Hoeth and Warden of the White Tower – casts a shadow so lengthy that his influence will be felt right across the world long after his death.
High Loremaster
Teclis is Tyrion's twin brother, but two more different siblings would be hard to find. Where the curse of Aenarion has yet to leave an obvious mark upon Tyrion, it has made his brother frail and caustic.
Recruitment cost: +0% for Swordmasters of Hoeth and Phoenix units (-25.0000)
Recruit rank: +0 for Loremasters of Hoeth, Mages and Archmages (5.0000)
Diplomatic relations: +0 with Men, High Elves, Wood Elves, Lizardmen and Dwarfs (15.0000)
Allied recruitment cost: +0% (-50.0000)

Faction Group

Lords |
Alarielle the Radiant
Alith Anar
Prince (Griffon)
Prince (Barded Ithilmar Steed)
Tyrion (Malhandhir)
(wh2_main_hef_cha_tyrion_1) |
Heroes |
Handmaiden of the Everqueen
Loremaster of Hoeth
Mage (High)
Mage (High) (Elven Steed)
(wh2_main_hef_cha_noble_0) |
Infantry |
White Lions of Chrace
Silverin Guard
The Scions of Mathlann (Spearmen)
Athel Tamarha Faithbearers
The Puremane Company (White Lions of Chrace)
Swordmasters of Hoeth
Phoenix Guard
Keepers of the Flame (Phoenix Guard)
(wh2_dlc10_hef_inf_keepers_of_the_flame_ror_0) |
Missile Infantry |
Archers (Light Armour)
Lothern Sea Guard
Sentinels of Astaril
Lothern Sea Guard (Shields)
Gate Guard
Spire Guard of Tor Yvresse
Shadow Warriors
The Storm Riders (Lothern Sea Guard)
The Skyhawks
Sisters of Avelorn
The Grey (Shadow Warriors)
Everqueen's Court Guards (Sisters of Avelorn)
Talons of Tor Caleda (Archers – Light Armour)
(wh2_dlc15_hef_inf_archers_ror_0) |
Cavalry & Chariots |
Ellyrian Reavers
Silver Helms
Ithilmar Chariots
Silver Helms (Shields)
Lion Chariots of Chrace
Dragon Princes
The Fireborn (Dragon Princes)
(wh2_dlc10_hef_cav_the_fireborn_ror_0) |
Missile Cavalry & Chariots |
Ellyrian Reaver Archers
Heralds of the Wind (Ellyrian Reavers - Bows)
Tiranoc Chariots
(wh2_main_hef_cav_tiranoc_chariot) |
Monsters & Beasts |
Shackolot the Calamity
Bruwor, Protector of Life
Lamoureux the Frozen Breath
Ymwrath the Eternal
Gordinar, Champion of the Flame
Great Eagle
War Lions of Chrace
Tree Kin
Flamespyre Phoenix
Frostheart Phoenix
Sun Dragon
Forest Dragon
Arcane Phoenix
Moon Dragon
Star Dragon
Knights of Tor Gaval
Omen of Asuryan (Arcane Phoenix)
Rahagra's Pride (War Lions of Chrace)
(wh2_dlc15_hef_mon_war_lions_of_chrace_ror_0) |
Artillery & War Machines |
Eagle Claw Bolt Throwers
(wh2_main_hef_art_eagle_claw_bolt_thrower) |