Faction Description 國家派系 |
Gondor, A.D. 2954 Summer
Steward Ecthelion IIGondor, the Southern Kingdom of the Númenóreans – founded in the Second Age by Elendil, and ruled by his sons Isildur and Anárion. After the War of the Last Alliance, in which both Elendil and Anárion were lost, and the death of Isildur by an Orc ambush, the throne fell to Anárion's son Meneldil. Gondor prospered for many decades under the rule of Anárion’s line, and became the most powerful kingdom in the land, expanding its borders and conquering parts of Harad and Rhûn.But after the return of Sauron darkness fell upon Gondor. Civil war, plague and Easterling expansions gravely weakened the once powerful Kingdom. Lands were lost to the South and East; the cities of Osgiliath and Ithilien were devasted; the tower of Minas Ithil was captured by the Nazgûl, and thereafter known as Minas Morgul. Eärnur, last King of Gondor, fell at the hands of the Witch-king, and Gondor fell into the hands of Stewards. Many years of war and instability followed. Eventually, Steward Cirion called on the Éothéod, a tribe of Northmen, for aid, and the enemy was successfully driven back. As a reward, he granted Gondor’s new allies the province of Calenardhon, where they founded the Kingdom of Rohan.Now Steward Ecthelion II rules in Gondor, and he must strengthen his realm against the threat of Mordor and its allies: the Haradrim and the Easterlings. The Pirates of Umbar cause a further threat, pillaging the Kingdom’s southern coasts. Gondor’s stability and pride hangs in the balance.The bulk of Gondor’s army is made up of well-trained infantry and the less-experienced provincial militia. Higher ranking troops include the Fountain Guard and Ithilien archers. However, Gondor’s pride truly lies in their cavalry – few in numbers but powerful knights of Minas Tirith and Dol Amroth, capable of breaking any enemy formation.
, 公元 2954 夏
Units List 兵種單位 |
Axemen of Lossarnach heavy infantry Experienced warriors protected by a chain mail and armed with a tall two-handed axe. REQUIRES LOSSARNACH
Gondor Militia heavy infantry Strong militia units with solid shields and swords.
Pelargir Marines heavy infantry Well equipped infantry, armed with javelins, sword and shield. REQUIRES PELARGIR
Gondor Infantry heavy infantry Professional heavy infantry, armed with swords and shields, with excellent morale and stamina.
Dismounted Swan Knights heavy infantry Well armoured, elite unit blessed with unwavering morale. REQUIRES DOL AMROTH
Gondor Spearmen spearmen infantry Professional heavy spearmen protected with shields and plate armour and armed with a solid spear.
Citadel Guard spearmen infantry Elite spearmen with heavy armour and strong shields.
Fountain Guard spearmen infantry Elite Gondorian spearmen without shields. REQUIRES MINAS TIRITH
Archer Militia missile infantry Militia units equipped with simple bows and a short sword.
Blackroot Vale Archers missile infantry Skilled and hardy bowmen from Blackrot Vale loyal to Gondor. REQUIRES ERECH OR CALEMBEL
Gondor Archers missile infantry Professional heavy archers, armed with a longbow and a sword for close combat. Wearing full plate armour.
Ithilien Rangers missile infantry Light archers with excellent morale and stamina. Best used in supporting or ambushing roles. REQUIRES AN ITHILIEN REGION
Gondor Cavalry Militia heavy cavalry Strong cavalry militia with small shields and sharp spears.
Gondor Cavalry heavy cavalry Professional medium cavalry armed with lances and swords and protected by plate armour.
Swan Knights heavy cavalry Professional heavy cavalry with a very strong charge. Armed with spears and shields, able to form a wedge formation. REQUIRES DOL AMROTH
Alcarondas light ship A great warship for long voyages of exploration.
Númerrámar light ship This light and manoeuvrable warship of the Fleet should not be underestimated for her size.
Palarran light ship This heavy warship of the Fleet can outmatch most other vessels, though a Corsair Marauder will provide a challenge.
Ballista missile siege Resembling a giant crossbow, this powerful weapon can fling javelins a great distance, skewering men with ease.
Catapult missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots.
Trebuchet missile siege Giant rock-flinging artillery piece. Capable of flaming and normal shot. Also able to fling diseased cows!
Cannot recruit units 無法招募兵種 |
General's Bodyguard heavy cavalry Well armed and equipped, these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general.
Freemen light infantry Heavy infantry equipped with axes and shields.
Noble Retainers spearmen infantry Trained and hardened warriors protected by a large shield and mail. Armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears.
Spear Militia spearmen infantry Spear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears.
Axemen Militia light infantry Axemen Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with axes.
City Guards spearmen infantry The City Guard is what passes for law and order in the day to day lives of the residents of their city.
City Guards light infantry The City Guard is what passes for law and order in the day to day lives of the residents of their city.
Huntsmen missile infantry Made up of villagers and ordinary folk, these men are superior hunters and are excellent at ambushes.
Heavy Axemen heavy infantry Hardy warriors armed with deadly two-handed axes and protected by chanmail.
Dorwinion Retainers heavy infantry Heavy Axemen in the service of the local lord.
Archer Militia missile infantry Well trained in the bow, these men are excellent skirmishers and capable of defending themselves in hand-to-hand combat.
Faction strength 國家優勢 |
Can field heavily armored infantry and good spearmen. |
Faction weakness 國家劣勢 |
Slow recruitment and costly units. |
Special unit 特色兵種 |
Swan Knights |
City Buildings List 城市建築 |
Wooden Palisade (Upgrade) A Wooden Palisade gives a sense of security but is unlikely to delay determined attackers for very long.
Ballista Towers Ballista Towers provide the defenders with enough firepower to keep attackers at bay.
Stables A Stable allows for the recruitment of basic cavalry units.
Town Watch The Town Watch have the minimum equipment and resources needed to train infantry.
Bowyer A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
Military Academy A Military Academy allows for the recruitment of professional Gondorian units.
Ballista Maker A Ballista Maker allows the construction of ballista siege weaponry.
Leather Tanner A Leather Tanner offers the most basic armour improvements to new and retrained units.
Port A Port allows a settlement to trade with the far-distant corners of the world.
Merchant's Wharf A Merchant's Wharf allows an extra trade fleet, and increases trade to the settlement.
Naval Academy A Naval Academy reduces the cost of naval units recruited in the region, while also improving their training.
Grain Exchange A Grain Exchange is absolutely essential if townsfolk are to be fed and good profits made.
Dirt Roads Dirt Roads increase the movement speed of units that travel along them, as well as improve trade.
Land Clearance Land Clearance allows a region to begin producing enough food to encourage growth.
Mines Mines increase the trade income generated by metal deposits in the region.
Library A Library converts a small percentage of the region to Dunedain culture, and improves happiness.
Brothel A Brothel increases happiness in the settlement slightly, and allows the recruitment of a spy.
Town Hall A Town Hall helps maintain law and order, as well as reduce squalor.
Merchant Bank A Merchant Bank improves trade in the region, and allows the recruitment of an extra merchant.
Theatre A Theatre improves public happiness throughout the settlement it graces.
Merchants' Guild A Merchants' Guild house improves both the trade income, and the quality of merchants created in the region.
Thieves' Guild A Thieves' Guild house improves the quality of spies hired in the same settlement.
Explorers' Guild An Explorers' Guild house slightly increases the movement speed of those trained in the same settlement.
Swordsmiths' Guild A Swordsmiths' Guild house allows trained melee units to upgrade their weaponry by retraining in the same settlement.
Castle Buildings List 城堡建築 |
Motte and Bailey (Upgrade) A Motte and Bailey is a simple, defensible outpost, little more than a watchtower and protective fence.
Ballista Towers Ballista Towers provide the defenders with enough firepower to keep attackers at bay.
Stables A Stable allows for the recruitment of basic cavalry units.
Mustering Hall Men must be gathered, selected and trained if military strength is to be maintained.
Bowyer A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
Military Academy A Military Academy allows for the recruitment of late-period professional army units.
Ballista Maker A Ballista Maker allows the construction of ballista siege weaponry.
Leather Tanner A Leather Tanner offers the most basic armour improvements to new and retrained units.
Port A Port allows a settlement to trade with the far-distant corners of the world.
Dirt Roads Dirt Roads increase the movement speed of units that travel along them, as well as improve trade.
Land Clearance Land Clearance allows a region to begin producing enough food to encourage growth.
Mines Mines increase the trade income generated by metal deposits in the region.
Library A Library converts a small percentage of the region to Dunedain culture, and improves happiness.
Jousting Lists Jousting Lists improve the quality of knights recruited here.
Swordsmiths' Guild A Swordsmiths' Guild house allows trained melee units to upgrade their weaponry by retraining in the same settlement.
The Tower of Ecthelion The Tower of Ecthelion is overlooking Minas Tirith and bears the standard of the city.
The Great Gates The main gate to Minas Tirith.
The Othram Main city wall of Minas Tirith.