Bretonnia is a feudal society, split between the rich nobles with their gallant Knights and the lowly peasant class toiling in the fields. The Knights of Bretonnia – the flower of its military – have a code of chivalry that forms an unbreakable duty to protect its subjects, and when called to war, are considered by many to be the most powerful heavy cavalry in the Old World. However, a Bretonnian army rarely consists of Knights alone, and so ranks of solid, if unremarkable, foot troops and peasant levies are provided to soak up damage from unchivalrous cannons and other ranged devices.
So it is that in times of need the Knights of Bretonnia ride forth with lances dipped, and a prayer to the Lady on their lips!

![]() |
Faction Name Carcassonne |
Campaign wh3_main_combi |
Culture wh_main_brt_bretonnia |
Subculture wh_main_sc_brt_bretonnia |
Military Group wh_main_group_bretonnia |
Faction Group wh_main_fact_group_bretonnia |
Faction Group Name Bretonnia |
The Fay Enchantress channels the Lady to wield powerful magic against all threats to her home of Carcassonne. The Lady of the Lake is the principle Bretonnian deity, said to embody the pure, noble, courageous spirit for which the kingdom is known. Her earthly representative is the Fay Enchantress, who watches over Bretonnia from her tower in Carcassonne and upon whose wise counsel King Louen depends. In fact, during times of dynastic crisis, the Enchantress is empowered to choose the next Royarch from amongst the dukes and has, on at least one prior occasion, stripped a tyrannical or cruel ruler of his throne and commanded his own Knights to forcibly expel the oppressor from the Kingdom! Whilst undoubtedly ancient – some say thousands of years old even – the Enchantress appears to all as a beautiful young woman and is reincarnated instantly as soon as her host body wears out. Although undoubtedly a fearsome sorceress more than capable of defeating her enemies by herself, the Fay Enchantress is served by her loyal body of Grail Knights, whose lives are sworn to protect her person and obey any and all commands. She is also served by the Damsels and Prophetesses of the Lady, who are called into her service as children and become her acolytes, eventually having not insignificant magical powers of their own.
The Enchantress is the one who rouses the usually competitive Dukedoms of Bretonnia into united action when the kingdom is threatened by evil forces from without. It has even been known, at times of mortal peril, for her to ride into battle ahead of an army of her fiercely-loyal Grail Knights. On the battlefield, she uses magic to both protect Bretonnian forces from attack or weaken and strike down the foe – sometimes with a single, furious stare!
In Her Lady's Name
A figure of awe and influence, the Fay Enchantress is the Lady’s personal representative and, some say, the true power in Bretonnia.
Peasant Economy: +0 peasants available to the faction (5.0000)
Casualty replenishment rate: +0% (15.0000)

Faction Group

Grail Knights
Grail Guardians
Royal Pegasus Knights
Royal Hippogryph Knights (200.0000)

Knights Errant
Knights of the Realm
Pegasus Knights (200.0000)

Questing Knights (200.0000)

Lords |
Fay Enchantress
Fay Enchantress (Silvaron)
Prophetess (Life)
Prophetess (Life) (Warhorse)
Prophetess (Life) (Barded Warhorse)
Prophetess (Life) (Royal Pegasus)
Prophetess (Beasts)
Prophetess (Beasts) (Warhorse)
Prophetess (Beasts) (Barded Warhorse)
Prophetess (Beasts) (Royal Pegasus)
Prophetess (Heavens)
Prophetess (Heavens) (Warhorse)
Prophetess (Heavens) (Barded Warhorse)
Prophetess (Heavens) (Royal Pegasus)
King Louen Leoncoeur
King Louen Leoncoeur (Beaquis)
King Louen Leoncoeur (Barded Warhorse)
King Louen Leoncoeur (Royal Pegasus)
King Louen Leoncoeur
Lord (Hippogryph)
Lord (Royal Pegasus)
Lord (Barded Warhorse)
(wh_main_brt_cha_lord_4) |
Heroes |
Jade Wizard
Jade Wizard (Warhorse)
Jade Wizard (Barded Warhorse)
Jade Wizard (Imperial Pegasus)
Damsel (Beasts)
Damsel (Beasts) (Warhorse)
Damsel (Beasts) (Barded Warhorse)
Damsel (Life)
Damsel (Life) (Warhorse)
Damsel (Life) (Barded Warhorse)
The Green Knight (Shadowsteed)
Damsel (Heavens)
Damsel (Heavens) (Warhorse)
Damsel (Heavens) (Barded Warhorse)
Paladin (Pegasus)
Paladin (Barded Warhorse)
(wh_main_brt_cha_paladin_4) |
Infantry |
Peasant Mob
Grail Reliquae
Men-at-Arms (Shields)
Spearmen-at-Arms (Shields)
Men-at-Arms (Polearm)
Battle Pilgrims
Foot Squires
The Holy Wardens of La Maisontaal (Battle Pilgrims)
Beastslayers of Bastonne (Foot Squires)
(wh_pro04_brt_inf_foot_squires_ror_0) |
Missile Infantry |
Peasant Bowmen
Peasant Bowmen (Fire Arrows)
Peasant Bowmen (Pox Arrows)
(wh_dlc07_brt_inf_peasant_bowmen_2) |
Cavalry & Chariots |
Mounted Yeomen
Knights Errant
Knights of the Realm
Questing Knights
Pegasus Knights
Grail Knights
Grail Guardians
Royal Pegasus Knights
Royal Hippogryph Knights
Defenders of the Fleur-de-lis (Knights Errant)
Knights of the Lionhearted (Knights of the Realm)
The Companions of Quenelles (Questing Knights)
(wh_pro04_brt_cav_questing_knights_ror_0) |
Missile Cavalry & Chariots |
Mounted Yeomen Archers
Wardens of Montfort (Mounted Yeomen Archers)
(wh_pro04_brt_cav_mounted_yeomen_ror_0) |
Artillery & War Machines |
Field Trebuchets
Blessed Field Trebuchets
(wh_dlc07_brt_art_blessed_field_trebuchet_0) |