Tarchuna (Rise of the Republic)
Tarchuna is one of the twelve cities of the elegant and sophisticated Etruscan civilisation. In the intellectual darkness of the times, the Etruscans shine with cultural, religious and industrious prominence which can only be matched by the old and highly-respected Greek city states. Being in a league of their own, the Etruscan cities are rival peers first and loving siblings second. Located comfortably at the centre of Etruscan territory, Tarchuna benefits from good trade relations with her neighbours and, traditionally, relies on her own military strength for safety. Her ambitions are to maintain the favourable status quo in the region - one which predominantly benefits her own people. There are, however, powers with opposing interests and desires of their own. Rome is growing powerful and menacing to the south; the insurgent Gauls are becoming more numerous by the day, occupying lands to the north and east. Control of the sea is claimed by both the Greeks and Carthaginians. With an intelligent approach and divine help, however, Tarchuna will both prevail and prosper!
Campaign Map
Faction Name Tarchuna (Rise of the Republic) |
Campaign main_invasion |
Culture rom_Roman |
Subculture sc_rom_etruscan |
Military Group inv_etruscan |
Faction Group inv_faction_group_italian_civilizations |
Faction Group
Situated in the heart of the Italian peninsula, these ancient nations lay the foundations of civilisation.
(NOT DISPLAYED) Enables local recruitment of dignitaries
(NOT DISPLAYED) Pre-siege: siege tower
Destined for Greatness: -50% resistance to foreign occupation
Written Knowledge: +10% research rate
[NOT DISPLAYED] +3 security against authority-based agent actions
[NOT DISPLAYED] +3 security against cunning-based agent actions
[NOT DISPLAYED] +3 security against zeal-based agent actions
+100% movement range for all fleets
Political Parties
Initial Power: 35
No Effect
Initial Power: 35
No Effect
Initial Power: 35
No Effect
Initial Power: 35
No Effect
Initial Power: 35
No Effect
Initial Power: 35
No Effect
Initial Power: 35
No Effect
Initial Power: 35
(NOT DISPLAYED) Enables local recruitment of champions
(NOT DISPLAYED) Enables local recruitment of spies
Life of Luxury: the Etruscans of Tarchuna lose the game if they lose their faction capital
Government Action: periodically organise the Fanum Voltumnae summit for a variety of effects
[NOT DISPLAYED] adds subsistence wealth to faction capital only / scope: faction
General |
Etruscan Cavalry
(inv_etr_etruscan_cavalry) Melee Cavalry
Etruscan Heavy Hoplites
(inv_etr_heavy_hoplites) Spear Infantry |
Melee Infantry |
Etruscan Axe Infantry
(inv_etr_axe_infantry) Melee Infantry
Etruscan City Guard
(inv_etr_city_guard) Melee Infantry
Italian Swordsmen
(inv_ita_italic_swordsmen) Melee Infantry
Native Aequi Swordsmen
(inv_local_aequi_swordsmen) Melee Infantry
Native Bruttii Tribesmen
(inv_local_brutii_tribesmen) Melee Infantry
Native Carthaginian Infantry
(inv_local_carthaginian_infantry) Melee Infantry
Native Gallic Axemen
(inv_local_gallic_axemen) Melee Infantry
Native Italian Hillmen
(inv_local_italian_hillmen) Melee Infantry
Native Latin Tribesmen
(inv_local_latin_tribesmen) Melee Infantry
Native Ligurian Axe Warriors
(inv_local_ligurian_axe_warriors) Melee Infantry
Native Ligurian Swordsmen
(inv_local_ligurian_swordsmen) Melee Infantry
Native Lucanian Warriors
(inv_local_lucanian_warriors) Melee Infantry
Naked Native Warriors
(inv_local_naked_warriors) Melee Infantry
Native Sabine Warriors
(inv_local_sabine_warriors) Melee Infantry
Native Samnite Infantryman
(inv_local_samnite_infantryman) Melee Infantry
Native Sardi Hillmen
(inv_local_sardi_hillmen) Melee Infantry
Native Sicilian Tribesmen
(inv_local_sicilian_tribesmen) Melee Infantry
Native Tribeless Warriors
(inv_local_tribeless_warriors) Melee Infantry
Native Umbrian Hillmen
(inv_local_umbrian_hillmen) Melee Infantry
Native Volsci Warriors
(inv_local_volsci_warriors) Melee Infantry |
Missile Infantry |
Etruscan Archers
(inv_etr_archers) Missile Infantry
Etruscan Skirmishers
(inv_etr_skirmishers) Missile Infantry
Etruscan Slingers
(inv_etr_slingers) Missile Infantry
Native Iapygian Archers
(inv_local_apulian_archers) Missile Infantry
Native Iapygian Javelinmen
(inv_local_apulian_javelinmen) Missile Infantry
Native Bruttii Slingers
(inv_local_brutii_slingers) Missile Infantry
Native Gallic Hunters
(inv_local_gallic_hunters) Missile Infantry
Native Greek Archers
(inv_local_greek_archers) Missile Infantry
Native Italian Skirmishers
(inv_local_italian_skirmishers) Missile Infantry
Native Italian Slingers
(inv_local_italian_slingers) Missile Infantry
Native Lucanian Ambushers
(inv_local_lucanian_ambushers) Missile Infantry
Native Sabine Skirmishers
(inv_local_sabine_skirmishers) Missile Infantry
Native Sardi Bowmen
(inv_local_sardi_bowmen) Missile Infantry |
Spear Infantry |
Etruscan Heavy Hoplites
(inv_etr_heavy_hoplites) Spear Infantry
Etruscan Hoplites
(inv_etr_hoplites) Spear Infantry
Etruscan Light Spearmen
(inv_etr_light_spearmen) Spear Infantry
Native Carthaginian Spearmen
(inv_local_carthaginian_spearmen) Spear Infantry
Native Greek Militia
(inv_local_greek_militia) Spear Infantry
Native Latin Spearmen
(inv_local_latin_spearmen) Spear Infantry
Native Umbrian Spearmen
(inv_local_umbrian_spearmen) Spear Infantry
Native Volsci Spearmen
(inv_local_volsci_spearmen) Spear Infantry |
Melee Cavalry |
Etruscan Cavalry
(inv_etr_etruscan_cavalry) Melee Cavalry
Italian Cavalry
(inv_etr_italian_cavalry) Melee Cavalry
Native Aequi Horsemen
(inv_local_aequi_horsemen) Melee Cavalry
Native Campanian Cavalry
(inv_local_campanian_cavalry) Melee Cavalry
Native Gallic Horsemen
(inv_local_gallic_horsemen) Melee Cavalry
Native Ligurian Horsemen
(inv_local_ligurian_horsemen) Melee Cavalry |
Missile Cavalry |
Italian Horse Skirmishers
(inv_etr_horse_skirmishers) Missile Cavalry
African Cavalry
(inv_local_african_cavalry) Missile Cavalry
Native Veneti Raiders
(inv_local_veneti_raiders) Missile Cavalry |
Chariot |
Etruscan Chariots
(inv_etr_chariots) Chariot |
Elephant |
African Elephants
(inv_local_african_elephants) Elephant |
Fixed Artillery |
Etruscan Ballista
(inv_etr_ballista) Fixed Artillery |
Field Artillery |
Etruscan Polybolos
(inv_etr_polybolos) Field Artillery |
Admiral |
Assault Tetreres - Etruscan Heavy Hoplites
(inv_etr_four_assault_greek_etruscan_heavy_hoplites) Melee Ship
Missile Penteres - Etruscan Archers
(inv_etr_gre_five_etruscan_archers) Missile Ship |
Melee Ship |
Assault Tetreres - Carthaginian Hoplites
(inv_car_specialport_greek_four_hoplites) Melee Ship
Assault Hexeres - Sacred Band
(inv_car_specialport_greek_four_sacred_band) Melee Ship
Assault Dieres - Carthaginian Infantry
(inv_car_specialport_greek_two_Infantry) Melee Ship
Assault Dieres - Carthaginian Hoplites
(inv_car_specialport_greek_two_hoplites) Melee Ship
Assault Dieres - Sword Militia
(inv_car_specialport_greek_two_sword_militia) Melee Ship
Assault Tetreres - Etruscan Heavy Hoplites
(inv_etr_four_assault_greek_etruscan_heavy_hoplites) Melee Ship
Assault Tetreres - Italian Swordsmen
(inv_etr_four_assault_greek_italian_swordsmen) Melee Ship
Assault Dieres - Etruscan Hoplites
(inv_etr_two_assault_greek_etruscan_hoplites) Melee Ship
Assault Dieres - Etruscan Light Spearmen
(inv_etr_two_assault_greek_etruscan_light_spearmen) Melee Ship
Assault Dieres - Italian Swordsmen
(inv_etr_two_assault_greek_italian_swordsmen) Melee Ship |
Missile Ship |
Pursuit Trihemiolia - Carthaginian Javelinmen
(inv_car_specialport_greek_two_halfer_car_specialportthaginian_javelin) Missile Ship
Missile Penteres - Etruscan Archers
(inv_etr_gre_five_etruscan_archers) Missile Ship
Missile Trieres - Etruscan Archers
(inv_etr_three_assault_greek_etruscan_archers) Missile Ship
Pursuit Trihemiolia - Etruscan Slingers
(inv_etr_two_halfer_etruscan_slingers) Missile Ship |