HomeStartseite / Divide et Impera / Rom / Gebäude / Landwirtschaft Gebäude
Rom Rom Gebäude

Landwirtschaft Gebäude


Limited Warhorse Breeding
Limited Warhorse Breeding
Limited Warhorse Breeding
No. Building Create Time Create Cost Effects Garrison Units Recruitable Units
1 Villa Landwirtschaft Level 1
Nichts bereichert das Land so sehr, wie des Meisters Auge!
2 1200 2 Nahrung (this_region)
60 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+0.1% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -1 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +3% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -1 growth (this_province)
2 Limited Warhorse Breeding Landwirtschaft Level 2
Limited Warhorse Breeding
Even a small settlement can encourage the breeding and trade of these rare horses.
6 1500 -2 Nahrung (this_region)
150 Wohlstand durch Vieh (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+2% Angriffsbonus für Kavallerieeinheiten bei der Rekrutierung (this_province)
+0.1% 1st and 2nd Class (this_building)
1 Warhorse (this_building)
Requires the Warhorse resource (this_building)
3 Getreidegruben Landwirtschaft Level 2
Ohne Zugang zu dieser Grundlage kann römisches Leben nicht gedeihen.
6 2400 2 Nahrung (this_region)
150 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+3% Armee-Verstärkung (regions_in_this_province)
+0.1% 2nd Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.3% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supply Line: +1 Region(s) (this_building)
Supply Storage: +200 (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -2 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +5% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -1 growth (this_province)
4 Hof Landwirtschaft Level 2
Ein Hof repräsentiert einfache römische Aufrichtigkeit.
4 1650 5 Nahrung (this_region)
75 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+0.1% 1st Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.3% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supplies: +5 + base * 0.4% (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -2 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +5% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -1 growth (this_province)
5 Viehweide Landwirtschaft Level 2
Nicht alles Land eignet sich für den Ackerbau.
4 1800 3 Nahrung (this_region)
120 Wohlstand durch Vieh (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+0.4% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supplies: +8 + base * 0.2% (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -2 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +5% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -1 growth (this_province)
6 Limited Warhorse Breeding Landwirtschaft Level 3
Limited Warhorse Breeding
Even a small settlement can encourage the breeding and trade of these rare horses.
10 2400 -3 Nahrung (this_region)
250 Wohlstand durch Vieh (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+5% Angriffsbonus für Kavallerieeinheiten bei der Rekrutierung (this_province)
+0.2% 1st and 2nd Class (this_building)
1 Warhorse (this_building)
Requires the Warhorse resource (this_building)
7 Getreidesilos Landwirtschaft Level 3
Große Getreidelager, aus denen das Volk ernährt werden kann.
10 3750 3 Nahrung (this_region)
225 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+6% Armee-Verstärkung (regions_in_this_province)
+0.2% 2nd Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.5% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supply Line: +1 Region(s) (this_building)
Supply Storage: +200 (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -3 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +7% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -2 growth (this_province)
8 Bewässerungsgräben Landwirtschaft Level 3
Je besser das Land, desto besser die Ernte.
8 2250 8 Nahrung (this_region)
90 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
-4 öffentliche Ordnung (Verarmung) (this_province)
+0.2% 1st Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.5% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supplies: +5 + base * 0.4% (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -3 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +7% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -2 growth (this_province)
9 Viehstall Landwirtschaft Level 3
Ställe. Für Vieh.
8 2850 5 Nahrung (this_region)
250 Wohlstand durch Vieh (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
-4 öffentliche Ordnung (Verarmung) (this_province)
+0.7% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supplies: +8 + base * 0.2% (this_building)
2 livestock (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -3 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +7% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -2 growth (this_province)
10 Horreum Landwirtschaft Level 4
Hinter jedem Reich und jeder hungrigen Armee steht ein Kornspeicher.
16 5700 4 Nahrung (this_region)
300 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+9% Armee-Verstärkung (regions_in_this_province)
+0.3% 2nd Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.7% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supply Line: +1 Region(s) (this_building)
Supply Storage: +200 (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -3 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +9% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -5 growth (this_province)
11 Latifundium Landwirtschaft Level 4
Der große Schlund des Volkes wird durch große Anwesen genährt.
12 4320 15 Nahrung (this_region)
135 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
-10 öffentliche Ordnung (Verarmung) (this_province)
+2% Einheitenverstärkung (regions_in_this_province)
Panem et circenses-Erlass:
2 Nahrung (this_province)
+0.3% 1st Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.7% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supplies: +5 + base * 0.4% (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -5 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +9% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -3 growth (this_province)
12 Rinderfarm Landwirtschaft Level 4
Der Bedarf an Fleisch wird nur gedeckt, indem man dem Vieh mehr Land gibt.
12 4860 8 Nahrung (this_region)
350 Wohlstand durch Vieh (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
-10 öffentliche Ordnung (Verarmung) (this_province)
Panem et circenses-Erlass:
1 Nahrung (this_province)
+1% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supplies: +8 + base * 0.2% (this_building)
5 livestock (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -3 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +9% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -5 growth (this_province)
13 Limited Warhorse Breeding Landwirtschaft Level 4
Limited Warhorse Breeding
Even a small settlement can encourage the breeding and trade of these rare horses.
16 4140 -4 Nahrung (this_region)
350 Wohlstand durch Vieh (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+8% Angriffsbonus für Kavallerieeinheiten bei der Rekrutierung (this_province)
Panem et circenses-Erlass:
1 Nahrung (this_province)
+0.3% 1st and 2nd Class (this_building)
1 Warhorse (this_building)
Requires the Warhorse resource (this_building)