Rotting Prometheans
Scuttling across the battlefield, these killer arthropods want nothing less than to dismember and decapitate anything that comes near.There are many wondrous and dangerous creatures that dwell beneath the world's waves. From fire-breathing Sea Dragons to the ravaging Kraken of the Great Ocean, the sea’s bounty is truly as varied as that of land-going life. Once dead, however, even the most belligerent creatures become infinitely more controllable to the seafaring Necromancers that terrorise the oceans. The Lustrian coastline is home to many such useful sea monsters, including the crab-like Prometheans which scuttle across the more shallower regions of the continent’s surrounding ocean floors. Standing as tall as fully-grown men, and with pincers that can dismember a man like giant scissors, they are distant cousins of the much larger and rarer Leviathans. Being relatively common in their known habitats, Prometheans are often targeted by Undead pirate fleets to be killed, reanimated, and brought into their fighting ranks, either as mounts or as monstrous combatants in their own right.
Unit Name Rotting Prometheans |
Main Unit Key wh2_dlc11_cst_mon_rotting_prometheans_0 |
Land Unit Key wh2_dlc11_cst_mon_rotting_prometheans_0 |
Land Unit Group Parents Monsters & Beasts |
Land Unit Group Monstrous Beast |
Caste Monstrous Infantry |
Category Melee Infantry |
Class Melee Infantry |
Custom Battle Cost 1050 |
Recruitment Cost 1050 |
Upkeep Cost 263 |
Number of Units 12 |
7920 |
├ Mount 0 |
├ Mount Entity |
├ Mount Hit Points |
├ Num Mounts cr1_cst_promethean |
├ Man Entity wh2_dlc11_cst_mon_rotting_promethean_blood |
├ Man Hit Points 8 |
├ Num Men 12 |
└ Bonus Hit Points 652 |
1500 |
└ Man Mass 1500.0000 |
120 |
├ Armour wh2_main_body_120 |
├ Shield none |
└ Missile Block Chance 0 |
Leadership 45 |
45 |
└ Man Speed 45 |
Melee Attack 38 |
48 |
77 |
├ Melee Weapon wh2_dlc11_cst_claws_promethians |
├ Base Weapon Damage 22 |
├ Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage 55 |
├ Bonus vs. Large 0 |
└ Bonus vs. Infantry 0 |
Charge Bonus 22 |
The dead do not rest easily in the Old World. Those summoned by Vampires and Necromancers no longer have mortal concerns - they serve only their master's will. -
The Dark Magic binding has failed. Both flesh and necromantic energy slough off the subjects, leaving naught but dust.
Causes Fear
This unit frightens all enemy units, reducing their leadership when nearby. It is also immune to fear. Fear penalties do not stack. -
Charge Defence vs. Large
When bracing, this unit negates the charge bonus of any large attacker. -
Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close. -
This unit is Undead (does not rout, immune to terror, becomes unstable when {{tr:morale}} is low).
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Armoured
Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Armour-Piercing damage. - Armour-Piercing
The damage of armour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets. - Defender
This elite unit excels at pinning the enemy down in melee, buying time for the rest of your army to get into position. - Aquatic
Whereas some units struggle to fight and move in shallow water, aquatic units excel.
Faction Availability | |
Immortal Empires | |
The Realm of Chaos |