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Armed Citizenry
Armed Citizenry
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Class 兵種 Mob Recruitable regions 招募地區
Men 兵員數 160 Required technology 招募需求科技
Guns 火炮數 Turns to build 招募回合 0
Firepower 火力 Unit limit 數量限制 0
Range 射程 80 Abilities 兵種能力
  • Can Guard
  • Can hide in woodland
  • Grappling Hooks
Accuracy 準確度 25
Reloading Skill 裝彈技巧 5
Ammo. 彈藥數 3
Melee Attack 格鬥 3
Charge Bonus 衝鋒 1
Defence 防禦 3
Morale 士氣 4
Recruit. Cost 招募費用 0
Upkeep Cost 維持費用 0
Unit Description 兵種描述
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Armed Citizenry Armed citizenry are a mob, given whatever guns are to hand, with brief training that the muzzle end is to be pointed towards the foe. Weapons do not make soldiers, and arming the people is an act of desperation. On the battlefield, the citizenry are unlikely to do much to damage an enemy, but the size of the mob can at least cause the foe problems. This can give real soldiers enough time to win the battle, or make the enemy pay heavily for their victory.

Historically, arming the people was something that really scared the authorities in every nation, particularly if the population hated the existing regime. It was not wise to supply an angry population with weapons, when these might be turned on the rulers, rather than foreigners. When Austria decided to create landwehr or militia forces, it was careful to exclude many regions from the decision as the loyalty of Austria’s many different ethnic groups could not always be guaranteed.

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