Royal Military Academy 皇家軍事學院
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National Guard
National Guard
Rate 評分: 53 ratings 個評分
Good unit 強力推薦
Views 查看: 40270
Class 兵種 Militia Recruitable regions 招募地區 France
Men 兵員數 160 Required technology 招募需求科技
Guns 火炮數 Turns to build 招募回合 1
Firepower 火力 Unit limit 數量限制 0
Range 射程 80 Abilities 兵種能力
  • Can Guard
  • Can hide in woodland
  • Can hide in light scrub
  • Garrison policing bonus
  • Grappling Hooks
Technology abilities 科技增強能力
  • chevaux_de_frise
  • earthworks
Accuracy 準確度 30
Reloading Skill 裝彈技巧 20
Ammo. 彈藥數 10
Melee Attack 格鬥 4
Charge Bonus 衝鋒 11
Defence 防禦 4
Morale 士氣 5
Recruit. Cost 招募費用 410
Upkeep Cost 維持費用 100
Unit Description 兵種描述
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National Guard When considered against other militias, the National Guard is clearly a superior force. However, they should not be expected to stand against regular military units; they are an armed police force, intended to keep order. In battle, they lack confidence, and may run. They are, however, useful garrison troops, can maintain public order, and are inexpensive to recruit and pay.

The French National Guard was formed in 1789, a result of “la Grande Peur”, or the “Great Fear”. Failed harvests led to unrest and the National Assembly needed a police force. The Troupes Provinciales were unreliable because they were recruited, by lottery, from the peasantry who were the source of the unrest. The National Guard, on the other hand, attracted the middle classes to its ranks, if only because guardsmen were expected to pay for their own uniforms and equipment. That social difference made them a more reliable force.

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Require buildings 需求建築
No. Card
Building level
1 Tax Office sAdmin 0 0
The taxman is, for common people, the face and grasping fist of government.
2 Magistrate sAdmin 1 0
There may be a monarch or president on the coinage but, for most folk, the magistrate is the man that really matters!
3 Court of Justice sAdmin 2 0
A court of justice is the government’s power, set out in stone and marble, for the people to respect and fear.
4 Court of Appeals sAdmin 3 0
The force of law, symbolised by this court, is a powerful weapon in a government’s armoury.
5 Supreme Court sAdmin 4 0
A supreme court is the most magnificent setting for legal matters, but it is also a symbol of the rule of law.
6 Cantonment sArmy 0 0
This building allows basic military units to be recruited.
7 Barracks sArmy 1 1
A barracks allows a selection of military units to be recruited.
8 Drill School sArmy 2 2
A drill school trains soldiers to obey standardised military procedures. It also allows military units to be recruited.
9 Military Academy sArmy 3 2
A military academy trains young officers, and improves the recruitment of military units.
10 Staff College sArmy 4 2
A staff college trains officers in the strategies needed to win wars, and improves the recruitment of military units.
11 Cannon Foundry sCannon 0 0
Cannon foundries make guns and the associated ammunition and equipment for artillerymen.
12 Ordnance Factory sCannon 1 0
An ordnance factory designs and manufactures guns and their associated equipment.
13 Great Arsenal sCannon 2 0
A great arsenal is a huge manufactory for artillery pieces and allows artillery units to be recruited.
14 Ordnance Board sCannon 3 0
This council of state is charged with looking after all matters relating to artillery and improves the recruitment of military units.
15 Engineer School sCannon 4 0
Military engineering needs much study to be practiced well.
16 Theatre sCulture 0 0
Sensation and spectacle keep everyone occupied and entertained, and safely distracted from politics.
17 Opera House sCulture 1 0
Entertainment improves the happiness of all classes and helps to improve town wealth.
18 Grand Opera House sCulture 2 0
The height of artistic and musical refinement, this building improves the happiness of all classes.
19 Great Museum sCulture 3 0
This splendid structure is a celebration of national greatness and improves the happiness of all classes.
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