1 |
Armed Citizenry (Inf_Mob_Armed_Citizenry) Mob In times of desperation, the people must defend their homes and loved ones from the monstrous, rapacious attacks of foreigners!
Armed Citizenry |
Mob |
| 80 |
25 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
In times of desperation, the people must defend their homes and loved ones from the monstrous, rapacious attacks of foreigners! |
2 |
Brig (Small_Dutch_Brig) Brig A brig is a lightly-armed, two-masted sailing ship, with exceptional handling and sailing qualities.
Brig |
Brig |
| 25
| 74
| 500 |
70 |
60 |
170 |
25 |
High |
260 |
60 |
A brig is a lightly-armed, two-masted sailing ship, with exceptional handling and sailing qualities. |
3 |
Sloop (Small_Dutch_Sloop) Sloop A sloop-of-war is a very manoeuvrable sailing vessel, with enough firepower to sting larger opponents at the very least.
Sloop |
Sloop |
| 18
| 80
| 500 |
70 |
60 |
170 |
26 |
High |
250 |
60 |
A sloop-of-war is a very manoeuvrable sailing vessel, with enough firepower to sting larger opponents at the very least. |
4 |
32-gun Frigate (Frigate_Dutch_32) 5th Rate A 32-gun frigate is a single deck warship, mostly used for convoy raiding and protection.
32-gun Frigate |
5th Rate |
| 32
| 86
| 500 |
60 |
40 |
510 |
20 |
Medium |
490 |
120 |
A 32-gun frigate is a single deck warship, mostly used for convoy raiding and protection. |
5 |
Carronade Frigate (Frigate_Carronade_Frigate) 5th Rate Carronade frigates are single-deck vessels, with extremely impressive short-range firepower.
Carronade Frigate |
5th Rate |
| 32
| 106
| 250 |
60 |
40 |
510 |
20 |
Medium |
630 |
150 |
Carronade frigates are single-deck vessels, with extremely impressive short-range firepower. |
6 |
38-gun Frigate (Frigate_Dutch_38) 5th Rate This single-deck vessel carries 18-pounder cannons, giving it a substantial broadside for such a manoeuvrable ship.
38-gun Frigate |
5th Rate |
| 36
| 172
| 500 |
55 |
35 |
580 |
19 |
Medium |
640 |
160 |
This single-deck vessel carries 18-pounder cannons, giving it a substantial broadside for such a manoeuvrable ship. |
7 |
38-gun Steam Ship (Steam_Ship_38) 5th Rate A steam-powered ship is not at the mercy of the wind, a valuable attribute for any admiral.
38-gun Steam Ship |
5th Rate |
| 36
| 208
| 500 |
55 |
35 |
660 |
23 |
Medium |
860 |
210 |
A steam-powered ship is not at the mercy of the wind, a valuable attribute for any admiral. |
8 |
24-gun Frigate (Frigate_Dutch_24) 6th Rate A frigate is a fast and manoeuvrable single-deck vessel, used for reconnaissance and missions in distant waters.
24-gun Frigate |
6th Rate |
| 24
| 43
| 500 |
60 |
40 |
430 |
20 |
Medium |
370 |
90 |
A frigate is a fast and manoeuvrable single-deck vessel, used for reconnaissance and missions in distant waters. |
9 |
50-gun Ship-of-the-Line (2_Decker_Dutch_50) 4th Rate This is the smallest vessel styled a “ship-of-the-line” of battle, carrying some 50 long guns.
50-gun Ship-of-the-Line |
4th Rate |
| 48
| 227
| 450 |
40 |
15 |
1160 |
14 |
Low |
1020 |
250 |
This is the smallest vessel styled a “ship-of-the-line” of battle, carrying some 50 long guns. |
10 |
80-gun Steam Ship (Steam_Ship_80) 2nd Rate A steamship has sails but the engine gives it the tactical ability to ignore the wind in battle.
80-gun Steam Ship |
2nd Rate |
| 78
| 400
| 450 |
40 |
15 |
2100 |
18 |
Low |
2550 |
630 |
A steamship has sails but the engine gives it the tactical ability to ignore the wind in battle. |
11 |
64-gun Ship-of-the-Line (2_Decker_Dutch_64) 3rd Rate The 64-gun ship-of-the-line can hold its own in battle, but is cheaper to build and run than heavier ships.
64-gun Ship-of-the-Line |
3rd Rate |
| 62
| 262
| 450 |
40 |
15 |
1380 |
16 |
Low |
1260 |
310 |
The 64-gun ship-of-the-line can hold its own in battle, but is cheaper to build and run than heavier ships. |
12 |
74-gun Ship-of-the-Line (2_Decker_Dutch_74) 3rd Rate The 74-gun ship is an excellent blend of firepower and handling. It is a stable gun platform and has more guns than many armies!
74-gun Ship-of-the-Line |
3rd Rate |
| 72
| 325
| 450 |
40 |
15 |
1830 |
16 |
Low |
1590 |
390 |
The 74-gun ship is an excellent blend of firepower and handling. It is a stable gun platform and has more guns than many armies! |
13 |
Indiaman (Trade Ship) (Trade_Ship_Indiaman) Indiaman The Indiaman is an armed merchant ship, built for trade between Europe and the East. It can defend itself in need.
Indiaman (Trade Ship) |
Indiaman |
| 56
| 182
| 450 |
40 |
15 |
1060 |
13 |
Low |
1150 |
100 |
The Indiaman is an armed merchant ship, built for trade between Europe and the East. It can defend itself in need. |
14 |
Merchantmen (Trade Ship) (Trade_Ship_Merchantmen) Lugger The merchantman is built for trade, although it does carry a few light guns for defence.
Merchantmen (Trade Ship) |
Lugger |
| 12
| 41
| 450 |
40 |
30 |
410 |
16 |
Low |
500 |
40 |
The merchantman is built for trade, although it does carry a few light guns for defence. |
15 |
Bomb Ketch (Special_Dutch_Bomb_Ketch) Bomb Ketch This is a small, two-masted ketch-rigged vessel, adapted to carry a single large mortar upon its forward deck.
Bomb Ketch |
Bomb Ketch |
| 15
| 67
| 750 |
60 |
20 |
170 |
17 |
Low |
1040 |
260 |
This is a small, two-masted ketch-rigged vessel, adapted to carry a single large mortar upon its forward deck. |