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Carronade Frigate
Carronade Frigate
Rate 評分: 3 ratings 個評分
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Views 查看: 27044
Class 兵種 5th Rate Recruitable regions 招募地區 Worldwide
Men 兵員數 96 Required technology 招募需求科技 Carronade
Guns 火炮數 32 Turns to build 招募回合 5
Firepower 火力 106 Unit limit 數量限制 0
Range 射程 250
Accuracy 準確度 70
Reloading Skill 裝彈技巧 40
Ammo. 彈藥數
Hull Strength 船體強度 510
Speed 速度 21
Maneuver. 操作性 Medium
Morale 士氣
Recruit. Cost 招募費用 650
Upkeep Cost 維持費用 160
Unit Description 兵種描述
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Carronade Frigate Normally frigates would be armed with long guns, probably no larger than 12-pounders. A few short-barrelled 64-pounder carronades might be aboard to give a close-in broadside more weight of shot. A carronade frigate goes one better, and carries nothing but carronades – short guns that are half the weight of the equivalent conventional cannon. While the weight of a broadside is truly awesome, the frigate has to get in close in order to blow an enemy to smithereens thanks to the carronades’ limited range. A clever enemy will stay out of range of the carronades’ horrendous power and take long range pot shots.

Historically, only the Royal Navy experimented with an all-carronade armament aboard HMS Glatton (in service from 1795). Glatton carried 28 64-pounder and 28 32-pounder carronades, giving a weight of fire that was more than 17% greater than HMS Victory could deliver at the Battle of Trafalgar! This massive firepower allowed her, on one occasion, to chase all eight vessels in a French squadron back into port. Oddly enough, the next two vessels to carry the name “Glatton” in RN service were also massively over-armed.

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Require buildings 需求建築
No. Card
Building level
1 Dockyard pNavy 0 0
A dockyard gives a region a basic shipbuilding capability, and allows the construction of smaller warships.
2 Drydock pNavy 1 1
A dry dock is a man-made basin with a set of watertight gates. It allows the construction of many types of warships.
3 Steam Drydock pNavy 2 2
A steam drydock is a basin for shipbuilding and repair that can be pumped dry by steam power. Steam engines also power much machinery.
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