HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Armenia (Empire Divided) / Technologies / Royal Astronomers
Royal Astronomers Armenia (Empire Divided)Armenia (Empire Divided) Tier 1

Royal Astronomers

"Tell me of the stars and the future they predict."

For the Persians, astronomy and astrology were a single science that sought the answers to two questions. The first was “What is the pattern of motion of sun, moon and stars?” and the second: “What is their meaning?” While the former question intrigued the ancient stargazers, the Shahanshah was interested mainly in the latter. Historical sources relate that astrologers revealed to Ardashir I, before he even thought to found the Sassanid dynasty, that he had been born under a fortunate star and was going to be a king. Because of this event, royal astrologers were tasked with compiling an elaborate horoscope whenever a new ruler ascended to the throne.

Royal Astronomers

Node Set

Tier 1






  • Costs 600 per turn to research
  • +15% research rate
  • -25% political incident occurrence