HomeStartseite / Divide et Impera / Rom (Cäsar in Gallien) / Gebäude / Landwirtschaft Gebäude
Rom (Cäsar in Gallien) Rom (Cäsar in Gallien) Gebäude

Landwirtschaft Gebäude


Limited Warhorse Breeding
Limited Warhorse Breeding
Limited Warhorse Breeding
No. Building Create Time Create Cost Effects Garrison Units Recruitable Units
1 Villa Landwirtschaft Level 1
Nichts bereichert das Land so sehr, wie des Meisters Auge!
2 1200 2 Nahrung (this_region)
60 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+0.1% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -1 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +3% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -1 growth (this_province)
2 Limited Warhorse Breeding Landwirtschaft Level 2
Limited Warhorse Breeding
Even a small settlement can encourage the breeding and trade of these rare horses.
6 1500 -2 Nahrung (this_region)
150 Wohlstand durch Vieh (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+2% Angriffsbonus für Kavallerieeinheiten bei der Rekrutierung (this_province)
+0.1% 1st and 2nd Class (this_building)
1 Warhorse (this_building)
Requires the Warhorse resource (this_building)
3 Getreidegruben Landwirtschaft Level 2
Ohne Zugang zu dieser Grundlage kann römisches Leben nicht gedeihen.
6 2400 2 Nahrung (this_region)
150 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+3% Armee-Verstärkung (regions_in_this_province)
+0.1% 2nd Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.3% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supply Line: +1 Region(s) (this_building)
Supply Storage: +200 (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -2 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +5% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -1 growth (this_province)
4 Hof Landwirtschaft Level 2
Ein Hof repräsentiert einfache römische Aufrichtigkeit.
4 1650 5 Nahrung (this_region)
75 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+0.1% 1st Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.3% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supplies: +5 + base * 0.4% (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -2 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +5% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -1 growth (this_province)
5 Viehweide Landwirtschaft Level 2
Nicht alles Land eignet sich für den Ackerbau.
4 1800 3 Nahrung (this_region)
120 Wohlstand durch Vieh (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+0.4% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supplies: +8 + base * 0.2% (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -2 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +5% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -1 growth (this_province)
6 Limited Warhorse Breeding Landwirtschaft Level 3
Limited Warhorse Breeding
Even a small settlement can encourage the breeding and trade of these rare horses.
10 2400 -3 Nahrung (this_region)
250 Wohlstand durch Vieh (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+5% Angriffsbonus für Kavallerieeinheiten bei der Rekrutierung (this_province)
+0.2% 1st and 2nd Class (this_building)
1 Warhorse (this_building)
Requires the Warhorse resource (this_building)
7 Getreidesilos Landwirtschaft Level 3
Große Getreidelager, aus denen das Volk ernährt werden kann.
10 3750 3 Nahrung (this_region)
225 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+6% Armee-Verstärkung (regions_in_this_province)
+0.2% 2nd Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.5% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supply Line: +1 Region(s) (this_building)
Supply Storage: +200 (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -3 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +7% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -2 growth (this_province)
8 Bewässerungsgräben Landwirtschaft Level 3
Je besser das Land, desto besser die Ernte.
8 2250 8 Nahrung (this_region)
90 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
-4 öffentliche Ordnung (Verarmung) (this_province)
+0.2% 1st Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.5% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supplies: +5 + base * 0.4% (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -3 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +7% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -2 growth (this_province)
9 Viehstall Landwirtschaft Level 3
Ställe. Für Vieh.
8 2850 5 Nahrung (this_region)
250 Wohlstand durch Vieh (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
-4 öffentliche Ordnung (Verarmung) (this_province)
+0.7% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supplies: +8 + base * 0.2% (this_building)
2 livestock (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -3 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +7% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -2 growth (this_province)
10 Horreum Landwirtschaft Level 4
Hinter jedem Reich und jeder hungrigen Armee steht ein Kornspeicher.
16 5700 4 Nahrung (this_region)
300 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+9% Armee-Verstärkung (regions_in_this_province)
+0.3% 2nd Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.7% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supply Line: +1 Region(s) (this_building)
Supply Storage: +200 (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -3 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +9% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -5 growth (this_province)
11 Latifundium Landwirtschaft Level 4
Der große Schlund des Volkes wird durch große Anwesen genährt.
12 4320 15 Nahrung (this_region)
135 Wohlstand durch Anbau (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
-10 öffentliche Ordnung (Verarmung) (this_province)
+2% Einheitenverstärkung (regions_in_this_province)
Panem et circenses-Erlass:
2 Nahrung (this_province)
+0.3% 1st Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.7% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supplies: +5 + base * 0.4% (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -5 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +9% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -3 growth (this_province)
12 Rinderfarm Landwirtschaft Level 4
Der Bedarf an Fleisch wird nur gedeckt, indem man dem Vieh mehr Land gibt.
12 4860 8 Nahrung (this_region)
350 Wohlstand durch Vieh (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
-10 öffentliche Ordnung (Verarmung) (this_province)
Panem et circenses-Erlass:
1 Nahrung (this_province)
+1% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
Supplies: +8 + base * 0.2% (this_building)
5 livestock (this_building)
Export Food Edict: -3 food (this_province)
Export Food Edict: +9% local farming income (this_province)
Export Food Edict: -5 growth (this_province)
13 Limited Warhorse Breeding Landwirtschaft Level 4
Limited Warhorse Breeding
Even a small settlement can encourage the breeding and trade of these rare horses.
16 4140 -4 Nahrung (this_region)
350 Wohlstand durch Vieh (Landwirtschaft) (this_building)
+8% Angriffsbonus für Kavallerieeinheiten bei der Rekrutierung (this_province)
Panem et circenses-Erlass:
1 Nahrung (this_province)
+0.3% 1st and 2nd Class (this_building)
1 Warhorse (this_building)
Requires the Warhorse resource (this_building)