Animated Hulks
Walking, rotting Ogre flesh fused with ship debris and sea monsters makes for truly twisted abominations.An Ogre risen from the dead is amongst the most powerful of minions a Necromancer can control, and a most terrifying abomination to face in battle. The nomadic brutes sometimes take passage aboard ocean-going vessels on their worldly travels, but most are too dim-witted to understand the risk the ocean poses to them, since their dense bellies and hulking frames make them some of the worst swimmers in existence. Whether an Ogre dies by drowning or meets its end by some other means at sea, once its massive, waterlogged corpse spends a prolonged period floating in the briny water it becomes invaluable to seafaring Necromancers. Attributed to the mysterious effects of Galleon’s Graveyard which touches everything that perishes at sea, the reanimation process applied to dead Ogres often yields unpredictable results, sometimes amalgamating their huge bodies with ship parts, or even sprouting limbs and additional heads of hideous sea monsters.
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Unit Name Animated Hulks |
Main Unit Key wh2_dlc11_cst_mon_animated_hulks_0 |
Land Unit Key wh2_dlc11_cst_mon_animated_hulks_0 |
Land Unit Group Parents ![]() |
Land Unit Group ![]() |
Caste Monstrous Infantry |
Category Melee Infantry |
Class Melee Infantry |
Custom Battle Cost 500 |
Recruitment Cost 750 |
Upkeep Cost 188 |
├ Mount 0 |
├ Mount Entity |
├ Mount Hit Points |
├ Num Mounts hc2_cst_hulks |
├ Man Entity wh2_dlc11_monster_animated_hulk_blood |
├ Man Hit Points 8 |
├ Num Men 16 |
└ Bonus Hit Points 594 |
└ Man Mass 1500.0000 |
├ Armour wh2_main_body_30 |
├ Shield none |
└ |
└ Man Speed 42 |
├ Melee Weapon wh2_dlc11_cst_claws_animated_hulks |
├ |
├ |
├ |
└ |
The dead do not rest easily in the Old World. Those summoned by Vampires and Necromancers no longer have mortal concerns - they serve only their master's will. -
The Dark Magic binding has failed. Both flesh and necromantic energy slough off the subjects, leaving naught but dust.
Causes Fear
This unit frightens all enemy units, reducing theirleadership when nearby. It is also immune to fear. Fear penalties do not stack.
Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close. -
This unit is Undead (does not rout, immune to terror, becomes unstable when{{tr:morale}} is low).
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Armour-Piercing
The damage ofarmour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets.
- Anti-Infantry
Anti-infantry units have an advantage against targets that are smaller than a horse. This advantage can be adamage bonus against small targets, superior weight used to smash through lighter enemies, or an explosive attack from range that effects a large area.
- Aquatic
Whereas some units struggle to fight and move in shallow water, aquatic units excel.
Faction Availability | |
Immortal Empires | |
The Realm of Chaos |