HomeStartseite / Divide et Impera / Melos (Der Zorn Spartas) / Gebäude / Public Field Gebäude
Melos (Der Zorn Spartas) Melos (Der Zorn Spartas) Gebäude

Public Field Gebäude

Public Field

Local Agora
Enclosed Settlement
Mega Phrourion
Mega Asklepieion
Public Field
No. Building Create Time Create Cost Effects Garrison Units Recruitable Units
1 Local Agora Public Field Level 1
Local Agora
Open ground is an opportunity for the wise.
2 1800 +1 Wachstum pro Runde (this_province)
+2 öffentliche Ordnung pro Runde (this_province)
+0.1% 2nd Class Citizen (this_building)
2 Outpost Public Field Level 2
A small outpost for your citizens to establish their presence.
6 3300 +0.5% Korruption (this_faction)
-4 Nahrung (this_region)
+1 öffentliche Ordnung pro Runde (this_province)
+0.5% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
-0.5% Foreigner Population (this_building)
+1% 1st and 2nd Class (this_building)
3 Gymnasia Public Field Level 2
In den Gymnasien üben nackte Athleten als Tribut an die Götter.
6 3600 150 Wohlstand durch Unterhaltung (Kultur) (this_building)
+4 öffentliche Ordnung pro Runde (this_province)
+0.4% Foreigner Population (this_building)
-5% provincial income (building upkeep) (regions_in_this_province)
4 Trader Public Field Level 2
Commerce is the heart of any empire.
6 2550 +10% Wohlstand aus allem Handel (regions_in_this_province)
60 Wohlstand durch lokalen Handel (this_building)
+2 Wachstum pro Runde (this_province)
-4 öffentliche Ordnung (Verarmung) (this_province)
+4% Zolleinkommen durch Handelsabkommen (this_faction)
+0.3% 2nd Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.2% Foreigner Population (this_building)
5 Healer Public Field Level 2
Herbs, knowledge and guidance from the gods.
6 2550 +2 Wachstum pro Runde (this_province)
+4 öffentliche Ordnung pro Runde (sanitäre Anlagen) (this_province)
+4% Einheitenverstärkung (regions_in_this_province)
+0.3% 2nd Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.2% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
6 Phrourion Public Field Level 2
Vigilance against the enemy from without and within.
6 2550 -2 Wachstum pro Runde (this_province)
+2 Schutz vor allen Agentenaktionen (Attribut-Bonus) (this_province)
+4 öffentliche Ordnung pro Runde (this_province)
-5% Unterhalt für alle Landeinheiten (lokale Armeen)
+15 Sichtfeld über Grenzen hinweg (this_region)
+0.1% 1st and 2nd Class (this_building)
-5% provincial income (building upkeep) (regions_in_this_province)
rom_building_unit_mod_garrison_defence (lokale Armeen)
rom_building_unit_mod_garrison_morale (lokale Armeen)
Bonus to garrison morale and defense in this region. (this_building)
+15 Sichtfeld über Grenzen hinweg (this_region)
7 Emporion Public Field Level 3
The exchange of goods and ideas benefits all.
10 4050 +0.5% Korruption (this_faction)
+20% Wohlstand aus allem Handel (regions_in_this_province)
120 Wohlstand durch lokalen Handel (this_building)
+4 Wachstum pro Runde (this_province)
-6 öffentliche Ordnung (Verarmung) (this_province)
+6% Zolleinkommen durch Handelsabkommen (this_faction)
+0.5% 2nd Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.4% Foreigner Population (this_building)
8 Asklepieion Public Field Level 3
A spiritual and intellectual center of health and wisdom.
10 4050 +0.5% Korruption (this_faction)
+4 Wachstum pro Runde (this_province)
+6 öffentliche Ordnung pro Runde (sanitäre Anlagen) (this_province)
+6% Einheitenverstärkung (regions_in_this_province)
+0.5% 2nd Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.3% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
-8% provincial income (building upkeep) (regions_in_this_province)
9 Mega Phrourion Public Field Level 3
Mega Phrourion
A larger presence of our troops will deter our foe.
10 4050 +0.5% Korruption (this_faction)
-4 Wachstum pro Runde (this_province)
+4 Schutz vor allen Agentenaktionen (Attribut-Bonus) (this_province)
+6 öffentliche Ordnung pro Runde (this_province)
+1 Belagerungszeit (this_region)
-8% Unterhalt für alle Landeinheiten (lokale Armeen)
+15 Sichtfeld über Grenzen hinweg (this_region)
+0.2% 1st and 2nd Class (this_building)
-8% provincial income (building upkeep) (regions_in_this_province)
rom_building_unit_mod_garrison_defence (lokale Armeen)
rom_building_unit_mod_garrison_morale (lokale Armeen)
Bonus to garrison morale and defense in this region. (this_building)
+15 Sichtfeld über Grenzen hinweg (this_region)
10 Enclosed Settlement Public Field Level 3
Enclosed Settlement
A larger symbol of your culture's prevalence in the region
10 5400 +1% Korruption (this_faction)
-8 Nahrung (this_region)
+2 öffentliche Ordnung pro Runde (this_province)
+1% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
-1% Foreigner Population (this_building)
+2% 1st and 2nd Class (this_building)
11 Palestrae Public Field Level 3
Ringen mag die Reflexe schärfen, doch schärft es auch den Geist.
10 7800 350 Wohlstand durch Unterhaltung (Kultur) (this_building)
+8 öffentliche Ordnung pro Runde (this_province)
+0.7% Foreigner Population (this_building)
-8% provincial income (building upkeep) (regions_in_this_province)
12 Mega Asklepieion Public Field Level 4
Mega Asklepieion
Scholars and holy men come from everywhere to learn here.
16 16200 +1% Korruption (this_faction)
+6 Wachstum pro Runde (this_province)
+8 öffentliche Ordnung pro Runde (sanitäre Anlagen) (this_province)
+10% Einheitenverstärkung (regions_in_this_province)
+36% Forschungsrate (this_faction)
+0.5% 2nd Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.3% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
-12% provincial income (building upkeep) (regions_in_this_province)
13 Colony Public Field Level 4
Supplanting local customs and cultures, this community spreads your prestige.
16 14400 +1.5% Korruption (this_faction)
-12 Nahrung (this_region)
+3 öffentliche Ordnung pro Runde (this_province)
+1.5% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
-1.5% Foreigner Population (this_building)
+3% 1st and 2nd Class (this_building)
14 Stadia Public Field Level 4
Es ist Tradition, dass der Sieger eines Rennens eine Statue als Tribut anbietet.
16 13158 500 Wohlstand durch Unterhaltung (Kultur) (this_building)
+12 öffentliche Ordnung pro Runde (this_province)
+1% Foreigner Population (this_building)
-12% provincial income (building upkeep) (regions_in_this_province)