HomeStartseite / Divide et Impera / Illyrische Rebellen (Kaiser Augustus) / Gebäude / Bronzeschmiede
Bronzeschmiede Illyrische Rebellen (Kaiser Augustus)Illyrische Rebellen (Kaiser Augustus) Industrie Level 3


Ein Krieger braucht eine Waffe, auf die er sich verlassen kann.

Für Stämme war es üblich, Flussgöttern Weihgaben darzubringen, und so fand man zahlreiche Bronzegegenstände auf dem Grund von Seen und Flüssen in ganz Europa. Die englische Themse musste für die dortigen Stämme von besonderer Bedeutung gewesen sein, so viele Bronzearbeiten fand man im Verlauf der Jahre darin. Im Jahre 1868 fand man den Waterloo-Helm, einen zeremoniellen Helm mit zwei Hörnern, und auch die Wandsworth- und Battersea-Schilde konnten aus dem Fluss geborgen werden. Die Stücke befinden sich heute im British Museum. Ähnlich wie den Helm hält man auch den Battersea-Schild für einen zeremoniellen Gegenstand: Man konnte keinen Kampfschaden daran feststellen, und auch keine Anzeichen für eine Holzbasis, die nötig gewesen wäre, um das Schild im Kampf zu verwenden.


Industrie Level 0
Industrie Level 1
Industrie Level 2
Industrie Level 3
Industrie Level 1
Industrie Level 2
Industrie Level 3

Building Name


Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Technology



+1 Erfahrungsrang/-ränge für schwere Infanterierekruten (this_province)
+0.7% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class (this_building)
-8% provincial income (building upkeep) (regions_in_this_province)

Provides Garrison Army

300 Illyrian Footmen
300 Illyrian Footmen
Illyrian Footmen
120 Illyrian Horsemen
Illyrian Horsemen

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
40 Griechischer Skorpion
Belagerungsmaschine / Feldartillerie / (Gre_Cheiroballistra)
Griechischer Skorpion
Grausame über große Distanz gefeuerte Bolzen schwächen die Entschlossenheit des Feindes hervorragend ab.
40 1800 1800 39 365 2 22 11 12 29 8 20 55
175 Illyrioi Toxotai
Geschossinfanterie / Geschossinfanterie / (Ill_Archers)
Illyrioi Toxotai
(Illyrian Archers)

Archers are ideal for harassing the enemy from afar, and goading them into foolish action.

175 469 469 9 165 5 15 14 7 6 24 3 20 45
175 Breukoi Toxotai
Geschossinfanterie / Geschossinfanterie / (ill_breuci_archers)
Breukoi Toxotai
(Breuci Archers)

The Breuci are cattle-breeders, living in harsh conditions on rough terrain. They are unconquered and reputed to be fierce warriors. After the Celtic invasion of Pannonia, they have become more Celticised," and have adopted some Celtic customs and equipment."

175 658 658 10 175 6 15 20 7 6 38 4 20 35
300 Illyrioi Pezoi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Ill_Footmen)
Illyrioi Pezoi
(Illyrian Footmen)

Moderately well-trained axemen that are able to form a battle line.

300 869 869 38 11 11 67 8 20 55
200 Illyrioi Epilektoi Doriphoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Pikeninfanterie / (Ill_Heavy_Spear)
Illyrioi Epilektoi Doriphoroi
(Illyrian Heavy Spearmen)

These Illyrian warriors are equipped in the traditional hoplite style, sporting heavy bronze cuirasses.

200 1133 1133 34 9 17 84 14 20 55
200 Illyrioi Epilektoi Machairaphoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Ill_Heavy_Sword)
Illyrioi Epilektoi Machairaphoroi
(Illyrian Heavy Swordsmen)

These well-protected warriors are a danger in melee and with their javelins.

200 1211 1211 40 10 13 84 14 20 60
200 Illyrische Hopliten
Nahkampfinfanterie / Pikeninfanterie / (Ill_Hoplites)
Illyrische Hopliten
Mut und Brüderlichkeit marschieren in der Hopliten-Phalanx gemeinsam.
200 999 999 30 9 15 77 12 20 50
300 Lapodes Machairaphoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (ill_lapodes_warriors)
Lapodes Machairaphoroi
(Lapodes Swordsmen)

The Lapodes live between the Istros (Danube) and the Adriatic coast, in southern Pannonia. As Celtic-Illyrian warriors, they use the thick wooden Celtic scutum, the Celtic longsword, as well as Celto-Raetian helmets or more frequently, the usual chainmail disc and stud helmet. They use a thrusting spear, and wear the typical Illyrian tunic.

300 603 603 34 10 11 78 3 20 55
300 Illyrische Heerbanne
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Ill_Levies)
Illyrische Heerbanne
Diese Axtkämpfer kündigen sich mit einem Speerschauer an, bevor sie zum entscheidenden Schlag ausholen.
300 567 567 33 11 13 50 3 20 45
200 Autariatai Machairaphoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (ill_medium_swordsmen)
Autariatai Machairaphoroi
(Autariatai Swordsmen)

The Autariatai are renowned old enemies of the Ardiaei. These infantrymen are equipped with a bronze-covered round shield, and wear leather armour of good quality.They also carry javelins, in the typical Illyrian raiding warfare tradition.

200 870 870 39 10 11 54 8 20 50
200 Illyrische Adelshopliten
Nahkampfinfanterie / Pikeninfanterie / (ill_noble_hoplites)
Illyrische Adelshopliten
Illyrische Wildheit verbunden mit griechischer Kriegsdisziplin machen diese Truppen zu einem tödlichen Unterfangen.
200 1100 1100 38 9 17 73 12 20 65
175 Illyrioi Ropalophoroi
Geschossinfanterie / Geschossinfanterie / (ill_peltast_clubmen)
Illyrioi Ropalophoroi
(Illyrian Peltast Clubmen)

These are the most common regular Illyrian infantry, aside from levy troops. They are poorely equipped compared to their Greek counterparts, but hardened and highly skilled. Their ambush and raiding tactics are second to none in the Mediterranean, due to their long internecine wars and mountainous landscape.

175 580 580 14 85 8 6 27 11 10 52 3 20 40
300 Liburnai Peirates
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (ill_pirates)
Liburnai Peirates
(Liburnian Pirates)

The famous Liburnian pirates are more known for their fast and agile ships than for their own armament. Little is known about their exact appearance and style warfare. As raiders, they are agile, fast-moving, and necessarily lightly equipped. Before any assault, javelins are hurled toward the enemy. Then the assault commences with short weapons like axes and short swords.

300 481 481 32 11 13 56 1 20 45
200 Illyrioi Basilikoi Hoplitai
Nahkampfinfanterie / Pikeninfanterie / (Ill_Royal_Guard)
Illyrioi Basilikoi Hoplitai
(Illyrian Royal Guard)

The phalanx of the royal guards is a capable force, not a court regiment.

200 1169 1169 36 9 15 83 14 20 65
175 Sklavenspeerträger
Geschossinfanterie / Geschossinfanterie / (Ill_Slave_Javelinmen)
Eine Plänkler-Ressource, die je nach Wunsch des Kommandanten verprasst werden kann.
175 340 340 14 85 8 5 12 7 6 32 1 20 35
300 Taulantioi Katadromeis
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (ill_southern_light_infantry)
Taulantioi Katadromeis
(Taulantian Light Infantry)

The Taulantians are one of the most southern tribes of Illyria. Their king Glaukias was once the protector of young Pyrrhus, and helped him to gain the throne of Epeiros. These infantrymen are equipped with typical crested pot helmets, wood and leather scutum shields, and several javelins.

300 544 544 30 10 10 71 3 20 45
200 Illyrioi Thorakitai Doriphoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Ill_Thorax_Spearmen)
Illyrioi Thorakitai Doriphoroi
(Illyrian Thorax Spearmen)

Thorakitai are able to bear spears and do battle in a phalanx and act as skirmishers when required.

200 1112 1112 33 9 10 75 14 20 55
200 Illyrioi Thorakitai Machairaphoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Ill_Thorax_Sword)
Illyrioi Thorakitai Machairaphoroi
(Illyrian Thorax Swordsmen)

These well-protected warriors are a danger in melee and with their javelins.

200 1180 1180 38 10 11 79 14 20 60
200 Dardanioi Epilektoi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (ill_thracian_elite_swordsmen)
Dardanioi Epilektoi
(Thraco-Illyrian Elite Infantry)

Fundamentally, these are elite infantrymen typical of the Illyrians, but equipped with Thracian/Macedonian equipment, like the heavy Thracian helmet, Hallstatt-style bronze armour, and and high-quality kopis swords. Some use more Celtic equipment like long swords, and more rarely, chainmail for those who can afford it.

200 1281 1281 40 10 13 78 16 20 65
300 Illyrische Thureos-Speere
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Ill_Thureos_Spears)
Illyrische Thureos-Speere
Diese Krieger sind in der Lage, Feinde mit Speeren zu durchlöchern und eignen sich außerdem gut für Handgemenge.
300 518 518 28 9 10 71 3 20 55
200 Illyrioi Thureophoroi Machairaphoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Ill_Thureos_Sword)
Illyrioi Thureophoroi Machairaphoroi
(Illyrian Thureos Swordsmen)

These warriors are a flexible force, able to throw javelins from afar and quickly go into melee after.

200 746 746 34 10 11 71 6 20 55
256 Enetoi Pelekophoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Pikeninfanterie / (ill_venetian_pikemen)
Enetoi Pelekophoroi
(Veneti Spearmen)

These spearmen are equipped with three meter long spears, useful against cavalry, as well as axes for close combat. The pot and Negau type helmets are used by Illyrians and Venetians as well. These helmets are the most popular among the Hallstatt Celts and some ancient Italic tribes, and are still used by them, being easy to produce and affordable.

256 494 494 28 9 10 46 3 20 45
175 Illyrioi Xypherai
Geschossinfanterie / Geschossinfanterie / (ill_xyphos_peltasts)
Illyrioi Xypherai
(Illyrian Shortswordsmen)

These swordsmen are skilled warriors, fighting with a finely made xyphos, generally similar to the Greek models, and sometimes slightly curved and even bronze, like the ancient xyphos short swords. They use bronze helmets, generally of the crested pot type or the Illyrian" model, and carry a wood scutum and some iron-tipped javelins. This makes them quite efficient as the main assault infantry of any Illyrian army."

175 612 612 15 90 8 6 30 10 10 55 3 20 45