HomeStartseite / Divide et Impera / Dakische Adlige (Kaiser Augustus) / Gebäude / Antioch (Occupied)
Antioch (Occupied) Dakische Adlige (Kaiser Augustus)Dakische Adlige (Kaiser Augustus) Ancient Capital Level 2

Antioch (Occupied)

Strategic Hellenistic capital.

Schon in der Antike waren Städte Orte, an denen sich Menschen niedergelassen hatten, weil die Stellung gut zu verteidigen oder ein kontrollierter Flussübergang war, weil sie sich in der Nähe von natürlichen Ressourcen befand oder sicher vor Überflutung und anderen Naturkatastrophen war.

Städte wuchsen selten nach Plan, auch wenn ihre Herrscher es anders bevorzugt hätten. Sicherlich gab es öffentliche Gebäude und prächtige Tempel, die auf breiten Straßen oder Plätzen standen, und die opulenten Wohnstätten der Patrizier verbargen sich oft hinter unauffälligen Fassaden. Wenn man allerdings ein paar Schritte in die falsche Richtung tat, war es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass man ein Labyrinth aus Seitenstraßen, dicht beieinander stehenden Häusern, verkommenen Elendsvierteln, Wirtshäusern, Bordellen und Schlachthäusern fand, das den wenigen Platz innerhalb der Mauern nutzte.

Die Stadt war eine kleine Welt für sich und spiegelte die wahre Welt wider. Römer und Griechen rühmten sich gleichermaßen ihrer Weltgewandtheit und ihres Anspruchs und waren doch vom Dreck und der Schäbigkeit in den nur wenige Meter entfernten Straßen angewidert.

Ancient Capital

Antioch (Occupied)
Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 0
Antioch (Occupied)
Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 1
Fortified Antioch (Occupied)
Fortified Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Antioch (Occupied)
Fortified Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Antioch (Occupied)
Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Antioch (Occupied)
Commercial Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Antioch (Occupied)
Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Antioch (Occupied)
Fortified Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Antioch (Occupied)
Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Antioch (Occupied)
Commercial Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Antioch (Occupied)
Commercial Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Antioch (Occupied)
Fortified Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Antioch (Occupied)
Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Antioch (Occupied)
Commercial Antioch (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Antioch (Occupied)

Building Name

Antioch (Occupied)

Level Name


Building Chain

Ancient Capital

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



-5 Nahrung (this_region)
+10% Wohlstand aus allen Quellen (regions_in_this_province)
844 Wohlstand durch Subsistenz (this_building)
+2 Wachstum pro Runde (this_province)
+1 Armee-Rekrutierungskapazität (this_province)
+2% Forschungsrate (this_faction)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
((NOT DISPLAYED)) (this_region)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Benutzt für Siedlungen, um das Vorhandensein von 15m-Mauern zu identifizieren (hellenisch/römisch/östlich) (this_region)
+10 Sichtfeld über Grenzen hinweg (this_region)
+0.5% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class (this_building)
+1 Armee-Rekrutierungskapazität (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
((NOT DISPLAYED)) (this_region)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Benutzt für Siedlungen, um das Vorhandensein von 15m-Mauern zu identifizieren (hellenisch/römisch/östlich) (this_region)
+10 Sichtfeld über Grenzen hinweg (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

300 Dacian Falxmen
300 Dacian Falxmen
300 Dacian Falxmen
Dacian Falxmen
120 Dacian Horsemen
Dacian Horsemen
200 Local Citizens
200 Local Citizens
Local Citizens
200 Local Citizen Militia
200 Local Citizen Militia
200 Local Citizen Militia
Local Citizen Militia
175 Local Archers
175 Local Archers
175 Local Archers
Local Archers

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
300 Pantodapoi Syriakoi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (AOR_21_Syrian_Levies)
Pantodapoi Syriakoi
(Syrian Levies)

Cheap spearmen are not necessarily poor spearmen and should make any horseman behave with a little respect.

300 351 351 22 9 11 52 1 20 35
300 Carpi Machairaphoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Dac_Carpi_Swordsmen)
Carpi Machairaphoroi
(Carpi Swordsmen)

The Celticisation of western Dacians has led to a bigger number of swordsmen in the Dacian army. These units are skilled and versatile, and the Carpi are one of the most well-known fighting tribes among the Dacians. They are primarily mountaineers living on both sides of the Carpathians, which bear their name.

300 475 475 32 11 11 50 1 20 40
300 Dii Rhomphaiaphoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Dac_Dii_Rhomphaiaphoroi)
Dii Rhomphaiaphoroi
(Dii Falxmen)

The Dii, known for their barbaric fierceness and cruelty, have been known to massacre an entire city, including the animals. In battle they prefer the ambush, and their attack is strong enough to break even experienced formations. Equipped with a short falx, a Pelte shield and helmets of Thracian style, the Dii are good shock troops.

300 663 663 40 11 15 55 3 20 55
256 Getikoi Stratiotai
Nahkampfinfanterie / Pikeninfanterie / (Dac_Light_Phalanx)
Getikoi Stratiotai
(Dacian Light Pikemen)

The tribes that have contact with the Hellenic poleis on the western shores of the Pontus Euxinus form a distinct breed of warriors. These men are renowned for their ferocity, and all Macedonian expeditions sent against them effectively disappear in the Getic wasteland", Moreover Macedonian kings like Lysimakos knew Getic captivity. Their contact with the Hellenic poleis made them well familiarized with the phalanx formation. These men are equipped with Phrygian helmets, padded leather armour and large oval shields. For weapons, they carry a spear and a sica into battle, similar to most Hellenic phalanx soldiers."

256 799 799 27 9 10 65 10 20 45
300 Moisoi Doryphoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Dac_Moesian_Spearmen)
Moisoi Doryphoroi
(Moesian Spearmen)

Moesia is a semi-mountainous, landlocked region. The Moesians are grouped into several tribes and are frequently at war against their neighbors. The choice weapons for these infantrymen are a spear and oval shield. They are sometimes willingly recruited as mercenaries by the Greeks and Macedonians, to avoid their raids on the frontier by denying them their best soldiers.

300 462 462 24 9 10 67 3 20 40
175 Peukini Akontistai
Geschossinfanterie / Geschossinfanterie / (Dac_Peucini_Skirmishers)
Peukini Akontistai
(Peucini Skirmishers)

Peucini armies mainly consist of lightly equipped infantry. The vast majority of them are skirmishers, with maces and axes as secondary weapons. They have settled in the delta of the Istros (Danube), on an island called Peuce facing the Pontus Euxinus, hence their name.

175 368 368 13 80 8 5 22 11 10 29 4 20 35
175 Dakische Plänkler
Geschossinfanterie / Geschossinfanterie / (Dac_Skirm)
Dakische Plänkler
Diese Plänkler lassen Wurfspeersalven auf die feindliche Linie herabregnen.
175 479 479 14 85 8 5 22 11 10 65 1 20 35
175 Komatai
Geschossinfanterie / Geschossinfanterie / (Dac_Skirm_ref)
(Dacian Heavy Skirmishers)

The Komatai, also called 'daoi' or 'wolves,' make up the bulk of the tribal forces of the Getae. They fight bare-headed to assure the gods of their fervor and willingness to arrive at their side. The Komatai go to battle wearing studded leather armour, trousers and a large oval shield. They also carry with them javelins and a sica. If forced into melee they can hold their own against other light and even some medium infantry.

175 695 695 15 90 8 7 33 11 11 67 8 20 45
300 Speere
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Dac_Spears)
Selbst der niederste Daker kann für sein Volk mit einem Speer in den Kampf ziehen.
300 347 347 21 9 10 66 1 20 40