HomeStartseite / Divide et Impera / Bastarnen (Kaiser Augustus) / Gebäude / Bronzeschmelzofen
Bronzeschmelzofen Bastarnen (Kaiser Augustus)Bastarnen (Kaiser Augustus) Industrie Level 4


Feuer zerstört, aber es kann auch erschaffen.

Für Stämme war es üblich, Flussgöttern Weihgaben darzubringen, und so fand man zahlreiche Bronzegegenstände auf dem Grund von Seen und Flüssen in ganz Europa. Die englische Themse musste für die dortigen Stämme von besonderer Bedeutung gewesen sein, so viele Bronzearbeiten fand man im Verlauf der Jahre darin. Im Jahre 1868 fand man den Waterloo-Helm, einen zeremoniellen Helm mit zwei Hörnern, und auch die Wandsworth- und Battersea-Schilde konnten aus dem Fluss geborgen werden. Die Stücke befinden sich heute im British Museum. Ähnlich wie den Helm hält man auch den Battersea-Schild für einen zeremoniellen Gegenstand: Man konnte keinen Kampfschaden daran feststellen, und auch keine Anzeichen für eine Holzbasis, die nötig gewesen wäre, um das Schild im Kampf zu verwenden.


Industrie Level 0
Industrie Level 1
Industrie Level 2
Industrie Level 3
Industrie Level 1
Industrie Level 2
Industrie Level 3

Building Name


Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource


Require Technology

Kettenpanzer der Infanterie
Kettenpanzer der Infanterie


+2 Erfahrungsrang/-ränge für schwere Infanterierekruten (this_province)
+1% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class (this_building)
-10% provincial income (building upkeep) (regions_in_this_province)
Requires the Copper resource (this_building)

Provides Garrison Army

120 Celtic Cavalry
Celtic Cavalry
300 Dacian Falxmen
300 Dacian Falxmen
Dacian Falxmen

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 1
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
300 Batacorii
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Cel_Batacorii)
(Belgae Spear Warriors)

Batacorii are the rank-and-file warriors of the Belgae, a group of extremely fierce, highly independent Gallo-Germanic tribes living in northern Gaul, who are well trained and experienced in war. Shunning the 'comforts' often afforded the members of the 'civilized' states, they pride themselves on their rugged way of life, their toughness of mind and body, and their skill at arms.

300 389 389 24 9 13 69 1 20 55
175 Keltische Bogenschützen
Geschossinfanterie / Geschossinfanterie / (Cel_Bowmen)
Keltische Bogenschützen
Die Jagd auf andere Männer wird oft reich belohnt.
175 347 347 8 155 4 15 18 7 6 22 1 20 35
200 Auserwählte Speerkämpfer
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Cel_Chosen_Spear)
Auserwählte Speerkämpfer
Kettenpanzer kühlen nicht das Herz eines Kriegers und rauben ihm nicht seine Kampfeslust.
200 1157 1157 30 9 11 84 16 20 55
200 Auserwählte Schwerter
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Cel_Chosen_Sword)
Auserwählte Schwerter
Der Mut und das Können dieser Männer im Kampf sind bewiesen.
200 1222 1222 36 11 13 71 16 20 55
300 Enoci Curoas
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Cel_Enoci_Curoas)
Enoci Curoas
(Enoci Swordsmen)

The La Tene Celts are used as mercenaries all over Europe and Africa by the Romans, Carthaginians, other Celts, and a variety of other peoples. Their name, Curoas (Koo-roo-as), means Paid Soldiers". These men often form the core of a mercenary army and are usually tough veterans who have seen many different campaigns and have taken pay from many different masters. They are excellent as heavy infantry and are well able to deal with most opponents. They are armed with javelins and spears and they use these weapons to break up enemy formations before the charge. As with most Celts, their charge can become disorderly, but it often succeeds in breaking through the enemy line nonetheless."

300 950 950 44 11 13 70 8 20 55
200 Golberi Curoas
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Cel_Golberi_Curoas)
Golberi Curoas
(Golberi Swordsmen)

The La Tene Celts are used as mercenaries all over Europe and Africa by the Romans, Carthaginians, other Celts, and a variety of other peoples. Their name, Curoas (Koo-roo-as), means Paid Soldiers". These men often form the core of a mercenary army and are usually tough veterans who have seen many different campaigns and have taken pay from many different masters. They are excellent as heavy infantry and are well able to deal with most opponents. They are armed with javelins and spears and they use these weapons to break up enemy formations before the charge. As with most Celts, their charge can become disorderly, but it often succeeds in breaking through the enemy line nonetheless."

200 951 951 38 11 13 74 10 20 65
300 Karotovas
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Cel_Karotovas)
(Fighting Men)

The Karotovas are wealthy tribal warriors heralding from the regions around the southern Baltic Sea. The possession of armour or iron weapons is unusual among the tribes who inhabit this area, and in this regard the Karotovas are unique. They carry well-made unique slashing swords, and can hit with a powerful - albeit disorderly - charge. As they are somewhat undisciplined, they often disregard notions of prudence and can charge at their own will.

300 580 580 39 11 15 65 1 20 55
300 Lugoae
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Cel_Lugoae)
(Levy Troops)

During periods of strife and war, it is sometimes necessary to call upon ordinary citizens to organize as a militia. Militia in Celtic societies - known as the Lugoae - are farmers, craftsmen, and fishermen who are called to brief military service in periods of crisis. They may train a few times a year to fight and participate in games and sports to improve their physicality, but they're still only militia, and can only be trusted to do so much.

300 340 340 21 9 11 54 1 20 45
200 Nackte Speerkämpfer
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Cel_Naked_Spears)
Nackte Speerkämpfer
Wer braucht Kleidung, wenn man mehr als genug Mut hat?
200 505 505 33 9 17 63 1 20 70
175 Keltische Plänkler
Geschossinfanterie / Geschossinfanterie / (Cel_Skirm)
Keltische Plänkler
Selbst der ärmste Stamm kann für seine Ehre und seinen Ruhm kämpfen.
175 391 391 14 85 8 5 21 7 6 43 1 20 35
300 Speerkrieger
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Cel_Spear_Warriors)
Ein Krieger umfasst seinen Speer fest, damit er nicht in seiner Hand wackelt.
300 693 693 24 9 10 73 8 20 45
300 Keltische Krieger
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Cel_Warriors)
Keltische Krieger
Die Herzen dieser Krieger sind wild und finden allein durch Kämpfen gefallen an der Schlacht.
300 727 727 33 11 13 65 6 20 45
300 Costoboci Pelekephoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Dac_Costoboci_Hillmen)
Costoboci Pelekephoroi
(Costoboci Axemen)

The Costoboci are northern Dacians, who have been isolated for a long in the southern Carpathians, protecting the Dacians against the western Celtic invaders and the fierce Bastarnae over the mountains. They are hardy mountaineers, but too poor to afford better equipment than weapons like wooden-tipped javelins and shock weapons like the battleaxe.

300 660 660 34 11 13 55 4 20 45
40 Germanische Balliste
Belagerungsmaschine / Feldartillerie / (Ger_Ballista)
Germanische Balliste
Selbst die Kriegsgötter finden Gefallen an Maschinen, wenn sie Feinde zu Boden strecken.
40 2000 2000 69 435 2 36 13 20 48 3 20 45
40 Germanischer Skorpion
Belagerungsmaschine / Feldartillerie / (Ger_Cheiroballistra)
Germanischer Skorpion
Es ist besser, Feinde aus der Ferne als aus Speernähe zu töten.
40 1800 1800 39 365 2 32 11 15 29 3 20 45
200 Nakwadaz
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Ger_Woithiz_Watha)
(Naked Spearmen)

Common as first-line units, these naked spearmen are the Germanic replica of the Gaisates, except that they use more crude weapons, the framea being too expensive and heavy to be carried by a skirmisher.However, they are still heavy skirmishers, relying on their speed to outflank the enemy, before launching their missiles in the hope of causing disarray within the enemy ranks.

200 544 544 36 9 17 67 1 20 65