HomeStartseite / Divide et Impera / Bastarnen (Kaiser Augustus) / Gebäude / Athens (Occupied)
Athens (Occupied) Bastarnen (Kaiser Augustus)Bastarnen (Kaiser Augustus) Ancient Capital Level 1

Athens (Occupied)

Enlightened, it lights the world.

Schon in der Antike waren Städte Orte, an denen sich Menschen niedergelassen hatten, weil die Stellung gut zu verteidigen oder ein kontrollierter Flussübergang war, weil sie sich in der Nähe von natürlichen Ressourcen befand oder sicher vor Überflutung und anderen Naturkatastrophen war.

Städte wuchsen selten nach Plan, auch wenn ihre Herrscher es anders bevorzugt hätten. Sicherlich gab es öffentliche Gebäude und prächtige Tempel, die auf breiten Straßen oder Plätzen standen, und die opulenten Wohnstätten der Patrizier verbargen sich oft hinter unauffälligen Fassaden. Wenn man allerdings ein paar Schritte in die falsche Richtung tat, war es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass man ein Labyrinth aus Seitenstraßen, dicht beieinander stehenden Häusern, verkommenen Elendsvierteln, Wirtshäusern, Bordellen und Schlachthäusern fand, das den wenigen Platz innerhalb der Mauern nutzte.

Die Stadt war eine kleine Welt für sich und spiegelte die wahre Welt wider. Römer und Griechen rühmten sich gleichermaßen ihrer Weltgewandtheit und ihres Anspruchs und waren doch vom Dreck und der Schäbigkeit in den nur wenige Meter entfernten Straßen angewidert.

Ancient Capital

Athens (Occupied)
Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 0
Athens (Occupied)
Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 1
Fortified Athens (Occupied)
Fortified Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Athens (Occupied)
Fortified Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Athens (Occupied)
Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Athens (Occupied)
Commercial Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Athens (Occupied)
Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Athens (Occupied)
Fortified Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Athens (Occupied)
Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Athens (Occupied)
Commercial Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Athens (Occupied)
Commercial Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Athens (Occupied)
Fortified Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Athens (Occupied)
Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Athens (Occupied)
Commercial Athens (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Athens (Occupied)

Building Name

Athens (Occupied)

Level Name


Building Chain

Ancient Capital

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



-2 Nahrung (this_region)
+5% Wohlstand aus allen Quellen (regions_in_this_province)
507 Wohlstand durch Subsistenz (this_building)
+1 Wachstum pro Runde (this_province)
+1 Armee-Rekrutierungskapazität (this_province)
+2% Forschungsrate (this_faction)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Benutzt für Siedlungen, um das Vorhandensein von 15m-Mauern zu identifizieren (hellenisch/römisch/östlich) (this_region)
+10 Sichtfeld über Grenzen hinweg (this_region)
+0.1% All Population Classes (this_building)
+1 Armee-Rekrutierungskapazität (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Benutzt für Siedlungen, um das Vorhandensein von 15m-Mauern zu identifizieren (hellenisch/römisch/östlich) (this_region)
+10 Sichtfeld über Grenzen hinweg (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

120 Celtic Cavalry
Celtic Cavalry
300 Dacian Falxmen
300 Dacian Falxmen
Dacian Falxmen
200 Local Citizens
200 Local Citizens
Local Citizens
200 Local Citizen Militia
200 Local Citizen Militia
Local Citizen Militia
175 Local Archers
175 Local Archers
175 Local Archers
Local Archers

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
300 Korinthoi Epistratoi Hoplitai
Nahkampfinfanterie / Pikeninfanterie / (AOR_35_Greek_Levies)
Korinthoi Epistratoi Hoplitai
(Corinthian Levy Hoplites)

Levies are plentiful, and can stand in battle when properly commanded.

300 562 562 23 9 11 56 4 20 30
200 Korinthoi Ekdromoi Hoplitai
Nahkampfinfanterie / Pikeninfanterie / (AOR_35_Greek_Light_Hoplites)
Korinthoi Ekdromoi Hoplitai
(Corinthian Light Hoplites)

Discipline is needed to carry a spear and bear a shield in the phalanx.

200 615 615 27 9 13 57 4 20 40
200 Korinthoi Thureophoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (AOR_35_Greek_Thureos_Spears)
Korinthoi Thureophoroi
(Corinthian Thureos Spears)

These well-trained warriors are a flexible force of skirmishing spearmen.

200 765 765 30 9 10 67 8 20 40
300 Batacorii
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Cel_Batacorii)
(Belgae Spear Warriors)

Batacorii are the rank-and-file warriors of the Belgae, a group of extremely fierce, highly independent Gallo-Germanic tribes living in northern Gaul, who are well trained and experienced in war. Shunning the 'comforts' often afforded the members of the 'civilized' states, they pride themselves on their rugged way of life, their toughness of mind and body, and their skill at arms.

300 389 389 24 9 13 69 1 20 55
300 Freie Heerbanner
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Cel_Levy_Freemen)
Freie Heerbanner
Die Möglichkeit, im Kampf Ruhm zu gewinnen, macht diese Männer zu entschlossenen Gegnern.
300 496 496 21 9 8 65 4 20 40
300 Lugoae
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Cel_Lugoae)
(Levy Troops)

During periods of strife and war, it is sometimes necessary to call upon ordinary citizens to organize as a militia. Militia in Celtic societies - known as the Lugoae - are farmers, craftsmen, and fishermen who are called to brief military service in periods of crisis. They may train a few times a year to fight and participate in games and sports to improve their physicality, but they're still only militia, and can only be trusted to do so much.

300 340 340 21 9 11 54 1 20 45
175 Keltische Steinschleuderer
Geschossinfanterie / Geschossinfanterie / (Cel_Slingers)
Keltische Steinschleuderer
Diese Schleuderer sind begierig auf Ehre im Kampf und eignen sich gut als Plänkler.
175 530 530 6 190 5 20 18 7 6 37 1 20 35
175 Keltische Jugendliche
Geschossinfanterie / Geschossinfanterie / (Cel_Youths)
Keltische Jugendliche
Diese jungen Männer wollen im Kampf ihren Status verbessern und Erfahrung gewinnen.
175 349 349 14 85 7 5 18 7 6 37 1 20 35
300 Carpi Machairaphoroi
Nahkampfinfanterie / Nahkampfinfanterie / (Dac_Carpi_Swordsmen)
Carpi Machairaphoroi
(Carpi Swordsmen)

The Celticisation of western Dacians has led to a bigger number of swordsmen in the Dacian army. These units are skilled and versatile, and the Carpi are one of the most well-known fighting tribes among the Dacians. They are primarily mountaineers living on both sides of the Carpathians, which bear their name.

300 475 475 32 11 11 50 1 20 40
175 Peukini Akontistai
Geschossinfanterie / Geschossinfanterie / (Dac_Peucini_Skirmishers)
Peukini Akontistai
(Peucini Skirmishers)

Peucini armies mainly consist of lightly equipped infantry. The vast majority of them are skirmishers, with maces and axes as secondary weapons. They have settled in the delta of the Istros (Danube), on an island called Peuce facing the Pontus Euxinus, hence their name.

175 368 368 13 80 8 5 22 11 10 29 4 20 35
300 Gaisolitho Aljod
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Ger_Gaisolitho_Aljod)
Gaisolitho Aljod
(Celto-Germanic Ambushers)

Gaisolitho Aljod live on the borders between Celtic and Germanic territories. They are capable warriors who fight with long shields, javelins, and Celtic longspears.

300 468 468 30 9 15 70 1 20 45
300 Hattisku Framannoz
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Ger_Gaizoz_Frije)
Hattisku Framannoz
(Chatti Medium Spearmen)

These Chatti spearmen are better equipped but still relatively light infantry. They are also an affordable unit, best used to protect the flanks. Their equipment includes a framea for melee fighting and several javelins.

300 720 720 32 9 11 71 6 20 45
300 Heerbannspeere
Nahkampfinfanterie / Speerinfanterie / (Ger_Spear_Levy)
Mangelnde Erfahrung tut nichts, die Aggression dieser Speerkämpfer zu dämmen.
300 419 419 27 9 11 59 1 20 45
256 Markamannoz Speutagardaz
Nahkampfinfanterie / Pikeninfanterie / (Ger_Speudogordoz)
Markamannoz Speutagardaz
(Markamannoz Pikemen)

The Markamannoz are a famous tribe, warlike but organised on the battlefield. Among the elites, they have famous spearmen, the Speutagardaz. They are skilled enough to form impressive shieldwalls with five meter long spears, a rather unusual feature. Speutagardaz use long spears with a short and narrow head. They are well equipped, probably having light axes, reinforced leather armor, and a leather and scale helmet, which is lighter and cheaper than the usual iron helmet, but highly protective.

256 628 628 27 9 10 43 6 20 50