HomeDomů / Divide et Impera / Mandubové (Caesar v Galii) / Budovy / Barbarian Town (Trained Slaves)
Barbarian Town (Trained Slaves) Mandubové (Caesar v Galii)Mandubové (Caesar v Galii) Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves) Level 3

Barbarian Town (Trained Slaves)

Ve městě se nasytí spousta hladových krků.

Římští a řečtí historikové často popisovali barbarské kmeny jako kočovníky, kteří se živili lovem a o zemědělství nebo stavebnictví toho moc nevěděli. Nic takového však nebylo pravda. Byla objevena celá řada staveb, které dokazují, že se takzvaní 'barbaři' ve stavebních technologiích vyznali a uměli postavit obydlí nebo obranné struktury, které přetrvaly tisíce let.

Brochy, stavby ze suchého kamene nalezené ve Skotsku, odolaly drsnému počasí dodnes a poskytují nám zajímavé informace o lidech, kteří je postavili. Řada z nich byla vícepatrová obydlí a historici se stále dohadují o tom, co bylo jejich hlavním původním účelem: jedni si myslí, že to byly obranné stavby, jiní namítají, že to mohly být prestižní budovy, symboly bohatství a moci.

Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves)

Barbarian Hamlet (Trained Slaves)
Barbarian Hamlet (Trained Slaves)
Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves) Level 0
Barbarian Village (Trained Slaves)
Barbarian Village (Trained Slaves)
Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves) Level 1
Barbarian Town (Trained Slaves)
Barbarian Town (Trained Slaves)
Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves) Level 2
Barbarian Pagus (Trained Slaves)
Barbarian Pagus (Trained Slaves)
Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves) Level 3
Barbarian Town (Trained Slaves)

Building Name

Barbarian Town (Trained Slaves)

Level Name


Building Chain

Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves)

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



-5 jídla (this_region)
+212 k příjmům z místního obchodu (this_building)
+4 k růstu za kolo (this_province)
-4 za kolo k veřejnému pořádku (znečištění) (this_province)
+1% k verbovací kapacitě vojska (this_province)
[NEZOBRAZUJE SE] Určuje úroveň cest mezi sídly (this_region)
Snižuje pokles populace otroků (this_province)
+45% k příjmům za otrockou práci (this_province)
-30% k nepokojům mezi otroky (ve všech provinciích)
+10 k dohledu za hranice (this_region)
+0.7% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class (this_building)
60 trained slaves (this_building)
+1% k verbovací kapacitě vojska (this_province)
[NEZOBRAZUJE SE] Určuje úroveň cest mezi sídly (this_region)
+10 k dohledu za hranice (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

300 Celtic Warriors
300 Celtic Warriors
300 Celtic Warriors
300 Celtic Warriors
300 Celtic Warriors
Celtic Warriors
Kontaktní pěchota
175 Celtic Bowmen
175 Celtic Bowmen
175 Celtic Bowmen
175 Celtic Bowmen
Celtic Bowmen
Střelecká pěchota
200 Celtic Tribesmen
200 Celtic Tribesmen
200 Celtic Tribesmen
200 Celtic Tribesmen
200 Celtic Tribesmen
Celtic Tribesmen
Pěchota s kopími

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
120 Parasim Lebiponnim
Jízda / Jízdní lučištníci / (AOR_15_Libyan_Cavalry)
Parasim Lebiponnim
(Libyan Cavalry)

Lightly armed horsemen that act primarily as scouts.

120 898 898 15 90 9 7 30 10 22 34 2 20 35
200 Dorkim Lybim
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Kontaktní pěchota / (AOR_15_Libyan_Infantry)
Dorkim Lybim
(Libyan Infantry)

Levied soldiers that fight as javelin-armed swordsmen.

200 915 915 30 10 11 67 10 20 40
175 Mitnagsim Lybim
Pěší střelci / Střelecká pěchota / (AOR_15_Libyan_Javelinmen)
Mitnagsim Lybim
(Libyan Javelinmen)

These javelin-armed skirmishers harry an enemy before the main battle is joined.

175 361 361 15 90 8 5 15 7 6 37 1 20 25
300 Mishteret Lybim
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Pěchota s kopími / (AOR_15_Libyan_Levies)
Mishteret Lybim
(Libyan Levies)

Relatively untrained citizens that are called to arms only in the most dire of circumstances.

300 518 518 28 9 10 71 3 20 40
300 Arabioi Katadromeis
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Pěchota s kopími / (AOR_20_arabian_auxiliaries)
Arabioi Katadromeis
(Arabian Auxiliaries)

Arabian auxiliaries form irregular units useful for long-range operations, especially in the desert. They can afford a light and cheap helmet like the Boeotian one, also used by many other troops.

300 490 490 15 9 10 57 6 20 40
120 Ana-Arabim Kamelarios
Jízda / Jízdní lučištníci / (AOR_20_Arabian_Camel_Archers)
Ana-Arabim Kamelarios
(Arabian Camel Archers)

These camel riders are well suited, by inclination and training, to hit-and-run raiding tactics.

120 874 874 10 150 5 15 30 11 20 29 2 30 25
300 Erinamesh Ana-Arabim
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Pěchota s kopími / (AOR_20_Arabian_Levies)
Erinamesh Ana-Arabim
(Arabian Levies)

The desert-canny fight only when they must.

300 407 407 26 9 10 56 1 20 35
80 Corio Cunos Vidios
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Zvláštní / (AOR_3_Celtic_Savage_Dogs)
Corio Cunos Vidios
(Celtic Savage Dogs)

The Celts are proud of their loyal hunting dogs. These ferocious animals can be trained for war, and rip out men's throats to break any resistance.

80 640 640 18 7 15 26 8 20 35
120 Leuce Epos
Jízda / Kontaktní jízda / (AOR_3_Gallic_Light_Cavalry)
Leuce Epos
(Gallic Cavalry)

Leuce Epos constitute the bulk of Gallic cavalry. Well-trained compared to many of their enemies’ cavalry, they are invaluable to any army. They throw javelins at a distance, depleting an enemy before charging with their main spears. They are trained to throw javelins, charge, and withdraw repeatedly, and they do it well. A bronze helmet, shield, and light weapons may not seem the equipment of any particularly great cavalry, but they are a solid medium cavalry force, capable of running down routers, defeating light cavalry, and skirmishing if necessary.

120 1216 1216 26 9 22 39 4 20 40
300 Gaelaiche
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Pěchota s kopími / (AOR_3_Gallic_Medium_Spearmen)
(Gallic Spearmen)

The Gaelaiche carry cheap equipment: Celtic longspears, javelins, and a shield. Their longspears are fair quality, with broad, sharp heads that cause deep, terrible gashes, and can be used to bring down horses as well. These weapons are accompanied by javelins thrown into an enemy position to disorient and kill a few foes. The Gaelaiche are mostly composed of the youngest Celtic warriors, but there is no shame in an older, experienced warrior fighting with a spear as well; the spear is a respected weapon in Celtic society.

300 693 693 24 9 10 73 8 20 35
300 Bataroas
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Kontaktní pěchota / (AOR_3_Gallic_Swordsmen)
(Gallic Swordsmen)

The Bataroas hail from a region the Romans call Transalpine Gaul (Gaul on the other side of the Alps). Raised from the Celtic warrior class, these Gauls are proud and experienced fighters who often value feats of impetuous valour over acts of more prudent common sense.

300 865 865 38 11 17 62 8 20 50
300 Krobyzoi Thureophoroi
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Pěchota s kopími / (AOR_38_krobyzi_spearmen)
Krobyzoi Thureophoroi
(Krobyzoi Thureos Spearmen)

The Krobyzoi are a Thracian tribe from northern Thrace, neighbours of the Getae in the East and the ferocious Triballi in the West. They wear no armour, but some have light pelt caps, others Phrygian and Thracian helmets.

300 466 466 24 9 10 71 3 20 40
175 Maedi Peltastai
Pěší střelci / Střelecká pěchota / (AOR_38_maedi_peltastai)
Maedi Peltastai
(Maedi Peltasts)

The Maedi are an ancient tribe inhabiting the southwestern fringe of Thrace. They are famous as the tribe of Spartacus. They are also famous for their wild Aurochs, the Bolinthos, which is one popular war emblem. With their raiding and contacts with the Greeks, they use more xiphos swords and Chalcidian helmets than their northeastern neighbours.

175 920 920 16 95 9 5 32 10 11 70 12 20 50
200 Cordinau Orca
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Kontaktní pěchota / (AOR_38_Scordisci_Elite_Infantry)
Cordinau Orca
(Scordisci Elite Swordsmen)

The Scordisci are Celtic warriors who live near Macedonia. They are famous for their use of sheering curved swords that can cause an opponent terrible gashes, and are known to use the skulls of their enemies as drinking cups. Like the Solduros of the Gauls, in the East the Scordisci have the Cordinau Orca (Kor-dee-now Urk-ah; Battle Boars), the guardians of their chief, and fearsome, strong warriors. The Scordisci are a rather extroverted Celtic people; they are so cosmopolitan that their enemies think them Thracians or Illyrians.

200 1206 1206 40 11 11 78 14 20 50
300 Galathraikes
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Kontaktní pěchota / (AOR_38_Thrace_Gallo_Thracian_Warriors)
(Gallo-Thracian Infantry)

These warriors are highly sought after swordsmen from the Celtic-dominated regions of Thracia. They carry a small, sturdy thureos, several javelins, and a Celtic longsword. They wear bronze helmets of Celtic types, popular after the Galatian invasion of Thracia, but they wear little armour aside from this helmet and their shield.

300 585 585 34 11 13 55 3 20 45
175 Thrakioi Peltastai
Pěší střelci / Střelecká pěchota / (AOR_38_Thracian_Peltasts)
Thrakioi Peltastai
(Thracian Peltasts)

Unencumbered by armour, these fast moving skirmishers use javelins to disrupt enemy units.

175 449 449 15 90 9 5 24 10 10 44 1 20 30
300 Thrakioi Pezoi
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Kontaktní pěchota / (AOR_38_Thracian_Warriors)
Thrakioi Pezoi
(Thracian Warriors)

A Thracian likes to think of himself unequalled by other men. Perhaps he is right.

300 836 836 48 13 19 58 4 20 40
300 Thyni Rhomphaiaphoroi
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Kontaktní pěchota / (AOR_38_thyni_romphaiaphoroi)
Thyni Rhomphaiaphoroi
(Thyni Rhomphaia Warriors)

A famous Thracian tribe, the Thyni are renowned for their fearsome night attacks and lightning raids, as the Macedonians and Odrysians well know. This eastern coastal tribe is also made up of fishermen and merchants, and is one of the most Hellenised and prosperous Thracian kingdoms, due to their immediate contact with some Greek harbour colonies.

300 911 911 48 13 20 58 6 20 55
120 Reidonez
Jízda / Kontaktní jízda / (AOR_5_Germanic_Cavalry)
(Germanic Cavalry)

Reidonez ride small and sometimes poor quality horses, though they are excellent light cavalry. They are useful as scouts as well as skirmishers. However, like many Germanic warriors, they can lack battle-discipline and be overeager to enter battle against worthy opponents. This can lead them to be headstrong and difficult to restrain before a fight, as personal glory gained in battle is always welcome. Honour and standing come from fighting, and sometimes the urge for glory overwhelms their good sense!

120 1084 1084 26 11 20 34 2 20 35
175 Skutjanz
Pěší střelci / Střelecká pěchota / (AOR_5_Germanic_Hunters)
(Germanic Hunters)

A deer or a man: the target still needs killing.

175 528 528 9 165 5 15 21 11 6 29 1 20 25
200 Gaelaiche
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Pěchota s kopími / (Cel_Gaelaiche)
(Light Spear Warriors)

The Gaelaiche are the most lightly equipped of the Celtic warrior class. They carry cheap equipment: Celtic longspears, javelins, and a shield. Their longspears are of fair quality, with broad, sharp heads that can cause deep, terrible gashes, and can also be used to bring down horses. These weapons are accompanied by javelins which can be thrown into an enemy position to disorient and kill a few foes. The Gaelaiche are mostly composed of the youngest Celtic warriors, but there is no shame in an older, experienced warrior fighting with a spear as well; the spear is a respected weapon in Celtic society.

200 391 391 24 9 10 71 1 20 50
300 Svobodní odvedenci
Pěchota pro boj zblízka / Pěchota s kopími / (Cel_Levy_Freemen)
Svobodní odvedenci
Tito mužové mají příležitost dobýt slávu a postavení, což z nich činí vskutku divoké protivníky.
300 496 496 21 9 8 65 4 20 40
175 Keltští prakovníci
Pěší střelci / Střelecká pěchota / (Cel_Slingers)
Keltští prakovníci
Tito prakovníci už se nemohou dočkat, až si v bitvě dobudou čest a slávu.
175 530 530 6 190 5 20 18 7 6 37 1 20 35
175 Keltská mládež
Pěší střelci / Střelecká pěchota / (Cel_Youths)
Keltská mládež
Tito mladíci vyhledávají boj, aby nabrali zkušenosti a získali lepší postavení.
175 349 349 14 85 7 5 18 7 6 37 1 20 35