HomePagina iniziale / Divide et Impera / Characene (Imperator Augustus) / Corpo ausiliario / Fanteria corpo a corpo (Corpo ausiliario)
Characene (Imperator Augustus) Characene (Imperator Augustus) Corpo ausiliario

Fanteria corpo a corpo (Corpo ausiliario)

Soldati di prima linea addestrati per il combattimento corpo a corpo.

Fanteria corpo a corpo
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
300 Pictone Neitos
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_1_Pictone_Painted_Swordsmen)
Pictone Neitos
(Pict Painted Swordsmen)

The Pictone Neitos (Pek-tone Nee-yet-os) are painted warriors from Caledonia. They use heavy shields and have a powerful charge as well as high morale, which makes them useful for holding the line or punching holes in hostile formations.

300 589 589 118 40 11 17 60 1 20 50
200 Sikeliotai Pezoi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_10_Greek_Marines)
Sikeliotai Pezoi
(Syracusan Marines)

Soldiers trained for the perilous service aboard the galleys of the navy, but also as an offensive force on land.

200 902 902 180 28 10 11 80 10 20 45
200 Pezoi Brettioi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_10_Sicily_Bruttian_Infantry)
Pezoi Brettioi
(Bruttian Infantry)

The Bruttii come from the southern extremity of Italy. These Bruttian troops are dependable medium infantry. They carry two pila, which they throw before engaging in close combat with their swords. They are well armoured with a variety of bronze pectorales, typical of the Oscan warrior class. Their helmets show Greek and Italian influence, known as Italo-Attic. They fought for Pyrrhus during his invasion of Italy.

200 807 807 161 33 10 13 70 8 20 50
200 Keltohellenikoi Thorakitai
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_11_Celto_Hellenic_Infantry)
Keltohellenikoi Thorakitai
(Celto-Hellenic Infantry)

These shock infantry are Celto-Hellenic 'men-at-arms,' Celtic warriors of a mixed culture. While they are not of especially great station, they are capable warriors fighting in the Celtic manner, in a motley combination of Hellenic and Celtic gear and dress: long Celtic shields, a Greek helmet, a Celtic sword, and javelins. They soften up an opponent with their javelins and charge an enemy once they're weakened with the great force of Celtic warriors.

200 1263 1263 253 39 10 15 73 16 20 55
300 Clona Tekonac
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_12_North_Iberian_Axemen)
Clona Tekonac
(Asturian Axemen)

The Astures and Cantabrii are groups of indigenous tribes with similar Celtic-influenced but distinctive cultures, well-known for their fierceness, lust for freedom, and indomitable character.

300 797 797 159 38 11 11 70 6 20 40
200 Milites Ilergetum
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_12_North_Iberian_Illergetan_Soldiers)
Milites Ilergetum
(Illergetan Soldiers)

These Iberians wear a helmet of typical Ilergetan design, with the characteristic neck guard, padded armour and large scutum adopted from the Gallic tribes across the Pyrenees. For weapons, they use javelins and a longsword, most likely imported from Gaul through the Greek colony of Emporion. Greek and Phoenician elements are also abundant in their culture, foreign motifs being common in their art. While not an elite contingent in the Ilergetan army, these troops are good quality. They are brave and relatively well-equipped, dependable line infantry.

200 847 847 169 36 11 13 71 8 20 40
200 Loricati Scutarii
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_13_South_Iberian_Loricati)
Loricati Scutarii
(Iberian Loricati)

Iberian Scutarii are tough, fast, and well-equipped medium swordsmen that form the main battle line in Iberian armies. They are very dangerous against enemy light infantry and can hold their own against heavy troops.

200 1204 1204 241 40 11 13 76 14 20 50
300 Scutarii
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_13_South_Iberian_Scutarii)
(Iberian Scutarii)

Iberian Scutarii are tough, fast, and well-equipped medium swordsmen that form the main battle line in Iberian armies. They are very dangerous against enemy light infantry and can hold their own against heavy troops.

300 847 847 169 36 11 13 71 8 20 35
200 Dorkim Lybim Kbedim
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_15_Late_Libyan_Infantry)
Dorkim Lybim Kbedim
(Late Libyan Infantry)

Formed infantry that serves as an able backbone to any army.

200 1077 1077 215 36 10 11 77 12 20 40
200 Dorkim Lybim
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_15_Libyan_Infantry)
Dorkim Lybim
(Libyan Infantry)

Levied soldiers that fight as javelin-armed swordsmen.

200 915 915 183 30 10 11 67 10 20 40
200 Aithiopikoi Pelekuphoroi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_18_axum_nobles)
Aithiopikoi Pelekuphoroi
(Noble Axemen of Axum)

Raised from among the higher social groups of the Aethiopians, these noblemen are armed with a double headed axe and a shield. Highly skilled, these men can easily break through an enemy line of lower quality infantry. They can inflict substantial damage, even to well-protected enemies.

200 619 619 124 42 11 17 64 1 20 50
200 Eklektoi Aithiopikoi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_18_ethiopian_shock_infantry)
Eklektoi Aithiopikoi
(Ethiopian Axemen)

These fierce soldiers fight with the heaviest of the infantry. They wield large double-bladed axes and fight as powerful shock infantry. They wear a mail vest and leather greaves in addition to a long tunic. Fighting without helmets or shields, these men crash into an enemy line ferociously, using their large stature and raw power to push through enemies with reckless abandon.

200 1182 1182 236 48 11 17 29 12 20 55
300 Mistophoroi Kushitoi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_18_kushite_tribal_warriors)
Mistophoroi Kushitoi
(Kushite Painted Warriors)

The tribal warriors from the Kushite kingdom are described by Herodotus as half-painted in vermillion and white. They are fierce and versatile, used mostly as heavy skirmishers, fighting with clubs, axes and short spears.

300 485 485 97 32 11 11 56 1 20 40
300 Corio Runo
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_2_Britannic_Ambushers)
Corio Runo
(Brythonic Hidden Warriors)

Unexpected warriors with javelins and swords are useful to any warlord.

300 571 571 114 38 11 17 69 1 20 35
200 Calawre
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_2_Casse_Champions)
(Casse Champions)

All the Celtic cultures follow hero worshipping traditions, and the Britons are no different. Among the southern tribes especially, there are warriors of exceedingly great skill, who use Gallic equipment. The Calawre (Call-a-oo-re) are not typically considered to be recognized champions, but they are wealthy and skilled. They have good armour and high-quality Gallic swords. They are called champions more on account of their appearance than their abilities on the battlefield, where in reality they serve as an all-purpose heavy infantry. They are adept and professional warriors, but their cost - in terms of equipment and training - limits their numbers.

200 950 950 190 38 11 15 73 10 20 40
300 Silurae Birnai
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_2_Siluri_Warband)
Silurae Birnai
(Silures Warband)

The Silurae Birnai (Sel-oor-ay Bern-ay) are a tribe from the south of Cambria. Renowned for their ferocity, skill, and discipline, they offer up fine spearmen to their lord: braver than most others, and more sturdy and skilled. They are, for all intents and purposes, little more than local spearmen, but with greater training and skill. The Silures act as both anti-infantry and anti-cavalry soldiers, and can also be used to pepper an enemy at distance with javelins. They are disciplined and capable of standing in orderly lines, and use tight formations at times to absorb enemy charges.

300 772 772 154 36 11 13 71 6 20 45
300 Tabargan Suguda
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_26_Bac_Axemen)
Tabargan Suguda
(Sogdian Axemen)

Often hired to protect merchant caravans along the Silk Road, these soldiers wear native-style dress, and some are equipped with Scythian armour. They wield large poleaxes to fend off cavalry and infantry.

300 901 901 180 48 13 20 48 6 20 45
300 Skythioi Pezoi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_28_Scythian_Warriors)
Skythioi Pezoi
(Scythian Warriors)

Everyone in the tribe fights. Everyone. Skill and courage will come to those who live.

300 1159 1159 232 38 11 13 52 14 20 40
300 Thrakioi Rhomphaiaphoroi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_28_Thracian_Warriors)
Thrakioi Rhomphaiaphoroi
(Thracian Warriors)

A Thracian likes to think of himself unequalled by other men. Perhaps he is right.

300 836 836 167 48 13 19 58 4 20 40
200 Phrygioi Sagarisphoroi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_29_phrygian_axemen)
Phrygioi Sagarisphoroi
(Phrygian Axemen)

These infantrymen are valuable assault infantry. They are generally better equuipped than Persian takabara troops, with a Phrygian helmet or soft cap, quilted armour, and wide crescent or Gerron wicker shields, quite similar to the greek Dipylon.

200 1022 1022 204 38 11 15 70 10 20 50
300 Bataroas
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_3_Gallic_Swordsmen)
(Gallic Swordsmen)

The Bataroas hail from a region the Romans call Transalpine Gaul (Gaul on the other side of the Alps). Raised from the Celtic warrior class, these Gauls are proud and experienced fighters who often value feats of impetuous valour over acts of more prudent common sense.

300 865 865 173 38 11 17 62 8 20 50
200 Cladio Argos
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_30_Galatian_Chosen_Swordsmen)
Cladio Argos
(Galatian Chosen Swordsmen)

These Galatian nobles fight with proven bravery and well-honed skill-at-arms.

200 1222 1222 244 36 11 13 71 16 20 45
300 Catuiros Calgo
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_30_Galatian_Swordsmen)
Catuiros Calgo
(Galatian Swordsmen)

Once their javelins have been thrown, these Galatians can fight expertly in close combat.

300 648 648 130 38 11 13 71 3 20 45
300 Curoas
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_30_Galatian_Warriors)
(Galatian Warriors)

There is a deep savagery in these warriors' hearts, a delight in battle for its own sake.

300 670 670 134 40 11 11 67 3 20 35
300 Catuiros Calgo
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_31_Galatian_Swordsmen)
Catuiros Calgo
(Galatian Swordsmen)

Once their javelins have been thrown, these Galatians can fight expertly in close combat.

300 648 648 130 38 11 13 71 3 20 45
300 Kilikioi Haploi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_32_Cilician_Levies)
Kilikioi Haploi
(Cilician Levies)

Cilician pirates have a long tradition of raiding the seas. These naval troops are also skilled in combat on land.

300 610 610 122 24 10 10 65 6 20 35
300 Kares Pezoi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_33_Karian_Axemen)
Kares Pezoi
(Karian Axemen)

These lightly-armoured axemen can hack their way into the flanks and rear of enemies.

300 885 885 177 39 11 15 70 8 20 50
200 Skiritai Machairaphoroi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_35_Skiritai_Swordsmen)
Skiritai Machairaphoroi
(Skiritai Swordsmen)

Those who dwell in the shadow of the Spartans can have martial glory of their own.

200 573 573 115 39 10 11 57 1 20 55
300 Dardanioi Sicaphoroi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_37_dardanioi_sicabearers)
Dardanioi Sicaphoroi
(Thraco-Illyrian Sica-Bearers)

This kind of Thraco-Illyrian heavy infantry is modelled on the nearby Triballi elite warriors and Thracian mercenaries in general. While having the typical Thraco-Phrygian helmet or the more popular Chalcidian type, they bear a frightening curved sica as their main weapon. Used as assault infantry, they precede their attack by launching javelins. Although highly skiled, they wear almost no armour.

300 673 673 135 34 11 13 73 4 20 55
300 Illyrioi Grosphomachoi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_37_Illyrian_Coastal_Levies)
Illyrioi Grosphomachoi
(Illyrian Coastal Levies)

These axemen can announce themselves with a shower of javelins before closing for the kill.

300 567 567 113 33 11 13 50 3 20 35
300 Agrianoi Pelekophoroi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_38_Agrianian_Assault_Infantry)
Agrianoi Pelekophoroi
(Agrianian Axemen)

The Agrianians are an Illyrian tribe that has many Thracian influences. Most now live in northern Macedonia, where they are actively recruited.

300 885 885 177 39 11 15 70 8 20 50
200 Cordinau Orca
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_38_Scordisci_Elite_Infantry)
Cordinau Orca
(Scordisci Elite Swordsmen)

The Scordisci are Celtic warriors who live near Macedonia. They are famous for their use of sheering curved swords that can cause an opponent terrible gashes, and are known to use the skulls of their enemies as drinking cups. Like the Solduros of the Gauls, in the East the Scordisci have the Cordinau Orca (Kor-dee-now Urk-ah; Battle Boars), the guardians of their chief, and fearsome, strong warriors. The Scordisci are a rather extroverted Celtic people; they are so cosmopolitan that their enemies think them Thracians or Illyrians.

200 1206 1206 241 40 11 11 78 14 20 50
300 Galathraikes
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_38_Thrace_Gallo_Thracian_Warriors)
(Gallo-Thracian Infantry)

These warriors are highly sought after swordsmen from the Celtic-dominated regions of Thracia. They carry a small, sturdy thureos, several javelins, and a Celtic longsword. They wear bronze helmets of Celtic types, popular after the Galatian invasion of Thracia, but they wear little armour aside from this helmet and their shield.

300 585 585 117 34 11 13 55 3 20 45
300 Thrakioi Pezoi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_38_Thracian_Warriors)
Thrakioi Pezoi
(Thracian Warriors)

A Thracian likes to think of himself unequalled by other men. Perhaps he is right.

300 836 836 167 48 13 19 58 4 20 40
300 Thyni Rhomphaiaphoroi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_38_thyni_romphaiaphoroi)
Thyni Rhomphaiaphoroi
(Thyni Rhomphaia Warriors)

A famous Thracian tribe, the Thyni are renowned for their fearsome night attacks and lightning raids, as the Macedonians and Odrysians well know. This eastern coastal tribe is also made up of fishermen and merchants, and is one of the most Hellenised and prosperous Thracian kingdoms, due to their immediate contact with some Greek harbour colonies.

300 911 911 182 48 13 20 58 6 20 55
300 Daki Drepanephoroi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_39_Dacian_Falxmen)
Daki Drepanephoroi
(Dacian Falxmen)

Falxmen give all enemies pause: who wants to be cut in two with a single blow?

300 689 689 138 48 13 19 61 1 20 40
300 Mishteret Izrahim
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_40_Corsican_Coastal_Levies)
Mishteret Izrahim
(Corsican Coastal Levies)

These men bombard the enemy with pila before cutting them to pieces with their gladii.

300 664 664 133 30 11 11 45 6 20 40
200 Dreugulozez Brunjadoi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_5_Germanic_Heavy_Infantry)
Dreugulozez Brunjadoi
(Germanic Heavy Infantry)

Dreugulozez Brujandoi are the Germanic tribes' best warriors. They are wealthy, powerful men, fiercely loyal to their lord and equipped with the best weapons and armour.

200 1131 1131 226 40 11 13 78 12 20 45
300 Herunautoz
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_5_Germanic_Swordsmen)
(Germanic Swordsmen)

The Herunautoz come from such warlike tribes as the Heruskoz, Habukoz, Hattoz, and other numerous tribes of the Sweboz confederation. They are well-trained, experienced, and armed with high-quality swords and javelins to soften the enemy before their furious charge.

300 726 726 145 39 11 13 61 4 20 45
300 Herunautoz
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_6_Germanic_Swordsmen)
(Germanic Swordsmen)

The Herunautoz come from such warlike tribes as the Heruskoz, Habukoz, Hattoz, and other numerous tribes of the Sweboz confederation. They are well-trained, experienced, and armed with high-quality swords and javelins to soften the enemy before their furious charge.

300 726 726 145 39 11 13 61 4 20 45
300 Kartveli Dashnit Meombrebi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_62_Georgian_Medium_Swordmen)
Kartveli Dashnit Meombrebi
(Georgian Medium Infantry)

Highly trained and experienced, these men are shock troops of the highest calibre. They are armed with javelins, a short sword and a thureos shield, made popular in Anatolia with the coming of the Galatians. As true warriors, they understand the need for protection and wear a studded leather coat over a thick woolen tunic.

300 979 979 196 36 11 15 52 10 20 40
300 Kartvelebi Dashna-Mebrdzolebi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_62_Georgian_Sword)
Kartvelebi Dashna-Mebrdzolebi
(Georgian Swordsmen)

Wealthier soldiers drawn from the lands to the north of Armenia, who carry swords and leather armour.

300 703 703 141 33 11 11 45 6 20 40
300 Kluddacorii
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_7_Alpine_Swordsmen)
(Alpine Swordsmen)

Tribes from the Alps and some nearby territories have swordsmen of their own: the Kluddacorii (Klod-ah-kur-ee-eye; “Sword Band”). These men often wear little in battle, removing anything that might be a hindrance except trousers and shoes, and fight using a powerful charge after throwing their javelins in an attempt to overwhelm an enemy position or break a gap in an opposing line. Warriors from these tribes are high-spirited and very eager to fight given the chance, so they have decent morale, but their lack of armour is a detriment in a prolonged engagement, or if they are flanked.

300 727 727 145 33 11 13 65 6 20 35
300 Raumarici Slaganz Frijaz
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_79_Ger_scandinavian_clubmen)
Raumarici Slaganz Frijaz
(Scandinavian Club Infantry)

The Raumarici are a Germanic tribe from the area of Romerike near Oslo. Germanic warriors are typically able to make effective arms quickly from any readily available materials. By shaping heavy boughs of oak and inserting bone spikes, these clubs can be used to maim both armoured and unarmoured foes alike.

300 706 706 141 32 11 13 56 6 20 35
300 Suiones Herunautoz Frijaz
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_79_Ger_scandinavian_Swordsmen)
Suiones Herunautoz Frijaz
(Scandinavian Swordsmen)

The Suiones are a powerful tribe, distinguished not merely by their soldiers, but also - in possessing ships with prows on both ends - by their powerful fleets. Swords are not plentiful in Germanic lands because of their cost in iron, and so these fierce and valiant warriors carry their highly valued swords with pride.

300 726 726 145 39 11 13 61 4 20 45
200 Apulii Extraordinarii
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_9_Apulian_Infantry)
Apulii Extraordinarii
(Apulian Heavy Infantry)

Disciplined, highly skilled, and carrying the best equipment available, these Apulians usually fight with a sword, but have one or two additional spears for throwing between engagements. These troops are former extraordinarii in Roman service, mostly from Apulia and Calabria, who now serve as mercenaries.""

200 1211 1211 242 40 10 13 84 14 20 50
200 Ensiferi Italici Reformati
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_9_Italian_Late_Swordsmen)
Ensiferi Italici Reformati
(Italian Late Swordsmen)

Re-armed with mail, pila and a gladius, these well-trained soldiers allow empires to be made.

200 841 841 168 36 10 10 65 8 20 35
200 Ensiferi Italici
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_9_Italian_Swordsmen)
Ensiferi Italici
(Italian Swordsmen)

Never underestimate an Italian in battle: he will smile even as he guts you.

200 802 802 160 33 10 10 65 8 20 35
300 Taurisci Securiferi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_9_Italy_Taurisci_Axemen)
Taurisci Securiferi
(Taurisci Axemen)

One of the last Ligurian tribes to survive the Boii and Gallic invasions and assimilation, the Taurisci survive in central Italy. Seen as barbarians by the Romans and most of the southern Italic civilisations, they are equipped with a scutum, javelins, and a deadly light axe, similar to the Illyrian and Venetian tribes. These axemen are renowned as assault infantry.

300 771 771 154 36 11 13 70 6 20 50