Pursuit Trihemiolia - Eastern Javelinmen
Fast, relatively powerful pursuit ships, well able to hunt down pirates and other seagoing scum.These skirmishers harass an enemy line with javelins, screening their comrades in the process.
It is thought that the Rhodians, a significant naval power in the eastern Mediterranean, developed the 'trihemiolia' or 'two-and-a-half' as a vessel for pirate hunting. Given that Rhodes is an island entirely reliant on the sea and shipping this is a believable theory. Pirates used the hemiola, a handy little vessel developed from the dieres or bireme, a ship with two rows of oars; it makes sense that pirate hunters would think of taking a trieres, or trireme, with three rows of oars and modifying it in a similar fashion. A trihemiolia still had three rows of oars on each side, but the top row was reduced to only half the number of oars, positioned midships. The result was a faster, handier vessel that provided a height advantage over a hemiola for any archers on board. There was also a strategic benefit to the Rhodians, who could only draw on the manpower of one island: they could have six trieres warships with full complements of rowers, or seven trihemiolias for the same number of men. The useful design was soon adopted by other maritime powers around the Mediterranean.
(Eastern Javelinmen)
The javelin is among the oldest weapons in the world. Equipped with javelins and little else, skirmishers harried their opposite numbers and peppered hoplite phalanxes before quickly retreating. This was the typical tactic of all unarmoured, javelin-armed troops: to engage at range and then fall back behind more heavily-armoured infantry, or continue attacks while trying to stay just out of reach of the enemy. Such harassment could be highly effective, in 391BC at the Battle of Lechaeum, a force of Spartans, lacking the support of skirmishers or cavalry, were severely punished by javelin-armed Athenians who refused to meet them at close quarters. Over time, shields became common, such as those used by Thracian and Greek peltasts, but in turn these were rendered obsolescent by the Hellenic thureophoroi. Nevertheless, javelinmen and other irregulars continued to play a part in many armies throughout antiquity.
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Unit Name Pursuit Trihemiolia - Eastern Javelinmen |
Main Unit Key Eas_Javelinmen_Two_Halfer |
Land Unit Key Eas_Javelinmen |
Naval Unit Key persian_two_halfer |
Soldiers 100 |
Category Light Ship |
Class Missile Ship |
Custom Battle Cost 570 |
Recruitment Cost 570 |
Upkeep Cost 114 |
Missile Damage 41 |
├ Missile Weapon rome_javelin_improved |
├ Projectile javelin_improved |
├ Missile Damage 29 |
├ Missile Ap Damage 12 |
└ Base Reload Time 10 |
Accuracy 5 |
Range 80 |
Reload 13 |
Shots Per Minute 7 |
Ammunition 7 |
Ship Health 650 |
└ Ship persian_two_halfer |
Ship Speed 7 |
Melee Attack 8 |
Weapon Damage 24 |
├ Melee Weapon rome_shortsword |
├ Melee Damage Base 20 |
├ Melee Damage Ap 4 |
├ Armour Piercing No |
├ Bonus vs. Large 0 |
├ Bonus vs Elephants 0 |
└ Bonus vs Infantry 0 |
Charge Bonus 3 |
Melee Defence 37 |
├ Base Defence 12 |
├ Shield pelta |
└ Shield Defence 25 |
Armour 15 |
├ Armour cloth |
├ Armour Defence 10 |
└ Shield Armour 5 |
Health 45 |
├ Man Entity rome_infantry_very_light_fast |
├ Man Health 40 |
└ Bonus Hit Points 5 |
Base Morale 20 |
Pursuit Trihemiolia- Row Hard 10
Increases speed for 10 strokes.
Ship speed
- Resistant to Fatigue
Fatigue has less of an effect on this unit. - Hide (scrub & forest)
This unit can hide in scrub and forest until enemy units get too close. - Resistant to Heat
This unit tires less quickly in the desert.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Pursuit Trihemiolia- Poor hull strength
- Medium crew
- Uncatchable
- Weak ramming
- Poor boarding
- Average missile combat
- Short range
- Fast rate of fire
- Very good damage and armour penetration
- Very weak in melee
- Very poor morale
Requires Buildings | |
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(east_port_trade_2) Level 1 ![]()
Trading Port
(east_port_trade_3) Level 2 ![]()
Seaside Market
(east_port_trade_4) Level 3 |
Faction Availability | |
Grand Campaign | |
Imperator Augustus |