导航 / Total War: Rome II / 人物特性
Total War: Rome II
- gaul_vercingetorix (1)
- gaul_caesar (1)
- gaul_boduognatos (1)
- gaul_ariovistos (1)
- agent_background_champion_brute (1)
- agent_background_champion_martial_artist (1)
- agent_spy_subterfuge_1_spy (1)
- agent_background_spy_courier (1)
- agent_background_dignitary_overseer (1)
- agent_background_spy_criminal (1)
- agent_champion_zeal_3_audacity (1)
- agent_dignitary_zeal_2_doom (1)
- agent_dignitary_subterfuge_2_treachery (1)
- agent_background_dignitary_sacrificer (1)
- agent_dignitary_background_orator (1)
- agent_champion_zeal_1_champion (1)
- agent_background_dignitary_orator (1)
- agent_spy_authority_2_collaboration (1)
- agent_background_spy_actor (1)
- agent_background_champion_guard (1)
- agent_background_dignitary_courtesan (1)
- agent_dignitary_zeal_2_propaganda (1)
- agent_background_dignitary_taxman (1)
- agent_dignitary_authority_3_demagogy (1)
- agent_spy_zeal_2_murder (1)
- agent_background_champion_contender (1)
- agent_spy_zeal_2_sabotage (2)
- agent_background_champion_warhero (2)
- agent_background_champion_raider (2)
- agent_background_spy_attendant (2)
- mad (29)
- faction_leader (38)
- office (39)
- bad (81)
- good (230)
gaul_vercingetorix | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
1 | r2_cig_trait_arverni_vercingetorix |
Level 1 高卢尊主 一族万众,戮力同心,定可傲视天下 |
允许使用技能:坚韧不拔 (this_general) 伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 2 高卢尊主 一族万众,戮力同心,定可傲视天下 |
允许使用技能:坚韧不拔 (this_general) 允许使用技能:部族齐心 (this_general) 伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 3 高卢尊主 一族万众,戮力同心,定可傲视天下 |
允许使用技能:坚韧不拔 (this_general) 允许使用技能:部族齐心 (this_general) 伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
gaul_caesar | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
2 | r2_cig_trait_caesar |
Level 1 罗马总督 奉罗马元老院及人民之名,治理伊里利亚及高卢 |
允许使用技能:现身 (this_general) 伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 2 罗马总督 奉罗马元老院及人民之名,治理伊里利亚及高卢 |
允许使用技能:第十军团的忠诚 (this_general) 允许使用技能:现身 (this_general) 伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 3 罗马总督 奉罗马元老院及人民之名,治理伊里利亚及高卢 |
允许使用技能:第十军团的忠诚 (this_general) 允许使用技能:现身 (this_general) 伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
gaul_boduognatos | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
3 | r2_cig_trait_nervii_boduognatus |
Level 1 纳尔维酋长 纳尔维猛士的领袖,高卢诸邦的斯巴达 |
允许使用技能:斗魂 (this_general) 伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 2 纳尔维酋长 纳尔维猛士的领袖,高卢诸邦的斯巴达 |
允许使用技能:一鼓作气 (this_general) 允许使用技能:斗魂 (this_general) 伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 3 纳尔维酋长 纳尔维猛士的领袖,高卢诸邦的斯巴达 |
允许使用技能:一鼓作气 (this_general) 允许使用技能:斗魂 (this_general) 伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
gaul_ariovistos | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
4 | r2_cig_trait_suebi_ariovistus |
Level 1 苏维汇国王 苏维汇之蛮王,莱茵兰日耳曼诸蛮之酋长 |
允许使用技能:豪情 (this_general) 伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 2 苏维汇国王 苏维汇之蛮王,莱茵兰日耳曼诸蛮之酋长 |
允许使用技能:迅捷冲锋 (this_general) 允许使用技能:豪情 (this_general) 伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 3 苏维汇国王 苏维汇之蛮王,莱茵兰日耳曼诸蛮之酋长 |
允许使用技能:迅捷冲锋 (this_general) 允许使用技能:豪情 (this_general) 伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
agent_background_champion_brute | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
5 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_army_assault_unit |
Level 1 冷酷 “从头开始虐杀” |
+5% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent) |
Level 2 残暴 “你喜欢我收集的耳朵吗?” |
+10% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent) |
Level 3 惨无人道 “杀光光,一个都不要留” |
+15% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent) |
agent_background_champion_martial_artist | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
6 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_army_foreign_harass_guerrilla |
Level 1 叛乱者 “我在敌人看不见的地方战斗” |
+10% campaign map movement range for this agent (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 游击专家 “我不攻击敌人的强项,我只攻击他的弱点” |
+20% campaign map movement range for this agent (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 黑暗中的恐怖 黑暗掩藏着利刃 |
+30% campaign map movement range for this agent (this_agent) 智谋+3 (this_agent) |
agent_spy_subterfuge_1_spy | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
7 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_army_friendly_reconaissance |
Level 1 斥候 “有很多人,走得很快,有三人一瘸一拐的…” |
+10 line of sight (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 侦察大师 每一片不相称的草叶都有可探寻之处 |
+20 line of sight (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 鹰眼 敌人在锐利的注目之下无所遁形 |
+30 line of sight (this_agent) 智谋+3 (this_agent) |
agent_background_spy_courier | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
8 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_army_instructor |
Level 1 教练 只有刻苦训练,战斗才能轻松 |
权威+2 (this_agent) |
Level 2 资深教官 “训练就是崇拜,是对战神的崇拜!” |
权威+4 (this_agent) |
Level 3 军纪如山 士兵们恨透他的胆量,但还是听从他的指挥 |
权威+6 (this_agent) |
agent_background_dignitary_overseer | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
9 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_army_intercept_orders |
Level 1 投机取巧者 “我准备一个一个地杀,直到找到正确的那个” |
+1 agents, armies or settlements revealed after a successful reconnoitre (this_agent) 权威+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 理性思考者 “在某个时间,敌人将不得不下达命令” |
+2 agents, armies or settlements revealed after a successful reconnoitre (this_agent) 权威+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 奇人异术 “我就是知道敌人在哪” |
+3 agents, armies or settlements revealed after a successful reconnoitre (this_agent) 权威+3 (this_agent) |
agent_background_spy_criminal | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
10 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_army_poison_provisions |
Level 1 假货供应商 “不要吃饼干了,我想它们过期了” |
+5% campaign map movement range for enemy army after successfully sabotaging supplies (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 毒物操纵者 “应该可以前进了,大部分人都去了厕所…” |
+10% campaign map movement range for enemy army after successfully sabotaging supplies (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 瘟疫播撒者 “最坏的情况是有些人拉稀,最好的情况就是他们都死了!” |
+15% campaign map movement range for enemy army after successfully sabotaging supplies (this_agent) 智谋+3 (this_agent) |
agent_champion_zeal_3_audacity | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
11 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_army_show_force |
Level 1 实力出众 “我看见你在看。哦是的,我解决了” |
权威+1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 不容忽视 “弱小者畏缩在我的阴影下!” |
权威+2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 威名远扬 “我太棒了!” |
权威+3 (this_agent) 智谋+3 (this_agent) 热忱+3 (this_agent) |
agent_dignitary_zeal_2_doom | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
12 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_army_threaten |
Level 1 令人畏惧 有时暴力名声在外就够了 |
权威-1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 威名显赫 “不要害怕,我不会太伤害你的” |
权威-2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 不怒自威 一个挑眉就足够把人吓得失禁 |
权威-3 (this_agent) 智谋+3 (this_agent) 热忱+3 (this_agent) |
agent_dignitary_subterfuge_2_treachery | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
13 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_army_undermine_authority |
Level 1 流言之始 “你确定这样做明智吗?” |
+5% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent) |
Level 2 黑暗语者 “我从可靠渠道得知…” |
+10% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent) |
Level 3 颠覆者 “我会骗你吗,我的朋友?我会吗?” |
+15% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent) |
agent_background_dignitary_sacrificer | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
14 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_character_kill_concealed_blade |
Level 1 背后一刀 “毒药乱七八糟的,都是引起呕吐和排泄的,喔” |
+10% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent) |
Level 2 背后暗算者 在肋下干净利落地捅一刀就完事了 |
+20% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent) |
Level 3 腹中剑 “我喜欢一切惊喜,尤其是杀人” |
+30% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent) |
agent_dignitary_background_orator | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
15 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_character_kill_provocation |
Level 1 出言不逊 “你这衣服穿起来就像一个男妓!还不是贵的那种!” |
权威+1 (this_agent) 热忱+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 出口伤人 “我所能听到的就是你尿裤子的声音!” |
权威+2 (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 天生毒舌 “猪都比你有智慧,比你品格好,餐桌礼仪也比你好…” |
权威+3 (this_agent) 热忱+3 (this_agent) |
agent_champion_zeal_1_champion | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
16 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_character_kill_solicit_traitor |
Level 1 毫不留情 “我不接受否定的答复” |
+20% campaign map movement range for this agent (this_agent) |
agent_background_dignitary_orator | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
17 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_character_seduce_persuasion |
Level 1 有影响力 “不要让我来告诉你,你需要怎么做…” |
所有行动成功概率+5% (this_agent) 权威+2 (this_agent) |
Level 2 有说服力 “现在,不要听我的,但我认为你应该…” |
所有行动成功概率+10% (this_agent) 权威+4 (this_agent) |
agent_spy_authority_2_collaboration | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
18 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_deployed_foreign_corrupt |
Level 1 腐败堕落 “我追逐利益,哪个人不这样?” |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 所有产值+3% (所在区域) |
Level 2 监守自盗 “金子就在我钱包里” |
热忱+2 (this_agent) 所有产值+6% (所在区域) |
Level 3 伤风败俗 正确和错误:同一枚金色的、可使用的硬币的两面 |
热忱+3 (this_agent) 所有产值+9% (所在区域) |
agent_background_spy_actor | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
19 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_deployed_foreign_infiltrate |
Level 1 长相老实 长相老实的人不会被怀疑 |
所有行动成功概率+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 长相平庸 此人毫无特色之处 |
所有行动成功概率+10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 无法辨认 “我变脸就像别人换衣服一样” |
所有行动成功概率+15% (this_agent) |
agent_background_champion_guard | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
20 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_deployed_friendly_counterspy |
Level 1 被动反应 诡计与反诡计激起这位事务官的兴趣 |
+3% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent) 权威+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 反间谍 反间谍极其有趣,虽然命悬一线,但很刺激 |
+6% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent) 权威+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 反间谍大师 这位事务官可以挫败任何敌人的阴谋 |
+9% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent) 权威+3 (this_agent) |
agent_background_dignitary_courtesan | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
21 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_passive_cultural_proponent |
Level 1 精细准确 掌握好当地文化很有用 |
+2 cultural conversion in local province (this_agent) 权威+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 精通熟练 “每天练习很重要” |
+4 cultural conversion in local province (this_agent) 权威+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 文雅修养 “你从没听说过吗?哦,太逗了!” |
+8 cultural conversion in local province (this_agent) 权威+3 (this_agent) |
agent_dignitary_zeal_2_propaganda | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
22 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_seduce_coercion_1 |
Level 1 勒索者 “我手里有你不想被别人看到的信件…” |
所有行动成功概率+5% (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 2 谋杀者 “我发现,当刀悬在脖子上时,人们就愿意合作了…” |
所有行动成功概率+10% (this_agent) 热忱+4 (this_agent) |
agent_background_dignitary_taxman | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
23 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_settle_buy_off |
Level 1 慷慨的朋友 定期交换礼物的朋友实在是好朋友 |
权威+1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 礼物给与者 “我很高兴我们能互相理解” |
权威+2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 行贿者 “不能用金子买来的东西不值得拥有” |
权威+3 (this_agent) 智谋+3 (this_agent) |
agent_dignitary_authority_3_demagogy | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
24 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_settle_incite_unrest |
Level 1 人民代表 “我一讲话,人们就听着。看吧” |
权威+1 (this_agent) 热忱+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 罪魁祸首 “不一定非要这样做,我的兄弟!” |
权威+2 (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 煽动专家 “来吧兄弟们!我们携手共创新未来!” |
权威+3 (this_agent) 热忱+3 (this_agent) |
agent_spy_zeal_2_murder | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
25 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_settle_raid |
Level 1 冷酷无情 他人的困境并没有感动此人 |
敌对行动成功概率-5% (this_agent) 权威+1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 麻木不仁 某些人天生就是冷血 |
敌对行动成功概率-10% (this_agent) 权威+2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 铁石心肠 某些人对小孩哭泣都无动于衷… |
敌对行动成功概率-15% (this_agent) 权威+3 (this_agent) 智谋+3 (this_agent) 热忱+3 (this_agent) |
agent_background_champion_contender | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
26 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_settle_rally_slaves |
Level 1 反奴倡导者 “总有一天,所有人都会自由…” |
权威+1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 反奴英雄 “你期望能从你的主人那里得到什么?公正?” |
权威+2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 反奴领袖 “除非你杀了你的主人,不然你到死都是奴隶!” |
权威+3 (this_agent) 智谋+3 (this_agent) |
agent_spy_zeal_2_sabotage | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
27 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_army_wreck_supplies |
Level 1 破坏者 破坏是一种不被理解的艺术形式 |
智谋+2 (this_agent) |
Level 2 毁灭者 一个擅长毁灭的人像黄金一样值钱 |
智谋+4 (this_agent) |
Level 3 摧毁者 无视别人的财产肆意挥霍是极好的 |
智谋+6 (this_agent) |
28 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_settle_commit_arson |
Level 1 点火者 “你怎样让奴隶去‘轰’地一声放把火?” |
热忱+3 (this_agent) |
Level 2 纵火犯 纵火之事必须付诸行动 |
热忱+6 (this_agent) |
Level 3 纵火狂 火焰很美 |
热忱+9 (this_agent) |
agent_background_champion_warhero | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
29 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_character_kill_single_combat |
Level 1 骑士风度 人之一生能够用来保护别人委实很高尚 |
敌对行动成功概率-5% (this_agent) 权威+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 勇敢无畏 真正的英雄从不拒绝战斗 |
敌对行动成功概率-10% (this_agent) 权威+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 坚韧强悍 “这?这只是皮肉之伤!下一个是谁?!” |
敌对行动成功概率-15% (this_agent) 权威+3 (this_agent) |
30 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_settle_assault_garrison |
Level 1 好运 有些人天生幸运 |
所有行动成功概率+5% (this_agent) 敌对行动成功概率-5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 强运 “有人认为是运气,我认为是技巧…” |
所有行动成功概率+10% (this_agent) 敌对行动成功概率-10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 神佑者 “幸运女神眷顾我” |
所有行动成功概率+15% (this_agent) 敌对行动成功概率-15% (this_agent) |
agent_background_champion_raider | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
31 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_passive_adventurer |
Level 1 冒险家 此人有一场真正意义上的冒险 |
权威+1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱+1 (this_agent) 探险:探险所带来的财富+50% (this_agent) |
Level 2 百夫长 “我的作战将会流传千古” |
权威+2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) 探险:探险所带来的财富+100% (this_agent) |
Level 3 传奇英雄 “诸神已将我的名字写入星辰!” |
权威+3 (this_agent) 智谋+3 (this_agent) 热忱+3 (this_agent) 探险:探险所带来的财富+150% (this_agent) |
32 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_settle_cultural_propaganda |
Level 1 说书人 擅用语言是种强大的技能 |
+2 cultural conversion in local province (this_agent) 权威+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 传播者 “让人们了解…很简单” |
+4 cultural conversion in local province (this_agent) 权威+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 布道者 “你说是‘大屠杀’,而我认为是‘微不足道的小冲突’” |
+6 cultural conversion in local province (this_agent) 权威+3 (this_agent) |
agent_background_spy_attendant | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
33 | r2_sp_trait_all_non_roman_agent_army_friendly_military_admin |
Level 1 书吏 剑和靴子很有用,但是行军作战得听从指挥 |
权威+1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 行政专家 “把这个留给我吧…你会得到你的剑的” |
权威+2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 军事秘书 军队匍匐行进,他们纸上领军 |
权威+3 (this_agent) 智谋+3 (this_agent) |
34 | r2_sp_trait_all_non_roman_agent_deployed_friendly_civil_admin |
Level 1 规则至上 对人民来说,政府就像是牢靠、慈爱的父亲 |
+3% tax rate in local province while deployed (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 一丝不苟 “我很忙,规则就是规则” |
+6% tax rate in local province while deployed (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) |
Level 3 独裁主义 用仁慈修饰政府,真是自相矛盾 |
+9% tax rate in local province while deployed (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) |
mad | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
35 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_character_kill_betrayal |
Level 1 见利忘义 有些人为了利益连自己的母亲都会出卖 |
暗杀-背叛:成功暗杀概率+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 阴险狡诈 那些做谎言买卖的人永远不可相信 |
暗杀-背叛:成功暗杀概率+10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 背信弃义 除了背叛,什么都不剩 |
暗杀-背叛:成功暗杀概率+15% (this_agent) |
36 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_character_kill_slaughter |
Level 1 暗剑 “清洗它有什么意义?” |
暗杀-残杀:成功暗杀概率+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 浴血 一些战士只是不知道什么时候该停下来 |
暗杀-残杀:成功暗杀概率+10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 全身是血 “诸神啊!他真的已经死了!” |
暗杀-残杀:成功暗杀概率+15% (this_agent) |
37 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_settle_poison_well |
Level 1 伙食供应者 “这水闻起来有点…哦,你知道?别喝了?” |
水井投毒:所有驻军伤亡+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 机智投毒者 “你可以把死马扔进水里,但是你不能再让其他人喝这里的水了” |
水井投毒:所有驻军伤亡+10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 毒药大师 虽然没有水,人们对前景仍很乐观 |
水井投毒:所有驻军伤亡+15% (this_agent) |
38 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_settle_promote_disorder |
Level 1 煽动者 语言比暴力更加有效 |
煽动骚乱:公共秩序-5 (this_agent) |
Level 2 鼓动者 人们会被给予发声的权利 |
煽动骚乱:公共秩序-10 (this_agent) |
Level 3 作乱者 “暴乱?你管这叫暴乱?我来给你看看什么是暴乱!” |
煽动骚乱:公共秩序-15 (this_agent) |
39 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_abandoned |
Level 1 孤儿 “我所拥有的,创造的,获得的一切,都是来自这双手…” |
智谋+2 (this_agent) 躲避敌方事务官概率+10% (this_agent) |
40 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_assassin |
Level 1 杀气腾腾 杀人可以成为艺术 |
智谋+1 (this_agent) |
41 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_spy |
Level 1 天生的暗算者 此人脑子弯弯绕绕,并不被世俗所碍 |
智谋+2 (this_agent) 视野范围+10 (this_agent) |
42 | r2_sp_trait_all_fervour |
Level 1 热忱 勇敢是很好,但是… |
所有部队移动速度+2% (this_general_force) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 2 酷爱战斗 “上啊,上啊!不要再犹豫不前了!” |
所有部队移动速度+4% (this_general_force) 热忱+4 (this_agent) |
Level 3 狂热 “我喜欢清晨胜利的味道,闻起来像…尸体!” |
所有部队移动速度+6% (this_general_force) 热忱+6 (this_agent) |
43 | r2_sp_trait_all_gambling |
Level 1 喜爱赌博 “下一小注,然后就有趣了…” |
税率-1% (所在行省) |
Level 2 资深赌徒 对此人来说输赢都一样 |
税率-3% (所在行省) 智谋+1 (this_agent) |
Level 3 运气信徒 “马上我就转运了,绝对!” |
税率-6% (所在行省) 智谋+1 (this_agent) |
44 | r2_sp_trait_all_hates_barbarians |
Level 1 厌恶臭气熏天的蛮族 “臭烘烘,穿着长裤,胡子拉碴的恶心男人,混蛋!” |
对抗蛮族时所有部队近战攻击技能+10% (this_general_force) |
45 | r2_sp_trait_all_hates_carthage |
Level 1 厌恶贪得无厌的迦太基人 迦太基人是贪婪无道欺世盗名的人渣 |
对抗迦太基时所有部队近战攻击技能+10% (this_general_force) |
46 | r2_sp_trait_all_hates_easterners |
Level 1 厌恶居住沙漠的东方人 东方人没有一个是好东西 |
对抗东方派系时所有部队近战攻击技能+10% (this_general_force) |
47 | r2_sp_trait_all_hates_egyptians |
Level 1 厌恶冒充的埃及人 “希腊人贴上假胡子就能变成法老吗?我不这么想!” |
对抗埃及时所有部队近战攻击技能+10% (this_general_force) |
48 | r2_sp_trait_all_hates_greeks |
Level 1 对希腊人不满 “所有那些知识!所有那些想法!那些希腊人想搞什么名堂我来告诉你!” |
对抗希腊时所有部队近战攻击技能+10% (this_general_force) |
49 | r2_sp_trait_all_hates_romans |
Level 1 鄙视奸诈的罗马人 此人真的很烦罗马人,烦他们的道路、水道、立法不会拐弯,还烦他们的大歪鼻子 |
对抗罗马时所有部队近战攻击技能+10% (this_general_force) |
50 | r2_sp_trait_all_hates_successors |
Level 1 厌恶贪得无厌的继任者 “他们不是真正的希腊人,想成为亚历山大大帝的继承人?哦,滚蛋吧!” |
对抗继业者国家时所有部队近战攻击技能+10% (this_general_force) |
51 | r2_sp_trait_all_leader_mad |
Level 1 有点奇怪 “不要对我说谎,我一眼就能看穿你的谎言” |
腐败+5% (派系效果) 建筑成本+2% (所有区域) |
Level 2 令人不安 “咬自己的指甲不太好,那咬别人的呢…” |
腐败+10% (派系效果) 建筑成本+4% (所有区域) |
Level 3 月氏王子 “微不足道的人们,在我面前鞠躬吧,否则你将承受我的怒火” |
腐败+20% (派系效果) 建筑成本+6% (所有区域) |
52 | r2_sp_trait_all_looter |
Level 1 掠夺者 战利品属于胜利者 |
洗劫城镇收入+5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 屠夫 此人并不满足于从败者手里掠夺 |
洗劫城镇收入+10% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 毁灭者 “什么叫做朋友之间的一场小型屠杀?” |
洗劫城镇收入+20% (this_general_force) |
53 | r2_sp_trait_all_mad |
Level 1 奇怪 “我喜欢平底锅,你为什么不喜欢?” |
权威-2 (this_agent) 热忱+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 疯疯癫癫 “法老王是我朋友,我唯一的朋友,不像你…” |
权威-4 (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 精神错乱 “神明告诉我,那个奴隶心里住着精灵,我没发现” |
权威-6 (this_agent) 热忱+3 (this_agent) |
54 | r2_sp_trait_barbarian_berserker |
Level 1 破盾者 “呃啊啊啊啊!!我红了眼了!我要生吞活剥了他们!!” |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 所有部队近战攻击技能+3% (this_general_force) 所有部队近战防御技能-3% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 斧头狂 这家伙的战斧一挥起来就别想停下来了 |
热忱+2 (this_agent) 所有部队近战攻击技能+6% (this_general_force) 所有部队近战防御技能-6% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 狂战士 “这人:如果你看见他来了,就赶紧跑吧,快点跑!” |
热忱+3 (this_agent) 所有部队近战攻击技能+9% (this_general_force) 所有部队近战防御技能-9% (this_general_force) |
55 | r2_sp_trait_barbarian_blood_feud |
Level 1 血海深仇 “你真的不该杀了我的叔叔” |
热忱+3 (this_general) |
56 | r2_sp_trait_barbarian_high_casualties |
Level 1 像垃圾一样 他对战斗如饥似渴,罔顾人命 |
所有敌军部队士气-5% (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide) 所有部队士气-2% (this_general_force) 战俘数量-5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 嗜杀 这个家伙显然对流血津津乐道 |
所有敌军部队士气-10% (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide) 所有部队士气-5% (this_general_force) 战俘数量-10% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 为之癫狂 “追捕、战斗、屠戮,在尸横遍野、血流成河中前进” |
所有敌军部队士气-15% (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide) 所有部队士气-10% (this_general_force) 战俘数量-20% (this_general_force) |
57 | r2_sp_trait_barbarian_mad |
Level 1 疯子 笑吧,世界在恐惧中颤抖 |
Level 2 流口水的怪胎 “我疯了,你也疯了,我们都疯了,蘑菇大王也疯了,怎么啦,哈哈哈” |
Level 3 还没断奶的蠢货 “我喜欢你的眼睛,你有一双美丽的眼睛,非常美丽,真的” |
58 | r2_sp_trait_civilised_high_casualties |
Level 1 杀红了眼 此人见血就兴奋,尤其是敌人的血 |
所有敌军部队士气-5% (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide) 所有部队士气-2% (this_general_force) 战俘数量-5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 嗜杀成性 此人本就狂爱杀戮 |
所有敌军部队士气-10% (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide) 所有部队士气-5% (this_general_force) 战俘数量-10% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 格杀勿论 “俘虏?是寄生虫吧!还要多喂一张嘴!” |
所有敌军部队士气-15% (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide) 所有部队士气-10% (this_general_force) 战俘数量-20% (this_general_force) |
59 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_agent_settle_promote_disorder |
Level 1 鼓动家 语言比暴力更加有效 |
煽动骚乱:公共秩序-5 (this_agent) |
Level 2 煽动者 人们会被给予发声的权利 |
煽动骚乱:公共秩序-10 (this_agent) |
Level 3 作乱者 “暴乱?你管这叫暴乱?我来给你看看什么是暴乱!” |
煽动骚乱:公共秩序-15 (this_agent) |
60 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_background_spy |
Level 1 最毒妇人心 此女脑子里的弯弯绕绕掩饰在文雅的世俗之下 |
智谋+2 (this_agent) |
61 | r2_sp_trait_greco_roman_humors_blood |
Level 1 满怀希望 无所谓的表情隐藏了许多想法 |
智谋+2 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
62 | r2_sp_trait_roman_proscriptor |
Level 1 放逐者 总是第一个出口责难… |
党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) 每回合公共秩序-1 (所在行省) |
63 | r2_sp_trait_rome_mad |
Level 1 脑袋进水 “这重要吗?咯咯咯咯咯咯咯咯!我今天还没有酿够蜜!咯咯咯咯!” |
权威-2 (this_agent) 热忱+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 危险分子 “我的父亲朱庇特如果听到这些,他会把你整得够呛!我会看着的!” |
权威-4 (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 精神错乱 “我是一只魔芋锅,矮矮胖胖…” |
权威-6 (this_agent) 热忱+3 (this_agent) |
faction_leader | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
64 | r2_faction_leader_empire_default |
Level 1 Emperor A wise man once said that with power comes great responsibility; do not misuse it, for it will be your undoing! |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
65 | r2_faction_leader_empire_empress |
Level 1 Empress A wise man once said that with power comes great responsibility; do not misuse it, for it will be your undoing! |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
66 | r2_faction_leader_empire_megas_basileus |
Level 1 Megas Basileus A wise man once said that with power comes great responsibility; do not misuse it, for it will be your undoing! |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
67 | r2_faction_leader_empire_pharaoh |
Level 1 Pharaoh A wise man once said that with power comes great responsibility; do not misuse it, for it will be your undoing! |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
68 | r2_faction_leader_empire_proconsulate |
Level 1 Proconsul A wise man once said that with power comes great responsibility; do not misuse it, for it will be your undoing! |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
69 | r2_faction_leader_empire_shahanshah |
Level 1 Shahanshah A wise man once said that with power comes great responsibility; do not misuse it, for it will be your undoing! |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
70 | r2_faction_leader_inv_etruscans_zilath |
Level 1 Zilath Even the highly-'civilised' Etruscans need someone to guide them. |
-20% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent) -1 construction time for all buildings (所在行省) 税率+20% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 所有部队近战防御技能+10% (this_general_force) |
71 | r2_faction_leader_inv_gauls_chief |
Level 1 Chief In this violent world, personal bravery invariably leads to power. |
-20% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+6 (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 洗劫城镇收入+50% (this_general_force) 所有敌军部队士气-10% (this_character_enemy_forces) |
72 | r2_faction_leader_inv_nuragic_chief |
Level 1 Chief Unmatched in combat, revered by his people. |
-20% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+6 (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 战役地图上的移动距离+10% (this_general_force) 所有部队移动速度+10% (this_general_force) |
73 | r2_faction_leader_inv_rome_consular_tribune |
Level 1 Consular Tribune A tribune wielding the power of a consul. |
-20% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent) 文化影响+4 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) 招募空槽+1 (所在行省) |
74 | r2_faction_leader_inv_samnites_medix_tuticus |
Level 1 Medix Touticus If the people were sheep, the chief magistrate would be their shepherd. |
-20% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent) +2 food from agricultural buildings (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 战役地图上的移动距离+10% (this_general_force) 招募空槽+1 (所在行省) |
75 | r2_faction_leader_inv_syracuse_tyrant |
Level 1 Tyrant A benevolent ruler he may be, but nevertheless one that must be obeyed. |
-20% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (this_general_force) 所有部队近战防御技能+10% (this_general_force) 所有商业获得财富+20% (regions_in_this_province) |
76 | r2_faction_leader_inv_taras_archon |
Level 1 Archon A leading figure in democratic Greek society. |
-20% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent) +2 experience gained by this character (this_agent) 文化影响+4 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 所有商业获得财富+20% (regions_in_this_province) |
77 | r2_faction_leader_inv_veneti_chief |
Level 1 Chief The lord of both man and horse. |
-20% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+6 (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 所有骑兵部队士气+10% (this_general_force) 所有部队移动速度+10% (this_general_force) |
78 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_agellid |
Level 1 Agellid A good leader inspires his subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
79 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_basileus |
Level 1 Basileus A good leader inspires his subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
80 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_default |
Level 1 King A good leader inspires his subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
81 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_governess |
Level 0 Governess A good leader inspires her subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
82 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_governor |
Level 1 Governor A good leader inspires his subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
83 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_kandake |
Level 1 Kandake A good leader inspires her subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
84 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_malik |
Level 1 Malik A good leader inspires his subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
85 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_nigiste_negestatt |
Level 1 Nigiste Negestatt A good leader inspires her subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
86 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_nigusa_nagast |
Level 1 Nigusa Nagast A good leader inspires his subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
87 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_qore |
Level 1 Qore A good leader inspires his subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
88 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_queen |
Level 1 Queen A good leader inspires her subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
89 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_queen_mother |
Level 1 Queen Mother A good leader inspires her subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
90 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_reiks |
Level 1 Reiks A good leader inspires his subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
91 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_rex |
Level 1 Rex A good leader inspires his subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
92 | r2_faction_leader_kingdom_shah |
Level 1 Shah A good leader inspires his subjects in all matters. |
每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
93 | r2_faction_leader_republic_archon |
Level 1 Eponymous Archon First among equals. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
94 | r2_faction_leader_republic_commanding_general |
Level 1 Commanding General First among equals. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
95 | r2_faction_leader_republic_consul_perpetuo |
Level 1 Consul Perpetuo First among equals. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
96 | r2_faction_leader_republic_default |
Level 1 Dictator First among equals. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
97 | r2_faction_leader_republic_shophet |
Level 1 Shophet First among equals. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
98 | r2_faction_leader_union_default |
Level 1 High King To be chosen as the leader of your nation is a great honour indeed. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+10 (所在行省) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
99 | r2_faction_leader_union_hegemon |
Level 1 Hegemon To be chosen as the leader of your nation is a great honour indeed. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+10 (所在行省) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
100 | r2_faction_leader_union_high_queen |
Level 1 High Queen To be chosen as the leader of your nation is a great honour indeed. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+10 (所在行省) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
101 | r2_faction_leader_union_kindins |
Level 1 Kindins To be chosen as the leader of your nation is a great honour indeed. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+10 (所在行省) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
office | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
102 | FemGen_ch_eastern |
Level 1 Influential Woman This girl has caught the Shah's eye for one reason or another. |
+3% wealth from entertainment (culture) (所有区域) 每回合公共秩序+1 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +3 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) |
Level 2 Opportunistic Woman She is a highly influential woman who whispers in the Shah's ear. |
+4% wealth from entertainment (culture) (所有区域) 每回合公共秩序+1 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) |
Level 3 Power-hungry Woman An intelligent woman with whom the Shah could converse about everything - from poetry to politics. |
+6% wealth from entertainment (culture) (所有区域) 每回合公共秩序+1 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 权威+1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱+1 (this_agent) |
Level 4 Royal Woman Her, is one of the most important roles - she is the one who selects the other concubines. A happy king makes for a happy kingdom! |
腐败-5% (派系效果) +6% wealth from entertainment (culture) (所有区域) 每回合公共秩序+1 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +9 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 权威+2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
103 | FemGen_ch_hellenic |
Level 1 Influential Woman Women are not supposed to influence politics in Hellas, yet still they do. |
+3% wealth from entertainment (culture) (所有区域) 每回合公共秩序+1 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +3 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) |
Level 2 Opportunistic Woman This ambitious woman has great influence over decisions in her family. |
+4% wealth from entertainment (culture) (所有区域) 每回合公共秩序+1 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) |
Level 3 Power-hungry Woman This woman is one of our most experienced people, regardless of gender. |
+6% wealth from entertainment (culture) (所有区域) 每回合公共秩序+1 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 权威+1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱+1 (this_agent) |
Level 4 Matriarch This ambitious woman has great influence over decisions in her family. |
腐败-5% (派系效果) +6% wealth from entertainment (culture) (所有区域) 每回合公共秩序+1 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +9 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 权威+2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
104 | FemGen_ch_roman |
Level 1 Influential Woman Women are not supposed to influence politics in Rome, yet still they do. |
+3% wealth from entertainment (culture) (所有区域) 每回合公共秩序+1 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +3 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) |
Level 2 Opportunistic Woman This ambitious woman has great influence over decisions in her family. |
+4% wealth from entertainment (culture) (所有区域) 每回合公共秩序+1 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) |
Level 3 Power-hungry Woman This woman is one of our most experienced people, regardless of gender. |
+6% wealth from entertainment (culture) (所有区域) 每回合公共秩序+1 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 权威+1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱+1 (this_agent) |
Level 4 Matron This ambitious woman has great influence over decisions in her family. |
腐败-5% (派系效果) +6% wealth from entertainment (culture) (所有区域) 每回合公共秩序+1 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +9 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 权威+2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
105 | dk_ch_kush |
Level 1 Noble A person's acts, more than their parentage, mark out their worth. |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 Nomarch Ruling in the name of divine Pharaoh is honour enough for one lifetime. |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 Royal Scribe The law separates men from beasts. |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 Royal Treasurer Keeping good accounts of state-spending is vital. |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 General of Armies Command is an honour for those who exercise it. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 High Priest of Amani[FEM]High Priestess of Amani When Amani speaks, everyone listens. |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 Vizier When some speak, their word is law. |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
106 | dk_ch_saba |
Level 1 Noble A person's acts, more than their parentage, mark out their worth. |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 Governor Ruling in the monarch's name is the highest honour. |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 Keeper of the Archive The law separates men from beasts. |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 Royal Treasurer Keeping good accounts of state-spending is vital. |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 Rashuw Sacrifice to the gods, not on man's altar. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 General in Chief Command is an honour for those who exercise it. |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 Vizier When some speak, their word is law. |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
107 | inv_ch_barb |
Level 1 Noble A man's acts, more than his parentage, mark out his worth. |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 Clan Chief The burden of leadership is also an honour to the leader. |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 Warband Leader A man's words during wartime give iron to his words in peacetime. |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 Warchief A man that others will follow into the wolf's jaws is indeed worthy. |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 Elder An old sword often has a cunning edge. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
108 | inv_ch_rome |
Level 1 Military Tribune War is a Roman's true vocation. |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 Quaestor Looking after Rome's money is a sign of great trust. |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 Aedilis The maintenance of tradition is an honourable duty. |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 Praetor Command should be honour enough. |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
109 | inv_ch_rome_consul_posterior |
Level 1 Consul Posterior The second consul of the Roman Republic. |
-20% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent) 4粮食 (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) 建筑成本-20% (所在行省) |
110 | inv_ch_rome_consul_prior |
Level 1 Consul To serve the Senate and People is the highest honour. |
-20% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent) 4粮食 (所在行省) 陆军招募成本-25% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
111 | inv_ch_rome_dictator |
Level 1 Dictator First among equals. |
-20% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent) 战役地图上的移动距离+40% (this_general) 每回合公共秩序+5 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +20 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有部队补员速率+30% (this_general_force) 所有部队士气+20% (this_general_force) |
112 | inv_ch_rome_ex_consul |
Level 1 Ex-consul To serve the Senate and People is the highest honour. |
-20% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent) 文化影响+4 (this_agent) 税率+5% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+2 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) 招募空槽+1 (所在行省) |
113 | inv_ch_rome_ex_dictator |
Level 1 Ex-dictator First among equals. |
-20% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent) 文化影响+4 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) 招募空槽+1 (所在行省) |
114 | inv_ch_rome_magister_equitum |
Level 1 Magister Equitum The Master of Horse, right hand to the Roman dictator. |
-10% unit recruitment cost for cavalry units (this_general_force) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) 所有骑兵部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
115 | inv_ch_samnites |
Level 1 Quaestor Looking after finances is a sign of great trust. |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 Aedilis The maintenance of tradition is an honourable duty. |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 Praetor Command should be honour enough. |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 Censor Authority should be exercised with care. |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 Meddix Serving the people is the highest honour. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
116 | inv_ch_syracuse |
Level 1 Agoranomos Honesty should be enforced in all things, even market haggling. |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 Dikastes The law separates men from beasts. |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 Gymnasiarkhos There is honour in service, honourably rendered. |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 Agonothetes It is an honour to honour the gods. |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 Arkhon To serve the people and state is a high calling. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
117 | inv_ch_taranto |
Level 1 Agoranomos Honesty should be enforced in all things, even market haggling. |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 Dikastes The law separates men from beasts. |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 Agonothetes It is an honour to honour the gods. |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 Epistates The conquered have a right to be ruled. |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 Polemarkhos When some speak, their word is law. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
118 | inv_ch_tarchuna |
Level 1 Camthi Some men are wiser than others. |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 Tamera The law separates men from beasts. |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 Cechase Law is the foundation of civilisation. |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 Maru Every man must obey the law. |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 Purthne When some speak, their word is law. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 Zilath Law is the master of all. |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
119 | inv_consul_prior |
Level 1 Consul Prior The first consul of the Roman Republic. |
每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
120 | inv_dictator |
Level 1 Dictator The ultimate commander of the Roman Republic. |
每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
121 | inv_tribune |
Level 1 Tribunus Militum Consulari Potestate A tribune holding consular powers of the Roman Republic. |
每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
122 | pel_ch_athenai |
Level 1 Agoranomos Honesty should be enforced in all things, even market haggling. |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 Dikastes The law separates men from beasts. |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 Gymnasiarkhos There is honour in service, honourably rendered. |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 Agonothetes It is an honour to honour the gods. |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 Arkhon To serve the people and state is a high calling. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 Polemarkhos When some speak, their word is law. |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 Strategos Command is an honour for those who exercise it. |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
Level 8 Autokrator Command is an honour for those who exercise it. |
税率+24% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+8 (this_agent) +16 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+4 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-16% (仅限部队) |
123 | pel_ch_boiotia |
Level 1 Agoranomos Honesty should be enforced in all things, even market haggling. |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 Dikastes The law separates men from beasts. |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 Gymnasiarkhos There is honour in service, honourably rendered. |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 Agonothetes It is an honour to honour the gods. |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 Arkhon To serve the people and state is a high calling. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 Polemarkhos When some speak, their word is law. |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 Strategos Command is an honour for those who exercise it. |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
Level 8 Boiotarkh Command is an honour for those who exercise it. |
税率+24% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+8 (this_agent) +16 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+4 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-16% (仅限部队) |
124 | pel_ch_korinthos |
Level 1 Agoranomos Honesty should be enforced in all things, even market haggling. |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 Dikastes The law separates men from beasts. |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 Gymnasiarkhos There is value in service, honourably rendered. |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 Agonothetes It is an honour to honour the gods. |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 Arkhon To serve the people and state is a high calling. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 Polemarkhos When some speak, their word is law. |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 Strategos Command is an honour for those who exercise it. |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
Level 8 Autokrator Command is an honour for those who exercise it. |
税率+24% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+8 (this_agent) +16 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+4 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-16% (仅限部队) |
125 | pel_ch_sparta |
Level 1 Agoranomos Honesty should be enforced in all things, even market haggling. |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 Dikastes The law separates men from beasts. |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 Agonothetes It is an honour to honour the gods. |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 Epistates The conquered must be ruled. |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 Polemarkhos When some speak, their word is law. |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 Strategos Command is an honour for those who exercise it. |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 Ephor There is more wisdom in five hearts than in one. |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
Level 8 Geron Age grants wisdom in all things. |
税率+24% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+8 (this_agent) +16 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+4 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-16% (仅限部队) |
126 | r2_cig_trait_ch_roman |
Level 1 军事护民官 三军须尊将令 |
+2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-1% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 侧副尉 三军须尊将令 |
+4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 军营长 三军须尊将令 |
+6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-3% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 副将 三军须尊将令 |
+8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 军团长 三军须尊将令 |
+10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-5% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 总将 三军须尊将令 |
+12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
127 | r2_family_heir |
Level 1 Family Heir The future of the family. |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) 所有部队士气+5% (this_general_force) |
128 | r2_family_leader |
Level 1 Family Leader The head of the family. |
权威+1 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
129 | r2_sp_trait_ch_carthage |
Level 1 市场官 照看国家的财富是一种信任和尊重的标志 |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 议员 维护国家荣誉是光辉荣耀 |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 祭司 侍奉诸神于前,荣誉与美德平等 |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 将帅 以国家为名的统治是无上荣耀 |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 元老 最伟大的统治者侍于诸神、国家和人民 |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 护民官 老实说,保障全民利益,责任重大 |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 执政官 法律是一切的主宰 |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
130 | r2_sp_trait_ch_celtic |
Level 1 贵族 一个人的作为比他的出身更能体现他的价值 |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 氏族首领 统治的重担也是统治者的荣誉 |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 战团领袖 一个人在战争中说的话坚定了其在和平时期说的话 |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 战争首领 一个人如果有人愿意追随他出生入死,他就确实有价值 |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 长着 旧剑也有利刃 |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 大酋长 他们的话就是金科玉律 |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 大祭司 所有人民的高级神甫,向导和提供者 |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
131 | r2_sp_trait_ch_east_A |
Level 1 军事贵族 保护国家之基是重要的责任 |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 市政官 侍奉是光辉荣耀 |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 理财官 掌管国家的财富是至关重要的责任 |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 侍卫官 侍奉国王是至高无上的荣耀 |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 大法官 侍奉国王是流芳万古的荣耀 |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 皇族侍卫 皇室的存在必须妥善保卫与尊崇 |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 皇室贵族 接近国王是无上荣耀 |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
132 | r2_sp_trait_ch_east_B |
Level 1 守将 守卫要塞的人值得信任 |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 军需官 关注军队需求的人是值得尊敬 |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 步兵队长 统率步兵是荣誉与信任 |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 骑兵队长 统率骑兵是无上信任 |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 禁军首领 守卫国王是世代荣耀 |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 总督 掌管士兵是对国家庄严的职责 |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 骑士长官 只有守卫国家时才发出统帅之声 |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
133 | r2_sp_trait_ch_german |
Level 1 仆从 守卫人民而持有利剑是种荣誉 |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 勇者 保卫人民就是保卫自己的荣誉 |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 头领 真正的战士只回应勇者之心 |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 酋长 勇士的朋友也是勇士 |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 长老 岁月的流逝只会带来智慧,并不会减弱力量 |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 战帅 统治意味着正确处事之责任 |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 日耳曼君主 高处不胜寒 |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
134 | r2_sp_trait_ch_hellenic |
Level 1 市场官 做所有的事情都应当诚信,即使是在市场上讨价还价 |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 法官 法律使人区别于野兽 |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 监赛官 尊崇诸神莫大荣焉 |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 监察官 战俘有权被统治 |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 显贵议员 拥有统治的权利是无上荣耀 |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 将军 拥有统治的权利是无上荣耀 |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 军事僭主 与国王为友并不是什么了不起的大事 |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
135 | r2_sp_trait_ch_hellenic_athens |
Level 1 市场官 做所有的事情都应当诚信,即使是在市场上讨价还价 |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 法官 法律使人区别于野兽 |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 监赛官 尊崇诸神莫大荣焉 |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 监察官 战俘有权被统治 |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 执政官 侍于人民和国家是神的感召 |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 将军 拥有统治的权利是无上荣耀 |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 首席祭司 为人民伸张正义是无上光荣 |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
136 | r2_sp_trait_ch_hellenic_sparta |
Level 1 市场官 做所有的事情都应当诚信,即使是在市场上讨价还价 |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 法官 法律使人区别于野兽 |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 监赛官 尊崇诸神莫大荣焉 |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 监察官 战俘有权被统治 |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 辅佐官 三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮 |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 将军 拥有统治的权利是无上荣耀 |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 统领 战俘必须为奴 |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
Level 8 元老 年岁赐予人智慧 |
税率+24% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+8 (this_agent) +16 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+4 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-16% (仅限部队) |
137 | r2_sp_trait_ch_nomadic |
Level 1 贵族 行动,而不是虚名,才是一个人最重要的宝物 |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 部落酋长 统治的重担也是统治者的荣誉 |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 蛮族领袖 战争中的怒吼胜过和平时的一切言语 |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 战争酋长 一个人如果有人愿意追随他出生入死,他就确实有价值 |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 长者 饱经风霜只会让利剑更加锋利 |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 皇家贵族 某些人的金口玉言便会变为法律 |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 部落之王 至高的尊者啊,请指引我们的人民吧! |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
138 | r2_sp_trait_ch_ptolemaic |
Level 1 市场官 做所有的事情都应当诚信,即使是在市场上讨价还价 |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 法官 法律使人区别于野兽 |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +4 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 监赛官 尊崇诸神莫大荣焉 |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 监察官 战俘有权被统治 |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 显贵议员 大人物在会议上言重九鼎 |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 将军 拥有统治的权利是无上荣耀 |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 行省总督 以神圣法老的名义统治足够荣耀一生了 |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
139 | r2_sp_trait_ch_roman |
Level 1 军事护民官 战争是罗马人的天命 |
税率+3% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +1 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-2% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 财务官 照看罗马人的钱财是种信任的标志 |
税率+6% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-4% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 市政官 维护传统是光荣的职责 |
税率+9% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
Level 4 国务官 统治应当被足够尊重 |
税率+12% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+4 (this_agent) +8 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-8% (仅限部队) |
Level 5 执政官 侍奉元老院和人民是最高荣誉 |
税率+15% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+5 (this_agent) +10 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 6 总督 没有比强权统治更高的职责了 |
税率+18% (所在行省) 每回合名誉+6 (this_agent) +12 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 所有陆军维持费-12% (仅限部队) |
Level 7 监察官 “在权力方面,没有人比得过他,你懂得…” |
税率+21% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所有行省) 每回合名誉+7 (this_agent) +14 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+3 (派系效果) 所有陆军维持费-14% (仅限部队) |
140 | r2_sp_trait_ch_roman_variant_1 |
Level 3 显贵 权力应当小心行使 |
税率+9% (所在行省) +6 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+2 (所在行省) 所有陆军维持费-6% (仅限部队) |
bad | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
141 | 3c_event_mystic_dreams_confused |
Level 1 Confused "Was I a man dreaming of being a horse, or am I now a horse dreaming of being a man..." |
智谋-1 (this_general) 热忱-1 (this_general) |
142 | pel_disgrace |
Level 1 Disgrace This man has failed so often that he is barely fit for command |
每回合名誉-2 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序-2 (所在行省) 所有部队士气-10% (this_general_force) |
143 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_army_mislead_command |
Level 1 技艺熟练的撒谎者 走错路的军队没有用处 |
误导指挥:目标部队将领的智谋-5 (this_agent) |
Level 2 令人信服的撒谎者 走错路的敌人一定会被干掉 |
误导指挥:目标部队将领的智谋-10 (this_agent) |
Level 3 天生的撒谎者 “他们去那边了!” |
误导指挥:目标部队将领的智谋-15 (this_agent) |
144 | r2_sp_trait_all_ambusher_bad |
Level 1 伏击菜鸟 尽管他很努力,但他的伏击绝不会按计划一样成功 |
完美发动伏击概率-5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 伏击笨蛋 这人不妨挂个牌子写上“前方有伏击” |
完美发动伏击概率-10% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 伏击灾难 这人在酒神庙里都不能喝个痛快,更何况突袭 |
完美发动伏击概率-15% (this_general_force) |
145 | r2_sp_trait_all_attacker_bad |
Level 1 低水准的攻击者 此人在进攻时缺乏自信 |
进攻时所有部队士气-5% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 差劲的攻击者 这人组织进攻有问题 |
进攻时所有部队士气-10% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 无能的攻击者 这人能丢脸地转胜为败 |
进攻时所有部队士气-15% (仅限部队) |
146 | r2_sp_trait_all_attacker_sea_bad |
Level 1 恐水患者 这人有点怕水,还有战争 |
于海上攻击时舰队士气-5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 差劲的提督 这人的母亲来做提督都比他强 |
于海上攻击时舰队士气-10% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 海上祥瑞 这人除了能戴顶闪亮的头盔,再没别的用处了 |
于海上攻击时舰队士气-20% (this_general_force) |
147 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_inbred |
Level 1 父辈抚养 一些人没有传统意义上的祖父母 |
权威-1 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+3 (所在行省) |
148 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_slave |
Level 1 获释奴隶 “我理解奴隶的想法及其密谋…” |
减少奴隶人口下降趋势 (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+2 (所在行省) |
149 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_ugly |
Level 1 御宅族 “我的母亲爱我,我认为…” |
权威-1 (this_agent) 所有敌军部队士气-3% (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide) |
150 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_very_inbred |
Level 1 不幸的出身 近亲成为父母,结局是很不幸的 |
权威-2 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+6 (所在行省) |
151 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_very_very_inbred |
Level 1 头脑简单 保持血统的纯净并不是个好主意 |
权威-3 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+10 (所在行省) |
152 | r2_sp_trait_all_battle_scarred |
Level 1 伤痕累累 被打得溃不成军,这人不知道怎么还活了下来,真是可怜的家伙 |
所有敌军部队士气-5% (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide) 将领卫队近战防御+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 可怕的疤痕 妇女和孩子看到他就感到恐惧 |
所有敌军部队士气-10% (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide) 将领卫队近战防御+10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 邪眼 有些伤疤深入到灵魂里 |
所有敌军部队士气-15% (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide) 将领卫队近战防御+15% (this_agent) |
153 | r2_sp_trait_all_besieger_bad |
Level 1 守卫者 如果必须的话,此人能独自保卫一个社区 |
被围攻时遭受损耗-5% (this_general) |
Level 2 中流砥柱 此人的防御技能配得上史诗 |
被围攻时遭受损耗-10% (this_general) |
Level 3 森严壁垒 此人守卫的墙连神明都推不倒 |
被围攻时遭受损耗-20% (this_general) |
154 | r2_sp_trait_all_defender_bad |
Level 1 低水准的防御者 此人防御时缺乏自信 |
防御时所有部队士气-5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 差劲的防御者 此人的兵法中就没有防御 |
防御时所有部队士气-10% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 无能的防御者 此人在防御上没有天赋 |
防御时所有部队士气-15% (this_general_force) |
155 | r2_sp_trait_all_defender_sea_bad |
Level 1 低水准的海上防卫者 这个家伙把海军战术书扔向船外,傻瓜 |
于海上防御时舰队士气-5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 差劲的海上防卫者 这家伙连他母亲的名誉都守护不了,更别提舰队了 |
于海上防御时舰队士气-10% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 无能的海上防卫者 海鸥粪便都更有防御能力 |
于海上防御时舰队士气-20% (this_general_force) |
156 | r2_sp_trait_all_disinherited |
Level 1 被剥夺继承权 失去地位和威望,此人感到悲苦、嫉妒和不满 |
党派力量每回合增长-1 (派系效果) |
157 | r2_sp_trait_all_fears_barbarians |
Level 1 害怕残暴的蛮族 胡乱的喋喋不休的“叭叭叭”的声音贯穿此人的梦境 |
对抗蛮族时所有部队近战防御技能+5% (仅限部队) 对抗蛮族时所有部队士气-5% (仅限部队) |
158 | r2_sp_trait_all_fears_carthage |
Level 1 害怕野蛮的迦太基人 “他们把孩子放入坦尼特铜像的怀中,然后看着孩子滚进火中,而他们居然无动于衷!” |
对抗迦太基时所有部队近战防御技能+5% (仅限部队) 对抗迦太基时所有部队士气-5% (仅限部队) |
159 | r2_sp_trait_all_fears_easterners |
Level 1 害怕残忍的东方人 “他们把熔金灌进他的喉咙里,我吓得尿裤子了我跟你说” |
对抗东方派系时所有部队近战防御技能+5% (仅限部队) 对抗东方派系时所有部队士气-5% (仅限部队) |
160 | r2_sp_trait_all_fears_egyptians |
Level 1 害怕病态的埃及人 “他们崇拜死人,也太离谱了” |
对抗埃及时所有部队近战防御技能+5% (仅限部队) 对抗埃及时所有部队士气-5% (仅限部队) |
161 | r2_sp_trait_all_fears_greeks |
Level 1 害怕日渐式微的希腊人 在希腊人尖叫着怂恿下,此人每晚都要被复仇女神蹂躏… |
对抗希腊时所有部队近战防御技能+5% (仅限部队) 对抗希腊时所有部队士气-5% (仅限部队) |
162 | r2_sp_trait_all_fears_romans |
Level 1 害怕无情的罗马人 “罗马人”这个词会令此人出一身冷汗 |
对抗罗马时所有部队近战防御技能+5% (仅限部队) 对抗罗马时所有部队士气-5% (仅限部队) |
163 | r2_sp_trait_all_fears_successors |
Level 1 害怕血亲相奸的继业者 “他们娶自己的姐妹为妻并且互相下毒,令我毛骨悚然” |
对抗继业者国家时所有部队近战防御技能+5% (仅限部队) 对抗继业者国家时所有部队士气-5% (仅限部队) |
164 | r2_sp_trait_all_feck |
Level 1 满嘴喷粪 “你以为呢,笨蛋?” |
面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序-1 (所在行省) |
Level 2 粗暴无礼下流 “我会竭尽所能地诅咒你,你个傻屌” |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序-2 (所在行省) |
Level 3 神明都会脸红 “我说有诅咒之神吗,你个掉进粪坑里的死侏儒!” |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序-4 (所在行省) |
165 | r2_sp_trait_all_infertile |
Level 1 疲软 此人选择床伴的水准不佳,哦是的,就那么回事 |
每回合人口增长-1 (所在行省) -10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 2 不育 此人似乎不太可能会有孩子 |
每回合人口增长-2 (所在行省) -20 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 3 颗粒无收 此人根本无法传宗接代 |
每回合人口增长-3 (所在行省) -30 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
166 | r2_sp_trait_all_lazy |
Level 1 拖延者 为什么是今天,可以推到下周吗? |
智谋+1 (this_agent) -5 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 2 懒惰 “为什么是我?那些奴隶还闲着没事干呢” |
智谋+1 (this_agent) -10 to chance of having children (this_agent) 建筑成本+6% (所在行省) |
Level 3 好逸恶劳 如果有人能喂他吃饭的话他会很乐意的 |
智谋+1 (this_agent) -15 to chance of having children (this_agent) 建筑成本+12% (所在行省) |
167 | r2_sp_trait_all_leader_lewd |
Level 1 令人作呕 不论真实的还是想象的,性变态不断地被揭露,以至最后变得越来越无聊 |
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序-1 (所在行省) |
Level 2 堕落污秽 就算是欲望之神和爱情之神也要抛弃他了 |
权威-1 (this_agent) +10 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序-2 (所在行省) |
Level 3 极端下流 即使是与这个无耻的变态短暂的会面,人们都要冲去浴室洗掉见因为遇见他而沾到的污秽 |
权威-1 (this_agent) +15 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序-3 (所在行省) |
168 | r2_sp_trait_all_leader_miser |
Level 1 精打细算 天上不会掉馅饼 |
部队招募成本-2% (in_all_your_forces) |
Level 2 吝啬 “我为什么要打开我的钱包?我的钱包肩负什么使命了?” |
部队招募成本-4% (in_all_your_forces) |
Level 3 守财奴 “我从不为花钱感到兴奋,那是对钱的浪费!” |
部队招募成本-6% (in_all_your_forces) |
169 | r2_sp_trait_all_leader_paranoid |
Level 1 担心 “不管我走到哪,总有人跟着我,不是我的仆人” |
躲避敌方事务官概率+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 焦虑 “在那!挂毯后面!还有那!到处都有!” |
智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱-1 (this_agent) 躲避敌方事务官概率+10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 害怕 “我的敌人多的你数不过来。就在这些墙里面!” |
智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱-1 (this_agent) 躲避敌方事务官概率+15% (this_agent) |
170 | r2_sp_trait_all_leader_spender |
Level 1 乐善好施 “诸神和我都乐于慷慨解囊” |
税率-3% (所有行省) |
Level 2 过于慷慨 “钱放在钱包里是没有用处的” |
税率-6% (所有行省) |
Level 3 穷得只剩钱 “把干瘪的钱包给这家伙吧,真是个好男人啊!” |
税率-12% (所有行省) |
171 | r2_sp_trait_all_leader_unjust |
Level 1 不义 “你的案子被拒绝了,带着你的贿赂走吧” |
每回合公共秩序-2 (所有行省) |
Level 2 不公 “我要考虑一下这份请愿书。我再问一遍,你需要下定决心” |
每回合公共秩序-4 (所有行省) |
Level 3 暴君 “你!快点处死他们!别再多愁善感了!” |
每回合公共秩序-6 (所有行省) |
172 | r2_sp_trait_all_noctophobia |
Level 1 害怕黑暗 黑暗中有奇怪的响声,这人都记得 |
夜战时所有部队士气-5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 夜魇 黑暗并非朋友,永远都不是 |
夜战时所有部队士气-10% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 恐惧黑夜 此人惧怕慢慢长夜 |
夜战时所有部队士气-15% (this_general_force) |
173 | r2_sp_trait_all_personal_cowardice |
Level 1 害怕 这家伙还没败仗就逃跑了 |
热忱-1 (this_general) |
Level 2 胆小 这家伙在战场上怕得两腿发软 |
热忱-2 (this_general) |
Level 3 懦夫 这家伙在战场上懦弱是出了名的,像个娘们! |
热忱-4 (this_general) |
174 | r2_sp_trait_all_siege_defender_bad |
Level 1 无能的守城者 此人不止失守了一座城,却遗憾地保住了性命 |
被围攻时遭受损耗+5% (this_general) |
Level 2 城池灾难 他的防御技能大名鼎鼎,但并不在好的方面 |
被围攻时遭受损耗+10% (this_general) |
Level 3 缩在墙后 灾难将会降临于此人滞留的城市 |
被围攻时遭受损耗+20% (this_general) |
175 | r2_sp_trait_all_unhealthy |
Level 1 虚弱无力 童年时期的疾病给此人蒙上了阴影 |
热忱+1 (this_agent) -5 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 2 孱弱多病 “妈妈说,照顾你的健康是值得的…” |
热忱-2 (this_agent) 战役地图上的移动距离-10% (this_general) -10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 3 弱不禁风 把剑捡起来都能把这可怜的家伙累得半死 |
热忱-3 (this_agent) 战役地图上的移动距离-20% (this_general) -15 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
176 | r2_sp_trait_barbarian_drink |
Level 1 麦芽酒 “这个酒杯太小了!” |
权威-1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 更多的麦芽酒 “滚开!找你自己那桶酒去!” |
所有部队士气+4% (this_general_force) 权威-2 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 所有的麦芽酒 “看到我的酒瓶子了吗,你这混蛋?你是不是把我的小宝贝喝光了?!” |
所有部队士气+6% (this_general_force) 权威-3 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+8 (所在行省) |
177 | r2_sp_trait_barbarian_sweary |
Level 1 诅咒 毒誓造就此人的“特质”,粗鲁 |
权威-1 (this_agent) 进攻时所有部队士气+5% (this_general_force) |
Level 1 骂骂咧咧 此人说话离不开令人作呕的咒骂 |
权威-2 (this_agent) 进攻时所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 令人作呕 此人总能讲出些骇人听闻的轶事 |
权威-3 (this_agent) 进攻时所有部队士气+20% (this_general_force) |
178 | r2_sp_trait_civilised_blood_feud |
Level 1 血仇 复仇之行可以被诸神所理解 |
热忱+3 (this_general) |
179 | r2_sp_trait_civilised_disciplinarian_bad |
Level 1 松懈 靠友善对话并不能赢得战斗 |
于外国领土作战时士气-5% (this_general) 权威-1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 自由散漫 对敌人不需要仁慈 |
于外国领土作战时士气-10% (this_general) 权威-2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 爱之适足以害之 士兵们需要严格对待,不需要温柔相对 |
于外国领土作战时士气-15% (this_general) 权威-3 (this_agent) |
180 | r2_sp_trait_civilised_leader_harsh |
Level 1 无情 善良是妇人之仁 |
所有敌军部队士气-3% (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide) |
Level 2 刑讯官 用夹子,那种小夹子,带齿的那种 |
所有敌军部队士气-6% (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide) |
Level 3 残忍的代名词 你的痛苦,你的绝望…于我如同蜜酒 |
所有敌军部队士气-9% (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide) |
181 | r2_sp_trait_civilised_sweary |
Level 1 骂人像个军人 常年的军事活动令此人讲话像个军人 |
权威-1 (this_agent) 进攻时所有部队士气+5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 粗鲁的无可救药 只有他的军队能受得了他漫无边际的粗话 |
进攻时所有部队士气+5% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 难以置信地渎神 “有诅咒之神存在吗?他妈的肯定有啊!” |
权威-1 (this_agent) 进攻时所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
182 | r2_sp_trait_civilized_adulterer |
Level 1 临时起意 “你的裙子很漂亮,如果脱在我卧室的地板上就更好了” |
权威-1 (this_agent) +5 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 2 厚颜无耻 “不要这么粗野” |
权威-1 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) +10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 3 赶快跑吧! “他的妻子,指挥官的妻子,还有总督的妻子,都恰好闯入,我发现…” |
权威-1 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) 每回合名誉-1 (this_agent) +15 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
183 | r2_sp_trait_civilized_arse |
Level 1 宠儿 唯一能谈得上享受的就是肉体的欢愉了 |
权威-1 (this_agent) -10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 2 娈童 “我很满意” |
权威-2 (this_agent) -20 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 3 淫秽下流 “是‘谁’,或者‘什么’都不重要,重要的是‘怎么做’!” |
权威-3 (this_agent) -30 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
184 | r2_sp_trait_civilized_atheist |
Level 1 迷惘于身后之事 “为什么每次献祭的时候,我都感到烦扰…” |
公共秩序-1 (所在行省) |
Level 2 无信仰 “神殿?我为什么要去那?” |
权威-1 (this_agent) 公共秩序-2 (所在行省) |
Level 3 无神论者 “我看起来就那么蠢,蠢到能相信天上那个胡子拉碴,脾气狂暴的壮汉?” |
权威-2 (this_agent) 公共秩序-3 (所在行省) |
185 | r2_sp_trait_civilized_drink |
Level 1 嗜酒 你要是把酒洒了全世界都高兴坏了 |
权威-1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 醉鬼 这个家伙每晚喝醉酒后,没有他的仆人扶着他都站不起来 |
所有部队士气+4% (this_general_force) 权威-2 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 酒奴 “快喝!快喝!你怎么不喝?你个混蛋!” |
所有部队士气+6% (this_general_force) 权威-3 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+8 (所在行省) |
186 | r2_sp_trait_civilized_murderer |
Level 1 谋杀者 “不,你不必忍受这些” |
权威-1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) |
187 | r2_sp_trait_civilized_xenophobe |
Level 1 对外人谨慎 “陌生人很奇怪,看起来不寻常。你看,从名字就能看出来” |
贸易协议所获关税收入-2% (派系效果) |
Level 2 不相信外人 “是有趣的人,不,没趣,哈哈看错了” |
权威+1 (this_agent) 贸易协议所获关税收入-4% (派系效果) |
Level 3 仇视外人 “让他们滚开!我身边没他们站的地儿!” |
权威+1 (this_agent) 贸易协议所获关税收入-6% (派系效果) |
188 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_agent_deployed_foreign_corrupt |
Level 1 明知故犯 “我追逐利益,哪个女人不这样?” |
税率-2% (所在行省) |
Level 2 监守自盗 “金子就在我钱包里” |
税率-4% (所在行省) |
Level 3 伤风败俗 正确和错误:同一枚金色的、可使用的硬币的两面 |
税率-6% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序-1 (所在行省) |
189 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_background_slave |
Level 1 获释的奴隶女孩 “我理解奴隶的想法及其密谋…” |
减少奴隶人口下降趋势 (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+2 (所在行省) |
190 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_feck |
Level 1 唇舌刻薄 牙尖嘴利 |
面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序-1 (所在行省) |
Level 2 公然粗鲁 “看看你那样,小蛋蛋…” |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序-2 (所在行省) |
Level 3 满嘴喷粪 “诸神唾弃我们了!我是在和一个行走着的鸡巴说话吗?” |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序-4 (所在行省) |
191 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_unhealthy |
Level 1 虚弱无力 童年时期的疾病给此人蒙上了阴影 |
热忱+1 (this_agent) -5 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 2 孱弱多病 “妈妈说,照顾你的健康是值得的…” |
热忱-2 (this_agent) 战役地图上的移动距离-10% (this_general) -10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 3 弱不禁风 把颗葡萄捡起来都能把这女人累得半死 |
热忱-3 (this_agent) 战役地图上的移动距离-20% (this_general) -15 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
192 | r2_sp_trait_female_barbarian_blokes |
Level 1 情欲绵绵 “他:不坏。他:啊,有臭味。他:啊哈。他父亲挺有意思…” |
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+2 (所在行省) |
Level 2 不知餍足 “继续!继续!继续!继续!上啊!上啊!上啊!上啊!” |
+10 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 欲壑难填 “哇哦,你好。你可真是个幸运的女孩,把你的朋友叫来…” |
+15 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+8 (所在行省) |
193 | r2_sp_trait_female_barbarian_drink |
Level 1 麦芽酒 “这个酒杯太小了!” |
权威-1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 更多的麦芽酒 “滚开!找你自己那桶酒去!” |
所有部队士气+4% (this_general_force) 权威-2 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 所有的麦芽酒 “别管他,阿米尼乌斯,他不值得你动手,让我来处理,我…” |
所有部队士气+6% (this_general_force) 权威-3 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+8 (所在行省) |
194 | r2_sp_trait_female_civilized_adulterer |
Level 1 临时起意 “好棒的盔甲,如果在我的卧室脱掉就再好不过了” |
权威-1 (this_agent) +5 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 2 厚颜无耻 “不要愚蠢地这么粗暴” |
权威-1 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) +10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 3 嘿,丈夫们! “丈夫们都恰好闯入,我发现…” |
权威-3 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) +15 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
195 | r2_sp_trait_female_civilized_blokes |
Level 1 喜欢男人 “哪个女人说她不能…嗯,都留给我!” |
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+2 (所在行省) |
Level 2 男人杀手 “男人!给我多叫几个来!” |
+10 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 生殖之神的信徒 “特别粗鲁的猛男?有多粗鲁?哇哦,太迷人了!” |
+15 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+8 (所在行省) |
196 | r2_sp_trait_female_civilized_drink |
Level 1 嗜酒 不把酒喝干的男人毫无魅力 |
权威-1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 醉鬼 躺着喝就不会摔得兵荒马乱了 |
所有部队士气+4% (this_general_force) 权威-2 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 酒神信徒 “为什么不喝?懦弱的家伙!是纯爷们就喝!” |
所有部队士气+6% (this_general_force) 权威-3 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+8 (所在行省) |
197 | r2_sp_trait_female_civilized_murderer |
Level 1 女杀手 “你要死了,我一点都不遗憾,一点也不” |
权威-1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) |
198 | r2_sp_trait_female_greco_roman_humors_phlegm |
Level 1 冷淡 这个女人冷漠无情,很难让人喜欢的起来 |
权威-1 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) -10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
199 | r2_sp_trait_female_greco_roman_humors_yellow_bile |
Level 1 易怒 这女人很容易生气,而且她还记仇,哦对的,她记得… |
权威+2 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
200 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_background_fighter |
Level 1 获释角斗士 “我已经把26个家伙送给了卡戎,所以我知道怎么干掉你” |
权威-2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) 自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+30% (this_agent) |
201 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_dishonest |
Level 1 不值得信任 这个女人连一根头发丝都不能信 |
智谋+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 不诚实 “数清楚银器的数量,如果你要请她来吃饭的话…” |
权威-1 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 背信弃义 这女人如此卑鄙,还不如迦太基人 |
权威-2 (this_agent) 智谋+3 (this_agent) |
202 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_drink |
Level 1 喜欢酒 “稍微醉点没有关系!” |
权威-1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 醉醺醺 “这酒令你都看起来英俊了,英俊了…” |
所有部队士气+4% (this_general_force) 权威-2 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 酒神信徒 “巴克斯!我喜欢巴克斯!喝红的,亲爱的…你喜欢巴克斯吗?” |
所有部队士气+6% (this_general_force) 权威-3 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+8 (所在行省) |
203 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_games_obsessive |
Level 1 喜爱赌博 “这女人不管是清醒还是做梦,都一直沉迷于赌博” |
公共秩序+2 (所在行省) |
Level 2 赌博参与者 “我喜欢赌博展现出来的男人气概…” |
税率-10% (所在行省) 公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 沉迷赌博 “什么能比得过一个实力非凡的角斗士?或者两个…” |
税率-15% (所在行省) 公共秩序+8 (所在行省) |
204 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_races_obsessive |
Level 1 崇拜战车御者 这个女人沉迷于赛马:视觉、嗅觉等五感都沉浸在兴奋中! |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 所有文化建筑产值+5% (所在行省) |
Level 2 赛马爱好者 “我是个淑女,但在鞭子的使用上造诣颇深…” |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 所有文化建筑产值+10% (所在行省) |
Level 3 狂爱战车御者 礼节可比不上在赛场上的好席位 |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 所有文化建筑产值+20% (所在行省) |
205 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_unroman |
Level 1 异域时尚 许多人不赞同这女人外国式的矫揉造作 |
党派力量每回合增长-1 (派系效果) |
Level 2 沉迷于异国 这女人热衷于一切非罗马的事物,还好她的父亲看不见! |
党派力量每回合增长-2 (派系效果) |
Level 3 异国的粗野 “对异域风情感兴趣是一回事,但是诸神啊!这样穿衣服就叫时尚么…” |
党派力量每回合增长-3 (派系效果) |
206 | r2_sp_trait_greco_roman_humors_black_bile |
Level 1 忧郁 微笑的表情很难在这张苦脸上出现,即便是目睹了别人的不幸 |
权威+2 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
207 | r2_sp_trait_greco_roman_humors_phlegm |
Level 1 冷淡 此人严厉无情,很难令人喜欢的起来 |
权威-1 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) -10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
208 | r2_sp_trait_greco_roman_humors_yellow_bile |
Level 1 易怒 此人极易惹恼,随即暴怒,而且他还记仇,哦,是的… |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
209 | r2_sp_trait_non_roman_background_poor |
Level 1 出身贫寒 如果有记录的话牧羊人可能会名声大震 |
税率-5% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
210 | r2_sp_trait_non_roman_dishonest |
Level 1 不值得信任 这人连一根头发丝都不能相信 |
智谋+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 不诚实 江山易改本性难移,就像水一定是湿的,这个人根本不值得相信 |
权威-1 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 大骗子 此人比任何罗马人都可鄙的虚伪 |
权威-2 (this_agent) 智谋+3 (this_agent) |
211 | r2_sp_trait_roman_background_poor |
Level 1 新贵 出身卑微但天生值得人尊敬的人可能成为举世卓绝之才 |
税率-5% (所在行省) 每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
212 | r2_sp_trait_roman_blood_feud |
Level 1 复仇 复仇的行为很有罗马人的风范 |
热忱+3 (this_general) |
213 | r2_sp_trait_roman_dishonest |
Level 1 不值得信任 此人连一根头发丝都不能相信 |
智谋+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 不诚实 握完手,数数你的手指还够不够数… |
权威-1 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 背信弃义 这家伙如此卑鄙,还不如迦太基人 |
权威-2 (this_agent) 智谋+3 (this_agent) |
214 | r2_sp_trait_roman_drink |
Level 1 嗜酒 喝酒能使手更稳,是的,这是真的 |
权威-1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 醉鬼 一点酒无伤大雅 |
所有部队士气+4% (this_general_force) 权威-2 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 酒神信徒 “他们左找右找还是找不到他!哦!他在桌子下面…” |
所有部队士气+6% (this_general_force) 权威-3 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+8 (所在行省) |
215 | r2_sp_trait_roman_eagle_lost |
Level 1 丢脸 这个家伙失去了军团的鹰旗,真是个耻辱 |
所有部队士气-10% (this_general) |
Level 2 纯粹的耻辱 失去一面鹰旗是运气不好,再失去一面纯粹就是不当心 |
所有部队士气-20% (this_general) |
216 | r2_sp_trait_roman_games_obsessive |
Level 1 小赌怡情 此人热爱赌博,在平民中很受欢迎 |
公共秩序+2 (所在行省) |
Level 2 老赌棍 “赌博展现了许多品德,你知道…” |
税率-10% (所在行省) 公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 沉迷赌博 女人们对威武的角斗士更感兴趣… |
税率-15% (所在行省) 公共秩序+8 (所在行省) |
217 | r2_sp_trait_roman_gladiator_obsessive_mermillo |
Level 1 莫米罗角斗士支持者 “莫米罗必胜!色雷斯完蛋!” |
部队招募成本-5% (所在行省) |
218 | r2_sp_trait_roman_gladiator_obsessive_samnite |
Level 1 色雷斯角斗士支持者 “色雷斯必胜!莫米罗完蛋!” |
面包与娱乐法令: 所有文化建筑产值+10% (所在行省) |
219 | r2_sp_trait_roman_races_obsessive |
Level 1 观赛者 此人钟爱于赛马,令他很受欢迎 |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 所有文化建筑产值+5% (所在行省) |
Level 2 赛马爱好者 完全能够掌控赛马的人 |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 所有文化建筑产值+10% (所在行省) |
Level 3 战车御者 责任比不上赛场的好席位 |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 所有文化建筑产值+20% (所在行省) |
220 | r2_sp_trait_roman_unroman |
Level 1 对异国感兴趣 许多人不赞同此人的异国口味 |
党派力量每回合增长-1 (派系效果) |
Level 2 沉迷于异国 此人钟爱于非罗马的事物,真是骇人听闻的家伙 |
党派力量每回合增长-2 (派系效果) |
Level 3 异国的粗野 这人咬字不清,他把自己说成女人了…傻瓜! |
党派力量每回合增长-3 (派系效果) |
221 | r2_sp_trait_rome_eunuch |
Level 1 Eunuch The mind grows sharp when there are no distractions. |
智谋+2 (this_agent) This character cannot sire children (this_agent) |
good | ||||
No. | Trait | Icon | Name | Effects |
222 | 3c_aurelian |
Level 1 Humble Beginnings This man was born a farmer; such humble beginnings couldn't stop him becoming Emperor, however. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
223 | 3c_barbarian_king |
Level 1 Barbarian King He is the leader of the Gothi, the fiercest of all the barbarians. Behold his might! |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
224 | 3c_event_books_rational |
Level 1 Rational Salvation is found in clear vision and stern governance, not in superstitions. |
研究速率+15% (派系效果) |
225 | 3c_event_royal_crown_faravahar |
Level 1 Crown of Faravahar The central symbol of Zoroastrianism provides a strong sense of unity. |
文化科技研究速率+6% (this_faction) 每回合公共秩序+1 (所有行省) |
226 | 3c_event_royal_crown_sacred_fire |
Level 1 Crown of Sacred Fire Here is an omen of bountiful crops and protection from the elements! |
1粮食 (所有区域) 每回合人口增长+1 (所有行省) |
227 | 3c_event_royal_crown_simurgh |
Level 1 Crown of Simurgh A crown serves one purpose above all others - it sends a clear message to any dispute your claim! |
+5 to diplomacy with all factions (派系效果) +4 loyalty for all political parties. (派系效果) |
228 | 3c_event_royal_crown_verethragna |
Level 1 Crown of Verethragna The armies have been invigorated by your choice of personal symbol! |
所有陆军维持费-8% (in_all_your_forces) |
229 | 3c_event_sculptor_ancillary |
Level 1 Sassanian Sculptor His work is exquisite. The sculptor is deserving of his place among your retainers. |
每回合名誉+1 (this_general) |
230 | 3c_event_vaballathus_authority |
Level 1 Life Lessons Like mother, like son. |
权威+3 (this_agent) |
231 | 3c_event_vaballathus_balanced |
Level 1 Life Lessons Like mother, like son. |
权威+1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱+1 (this_agent) |
232 | 3c_event_vaballathus_subterfuge |
Level 1 Life Lessons Like mother, like son. |
智谋+3 (this_agent) |
233 | 3c_event_vaballathus_zeal |
Level 1 Life Lessons Like mother, like son. |
热忱+3 (this_agent) |
234 | 3c_queen_mother |
Level 1 The Pious The people of Palmyra worship Zenobia as a living goddess. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
235 | 3c_rightful_emperor |
Level 1 Rightful Ruler The army has chosen this man to rule the Empire. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
236 | 3c_shahanshah |
Level 1 Sassanid Heir This man is the undisputed master of the east; bow before the King of Kings! |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
237 | 3c_vaballathus |
Level 1 Vaballathus The future king of Palmyra. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
238 | dk_female_family_duty |
Level 1 Family Duty Women in this culture are exceptionally good at organising the household and keeping the family together. [[col:red]]This character can't lead armies or become a party leader.[[/col]] |
农业与畜业产值+5% (所有区域) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) 每回合人口增长+2 (所有行省) Disables the character skills (this_agent) |
239 | dk_highborn |
Level 1 Highborn "I always knew I was destined for greatness!" |
每回合名誉+5 (this_general) |
240 | emp_antony |
Level 1 Lion of Rome The loyal general of Caesar who has similar ambitions of his own. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 2 Lion of Rome The loyal general of Caesar who has similar ambitions of his own. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 3 Lion of Rome The loyal general of Caesar who has similar ambitions of his own. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
241 | emp_lepidus |
Level 1 The Third Triumvir Every Triumvirate requires balance. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 2 The Third Triumvir Every Triumvirate requires balance. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 3 The Third Triumvir Every Triumvirate requires balance. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
242 | emp_octavian |
Level 1 Son of Caesar This man was chosen by Caesar to rule. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 2 Son of Caesar This man was chosen by Caesar to rule. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 3 Son of Caesar This man was chosen by Caesar to rule. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
243 | emp_pompey |
Level 1 Father's Legacy His father died because of Caesar. He will never forgive those who supported him. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 2 Father's Legacy His father died because of Caesar. He will never forgive those who supported him. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
Level 3 Father's Legacy His father died because of Caesar. He will never forgive those who supported him. |
伟大领袖:此人只会受伤,无法被杀 (this_general) |
244 | games_isthmian_victor |
Level 3 Isthmian Games Champion Although he wears a wreath of dried celery leaves to signify his victory, he has, more importantly, won the respect of his peers. |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 Isthmian Games Champion Although he wears a wreath of dried celery leaves to signify his victory, he has, more importantly, won the respect of his peers. |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+5% (this_general_force) |
Level 1 Isthmian Games Champion Although he wears a wreath of dried celery leaves to signify his victory, he has, more importantly, won the respect of his peers. |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+5% (this_general_force) |
245 | games_nemean_victor |
Level 3 Nemean Games Champion A wreath of wild celery leaves marks this man out as a victor in the Nemean Games, and the pride of his people. |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+6% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 Nemean Games Champion A wreath of wild celery leaves marks this man out as a victor in the Nemean Games, and the pride of his people. |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+6% (this_general_force) |
Level 1 Nemean Games Champion A wreath of wild celery leaves marks this man out as a victor in the Nemean Games, and the pride of his people. |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+6% (this_general_force) |
246 | games_olympic_victor |
Level 3 Olympic Games Champion This man has triumphed at the Olympic Games! He proudly bears the olive wreath of victory, and the love of his home city. |
每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+6 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 Olympic Games Champion This man has triumphed at the Olympic Games! He proudly bears the olive wreath of victory, and the love of his home city. |
每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+6 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
Level 1 Olympic Games Champion This man has triumphed at the Olympic Games! He proudly bears the olive wreath of victory, and the love of his home city. |
每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+6 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
247 | games_pythian_victor |
Level 3 Pythian Games Champion This man holds the bay laurel wreath, signifying his victory in the Pythian Games. |
每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+5 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+8% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 Pythian Games Champion This man holds the bay laurel wreath, signifying his victory in the Pythian Games. |
每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+5 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+8% (this_general_force) |
Level 1 Pythian Games Champion This man holds the bay laurel wreath, signifying his victory in the Pythian Games. |
每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+5 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+8% (this_general_force) |
248 | inv_general_athens |
Level 1 Athens Veteran Athens has send their finest general to aid us! |
权威+3 (this_general) 智谋+5 (this_general) 热忱+3 (this_general) 战役地图上的移动距离+15% (this_army) 部队招募成本-5% (this_army) 所有部队补员速率+10% (仅限部队) |
249 | inv_general_corinth |
Level 1 Corinth Veteran Corinth has send their finest general to aid us! |
+20% missile firing rate for all ships (仅限舰船) 权威+5 (this_general) 智谋+3 (this_general) 热忱+3 (this_general) 战役地图上的移动距离+15% (仅限舰船) 舰船生命+10% (仅限舰船) |
250 | inv_general_sparta |
Level 1 Spartan Veteran Sparta has send their finest general to aid us! |
权威+3 (this_general) 智谋+3 (this_general) 热忱+5 (this_general) 所有部队近战攻击技能+10% (this_army) 所有部队近战防御技能+10% (this_army) 所有部队士气+10% (this_army) |
251 | inv_sp_trait_female_greco_non_roman_humors_yellow_bile |
Level 1 Choleric This woman is quick to anger. And she remembers enemies. Oh, yes, she remembers… |
权威+2 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
252 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_background_fighter |
Level 1 Former Gladiatrix Twenty-six dwarves sent to Charon... so I know one end of a sword from the other. |
权威-2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) 自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+30% (this_agent) |
253 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_humors_phlegm |
Level 1 Phlegmatic Cold and uncharismatic, this woman is difficult to like. |
权威-1 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) -10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
254 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_personal_dignity |
Level 1 Dignitas This woman's reputation and influence are well deserved. |
权威+1 (this_agent) |
255 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_personal_frugality |
Level 1 Frugalitas This woman is properly frugal in all things, but never mean. |
税率+5% (所在行省) 税务征集法令: 税率+10% (所在行省) |
256 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_personal_gravity |
Level 1 Gravitas When this woman speaks, others listen. Carefully. |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
257 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_personal_humanity |
Level 1 Humanitas This woman persuades by her shining example, not words. |
权威+2 (this_agent) |
258 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_personal_humour |
Level 1 Comitas An open, friendly manner puts all who deal with this woman at their ease. |
所有行动成本-5% (所有人物) |
259 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_personal_industriousness |
Level 1 Industria This woman works hard during every hour the gods grant her. |
每回合人口增长+1 (所在行省) |
260 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_personal_mercy |
Level 1 Clementia This woman's forbearance is remarkable. |
权威+5 (this_agent) 热忱-3 (this_agent) |
261 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_personal_prudence |
Level 1 Prudentia Experience brings caution this woman's actions. |
智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱-1 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) |
262 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_personal_tenacity |
Level 1 Firmitas Hurt her with a word, she'll come at you with a knife. She'll smile over your cremated remains… |
热忱+1 (this_agent) |
263 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_personal_truthfulness |
Level 1 Veritas Honesty is this woman's watchword. |
权威+5 (this_agent) 智谋-3 (this_agent) |
264 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_personal_wholesomeness |
Level 1 Salubritas This woman's body is a temple, inside and out. |
热忱-2 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) +10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
265 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_public_dutifulness |
Level 1 Pietas This woman obeys the gods, first and last. |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
266 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_public_forethought |
Level 1 Providentia The Fates have granted this woman a destiny. All know it. |
智谋+2 (this_agent) 热忱-1 (this_agent) |
267 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_public_freedom |
Level 1 Libertas I am free to be mistress. You are free to be a slave. |
减少奴隶人口下降趋势 (所在行省) |
268 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_public_giving |
Level 1 Liberalitas Generosity adds to a woman's popularity. |
贸易协议所获关税收入-10% (派系效果) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所在行省) |
269 | inv_sp_trait_female_non_roman_virtues_public_modesty |
Level 1 Pudicita Modesty is a becoming trait, particularly in women. |
权威+1 (this_agent) 传播拉丁文化(影响+1) (this_agent) |
270 | inv_sp_trait_greco_non_roman_humors_yellow_bile |
Level 1 Choleric This one is easy to annoy, anger and enrage. And remembers every single enemy. Oh, yes… |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) 热忱+2 (this_agent) |
271 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_background_fighter |
Level 1 Former Gladiator This primus palus earned his freedom over many long years in the ludus. |
权威-2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) 自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+15% (this_agent) |
272 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_humors_phlegm |
Level 1 Phlegmatic Cold and uncharismatic, this person is difficult to like. |
权威-1 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) -10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
273 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_personal_dignity |
Level 1 Dignitas Reputation and influence are entirely worthy in their case. |
权威+1 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
274 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_personal_frugality |
Level 1 Frugalitas This Roman is properly frugal in all things, but never mean. |
税率+5% (所在行省) 税务征集法令: 税率+10% (所在行省) |
275 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_personal_gravity |
Level 1 Gravitas When they speaks others listen. Carefully. |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
276 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_personal_humanity |
Level 1 Humanitas They persuade by example, not words. |
权威+2 (this_agent) |
277 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_personal_humour |
Level 1 Comitas An open, friendly manner puts all who deal with them at ease. |
所有行动成本-5% (所有人物) |
278 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_personal_industriousness |
Level 1 Industria This one works hard every hour the gods send. |
每回合人口增长+1 (所在行省) |
279 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_personal_mercy |
Level 1 Clementia Their humanity and forbearance are considered by all to be great virtues. |
权威+5 (this_agent) 热忱-3 (this_agent) |
280 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_personal_prudence |
Level 1 Prudentia Experience tempers their actions, as it should. |
智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱-1 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) |
281 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_personal_tenacity |
Level 1 Firmitas If you cut him with a knife, he'll come back with a gladius. He'll keep coming until one of you is dust. |
热忱+1 (this_agent) |
282 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_personal_truthfulness |
Level 1 Veritas Honesty is their watchword. |
权威+5 (this_agent) 智谋-3 (this_agent) |
283 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_personal_wholesomeness |
Level 1 Salubritas This one's body is a temple, inside and out. |
热忱-2 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) +10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
284 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_public_dutifulness |
Level 1 Pietas This pious man is seen to be obeying the gods in all things. |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
285 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_public_forethought |
Level 1 Providentia Fate has fired many arrows at them, but all have missed. |
智谋+2 (this_agent) 热忱-1 (this_agent) |
286 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_public_freedom |
Level 1 Libertas I am free to be master. You are free to be a slave. |
减少奴隶人口下降趋势 (所在行省) |
287 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_public_giving |
Level 1 Liberalitas Generosity adds to a person's popularity. |
贸易协议所获关税收入-10% (派系效果) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所在行省) |
288 | inv_sp_trait_non_roman_virtues_public_modesty |
Level 1 Pudicita Modesty is a becoming trait in beautiful women... and Romans in high office. |
传播拉丁文化(影响+2) (this_agent) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
289 | pel_alkibiades |
Level 1 Alkibiades This fellow brings victory to whosoever he serves. However, his moral flexibility marks him out as dangerous. Perhaps too dangerous to live… |
智谋+3 (this_agent) |
291 | pel_hero_city |
Level 1 Hero of the City Truly, he is a hero and a saviour! |
每回合名誉+3 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) 所有部队士气+20% (this_general_force) |
292 | pel_kleon |
Level 1 Kleon This man appeals to the very hearts of the Athenian people, and they love him for it. Few are better suited to lead. |
每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
293 | pel_lysander |
Level 1 Lysander A peerless naval general, this has faced down Athenai's grand fleet on several occasions, and will no doubt do so again! |
权威+4 (this_agent) |
294 | pel_nikias |
Level 1 Nikias A statesman and general, this man's words carry weight. Ultimately, however, his talent lies in the pursuit of peace. |
+10 to diplomacy with Greek factions (this_faction) |
295 | pel_perikles |
Level 1 Perikles This man has turned Athenai into a superpower. Many now hail him “first citizen”. |
权威+4 (this_agent) |
296 | pel_sokrates |
Level 1 Sokrates Philosophy personified, this man believes truth can only be found through intelligent discourse. Now, however, his chief concern is the nature of humanity itself. |
研究速率+2% (this_faction) |
297 | pel_thukydides |
Level 1 Thukydides A critical thinker, a realist and the chief scholar of our time. If this fellow doesn't know it, it's not worth knowing. |
+5% wealth from learning (culture) (所有区域) |
298 | r2_sp_trait_all_admin_good |
Level 1 行政官 此人可以不惜一切努力达成目标 |
税率+5% (所在行省) |
Level 2 优秀的行政官 良好的行政管理就如同新鲜的空气,一旦消失马上就会被察觉 |
税率+10% (所在行省) |
Level 3 杰出的行政官 此人极其高效,人们想象不到他一天能做多少工作 |
税率+15% (所在行省) |
299 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_character_assassin |
Level 1 谋杀者 你要杀一个人的时候,对方总能得到消息 |
暗杀-收买:成功暗杀概率+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 刺客 “谋杀?不不不,他只是不小心被17分割了” |
暗杀-投毒:成功暗杀概率+10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 刺客大师 谋杀不一定看起来就像谋杀 |
暗杀-暗算:成功暗杀概率+15% (this_agent) |
300 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_character_kill_hire_assassins |
Level 1 罪犯人脉 “我可能认识一些人,他们可能知道有人要去做这种事…” |
暗杀-雇凶:成功暗杀概率+5% (this_agent) |
301 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_character_kill_marksmanship |
Level 1 敏锐目光 “我能射中老鼠右后腿上的标记!” |
暗杀-狙击:成功暗杀概率+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 弹无虚发 “迟疑是神射手的敌人” |
暗杀-狙击:成功暗杀概率+10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 百步穿杨 “左睾丸,还是右睾丸?” |
暗杀-狙击:成功暗杀概率+15% (this_agent) |
302 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_character_kill_poison |
Level 1 蘑菇食客 “你能在灌木丛中找到什么毒药!” |
暗杀-投毒:成功暗杀概率+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 投毒者 生与死的力量体现在很小的事物上 |
暗杀-投毒:成功暗杀概率+10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 投毒大师 “尝尝这条鱼” |
暗杀-投毒:成功暗杀概率+15% (this_agent) |
303 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_character_seduce_temptation |
Level 1 迷人诱惑 魅力是神明的恩赐 |
劝诱-诱惑:成功劝诱概率+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 魅力四射 “魅力自有用处…” |
劝诱-诱惑:成功劝诱概率+10% (this_agent) |
304 | r2_sp_trait_all_agent_passive_spy |
Level 1 鬼鬼祟祟 “这不是间谍侦察,而是对知识的追求” |
智谋+2 (this_agent) |
Level 2 间谍 敌人的任何秘密都躲不过此人 |
智谋+3 (this_agent) |
Level 3 间谍大师 从假话中过滤出真相:大师级技能 |
智谋+6 (this_agent) |
305 | r2_sp_trait_all_ambusher_good |
Level 1 伏击者 此人的伏击猛烈迅速,没几个人能活着出来 |
完美发动伏击概率+5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 伏击专家 伏击目标所知道的第一件事,也是最后一件事就是:他们死了! |
完美发动伏击概率+10% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 伏击大师 此人是惊喜之奥妙的化身 |
完美发动伏击概率+15% (this_general_force) |
306 | r2_sp_trait_all_attacker_good |
Level 1 自信的攻击者 此人在的攻击显示出了天才的征兆 |
进攻时所有部队士气+5% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 优秀的攻击者 熟练的战术掌握鼓舞人心 |
进攻时所有部队士气+10% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 杰出的攻击者 此人在攻击方面出类拔萃 |
进攻时所有部队士气+15% (仅限部队) |
307 | r2_sp_trait_all_attacker_sea_good |
Level 1 适应航行 此人发挥了作为提督的一切技能 |
于海上攻击时舰队士气+5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 优秀的舰长 此人很好地掌握了海军战术 |
于海上攻击时舰队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 杰出的提督 在海上的指挥令他成为了传奇 |
于海上攻击时舰队士气+20% (this_general_force) |
308 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_adept |
Level 1 高层会议 只有能手才能发现秘密 |
文化影响+1 (this_agent) 智谋+1 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
309 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_beautiful |
Level 1 长相好看 “诸神赐予我英俊,是对我的偏爱” |
所有行动成功概率+5% (this_agent) |
310 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_bright |
Level 1 聪明才智 智慧比强壮的双腿带人走得更远 |
党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) 政治行动成本-5% (派系效果) |
311 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_command |
Level 1 天生的领导者 有些人天生就有统帅的气场 |
权威+2 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
312 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_diplomacy |
Level 1 外交手腕 对语言有天赋是一种祝福,是一种成功的方式 |
贸易协议所获关税收入+5% (派系效果) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
313 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_philosopher |
Level 1 哲学研究者 对思维者来说这个世界上是有奇迹的 |
文化科技研究速率+5% (派系效果) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
314 | r2_sp_trait_all_background_scientist |
Level 1 自然哲学家 对直觉者来说这个世界上是有奇迹的 |
军事研究速率+5% (派系效果) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
315 | r2_sp_trait_all_besieger_good |
Level 1 围攻专家 此人有能看到别人弱点的眼睛,还有利用其弱点的天赋 |
围攻时遭受损耗-10% (this_general) |
Level 2 攻城吧! 非凡的攻城技能令他成为一名专家 |
围攻时遭受损耗-20% (this_general) |
Level 3 要攻破了! 此人的攻城技能近乎传奇 |
围攻时遭受损耗-40% (this_general) |
316 | r2_sp_trait_all_defender_good |
Level 1 自信的防御者 此人在防御中不仅有清晰的头脑还有强劲的实力 |
防御时所有部队士气+5% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 优秀的防御者 此人的防御经历给他的手下带来信心 |
防御时所有部队士气+10% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 杰出的防御者 此人卓越的防守技能强过攻击者 |
防御时所有部队士气+15% (仅限部队) |
317 | r2_sp_trait_all_defender_sea_good |
Level 1 优秀的海上防卫者 此人深谙海战防御之道 |
于海上防御时舰队士气+5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 卓越的海上防卫者 有此人防御则战无不胜 |
于海上防御时舰队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 杰出的海上防卫者 海神赐福予此人战术才能 |
于海上防御时舰队士气+20% (this_general_force) |
318 | r2_sp_trait_all_energetic |
Level 1 活力四射 “休息?休息吗?我才没那么弱!” |
热忱+1 (this_agent) +5 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+1 (所在行省) |
Level 2 精力充沛 “今天有很多事情做!太棒了!” |
热忱+2 (this_agent) +10 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+2 (所在行省) |
Level 3 干劲昂扬 “生前何必久睡,死后自会长眠!” |
热忱+3 (this_agent) +15 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+3 (所在行省) |
319 | r2_sp_trait_all_fertile |
Level 1 器大活好 此男在床伴的选择上造诣颇深,然后还会检验她们到底有多深 |
每回合人口增长+1 (所在行省) +10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 2 儿女成群 此男似乎完全能生出一国的人口来 |
每回合人口增长+2 (所在行省) +20 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 3 种马 这男人只需要看一眼一个女孩就能让她怀孕! |
每回合人口增长+3 (所在行省) +30 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
320 | r2_sp_trait_all_healthy |
Level 1 健康 身材魁梧的家伙,力壮如牛! |
热忱+1 (this_agent) +10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 2 红光满面 生病,那是别人的事 |
热忱+2 (this_agent) +20 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
Level 3 力壮如牛 此人神佑 |
热忱+3 (this_agent) +30 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
321 | r2_sp_trait_all_honest |
Level 1 值得相信 表里如一的诚实 |
权威+1 (this_agent) 腐败-2% (this_faction) |
Level 2 诚信可靠 直截了当的做事风格令此人声名在外 |
权威+2 (this_agent) 腐败-4% (this_faction) |
Level 3 正直可信 此人是诚信正直的代名词 |
权威+3 (this_agent) 腐败-6% (派系效果) |
322 | r2_sp_trait_all_leader_architect |
Level 1 建造者 宏伟的建筑高耸入云,来说说建造者吧 |
建筑建造成本-1% (所有区域) |
Level 2 工程师 “我是个建造者,而不是毁灭者!” |
建筑建造成本-2% (所有区域) |
Level 3 建筑师 “我的愿景将延续千年!” |
建筑建造成本-4% (所有区域) |
323 | r2_sp_trait_all_leader_farmer |
Level 1 农民 大腹便便系不上佩剑腰带 |
农业产值+5% (所有区域) |
Level 2 地产所有者 海里也有闲置的土地 |
农业产值+10% (所有区域) |
Level 3 地产大亨 管理良好的土地是财富的基础 |
农业产值+20% (所有区域) |
324 | r2_sp_trait_all_leader_kind |
Level 1 友善 仁慈不是弱点,而是长处 |
每回合公共秩序+2 (所有行省) |
Level 2 体贴周到 傻瓜制造苦难,我比傻瓜好点 |
每回合公共秩序+4 (所有行省) |
Level 3 仁慈善行 我选择善待人民,使其忠诚于我 |
每回合公共秩序+6 (所有行省) |
325 | r2_sp_trait_all_leader_miner |
Level 1 淘金者 “随便你叫我什么吧,我只享受我丰富的矿产” |
手工业获得财富+2% (所有区域) |
Level 2 采矿工程师 地下还有许多财富等待挖掘 |
手工业获得财富+4% (所有区域) |
Level 3 采矿天才 地球母亲将她的财富留给那些有足够智慧能找到的人 |
手工业获得财富+8% (所有区域) |
326 | r2_sp_trait_all_leader_spymaster |
Level 1 偷偷摸摸 没有什么比知道别人的秘密更能让他开心了 |
所有人物智谋+1 (所有人物) |
Level 2 谍报大师 此人四处都有耳目 |
所有人物智谋+2 (所有人物) |
Level 3 秘密大师 明智的统治者需要全视野监控 |
所有人物智谋+3 (所有人物) |
327 | r2_sp_trait_all_leader_taxman |
Level 1 收税员 “人们对钱币如此的…有占有欲,毕竟上面印着我的头像啊” |
税率+3% (所有行省) |
Level 2 估税员 统治者总会有花销,这就是为什么会有税收 |
税率+6% (所有行省) |
Level 3 酷吏 “我喜欢收税,喜欢人们准时地交税” |
税率+12% (所有行省) |
328 | r2_sp_trait_all_leader_trader |
Level 1 贸易者 “你个傻瓜,贸易可以支付这一切!” |
贸易协议所获关税收入+3% (派系效果) 商业产值+2% (所有区域) |
Level 2 商人 此人只知事物的价钱却不知其价值 |
贸易协议所获关税收入+6% (派系效果) 商业产值+4% (所有区域) |
Level 3 贸易大师 “来吧!砍价!这不值那个价啊!” |
贸易协议所获关税收入+12% (派系效果) 商业产值+6% (所有区域) |
329 | r2_sp_trait_all_likes_barbarians |
Level 1 喜欢蛮族 “他们怎么说就会怎么做,我很敬重这点。不要洗太多澡,注意…” |
进攻时所有部队士气+5% (this_general_force) |
330 | r2_sp_trait_all_likes_carthage |
Level 1 喜欢迦太基人 “那是个很好的地方,人们都很热情” |
传播迦太基文化(影响+2) (this_agent) 海上贸易产值+5% (所在行省) |
331 | r2_sp_trait_all_likes_easterners |
Level 1 喜欢东方人 “说话直言不讳,有可爱的女人们,甚至还有更好喝的冰冻果子露…” |
传播东方文化(影响+2) (this_agent) 本地商业产值+5% (所在行省) |
332 | r2_sp_trait_all_likes_egyptians |
Level 1 喜欢埃及人 “如果你看看过去的化妆品和设备,它们就像站立着的小伙子们一样” |
传播泛希腊文化(影响+2) (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+2 (所在行省) |
333 | r2_sp_trait_all_likes_greeks |
Level 1 喜欢希腊人 “希腊人总是非常友好,谈判陷入困境时也一样…” |
传播泛希腊文化(影响+2) (this_agent) 研究速率+2% (派系效果) |
334 | r2_sp_trait_all_likes_romans |
Level 1 喜欢罗马人 “罗马人是极好的种族…特别好…” |
传播拉丁文化(影响+2) (this_agent) 每回合人口增长+1 (所在行省) |
335 | r2_sp_trait_all_likes_successors |
Level 1 喜欢继业者 “好盟友!还可能会出现矛盾。哪个好…” |
传播泛希腊文化(影响+2) (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+2 (所在行省) |
336 | r2_sp_trait_all_negotiator |
Level 1 滔滔不绝 此人深谙圆滑与外交细节 |
贸易协议所获关税收入+2% (派系效果) |
Level 2 外交腔调 此人擅长说服,也知晓让步 |
贸易协议所获关税收入+4% (派系效果) |
Level 3 舌灿莲花 机智、敏锐并且掌握外国语言使此人成为最高外交官 |
贸易协议所获关税收入+8% (派系效果) |
337 | r2_sp_trait_all_noctophilia |
Level 1 喜欢黑暗 人们在黑暗中感到害怕,而他却不怕 |
夜战时所有部队士气+5% (this_general_force) 允许于海上或陆上进行夜战 (this_general) |
Level 2 夜猫子 “夜幕降临,他一个人迷失在充满阴影的梦中世界” |
夜战时所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) 允许于海上或陆上进行夜战 (this_general) |
Level 3 钟情黑夜 出生在午夜,此人厌恶黎明的曙光 |
夜战时所有部队士气+15% (this_general_force) 允许于海上或陆上进行夜战 (this_general) |
338 | r2_sp_trait_all_personal_bravery |
Level 1 不懂害怕 “战斗就像个老朋友,和美酒一样受欢迎” |
所有部队获取经验速率+5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 出了名地勇敢 此人的勇气激励士兵建立伟大功勋 |
所有部队获取经验速率+10% (this_general_force) 所有部队士气+5% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 大无畏 无畏的战士们总是跟随着他,无论艰险 |
所有部队获取经验速率+15% (this_general_force) 所有部队士气+10% (this_general_force) |
339 | r2_sp_trait_all_personal_survival |
Level 1 幸存者 虽不杀你但会让你痛哭流涕 |
将领卫队近战攻击技能+5% (this_agent) 将领卫队士气+5% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 刀枪不入 此人对危险有第六感,一旦情况不对劲就会提醒他 |
将领卫队近战攻击技能+10% (this_agent) 将领卫队士气+10% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 不死之身 运气非凡,矢石完全没有击中他 |
将领卫队近战攻击技能+15% (this_agent) 将领卫队士气+15% (仅限部队) |
340 | r2_sp_trait_all_roman_agent_admin |
Level 1 一丝不苟 罗马政府是坚实的政府,是公正的政府 |
税率+3% (所在行省) |
Level 2 独裁主义 政府的唯一职责便是下达合理的指令 |
税率+6% (所在行省) |
Level 3 束棒权威 罗马法律应当不可撼动,不容变通,并能严惩不法之徒 |
税率+9% (所在行省) |
341 | r2_sp_trait_all_strategist |
Level 1 理解战争 此人知道基本策略,也并不满足于此 |
战役地图上的移动距离+5% (this_general) |
Level 2 战略家 此人深谙策略之道与战争之史 |
战役地图上的移动距离+10% (this_general) |
Level 3 战略大师 此人在军事方面造诣颇深 |
战役地图上的移动距离+20% (this_general) |
342 | r2_sp_trait_all_tactician |
Level 1 理解战术 此人已研读战场指挥理论 |
智谋+2 (this_general) |
Level 2 战术家 经过长时间研究经典战役,此人已对战术有所掌握 |
智谋+4 (this_general) |
Level 3 战术大师 对战术著作的博闻强识使他颇具优势 |
智谋+6 (this_general) |
343 | r2_sp_trait_barbarian_agent_zeal |
Level 1 Gift of the Gab This one speaks well, appealing to heart and head. |
热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 2 三寸之舌 此人说的话分量很重 |
热忱+4 (this_agent) |
Level 3 煽动者 此人一说话,人们便听令行事,坚定不移 |
热忱+6 (this_agent) |
344 | r2_sp_trait_barbarian_girls |
Level 1 情欲绵绵 “上了她!上了她!上了她!再来一次!还有她妈妈…” |
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+2 (所在行省) |
Level 2 不知餍足 “继续!继续!继续!继续!上啊!上啊!上啊!上啊!” |
+10 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 欲壑难填 “哇哦,和这小宝贝问个好吧,你可真走运” |
+15 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+8 (所在行省) |
345 | r2_sp_trait_barbarian_religious |
Level 1 恭敬 “树和石头!我尊敬神明,兄弟!” |
文化影响+1 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+2 (所在行省) |
Level 2 信徒 “诸神在这儿,现在,仔细听,我们要好好记住” |
文化影响+2 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 忠实信徒 “跪下来感谢神明!” |
文化影响+3 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+8 (所在行省) |
346 | r2_sp_trait_barbarian_sober |
Level 1 非酒徒 “我在打架之前都不需要先生气” |
权威+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 不正常,无聊而且冷静 葡萄酒,蜂蜜酒或者麦芽酒,这人什么都没有 |
权威+2 (this_agent) 所有部队士气-6% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 完全疯狂与冷静 “明天你将会变成一头目光短浅、令人作呕、爱闻屁味的猪,我可不会这样” |
权威+3 (this_agent) 所有部队士气-9% (this_general_force) |
347 | r2_sp_trait_barbarian_warlord |
Level 1 战争首领 此人极其骁勇,激励着他的追随者 |
所有部队近战攻击技能+5% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 战争领主 一个强大的战争领袖甚至被他的敌人所尊重 |
所有部队近战攻击技能+10% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 威猛的战神 在战斗中,此人激起战士们英勇献义的武士精神 |
所有部队近战攻击技能+20% (this_general_force) |
348 | r2_sp_trait_civilised_agent_zeal |
Level 1 演讲者 此人用其有力的论据说服很多人 |
热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 2 Impassioned Speaker This one can move hearts and minds with words alone. |
热忱+4 (this_agent) |
Level 3 Entrancing Speaker They can hold an audience spellbound, caught in a dazzling web of words. |
热忱+6 (this_agent) |
349 | r2_sp_trait_civilised_politician |
Level 1 政治动物 此人热衷于政治活动,游刃有余 |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 政客 权力玩转于他手中 |
每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 政治家中的政治家 信仰与诚挚是最有力的武器 |
权威+1 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+2 (this_agent) |
350 | r2_sp_trait_civilized_girls |
Level 1 迷恋女人 “谁不喜欢呢?那些可笑的希腊人也许不喜欢,他们那么文明” |
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+2 (所在行省) |
Level 2 好色之徒 “女人!太棒了!再来几个!” |
+10 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 耽于美色 “那些举止粗鲁的猛男其实都是跟我学的…” |
+15 to chance of having children (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 每回合人口增长+8 (所在行省) |
351 | r2_sp_trait_civilized_persecutor |
Level 1 迫害者 “我决定选你了,就凭我乐意” |
每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) 税务征集法令: 税率+5% (所在行省) |
352 | r2_sp_trait_civilized_religious |
Level 1 恭敬 “也许诸神并不存在,如果存在的话我想求他们点事” |
文化影响+1 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+2 (所在行省) |
Level 2 宗教 “诸神帮助索求最少的人” |
文化影响+2 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
Level 3 虔诚 “你知道什么是真爱?是献祭” |
文化影响+3 (this_agent) 面包与娱乐法令: 公共秩序+8 (所在行省) |
353 | r2_sp_trait_civilized_sober |
Level 1 清醒 “饮酒很愉悦,但这家伙永远也不懂” |
权威+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 节制 凡事冷静考虑,就是此人的生活方式 |
权威+2 (this_agent) 所有部队士气-6% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 滴酒不沾 “在我这儿我们都不算粗俗的,那些猥琐的酒鬼们还能在我们的呕吐物里游泳呢!” |
权威+3 (this_agent) 所有部队士气-9% (this_general_force) |
354 | r2_sp_trait_civilized_xenophile |
Level 1 欢迎外国人 “我喜欢结交新的朋友,特别有意思…” |
贸易协议所获关税收入+2% (派系效果) |
Level 2 被外国人吸引 “看呐!看呐!我砸了一大笔钱在她们身上!她们是不是特别迷人?” |
贸易协议所获关税收入+4% (派系效果) |
Level 3 崇洋媚外 “简直太迷人了!棒极了!这个民族简直太丰富多彩了!” |
贸易协议所获关税收入+6% (派系效果) |
355 | r2_sp_trait_eastern_leader_great_king |
Level 1 万王之王 大帝重生于此人身上 |
所有产值+5% (所有区域) 所有部队士气+5% (in_all_your_forces) |
356 | r2_sp_trait_female_agriculture |
Level 1 Agriculture Specialist This woman has exceptional knowledge of agriculture. |
农业与畜业产值+10% (所有区域) |
357 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_agent_army_show_force |
Level 1 零敲碎打 “我看见你在看。哦是的,我解决了” |
显示武力:所有部队冲锋加成-5% (this_agent) 显示武力:所有部队士气-5 (this_agent) |
Level 2 不容忽视 “弱小者畏缩在我的阴影下!” |
显示武力:所有部队冲锋加成-10% (this_agent) 显示武力:所有部队士气-10 (this_agent) |
Level 3 令人敬畏 “我太棒了!” |
显示武力:所有部队冲锋加成-15% (this_agent) 显示武力:所有部队士气-15 (this_agent) |
358 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_agent_character_assassin |
Level 1 杀手 你要杀一个人的时候,对方总能得到消息 |
暗杀-收买:成功暗杀概率+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 刺客 “谋杀?不不不,他只是不小心中了17刀” |
暗杀-投毒:成功暗杀概率+10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 刺客大师 谋杀不一定看起来就像谋杀 |
暗杀-暗算:成功暗杀概率+15% (this_agent) |
359 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_agent_character_kill_poison |
Level 1 蘑菇食客 “你能在灌木丛中找到什么毒药!” |
暗杀-投毒:成功暗杀概率+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 投毒者 生与死的力量体现在很小的事物上 |
暗杀-投毒:成功暗杀概率+10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 毒药女王 “尝尝蘸着蘑菇汁的鱼…” |
暗杀-投毒:成功暗杀概率+15% (this_agent) |
360 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_agent_character_kill_single_combat |
Level 1 骑士风度 人之一生能够用来保护别人委实很高尚 |
暗杀-决斗:成功暗杀概率+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 勇敢无畏 真正的勇士从不拒绝战斗 |
暗杀-决斗:成功暗杀概率+10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 坚韧强悍 “这?这只是皮肉之伤!下一个是谁?!” |
暗杀-决斗:成功暗杀概率+15% (this_agent) |
361 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_agent_deployed_friendly_counterspy |
Level 1 被动反应 诡计与反诡计激起这位事务官的兴趣 |
情报反制:发现隐藏军队与事务官的概率+5% (所在行省) |
Level 2 反间谍 反间谍极其有趣,虽然命悬一线,但很刺激 |
情报反制:发现隐藏军队与事务官的概率+10% (所在行省) |
Level 3 诡计女王 这位事务官可以挫败任何敌人的阴谋 |
情报反制:发现隐藏军队与事务官的概率+15% (所在行省) |
362 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_agent_passive_spy |
Level 1 鬼鬼祟祟 这不是间谍侦察,而是对知识的追求 |
智谋+2 (this_agent) |
Level 2 间谍 敌人的任何秘密都躲不过此人 |
智谋+3 (this_agent) |
Level 3 间谍之王 此女能从假话中过滤出真相 |
智谋+6 (this_agent) |
363 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_agent_settle_incite_unrest |
Level 1 受欢迎 “我一讲话,人们就听着。看吧” |
文化传播管制:因外国文化导致公共秩序惩罚+5% (this_agent) |
Level 2 罪魁祸首 “并不一定要这样,我的兄弟姐妹!” |
文化传播管制:因外国文化导致公共秩序惩罚+10% (this_agent) |
Level 3 煽动专家 “起来!我的兄弟姐妹!我们一起来共筑未来!” |
文化传播管制:因外国文化导致公共秩序惩罚+15% (this_agent) |
364 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_agent_settle_rally_slaves |
Level 1 反奴倡导者 “总有一天,所有人都会自由…” |
煽动奴隶:奴隶骚动+5 (this_agent) |
Level 2 反奴英雄 “除非你杀了你的主人,不然你到死都是奴隶!” |
煽动奴隶:奴隶骚动+15 (this_agent) |
365 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_background_beautiful |
Level 1 美丽 “诸神赐予我美貌及一切,是对我的偏爱” |
所有行动成功概率+5% (this_agent) |
366 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_background_bright |
Level 1 聪明才智 对女人来说智慧比美腿更有用 |
党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) 政治行动成本-5% (派系效果) |
367 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_background_command |
Level 1 巾帼英雄 即使是女人也能拥有天生就是统帅的气场 |
权威+2 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
368 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_healthy |
Level 1 健康 这是一个容光焕发,健康有活力的女人! |
热忱+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 红光满面 生病,那是别人的事 |
热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 3 无比健康 这个女人被诸神所佑身体健康 |
热忱+3 (this_agent) |
369 | r2_sp_trait_female_all_personal_survival |
Level 1 幸存者 虽不杀你但会让你痛哭流涕 |
躲避敌方事务官概率+5% (this_agent) 所有部队进行伏击时士气+5% (仅限部队) |
Level 2 刀枪不入 此女对危险有第六感,一旦情况不对劲就会提醒她 |
躲避敌方事务官概率+10% (this_agent) 所有部队进行伏击时士气+10% (仅限部队) |
Level 3 不死之身 这女人根本不知死亡为何物 |
躲避敌方事务官概率+20% (this_agent) 所有部队进行伏击时士气+15% (仅限部队) |
370 | r2_sp_trait_female_barbarian_agent_zeal |
Level 1 能说会道 此女擅长演讲,从思维到感情俱佳 |
热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 2 三寸之舌 此女说话言重九鼎 |
热忱+4 (this_agent) |
Level 3 煽动者 此女一说话,人们便听令行事,坚定不移 |
热忱+6 (this_agent) |
371 | r2_sp_trait_female_barbarian_sober |
Level 1 非酒徒 “我在打架之前都不需要先生气” |
权威+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 不正常,无聊而且冷静 葡萄酒,蜂蜜酒或者麦芽酒,这女人什么都没有 |
权威+2 (this_agent) 所有部队士气-6% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 完全疯狂与冷静 “明天你将会变成一头目光短浅、令人作呕、爱闻屁味的猪,我可不会这样” |
权威+3 (this_agent) 所有部队士气-9% (this_general_force) |
372 | r2_sp_trait_female_cavalry |
Level 1 Skilful Rider This woman knows a great deal about horses. |
所有部队近战攻击技能+6% (this_general_force) |
373 | r2_sp_trait_female_civilised_agent_zeal |
Level 1 能说会道 此女用其有力的论据说服很多人 |
热忱+2 (this_agent) |
Level 2 慷慨激昂的演讲者 此女仅凭语言便能感化你的内心与思想 |
热忱+4 (this_agent) |
Level 3 勾魂摄魄的演讲者 此女可以令听众听的入迷,陷入令人眼花缭乱的辞藻中 |
热忱+6 (this_agent) |
374 | r2_sp_trait_female_civilized_persecutor |
Level 1 迫害者 “我决定选你了,就凭我乐意” |
每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) 税务征集法令: 税率+5% (所在行省) |
375 | r2_sp_trait_female_civilized_sober |
Level 1 清醒 “饮酒很愉悦,但这女人永远也不懂” |
权威+1 (this_agent) |
Level 2 节制 凡事冷静考虑,就是此女的生活方式 |
权威+2 (this_agent) 所有部队士气-6% (this_general_force) |
Level 3 滴酒不沾 “在我这儿我们都不算粗俗的,那些猥琐的酒鬼们还能在我们的呕吐物里游泳呢!” |
权威+3 (this_agent) 所有部队士气-9% (this_general_force) |
376 | r2_sp_trait_female_daughter |
Level 1 Mediator This woman has extraordinary skill at resolving conflicts. |
每回合公共秩序+2 (所有行省) |
377 | r2_sp_trait_female_diplomat |
Level 1 Diplomat This woman has uncommon knowledge of other cultures and customs. |
+6 to diplomacy with all factions (派系效果) |
378 | r2_sp_trait_female_fleet |
Level 1 Extraordinary Captain This woman is said to be able to control the waves themselves! |
于海上攻击时舰队士气+7% (this_general_force) |
379 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_good_roman |
Level 1 忠诚 父亲,家庭,罗马,这三个词构成整个人生 |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 传播拉丁文化(影响+1) (this_agent) |
Level 2 爱国 只有无可厚非地怀疑外国人才配得上对罗马的爱 |
权威+1 (this_agent) 传播拉丁文化(影响+2) (this_agent) |
Level 3 罗马妇女典范 此女是罗马人优秀与道德的典范 |
权威+1 (this_agent) 传播拉丁文化(影响+3) (this_agent) |
380 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_personal_dignity |
Level 1 尊严 此女的名声与影响力实至名归 |
权威+1 (this_agent) |
381 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_personal_dutifulness |
Level 1 虔敬 此女尊重事物的自然规则,并能拎得清自己的斤两 |
党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) |
382 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_personal_frugality |
Level 1 节俭 这个女人在任何方面都很节俭,但是从不吝啬 |
税率+5% (所在行省) 税务征集法令: 税率+10% (所在行省) |
383 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_personal_gravity |
Level 1 名誉 此人讲话的时候,其他人都认真地听 |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
384 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_personal_humanity |
Level 1 人本 此女以光辉的榜样服人,并非言语 |
权威+2 (this_agent) |
385 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_personal_humour |
Level 1 和蔼 这个女人开放、友善的态度令所有与她打交道的人都感到很轻松舒适 |
所有行动成本-5% (所有人物) |
386 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_personal_industriousness |
Level 1 勤勉 此女工作勤勤恳恳,不浪费每一分每一秒 |
每回合人口增长+1 (所在行省) |
387 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_personal_mercy |
Level 1 宽厚 此女克制力非凡 |
权威+5 (this_agent) 热忱-3 (this_agent) |
388 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_personal_prudence |
Level 1 慎重 经验令此人行动谨慎 |
智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱-1 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) |
389 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_personal_tenacity |
Level 1 沉着 “你用言语伤害她,她就会用刀来对付你,然后对着你的骨灰微笑” |
热忱+1 (this_agent) |
390 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_personal_truthfulness |
Level 1 真理 诚信是此人的口号 |
权威+5 (this_agent) 智谋-3 (this_agent) |
391 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_personal_wholesomeness |
Level 1 健康 此女身心健康 |
热忱-2 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) +5 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
392 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_public_dutifulness |
Level 1 虔敬 此女身心皆服从于诸神 |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
393 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_public_forethought |
Level 1 远见 命运女神赐福于她,大家都知道 |
智谋+2 (this_agent) 热忱-1 (this_agent) |
394 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_public_freedom |
Level 1 自由 “我随心所欲地成为女主人,你无能为力地成为了奴隶” |
减少奴隶人口下降趋势 (所在行省) |
395 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_public_giving |
Level 1 率直 慷慨大方令女人魅力大增 |
贸易协议所获关税收入-10% (派系效果) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所在行省) |
396 | r2_sp_trait_female_roman_virtues_public_modesty |
Level 1 贞洁 谦逊已成为一种品质,特别是女人 |
权威+1 (this_agent) 传播拉丁文化(影响+1) (this_agent) |
397 | r2_sp_trait_female_scholar |
Level 1 Scholar This woman's curiosity has led to valuable discoveries... |
文化科技研究速率+7% (派系效果) |
398 | r2_sp_trait_female_trader |
Level 1 Master Trader This woman knows what she wants and exactly where to get it. |
所有产值+6% (所有区域) |
399 | r2_sp_trait_female_warrior |
Level 1 Fierce Warrior Few men survive an encounter with this woman; gods help the enemy! |
所有部队士气+6% (this_general_force) |
400 | r2_sp_trait_non_roman_background_fighter |
Level 1 有剑作助 此人在战斗中应对自如 |
自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+30% (this_agent) 热忱+1 (this_agent) |
401 | r2_sp_trait_non_roman_background_mascot |
Level 1 军队吉祥物 此时幼时被其父的军队视作吉祥物并对其留有感情 |
权威+1 (this_agent) 部队招募与舰船建造成本-5% (in_all_your_armies_in_this_province) |
402 | r2_sp_trait_non_roman_background_wealthy |
Level 1 财阀 如果财富是力量的话,此人有很多 |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) 税务征集法令: 税率+5% (所在行省) |
403 | r2_sp_trait_non_roman_eagle_won |
Level 1 鹰旗掠夺者 “比你想象得容易多了,罗马人太蠢” |
对抗罗马时所有部队士气+15% (this_general_force) |
Level 2 鹰旗收藏者 “我可能会弄垮它,蠢货” |
对抗罗马时所有部队士气+30% (this_general_force) |
404 | r2_sp_trait_roman_background_fighter |
Level 1 获释角斗士 他终于从暗无天日的训练营中赢得了自由 |
权威-2 (this_agent) 智谋+2 (this_agent) 自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+15% (this_agent) |
405 | r2_sp_trait_roman_background_mascot |
Level 1 军人世家 跟随父亲的征战,此人在一群士兵中长大,并且明白了他们的道路 |
权威+1 (this_agent) 部队招募与舰船建造成本-5% (in_all_your_armies_in_this_province) |
406 | r2_sp_trait_roman_background_wealthy |
Level 1 氏族成年人 “如果我出身名门,或者通过婚姻攀上富贵,将会怎样?” |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) 税务征集法令: 税率+5% (所在行省) |
407 | r2_sp_trait_roman_eagle_found |
Level 1 部分挽回 此人敢于夺回鹰旗,某种程度上重塑了他的荣誉 |
所有部队士气+15% (this_general) |
408 | r2_sp_trait_roman_good_roman |
Level 1 忠诚 元老院和人民构成了整个人生 |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 传播拉丁文化(影响+1) (this_agent) +1 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) |
Level 2 爱国者 只有无可厚非地怀疑外国人才配得上对罗马的爱 |
权威+1 (this_agent) 传播拉丁文化(影响+2) (this_agent) +2 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) |
Level 3 真正的罗马人 此人是罗马人正直和优秀的典范 |
传播拉丁文化(影响+3) (this_agent) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) +3 loyalty for the political party this character belongs to (this_agent) |
409 | r2_sp_trait_roman_victor |
Level 3 胜利者 此人打败了罗马的敌人 |
每回合公共秩序+2 (所在行省) |
Level 2 征服者 此人征服了一整个民族,得到了罗马人的钦佩 |
每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
Level 1 凯旋者 “看看你后面,记住只有你一个人了” |
每回合公共秩序+6 (所在行省) |
410 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_dignity |
Level 1 尊严 此人完全配得上这名声与势力 |
权威+1 (this_agent) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
411 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_dutifulness |
Level 1 虔敬 此人尊重万物的秩序,并且清楚地知道自己的位置 |
党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) |
412 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_fortitude |
Level 1 刚毅 在战场上,勇气是宝贵的 |
热忱+3 (this_agent) |
413 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_frugality |
Level 1 节俭 这位罗马人对所有事情都能保持恰当的节俭,但绝不吝啬 |
税率+5% (所在行省) 税务征集法令: 税率+10% (所在行省) |
414 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_gravity |
Level 1 名誉 当此人说话时,其他人无不仔细聆听 |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
415 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_humanity |
Level 1 人本 此人靠行动说话,而不是舌头 |
权威+2 (this_agent) |
416 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_humour |
Level 1 和蔼 开放、友好的态度让所有与此人打交道的人感到舒心 |
所有行动成本-5% (所有人物) |
417 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_industriousness |
Level 1 勤勉 此人把别人睡觉的时间用于工作 |
每回合人口增长+1 (所在行省) |
418 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_mercy |
Level 1 宽厚 此人的仁慈与宽大符合所有美德 |
权威+5 (this_agent) 热忱-3 (this_agent) |
419 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_morale_courage |
Level 1 美德 此人拥有一个真正的罗马公民应有的道德 |
热忱+3 (this_agent) |
420 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_prudence |
Level 1 慎重 经验造就了他的行为 |
智谋+1 (this_agent) 热忱-1 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) |
421 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_respectability |
Level 1 诚实 直截了当,罗马人的正直容不得半点污秽 |
权威+5 (this_agent) 智谋-3 (this_agent) |
422 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_spiritual_authority |
Level 1 权力 此人长久以来积累的威望使他能影响身边的人 |
传播拉丁文化(影响+3) (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+3 (this_force_local_province) |
423 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_sternness |
Level 1 严肃 如果你能自制,那你就能制外物 |
于己方或盟友领土作战时士气+5% (this_general) |
424 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_tenacity |
Level 1 沉着 “你用匕首伤了他,他就会用短剑来回敬你,不死不休” |
热忱+1 (this_agent) |
425 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_truthfulness |
Level 1 真理 诚实是男人的口号 |
权威+5 (this_agent) 智谋-3 (this_agent) |
426 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_personal_wholesomeness |
Level 1 健康 此人里外如一,圣洁如真人 |
热忱-2 (this_agent) 党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) +10 to chance of having children (this_agent) |
427 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_clemency |
Level 1 宽厚 征服者总有大慈悲 |
热忱-3 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+5 (所在行省) |
428 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_confidence |
Level 1 自在 “被逮捕者已经在列了。确保他们每一个人都有体面地自决的机会” |
权威+3 (this_agent) |
429 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_dutifulness |
Level 1 虔敬 这个虔诚的人在所有事务上都听从诸神的旨意 |
每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
430 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_endurance |
Level 1 耐心 国家强有力的掌舵者 |
热忱+1 (this_agent) 腐败-5% (派系效果) |
431 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_fair |
Level 1 公正 各方面公平的待遇,这就是我强调的。很不同寻常,不是吗? |
每回合公共秩序+2 (所在行省) |
432 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_faith |
Level 1 忠实 “我说话算话,赌上我的剑” |
热忱+3 (this_agent) |
433 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_fertile_agriculture |
Level 1 农业之神 “我喜欢猪,你喜欢猪吗?猪可是朱庇特最喜欢的零食啊” |
农业与畜业产值+10% (所在行省) |
434 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_forethought |
Level 1 远见 命运多次想置他于死地,但他都巧妙地逃过一劫 |
智谋+2 (this_agent) 热忱-1 (this_agent) |
435 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_fortune |
Level 1 幸运 “光有运气是不够的,你必须得用得到” |
党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) |
436 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_freedom |
Level 1 自由 “做主人是我的自由。做奴隶也是你的自由” |
减少奴隶人口下降趋势 (所在行省) |
437 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_giving |
Level 1 率直 慷慨的人总是更受欢迎 |
贸易协议所获关税收入-10% (派系效果) 每回合公共秩序+3 (所在行省) |
438 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_harmony |
Level 1 团结 诸神因罗马人的团结而喜悦 |
权威+2 (this_agent) |
439 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_hope |
Level 1 希冀 “神马将会保佑罗马,他们一直这样” |
每回合公共秩序+3 (所在行省) |
440 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_joy |
Level 1 欢喜 “危机?危机是什么?” |
每回合公共秩序+2 (所在行省) |
441 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_justice |
Level 1 正义女神 棒与斧有它们的用处 |
每回合公共秩序+5 (所在行省) |
442 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_lucky |
Level 1 伯努斯埃文图斯 运气能成就一些人 |
热忱+1 (this_agent) |
443 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_mirth |
Level 1 愉悦 “我喜欢笑。但也有限制…” |
权威-2 (this_agent) 每回合公共秩序+4 (所在行省) |
444 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_modesty |
Level 1 贞洁 谦逊是美女、也是罗马高官的重要品质 |
传播拉丁文化(影响+2) (this_agent) 每回合名誉+1 (this_agent) |
445 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_nobility |
Level 1 名声 血脉并非不朽 |
权威+3 (this_agent) |
446 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_peace |
Level 1 和平女神 长久的和平是真正的荣耀 |
每回合公共秩序+3 (所在行省) |
447 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_plenty |
Level 1 丰产女神 “看,我们把馅饼做的更大了,这样每个人都能分到一些…不,我这是比喻你不知道吗?” |
2粮食 (所在行省) |
448 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_prosperity |
Level 1 幸福之神 “我只做优秀的罗马人做的事” |
传播拉丁文化(影响+3) (this_agent) |
449 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_public_health |
Level 1 健康女神 “我听说就算是穷人也觉得粪便很讨厌,你难道不知道…” |
每回合人口增长+2 (所在行省) |
450 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_roman_spirit |
Level 1 天才 此人是所有罗马美德与真实的化身 |
研究速率+1% (派系效果) |
451 | r2_sp_trait_roman_virtues_public_wealth |
Level 1 参谋 当金钱为罗马人民的共同利益服务时,它就是善的 |
党派力量每回合增长+1 (派系效果) 每回合公共秩序-1 (所在行省) |
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