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Centurion Training Gallic Rome (Empire Divided)Gallic Rome (Empire Divided) Battle Tier 5

Centurion Training

Only the finest centurions are worthy of the title of 'primus pilus'.

The 3rd century AD introduced significant changes to internal command structure of the Roman army. For example, promotion was tied to length of service, which often outweighed merit and hard work. After a man had finished his period as a recruit, he was assigned either to the cavalry or the infantry, attaining a status of a non-commissioned officer. Further transfer of soldiers between military units was discouraged. A soldier could sever his ties to the unit into which he was recruited only after he had attained at least the rank of cadet officer. Among the officers, seniority was the leading factor for command. The title of 'primus pilus', or 'first spear', went to the commander of the first cohort and the most senior centurion of a Legion.

繁體中文化: 巴哈姆特全軍破敵板


Centurion Training

Node Set

Battle Tier 5






  • 所有單位士氣+15%
  • +10% movement speed for all heavy infantry units
  • 所有壯年步兵單位的近戰防禦技巧+15%
Requires Technologies Conscripted Elite AlaeConscripted Elite Alae
Enables Technologies Siege EquipmentSiege Equipment New Legion AquillaeNew Legion Aquillae