Home家園 / Divide et Impera / Basileioi Skythai Nobles / 科技 / Large Defences
Large Defences Basileioi Skythai NoblesBasileioi Skythai Nobles Construction Tier 4

Large Defences

All the people should be able to shelter when attackers come a' raiding.

Maiden Castle in Dorset contains incredible defences constructed as far back as 350BC and slowly added to over time. Its large reinforced limestone ramparts provided protection for a population of several hundred. Perhaps the most interesting of Maiden Castle’s defences is its ammunition store, a large pit found just inside the east gate containing 20,000 carefully chosen pebbles that would have been used as slingshot during sieges.

繁體中文化: 巴哈姆特全軍破敵板

