HomeHome / Divide et Impera / ​モ​リ​ニ (Caesar in Gaul) / Technologies / Great Food Vault
Great Food Vault ​モ​リ​ニ (Caesar in Gaul)​モ​リ​ニ (Caesar in Gaul) ​民​衆​の​支​援 Tier 5

Great Food Vault

Famines can be kept at bay, with a little forethought.

Storing large amounts of food became incredibly important as the Romans invaded. Sieges could last for months and starving a population out of their home was a popular Roman tactic. It was employed by Caesar at the Siege of Alesia in 52BC, the battle that ultimately won him the war in Gaul. Conditions became so dire in Alesia that Vercingetorix was forced to eject all the women and children from the city, hoping to save food for the warriors and trusting that the Romans would allow the civilians to flee to safety. However, Caesar issued orders that no exits were to be made in the siege works and the women and children starved to death between the walls of their home and the Roman lines.

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Great Food Vault

Node Set

​民​衆​の​支​援 Tier 5






  • -6% ​部​隊​の​徴​兵​費
  • +25% ​農​耕(​農​業)​に​よ​る​収​入 (​全​て​の​領​土)
  • -20% ​包​囲​さ​れ​て​い​る​時​の​兵​の​消​耗
  • -2% ​包​囲​さ​れ​て​い​る​時​の​兵​の​消​耗
Requires Technologies Grain KilnGrain Kiln
Enables Buildings ​蛮​族​の​オ​ッ​ピ​ド​ゥ​ム​蛮​族​の​オ​ッ​ピ​ド​ゥ​ム
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​魚)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​魚)
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​ガ​ラ​ス​製​品)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​ガ​ラ​ス​製​品)
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​金)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​金)
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​穀​物)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​穀​物)
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​革)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​革)
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​鉄)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​鉄)
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​石​灰​岩)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​石​灰​岩)
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​大​理​石)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​大​理​石)
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​オ​リー​ブ​オ​イ​ル)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​オ​リー​ブ​オ​イ​ル)
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​紫​の​染​料)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​紫​の​染​料)
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​絹)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​絹)
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​鉛)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​鉛)
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​木​材)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​木​材)
​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​ワ​イ​ン)​蛮​族​の​パ​グ​ス (​ワ​イ​ン)
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