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Advanced Construction Techniques ​反​ア​ン​ト​ニ​ウ​ス​派 (Imperator Augustus)​反​ア​ン​ト​ニ​ウ​ス​派 (Imperator Augustus) ​建​築 Tier 3

Advanced Construction Techniques

When the limits of brick, stone and wood are known, the builder's ambition can soar!

As building materials became more understood, and skills developed amongst architects and builders, new construction techniques became possible. Domes, arches and vaults became regular features in Roman architecture, but a true dome was perhaps the pinnacle achievement of architects and builders of the time. They posed complex puzzles when it came to supporting the weight of the structure as it was being built, and it took time and a certain amount of trial and error for architects to perfect the system. The Pantheon in Rome is one of the best examples of a true dome and suggests that by AD128 architects had mastered the form.

日本語化: JapanTotalWarとは


Advanced Construction Techniques

Node Set

​建​築 Tier 3






  • -5% ​建​設​費 (​全​て​の​領​土)
Requires Technologies ConcreteConcrete
Enables Technologies Fired BrickFired Brick DioptraDioptra
Enables Buildings ​地​下​掘​り​鉱​山​地​下​掘​り​鉱​山
Deep Mine ShaftDeep Mine Shaft
Deep Mine ShaftDeep Mine Shaft
Deep Marble QuarryDeep Marble Quarry
Timber StorehouseTimber Storehouse
Deep Mine ShaftDeep Mine Shaft
Deep Mine ShaftDeep Mine Shaft
Deep Mine ShaftDeep Mine Shaft
Dye FactoryDye Factory
Hides StorehouseHides Storehouse
Ornate Glass FactoryOrnate Glass Factory
Silk StorehouseSilk Storehouse
​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​ガ​ラ​ス​製​品)​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​ガ​ラ​ス​製​品)
​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​革)​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​革)
​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​鉄)​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​鉄)
​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​石​灰​岩)​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​石​灰​岩)
​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​大​理​石)​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​大​理​石)
​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​オ​リー​ブ​オ​イ​ル)​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​オ​リー​ブ​オ​イ​ル)
​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​絹)​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​絹)
​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​鉛)​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​鉛)
​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​木​材)​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​木​材)
​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​ワ​イ​ン)​ロー​マ​の​小​さ​な​町 (​ワ​イ​ン)
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Roman Trade MunicipiumRoman Trade Municipium
Trade Hub (Copper)Trade Hub (Copper)
Roman Small Town (Warhorse)Roman Small Town (Warhorse)
Roman Small Town (Salt)Roman Small Town (Salt)
Roman Small Town (Trained Slaves)Roman Small Town (Trained Slaves)
Colonia (Small)Colonia (Small)
Fortified RomaFortified Roma
Commercial RomaCommercial Roma
Qart-Hadasht (Occupied)Qart-Hadasht (Occupied)
Fortified Qart-Hadasht (Occupied)Fortified Qart-Hadasht (Occupied)
Commercial Qart-Hadasht (Occupied)Commercial Qart-Hadasht (Occupied)
Syracuse (Occupied)Syracuse (Occupied)
Fortified Syracuse (Occupied)Fortified Syracuse (Occupied)
Commercial Syracuse (Occupied)Commercial Syracuse (Occupied)
Athens (Occupied)Athens (Occupied)
Fortified Athens (Occupied)Fortified Athens (Occupied)
Commercial Athens (Occupied)Commercial Athens (Occupied)
Massalia (Occupied)Massalia (Occupied)
Fortified Massalia (Occupied)Fortified Massalia (Occupied)
Massalia (Occupied)Massalia (Occupied)
Sparta (Occupied)Sparta (Occupied)
Fortified Sparta (Occupied)Fortified Sparta (Occupied)
Commercial Sparta (Occupied)Commercial Sparta (Occupied)
Alexandria (Occupied)Alexandria (Occupied)
Fortified Alexandria (Occupied)Fortified Alexandria (Occupied)
Commercial Alexandria (Occupied)Commercial Alexandria (Occupied)
Pergamon (Occupied)Pergamon (Occupied)
Fortified Pergamon (Occupied)Fortified Pergamon (Occupied)
Commercial Pergamon (Occupied)Commercial Pergamon (Occupied)
Antioch (Occupied)Antioch (Occupied)
Fortified Antioch (Occupied)Fortified Antioch (Occupied)
Commercial Antioch (Occupied)Commercial Antioch (Occupied)
Rhodos (Occupied)Rhodos (Occupied)
Fortified Rhodos (Occupied)Fortified Rhodos (Occupied)
Commercial Rhodos (Occupied)Commercial Rhodos (Occupied)
Hierapytna (Occupied)Hierapytna (Occupied)
Fortified Hierapytna (Occupied)Fortified Hierapytna (Occupied)
Commercial Hierapytna (Occupied)Commercial Hierapytna (Occupied)
Pella (Occupied)Pella (Occupied)
Fortified Pella (Occupied)Fortified Pella (Occupied)
Commercial Pella (Occupied)Commercial Pella (Occupied)