HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Caledonii Secessionists (Empire Divided) / Technologies / Votive Offerings
Votive Offerings Caledonii Secessionists (Empire Divided)Caledonii Secessionists (Empire Divided) Battle Tier 6

Votive Offerings

Make a promise to the gods and they will see you live to fulfil it.

The practice of making votive offerings was widespread among the Celts. Instruments of war, such as shields, helmets and weapons, were regarded as prestigious goods and religious Celts likely sought to gain favour with their deities by offering especially-valuable weaponry. The offering itself involved burying the object in the ground or throwing it in a river or a bog. It was also believed that the head of a fallen enemy granted the warrior who bore it the power of its late owner. The heads were washed and embalmed, and the strongest fighting men kept them on walls or pillars as a sign of their personal strength. Using a head of a fallen foe as a votive offering was a way to show respect for the bravery he had shown in combat.


Votive Offerings

Node Set

Battle Tier 6






  • +15% morale for all units
  • +20% charge bonus for all units
  • +20% melee attack skill for all units
Requires Technologies War DancesWar Dances