Home导航 / Total War: Rome II / 阿尔迪安 / 科技 / Bronze Armour
Bronze Armour 阿尔迪安阿尔迪安 战备训练 Tier 5

Bronze Armour

Finely-wrought armour of bronze is a symbol of status and wealth.

Although by the 3rd century BC the Iron Age was in full swing, bronze was often still used to make armour - for two reasons. Firstly, it could be moulded with relative ease into complex shapes just by hammering, whereas iron was brittle and therefore required the development of more advanced working techniques before it could be reliably used for the purpose. Secondly, the dominance of iron made bronze a relative rarity by this point in history. This was probably due to a shortage of the tin required for its manufacture. These two elements ensured that fine armour of bronze, despite its vulnerability to blows from iron weapons, eventually became a status symbol for its wearer. Only the wealthiest could afford it, plus of course no one could deny that it was far more pleasing to the eye than iron - the "ugly metal", as described by Chinese metallurgists of the time.

汉化补丁: 3DM蒹葭汉化组


Bronze Armour

Node Set

战备训练 Tier 5






  • 所有军队与舰队补员速率+7%
  • 雇佣兵招募成本-15%
  • 所有部队招募成本-4% (所有行省)
  • 所有部队维持费-4%
Requires Technologies Infantry TacticsInfantry Tactics
Enables Technologies 步兵训练步兵训练
Enables Buildings Bronze FurnaceBronze Furnace
Village (Shieldmaker)Village (Shieldmaker)
Village (Blacksmith)Village (Blacksmith)