Home导航 / Total War: Rome II / Syracuse Pretenders (Rise of the Republic) / 科技 / Consolidation of Power
Consolidation of Power Syracuse Pretenders (Rise of the Republic)Syracuse Pretenders (Rise of the Republic) Diacheirisy Tier 4

Consolidation of Power

To do great deeds, a great tool is needed - concentrated power should suffice.

Early in his reign, Dionysius separated the island of Ortygia from the rest of Syracuse by building a substantial wall, which featured a built in acropolis and drydocks. He gave houses to his friends and to mercenaries who had supported his causes, and did a similar thing with the best plots of land around the city. The remaining land was awarded to Syracuse’s citizenry and select foreigners. He did all this in the name of stability and security, which surely is an example of the highest virtue?

汉化补丁: 3DM蒹葭汉化组


Consolidation of Power

Node Set

Diacheirisy Tier 4






  • 公共秩序+2 (所有行省)
  • 次级城镇主要建筑成本-25% (所有区域)
  • 行省首府主要建筑成本-25% (所有区域)
  • 允许招募等级为1的贵族 (所有行省)
Requires Technologies Embrace TyrannyEmbrace Tyranny
Enables Technologies Changing LoyaltiesChanging Loyalties
Enables Buildings MetropolisMetropolis
Town (Amber Trader)Town (Amber Trader)
Town (Shaft Mine)Town (Shaft Mine)
Town (Grain Irrigated Farm)Town (Grain Irrigated Farm)
Colony (Master Horse Breeders)Colony (Master Horse Breeders)
Colony (Armourer)Colony (Armourer)
Colony (Weaponsmith)Colony (Weaponsmith)
Town (Shaft Mine)Town (Shaft Mine)
Town (Leather Workshop)Town (Leather Workshop)
Town (Timber Yard)Town (Timber Yard)
Town (Marble Cutter)Town (Marble Cutter)
Town (Mola Olearia)Town (Mola Olearia)
Town (Dye Works)Town (Dye Works)
Town (Salt Kiln)Town (Salt Kiln)
Town (Winemaker)Town (Winemaker)
Town (Resources)Town (Resources)