Home导航 / Divide et Impera / 切诺马 (Caesar in Gaul) / 建筑 / Commercial Massalia (Occupied)
Commercial Massalia (Occupied) 切诺马 (Caesar in Gaul)切诺马 (Caesar in Gaul) Ancient Capital Level 4

Commercial Massalia (Occupied)

Gateway to Gaul, focused on trade and wealth.

汉化补丁: 3DM蒹葭汉化组

Ancient Capital

Massalia (Occupied)
Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 0
Massalia (Occupied)
Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 1
Fortified Massalia (Occupied)
Fortified Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Massalia (Occupied)
Fortified Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Massalia (Occupied)
Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Massalia (Occupied)
Commercial Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Massalia (Occupied)
Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Massalia (Occupied)
Fortified Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Massalia (Occupied)
Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Massalia (Occupied)
Commercial Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Massalia (Occupied)
Commercial Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Massalia (Occupied)
Fortified Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Massalia (Occupied)
Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Massalia (Occupied)
Commercial Massalia (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Massalia (Occupied)

Building Name

Commercial Massalia (Occupied)

Level Name


Building Chain

Ancient Capital

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource


Require Technology



城墙可用砲兵空槽+6 (this_region)
粮食-10 (this_region)
所有产值+60% (regions_in_this_province)
民生设施生产2025财富 (this_building)
海上贸易生产450财富 (this_building)
每回合人口增长+5 (this_province)
每回合公共秩序-10(肮脏) (this_province)
军队招募容量+1 (this_province)
研究速率+5% (this_faction)
[NOTDISPLAYED]Drivestheroadlevelsbetweensettlements (this_region)
((不出现)) (this_region)
[NOTDISPLAYED]Usedforsettlementstoidentifythepresenceof15mwalls(Hellenic/Roman/Eastern) (this_region)
边界外视野范围+10 (this_region)
+1.5% 3rd Class Citizen (this_building)
+0.75% 1st and 2nd Class (this_building)
军队招募容量+1 (this_province)
城墙可用砲兵空槽+6 (this_region)
[NOTDISPLAYED]Drivestheroadlevelsbetweensettlements (this_region)
((不出现)) (this_region)
[NOTDISPLAYED]Usedforsettlementstoidentifythepresenceof15mwalls(Hellenic/Roman/Eastern) (this_region)
边界外视野范围+10 (this_region)
dei_corruption_hidden (this_faction)

Provides Garrison Army

40 凯尔特堡垒弩砲
40 凯尔特堡垒弩砲
40 凯尔特堡垒弩砲
40 凯尔特堡垒蝎弩
40 凯尔特堡垒蝎弩
300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
Gallic Warriors
200 Gallic Swordsmen
200 Gallic Swordsmen
Gallic Swordsmen
200 Local Citizens
Local Citizens
200 Local Citizen Militia
200 Local Citizen Militia
Local Citizen Militia
175 Local Archers
175 Local Archers
Local Archers

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
300 Lugoae Vocontae
近战步兵 / 枪步兵 / (AOR_11_Celtic_Levies)
Lugoae Vocontae
(Celtic Levies)

During periods of strife and war, it is sometimes necessary to call upon ordinary citizens to organize as militia. Called Lugoae, militia in Celtic societies are farmers, craftsmen, fishermen, and so on, called to brief military service in periods of crisis. They may train a few times a year to fight, and games and sports encourage a decent level of physicality, but they're still only militia, and can only be trusted to do so much.

300 496 496 21 9 10 65 4 20 30
120 Vocontae Epos
骑兵 / 近战骑兵 / (AOR_11_Celtic_Light_Cavalry)
Vocontae Epos
(Vocontii Cavalry)

Vocontae Epos constitute the bulk of Vocontii cavalry. Well-trained compared to many of their enemies’ cavalry, they are invaluable to any army. They throw javelins at a distance, depleting an enemy before charging with their main spears. They are trained to throw javelins, charge, and withdraw repeatedly, and they do it well. A bronze helmet, shield, and light weapons may not seem the equipment of any particularly great cavalry, but they are a solid medium cavalry force, capable of running down routers, defeating light cavalry, and skirmishing if necessary.

120 1216 1216 26 9 22 39 4 20 40
200 Keltohellenikoi Thorakitai
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (AOR_11_Celto_Hellenic_Infantry)
Keltohellenikoi Thorakitai
(Celto-Hellenic Infantry)

These shock infantry are Celto-Hellenic 'men-at-arms,' Celtic warriors of a mixed culture. While they are not of especially great station, they are capable warriors fighting in the Celtic manner, in a motley combination of Hellenic and Celtic gear and dress: long Celtic shields, a Greek helmet, a Celtic sword, and javelins. They soften up an opponent with their javelins and charge an enemy once they're weakened with the great force of Celtic warriors.

200 1263 1263 39 10 15 73 16 20 55
300 Massaloi Pantodapoi
近战步兵 / 枪步兵 / (AOR_11_Greek_Colonist_Levies)
Massaloi Pantodapoi
(Massilian Colonist Levies)

The heritage of the citizen-soldier runs deep in all Greeks, no matter what their home.

300 562 562 26 9 11 66 4 20 30
200 Massaloi Hoplitai
近战步兵 / 方阵枪兵 / (AOR_11_Massalian_Hoplites)
Massaloi Hoplitai
(Massilian Hoplites)

Hoplites: no other word says Greeks at war in quite the same way.

200 1021 1021 29 9 13 62 12 20 40
200 Massaloi Thorakitai Hoplitai
近战步兵 / 方阵枪兵 / (AOR_11_Massalian_Thorax_Hoplites)
Massaloi Thorakitai Hoplitai
(Massilian Thorax Hoplites)

These Massilian warriors are equipped in the traditional hoplite style, sporting heavy chainmail cuirasses.

200 1117 1117 30 9 13 70 14 20 40
200 Gaelaiche
近战步兵 / 枪步兵 / (Cel_Gaelaiche)
(Light Spear Warriors)

The Gaelaiche are the most lightly equipped of the Celtic warrior class. They carry cheap equipment: Celtic longspears, javelins, and a shield. Their longspears are of fair quality, with broad, sharp heads that can cause deep, terrible gashes, and can also be used to bring down horses. These weapons are accompanied by javelins which can be thrown into an enemy position to disorient and kill a few foes. The Gaelaiche are mostly composed of the youngest Celtic warriors, but there is no shame in an older, experienced warrior fighting with a spear as well; the spear is a respected weapon in Celtic society.

200 391 391 24 9 10 71 1 20 50
300 征召自由民
近战步兵 / 枪步兵 / (Cel_Levy_Freemen)
300 496 496 21 9 8 65 4 20 40
175 凯尔特投石兵
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (Cel_Slingers)
175 530 530 6 190 5 20 18 7 6 37 1 20 35
175 凯尔特青年战士
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (Cel_Youths)
175 349 349 14 85 7 5 18 7 6 37 1 20 35