HomeК началу / Divide et Impera / Каледонцы (Император Август) / Постройки / Кузница (бронза)
Кузница (бронза) Каледонцы (Император Август)Каледонцы (Император Август) Производство Level 3

Кузница (бронза)

Всякому воину нужно надежное оружие.

Благодаря языческой традиции оставлять дары водным божествам, на дне рек и озер по всей Европе было найдено множество бронзовых артефактов. Темза, на которой стоит Лондон, должно быть, имела особенное значение для местных племен - археологи подняли с ее дна целый клад замечательных находок. В 1868 г. неподалеку от моста Ватерлоо был найден церемониальный двухрогий шлем. В Британском музее хранятся также щит из Бэттерси и щит из Темзы под Уондсвортом. Как и шлем, щит из Бэттерси считается церемониальным, поскольку на нем нет следов повреждений или даже отверстий для крепления на деревянную основу, без которой щит непригоден в бою.


Квартал ремесленников
Квартал ремесленников
Производство Level 0
Мастерская бронзовых изделий
Мастерская бронзовых изделий
Производство Level 1
Кузница (бронза)
Кузница (бронза)
Производство Level 2
Горн (бронза)
Горн (бронза)
Производство Level 3
Производство Level 1
Производство Level 2
Конный завод
Конный завод
Производство Level 3
Кузница (бронза)

Building Name

Кузница (бронза)

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Technology

Умелые колесничие
Умелые колесничие


Ранг всех новобранцев тяжелой пехоты: +1 (this_province)
+0.7% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class (this_building)
-8% provincial income (building upkeep) (regions_in_this_province)

Provides Garrison Army

300 Britannic  Warriors
300 Britannic  Warriors
Britannic Warriors
Пехота ближнего боя
300 Britannic Champions
Britannic Champions
Пехота ближнего боя

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
300 Засадный отряд
Пехота ближнего боя / Пехота ближнего боя / (Bri_Ambushers)
Засадный отряд
Воины с дротиками и мечами, возникшие из ниоткуда, испугают люблшл врага.
300 571 571 38 11 17 69 1 20 45
175 Balroae
Стрелки-пехотинцы / Стрелки-пехотинцы / (Bri_Balroae)
(Caledonian Slingers)

The Caledonians are a fierce people on the edge of the world. Beyond Caledonia stretches a great, empty ocean, and Caledonia itself is home to a rather isolated people, seemingly relics of a former era of Celtic history. They do not have a great deal of iron, and so do not produce many swords. This being the case, they instead fight with spears, javelins, and slings. Balroae (Bal-ro-ee) are comprised of vast numbers of men, of varying ages and levels of experience. Seemingly fearless, and wild, their bodies are tattooed in esoteric spiral designs, their hair is spiked and red, and they are remarkably fearsome. They are very hardy and brave; their lifestyle demands it. Alone, a disciplined army would destroy them, but if incorporated into an army lead by a more tactically minded commander, they may prove more useful.

175 612 612 6 190 6 20 22 9 13 41 1 20 50
175 Arkwioi
Стрелки-пехотинцы / Стрелки-пехотинцы / (bri_caledonian_archers)
(Caledonian Hunters)

These hunters are skilled, but have little experience in the ways of war. While unarmoured and equipped with weaponry better suited to their trade, when called upon to engage the enemy in close quarters or in a skirmish, these men are capable of fighting with a determination that belies their lack of formal training.

175 403 403 8 155 4 15 20 11 10 26 1 20 35
200 Wenoi Kaledonakoi
Пехота ближнего боя / Пехота ближнего боя / (bri_caledonian_heavy_inf)
Wenoi Kaledonakoi
(Caledonian Heavy Swordsmen)

These professional warriors live to fight, and their skill and strength far surpasses that of any levy unit. Armed with longswords and targes, these men make a worthy addition to any army, and if used well, can dominate the field. They are quite unruly however, and may not wait for guidance before leading the attack.

200 1333 1333 46 12 18 56 16 20 60
175 Arkwioi Laxsnas
Стрелки-пехотинцы / Стрелки-пехотинцы / (bri_caledonian_medium_archers)
Arkwioi Laxsnas
(Armoured Highland Archers)

Drawn from the highlands, these men are armed with a standard shortbow and a one-handed axe for melee, and if lucky enough, some form of padded armour.

175 552 552 8 155 4 15 22 11 10 28 4 20 45
200 Akrowiri Kaledonakoi
Пехота ближнего боя / Пехота с копьями / (bri_caledonian_noble_warriors)
Akrowiri Kaledonakoi
(Caledonian Noble Champions)

Often a chieftain has need of a strong, professional force of elite troops to help keep the unruly Caledonian people under control. The chief's men are normally armed to the teeth, with the best equipment: full mail, spears, and large shields.

200 1246 1246 37 9 18 82 16 20 65
300 Slegowiri
Пехота ближнего боя / Пехота с копьями / (bri_caledonian_spearmen)
(Caledonian Spearmen)

In large groups of spearmen, the weapon's technique can be taken to another level, with many varied defensive formations, requiring excellent discipline and training, and increasing the effectiveness of the unit. Caledonian spearmen specialise in the shieldwall technique, providing a solid wall against charges and making them an effective stopping force, adept at holding a line and defending the weaker units behind them.

300 592 592 30 9 16 48 4 20 45
300 Kladiwoi
Пехота ближнего боя / Пехота ближнего боя / (bri_caledonian_swordsmen)
(Caledonian Swordsmen)

The sword is an expensive weapon, and few are rich enough to buy one, but often when a man captures a sword in battle, he will keep that sword and pass it down through the generations, as a symbol of safety.

300 655 655 35 11 18 46 4 20 45
200 Cwmyr
Пехота ближнего боя / Пехота ближнего боя / (Bri_Cwmyr)
(Caledonian Champions)

The Cwmyr (Koo-meer) are midlander champions who are not of noble blood. They carry swords - a rarity among midland soldiers - though these weapons are still rather short compared to those wielded by the southerners and the Gauls. They wear good quality leather armour that remains flexible and allows them to move freely and make use of their shields and swords. Their considerable skill at arms inspires their comrades in battle, and their bravery is noted.

200 948 948 44 11 17 67 8 20 60
200 Kluddargos
Пехота ближнего боя / Пехота ближнего боя / (Bri_Kluddargos)
(Sword Masters)

Kluddargos (Klud-arr-gus) are British champions who use very specialized weapons. Their two-handed longswords have especially heavy blades and require years of practice to master. Able to afford such weapons, they can also afford high-quality armour, including very fine-quality chain shirts. Like other heroes and champions, they march to battle to inspire their fellow tribesmen, but their weapons also give them a tactical purpose: to annihilate enemy armour. Their swords are truly fierce and destructive: their great swings split helmets, smash shields, and collapse cuirasses into the body. The heads they collect will surely be from grotesquely mangled bodies, obliterated by the force of their blows, and the wielders of such weapons will often take satisfaction in finding their foes' bodies left in such a state.

200 1337 1337 56 13 19 55 12 20 65
300 Teceitos
Пехота ближнего боя / Пехота ближнего боя / (Bri_Teceitos)
(Britannic Axemen)

The Teceitos are an often overlooked component of a Celtic army. Many Celtic warriors are buried with axes - particularly in Britain and Eastern Europe - despite the fact that axes are neither as prestigious nor as admired as swords and spears. The Teceitos wear leather or padded vests and bronze or iron helmets to help protect themselves. They are light enough to move swiftly over the battlefield, allowing them to flank heavy infantry, and strike them from the flanks or rear. Using axes as well as javelins, the Teceitos are especially useful for breaking up heavy infantry. They are also a great asset to chariots, being able to follow them into breaches in the enemy's line.

300 884 884 39 11 15 69 8 20 55