HomePagina iniziale / Divide et Impera / Consiglio della tribù di Tylis / Edifici / Pella (Occupied)
Pella (Occupied) Consiglio della tribù di TylisConsiglio della tribù di Tylis Ancient Capital Level 2

Pella (Occupied)

Strategic Hellenistic capital.

Anche nel mondo antico, le grandi città si originavano in posti già abitati da molto tempo, perché il luogo era facilmente difendibile, i guadi di fiumi controllati, le risorse naturali disponibili nelle vicinanze e si era al riparo da inondazioni e altri disastri naturali.

Nonostante le migliori intenzioni dei governatori, raramente era possibile pianificare lo sviluppo delle città. In alcune sezioni si potevano ammirare i palazzi pubblici a ridosso di strade larghe e aperte, i templi disposti in magnifico splendore, e dimore patrizie che nascondevano la loro opulenza dietro facciate noiose. Ma altrettanto facilmente, percorrendo pochi passi nella direzione sbagliata, ci si poteva ritrovare in un labirinto di piccoli vicoli, con case attaccate l’una all’altra, bassifondi fatiscenti, taverne, bordelli e mattatoi, tutti alla ricerca di un piccolo spazio all’interno delle mura.

La città rappresentava il mondo in miniatura, con tutto lo splendore e lo squallore che questo implica. I Greci e i Romani potevano ritenersi entrambi popoli orgogliosi per la loro civiltà e sofisticatezza, ma allo stesso tempo avevano di che vergognarsi, per la sporcizia e la mediocrità a pochi metri di distanza dallo splendore.

Ancient Capital

Pella (Occupied)
Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 0
Pella (Occupied)
Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 1
Fortified Pella (Occupied)
Fortified Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Pella (Occupied)
Fortified Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Pella (Occupied)
Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Pella (Occupied)
Commercial Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Pella (Occupied)
Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Pella (Occupied)
Fortified Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Pella (Occupied)
Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Pella (Occupied)
Commercial Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Pella (Occupied)
Commercial Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Pella (Occupied)
Fortified Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Pella (Occupied)
Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Pella (Occupied)
Commercial Pella (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Pella (Occupied)

Building Name

Pella (Occupied)

Level Name


Building Chain

Ancient Capital

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



-5 al cibo (this_region)
+10% alla ricchezza derivante da tutte le risorse (regions_in_this_province)
844 alla ricchezza dall’economia di sussistenza (this_building)
+2 alla crescita per turno (this_province)
+1 alla capacità di reclutamento (this_province)
+2% alla velocità di ricerca (this_faction)
[NOT DISPLAYED] (this_region)
((NOT DISPLAYED)) (this_region)
[NOT DISPLAYED (this_region)
+10 al campo visivo al di fuori dei confini (this_region)
+0.5% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class (this_building)
+1 alla capacità di reclutamento (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] (this_region)
((NOT DISPLAYED)) (this_region)
[NOT DISPLAYED (this_region)
+10 al campo visivo al di fuori dei confini (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

300 Celtic Warriors
300 Celtic Warriors
Celtic Warriors
Fanteria corpo a corpo
200 Local Citizens
200 Local Citizens
Local Citizens
Fanteria corpo a corpo
200 Local Citizen Militia
200 Local Citizen Militia
200 Local Citizen Militia
Local Citizen Militia
Fanteria con picca
175 Local Archers
175 Local Archers
175 Local Archers
Local Archers
Fanteria da tiro

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
200 Thessalikoi Epistratoi Hoplitai
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria con picca / (AOR_36_Greek_Levies)
Thessalikoi Epistratoi Hoplitai
(Thessalian Levy Hoplites)

Levies are plentiful, and can stand in battle when properly commanded.

200 562 562 23 9 11 56 4 20 30
200 Thessalikoi Ekdromoi Hoplitai
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria con picca / (AOR_36_Greek_Light_Hoplites)
Thessalikoi Ekdromoi Hoplitai
(Thessalian Light Hoplites)

Discipline is needed to carry a spear and bear a shield in the phalanx.

200 615 615 27 9 13 57 4 20 40
175 Macedonikoi Euzonoi
Fanteria da tiro / Fanteria da tiro / (AOR_36_Greek_Light_Peltasts)
Macedonikoi Euzonoi
(Macedonian Light Peltasts)

These skirmishers sensibly withdraw from threats while harassing the enemy with javelins.

175 625 625 15 90 9 5 27 10 10 65 3 20 40
200 Thessalikoi Thureophoroi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria con lancia / (AOR_36_Greek_Thureos_Spears)
Thessalikoi Thureophoroi
(Thessalian Thureos Spears)

These well-trained warriors are a flexible force of skirmishing spearmen.

200 765 765 30 9 10 67 8 20 40
175 Klappagnetoi
Fanteria da tiro / Fanteria da tiro / (Cel_Klappagnetoi)
(Celtic Slinger Spearmen)

Klappagnetoi are renowned for their use of slings. Although small in number, these Celtic slingers are excellent and considered the best in all of northern Europe. However, these men are not true warriors and are unfit for melee combat except against other slingers and light units. If kept at a distance, these men can rapidly inflict significant damage on the enemy, making armoured opponents think twice before entering within their range.

175 598 598 6 190 5 20 21 9 8 44 1 20 45
300 Batores
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (cel_tyl_clubmen)
(Celtic Clubmen)

These men are a peasant levy, but are usually the strongest men around, chosen by the local chieftain. Their poor armament and protection makes them fast and well-suited for their task. The Batores are equipped with crude weapons, usually heavy clubs and various forestry and farming tools, like axes and other chopping instruments.

300 440 440 29 11 14 56 1 20 40
300 Atecti
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria con lancia / (cel_tyl_levy_spearmen)
(Celtic Levy Spearmen)

These levies are recruited from outside the warrior class. Not well-trusted, they are poorly equipped with hastily-made wicker shields. Their main weapon is the spear, economical and efficient at short distances.

300 333 333 21 9 10 51 1 20 40
300 Bagaudas
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria con lancia / (cel_tyl_light_spearmen)
(Celtic Light Spearmen)

These men carry a gaiso, a lancia, or any other intermediate-sized spear, which makes them usueful against enemy cavalry. They are not especially a defensive unit, but more a "guerilla warfare" unit, capable of fast tactical moves.

300 386 386 24 9 12 67 1 20 40
175 Talmores
Fanteria da tiro / Fanteria da tiro / (cel_tyl_slingers)
(Celtic Slingers)

These irregular slingers support the Celtic infantry line, and are capable of throwing their stones up to 230 or even 250 meters. In fact, they are devastating, but also easy prey in case of a counterattack, especially by cavalry.

175 578 578 6 190 5 20 21 11 9 40 1 20 35
175 Acubagaudas
Fanteria da tiro / Fanteria da tiro / (cel_tyl_youth)
(Celtic Youth Skirmishers)

These skirmishers are equipped with a dagger, or more rarely, a short sword for close combat. Young and agile, they are primarly posted on the flanks of an army, both to prevent enemy flanking manoeuvers, and to outflank the enemy themselves and support their own cavalry.

175 378 378 14 85 7 5 21 11 9 40 1 20 35
300 Kasegilo Gaelaiche
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria con lancia / (cel_tylis_spearmen)
Kasegilo Gaelaiche
(Celto-Thracian Spearmen)

During the massive Celtic invasion of Thrace, many Celts passed through Thracian territory, ravaging, pillaging, and fighting all encountered forces, eventually seizing the village of Tylis, which became their capital in 278 BCE. Neighbouring tribes have been Celticised" after 60 years of life under Celtic rule, and these Gaelaiche represent a kind of typical "Celto-Thracian" infantry."

300 491 491 26 9 10 70 3 20 40