HomePagina iniziale / Divide et Impera / Nasamoni / Edifici / Syracuse (Occupied)
Syracuse (Occupied) NasamoniNasamoni Ancient Capital Level 2

Syracuse (Occupied)

Strategic Hellenistic capital.

Anche nel mondo antico, le grandi città si originavano in posti già abitati da molto tempo, perché il luogo era facilmente difendibile, i guadi di fiumi controllati, le risorse naturali disponibili nelle vicinanze e si era al riparo da inondazioni e altri disastri naturali.

Nonostante le migliori intenzioni dei governatori, raramente era possibile pianificare lo sviluppo delle città. In alcune sezioni si potevano ammirare i palazzi pubblici a ridosso di strade larghe e aperte, i templi disposti in magnifico splendore, e dimore patrizie che nascondevano la loro opulenza dietro facciate noiose. Ma altrettanto facilmente, percorrendo pochi passi nella direzione sbagliata, ci si poteva ritrovare in un labirinto di piccoli vicoli, con case attaccate l’una all’altra, bassifondi fatiscenti, taverne, bordelli e mattatoi, tutti alla ricerca di un piccolo spazio all’interno delle mura.

La città rappresentava il mondo in miniatura, con tutto lo splendore e lo squallore che questo implica. I Greci e i Romani potevano ritenersi entrambi popoli orgogliosi per la loro civiltà e sofisticatezza, ma allo stesso tempo avevano di che vergognarsi, per la sporcizia e la mediocrità a pochi metri di distanza dallo splendore.

Ancient Capital

Syracuse (Occupied)
Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 0
Syracuse (Occupied)
Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 1
Fortified Syracuse (Occupied)
Fortified Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Syracuse (Occupied)
Fortified Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Syracuse (Occupied)
Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Syracuse (Occupied)
Commercial Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Syracuse (Occupied)
Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Syracuse (Occupied)
Fortified Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Syracuse (Occupied)
Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Syracuse (Occupied)
Commercial Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Syracuse (Occupied)
Commercial Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 2
Fortified Syracuse (Occupied)
Fortified Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Syracuse (Occupied)
Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Commercial Syracuse (Occupied)
Commercial Syracuse (Occupied)
Ancient Capital Level 3
Syracuse (Occupied)

Building Name

Syracuse (Occupied)

Level Name


Building Chain

Ancient Capital

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



-5 al cibo (this_region)
+10% alla ricchezza derivante da tutte le risorse (regions_in_this_province)
844 alla ricchezza dall’economia di sussistenza (this_building)
+2 alla crescita per turno (this_province)
+1 alla capacità di reclutamento (this_province)
+2% alla velocità di ricerca (this_faction)
[NOT DISPLAYED] (this_region)
((NOT DISPLAYED)) (this_region)
[NOT DISPLAYED (this_region)
+10 al campo visivo al di fuori dei confini (this_region)
+0.5% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class (this_building)
+1 alla capacità di reclutamento (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] (this_region)
((NOT DISPLAYED)) (this_region)
[NOT DISPLAYED (this_region)
+10 al campo visivo al di fuori dei confini (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

300 African Spearmen
300 African Spearmen
300 African Spearmen
African Spearmen
Fanteria con lancia
200 Local Citizens
200 Local Citizens
Local Citizens
Fanteria corpo a corpo
200 Local Citizen Militia
200 Local Citizen Militia
200 Local Citizen Militia
Local Citizen Militia
Fanteria con picca
175 Local Archers
175 Local Archers
175 Local Archers
Local Archers
Fanteria da tiro

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
175 Kestrosphendones
Fanteria da tiro / Fanteria da tiro / (AOR_10_Dart_Slingers)
(Dart Slingers)

The kestros is a dart thrown by a specially made sling, or propelled by a staff on a sling. It takes a long time to reload, but allows for more deadly and accurate shots than any other weapon of the time if correctly used, thanks to the shape of the darts, which can fly straight and precise trajectories. This weapon is mentioned in a Polybian account about new weapons in the army of Perseus, shortly before the last open confrontation between the Macedonians and the Roman Republic (169-168 BCE).""""

175 516 516 13 100 9 7 28 10 10 35 8 20 45
300 Sikeliotai Pantodapoi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria con lancia / (AOR_10_Greek_Colonist_Levies)
Sikeliotai Pantodapoi
(Syracusan Colonist Levies)

The heritage of the citizen-soldier runs deep in all Greeks, no matter what their home.

300 562 562 26 9 11 66 4 20 30
300 Sikelioi Milites
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria con lancia / (AOR_10_Italian_Levies)
Sikelioi Milites
(Sicilian Levies)

Angry Sicilians with spears should never be dismissed lightly.

300 568 568 15 9 10 65 8 20 35
175 Sikelioi Sphendonetai
Fanteria da tiro / Fanteria da tiro / (AOR_10_Italian_Slingers)
Sikelioi Sphendonetai
(Sicilian Slingers)

Even in the hands of levies, slings are dangerous weapons.

175 476 476 5 165 5 20 18 7 6 44 1 20 25
200 Pezoi Brettioi
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria corpo a corpo / (AOR_10_Sicily_Bruttian_Infantry)
Pezoi Brettioi
(Bruttian Infantry)

The Bruttii come from the southern extremity of Italy. These Bruttian troops are dependable medium infantry. They carry two pila, which they throw before engaging in close combat with their swords. They are well armoured with a variety of bronze pectorales, typical of the Oscan warrior class. Their helmets show Greek and Italian influence, known as Italo-Attic. They fought for Pyrrhus during his invasion of Italy.

200 807 807 33 10 13 70 8 20 50
175 Aichmetai Leukanoi
Fanteria da tiro / Fanteria da tiro / (AOR_10_Sicily_Lucanian_Light_Infantry)
Aichmetai Leukanoi
(Lucanian Light Infantry)

The Aichmetai Leukanoi are equipped with javelins, a knife and a small shield. Their speed is their best and only armour. They allied themselves with Pyrrhus of Epirus when he invaded, but were defeated and subjugated by the Romans after the Pyrrhic War.

175 386 386 14 85 8 5 22 7 8 46 1 20 35