HomePagina iniziale / Divide et Impera / Consiglio della tribù degli Iceni / Edifici / Barbarian Hamlet (Trained Slaves)
Barbarian Hamlet (Trained Slaves) Consiglio della tribù degli IceniConsiglio della tribù degli Iceni Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves) Level 1

Barbarian Hamlet (Trained Slaves)

Da piccole ghiande, crescono grandi querce.

Gli storici romani e greci hanno spesso descritto le tribù barbariche come gente nomade che viveva di caccia e non sapeva molto di agricoltura ed edilizia. Ma le cose stavano molto diversamente. Si sono scoperte diverse strutture che dimostrano come i “barbari” avevano una solida conoscenza delle tecniche di costruzione ed erano capaci di costruire case e difese capaci di sopravvivere per migliaia di anni.

I Broch, edifici in pietra ritrovati in Scozia, sono sopravvissuti alle dure condizioni meteorologiche scozzesi e ci danno preziose informazioni sul popolo che li ha costruiti. Molti erano edifici a più piani e gli storici sono ancora in disaccordo sul loro utilizzo: alcuni ritengono che si trattasse di strutture difensive, altri invece li credono edifici di prestigio, simboli di ricchezza e potere.

Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves)

Barbarian Hamlet (Trained Slaves)
Barbarian Hamlet (Trained Slaves)
Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves) Level 0
Barbarian Village (Trained Slaves)
Barbarian Village (Trained Slaves)
Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves) Level 1
Barbarian Town (Trained Slaves)
Barbarian Town (Trained Slaves)
Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves) Level 2
Barbarian Pagus (Trained Slaves)
Barbarian Pagus (Trained Slaves)
Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves) Level 3
Barbarian Hamlet (Trained Slaves)

Building Name

Barbarian Hamlet (Trained Slaves)

Level Name


Building Chain

Minor Settlement (Trained Slaves)

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



128 alla ricchezza dal commercio locale (this_building)
+2 alla crescita per turno (this_province)
+1 alla capacità di reclutamento (this_province)
Riduce il declino della popolazione in schiavitù (this_province)
+15% alla ricchezza generata dagli schiavi (this_province)
-10% ai disordini tra gli schiavi (tutte le province)
+10 al campo visivo al di fuori dei confini (this_region)
+0.1% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class (this_building)
10 trained slaves (this_building)
+1 alla capacità di reclutamento (this_province)
+10 al campo visivo al di fuori dei confini (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

300 Britannic Townsfolk
300 Britannic Townsfolk
300 Britannic Townsfolk
300 Britannic Townsfolk
Britannic Townsfolk
Fanteria corpo a corpo
300 Britannic  Warriors
Britannic Warriors
Fanteria corpo a corpo
175 Britannic Slingers
175 Britannic Slingers
175 Britannic Slingers
Britannic Slingers
Fanteria da tiro
200 Britannic Tribesmen
200 Britannic Tribesmen
200 Britannic Tribesmen
Britannic Tribesmen
Fanteria con lancia

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
120 Parasim Lebiponnim
Cavalleria / Cavalleria da tiro / (AOR_15_Libyan_Cavalry)
Parasim Lebiponnim
(Libyan Cavalry)

Lightly armed horsemen that act primarily as scouts.

120 898 898 15 90 9 7 30 10 22 34 2 20 35
175 Mitnagsim Lybim
Fanteria da tiro / Fanteria da tiro / (AOR_15_Libyan_Javelinmen)
Mitnagsim Lybim
(Libyan Javelinmen)

These javelin-armed skirmishers harry an enemy before the main battle is joined.

175 361 361 15 90 8 5 15 7 6 37 1 20 25
300 Mishteret Lybim
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria con lancia / (AOR_15_Libyan_Levies)
Mishteret Lybim
(Libyan Levies)

Relatively untrained citizens that are called to arms only in the most dire of circumstances.

300 518 518 28 9 10 71 3 20 40
300 Arabioi Katadromeis
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria con lancia / (AOR_20_arabian_auxiliaries)
Arabioi Katadromeis
(Arabian Auxiliaries)

Arabian auxiliaries form irregular units useful for long-range operations, especially in the desert. They can afford a light and cheap helmet like the Boeotian one, also used by many other troops.

300 490 490 15 9 10 57 6 20 40
300 Erinamesh Ana-Arabim
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria con lancia / (AOR_20_Arabian_Levies)
Erinamesh Ana-Arabim
(Arabian Levies)

The desert-canny fight only when they must.

300 407 407 26 9 10 56 1 20 35
300 Aeudi Lugoae
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria con lancia / (AOR_3_Gallic_Levies)
Aeudi Lugoae
(Gallic Levies)

During periods of strife and war, it is sometimes necessary to call upon ordinary citizens to organize as militia. Called Lugoae, militia in Celtic societies are farmers, craftsmen, fishermen, and so on, called to brief military service in periods of crisis. They may train a few times a year to fight, and games and sports encourage a decent level of physicality, but they're still only militia, and can only be trusted to do so much.

300 496 496 21 9 10 65 4 20 30
120 Leuce Epos
Cavalleria / Cavalleria corpo a corpo / (AOR_3_Gallic_Light_Cavalry)
Leuce Epos
(Gallic Cavalry)

Leuce Epos constitute the bulk of Gallic cavalry. Well-trained compared to many of their enemies’ cavalry, they are invaluable to any army. They throw javelins at a distance, depleting an enemy before charging with their main spears. They are trained to throw javelins, charge, and withdraw repeatedly, and they do it well. A bronze helmet, shield, and light weapons may not seem the equipment of any particularly great cavalry, but they are a solid medium cavalry force, capable of running down routers, defeating light cavalry, and skirmishing if necessary.

120 1216 1216 26 9 22 39 4 20 40
175 Aeudi Gaeroas
Fanteria da tiro / Fanteria da tiro / (AOR_3_Gallic_Skirmishers)
Aeudi Gaeroas
(Gallic Skirmishers)

Even the poorest of the tribe can fight for the tribe's honour and glory.

175 412 412 14 85 8 5 18 7 6 50 1 20 25
175 Thrakioi Peltastai
Fanteria da tiro / Fanteria da tiro / (AOR_38_Thracian_Peltasts)
Thrakioi Peltastai
(Thracian Peltasts)

Unencumbered by armour, these fast moving skirmishers use javelins to disrupt enemy units.

175 449 449 15 90 9 5 24 10 10 44 1 20 30
175 Skutjanz
Fanteria da tiro / Fanteria da tiro / (AOR_5_Germanic_Hunters)
(Germanic Hunters)

A deer or a man: the target still needs killing.

175 528 528 9 165 5 15 21 11 6 29 1 20 25
175 Imannae
Fanteria da tiro / Fanteria da tiro / (Bri_Imannae)
(Britannic Skirmishers)

The Imannae (Im-an-ay) are youths used throughout many less developed Celtic territories to ambush and disorient enemies. In an army, they generally act as a screen for the main force, disrupting the enemy formations with their javelins before the older warriors charge. They are actually more akin to a militia arm, and are employed by tribes in dire need of defense. They are best employed as hit-and-run soldiers for if they become embroiled in a melee they will surely break and flee.

175 428 428 14 85 7 7 18 9 11 51 1 20 35
300 Lugoae
Fanteria corpo a corpo / Fanteria con lancia / (Bri_Lugoae)
(Levy Troops)

During periods of strife and war, it is sometimes necessary to call upon ordinary citizens to organize as a militia. Militia in Celtic societies - known as the Lugoae - are farmers, craftsmen and fishermen, who are called to brief military service in periods of crisis. They may train a few times a year to fight and participate in games and sports to improve their physicality, but they're still only militia, and can only be trusted to do so much.

300 353 353 22 9 15 54 1 20 45