HomeInicio / Divide et Impera / / Edificios / Horno de bronce
Horno de bronce Industrial Level 4

Horno de bronce

El fuego destruye, pero también puede crear.

Gracias a la práctica tribal de realizar ofrendas votivas a los dioses de los ríos y otras vías acuíferas, se han descubierto muchos artefactos de bronce en el fondo de los lagos y ríos de toda Europa. El río Támesis, en Londres, Inglaterra, debe haber sido de gran importancia para las tribus locales, pues se han extraído gran cantidad de obras de bronce de su lecho con el paso de los años. El Casco de Waterloo, una pieza ceremonial con dos cuernos, fue descubierto en 1868 y los escudos de Battersea y Wandsworth también se encontraron en el río. Ahora pueden verse en el Museo Británico. Al igual que el casco, se piensa que el Escudo de Battersea era un artículo ceremonial, ya que no presenta daños y no hay indicios de que estuviera incorporado a una base de madera, lo que le hubiera proporcionado la fuerza necesaria para poder ser utilizado en batalla.


Alojamiento para artesanos
Alojamiento para artesanos
Industrial Level 0
Taller de bronce
Taller de bronce
Industrial Level 1
Forja de bronce
Forja de bronce
Industrial Level 2
Horno de bronce
Horno de bronce
Industrial Level 3
Industrial Level 1
Industrial Level 2
Finca de caballos
Finca de caballos
Industrial Level 3
Horno de bronce

Building Name

Horno de bronce

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource


Require Technology

Cota de malla de la infantería
Cota de malla de la infantería


+2 rango(s) de experiencia para reclutas de infantería pesada (this_province)
+1% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class (this_building)
-10% provincial income (building upkeep) (regions_in_this_province)
Requires the Copper resource (this_building)

Provides Garrison Army

300 Britannic  Warriors
300 Britannic  Warriors
Britannic Warriors
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo
300 Britannic Champions
Britannic Champions
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 1
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
300 Emboscadores
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / (Bri_Ambushers)
Lo inesperado, armado con jabalinas y espadas, nunca es bienvenido.
300 571 571 38 11 17 69 1 20 45
40 Balista britana
Máquina de asedio / Artillería de campo / (Bri_Ballista)
Balista britana
Hay mucho que decir de un arma capaz de matar a tan grandes distancias.
40 2000 2000 69 435 2 40 13 22 39 4 20 45
175 Balroae
Infantería de proyectiles / Infantería de proyectiles / (Bri_Balroae)
(Caledonian Slingers)

The Caledonians are a fierce people on the edge of the world. Beyond Caledonia stretches a great, empty ocean, and Caledonia itself is home to a rather isolated people, seemingly relics of a former era of Celtic history. They do not have a great deal of iron, and so do not produce many swords. This being the case, they instead fight with spears, javelins, and slings. Balroae (Bal-ro-ee) are comprised of vast numbers of men, of varying ages and levels of experience. Seemingly fearless, and wild, their bodies are tattooed in esoteric spiral designs, their hair is spiked and red, and they are remarkably fearsome. They are very hardy and brave; their lifestyle demands it. Alone, a disciplined army would destroy them, but if incorporated into an army lead by a more tactically minded commander, they may prove more useful.

175 612 612 6 190 6 20 22 9 13 41 1 20 50
200 Calawre
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / (Bri_Calawre)

All the Celtic cultures follow hero worshipping traditions, and the Britons are no different. Among the southern tribes especially, there are warriors of exceedingly great skill, who use Gallic equipment. The Calawre (Call-a-oo-re) are not typically considered to be recognized champions, but they are wealthy and skilled. They have good armour and high-quality Gallic swords. They are called champions more on account of their appearance than their abilities on the battlefield, where in reality they serve as an all-purpose heavy infantry. They are adept and professional warriors, but their cost - in terms of equipment and training - limits their numbers.

200 1188 1188 45 11 15 69 12 20 60
40 Escorpión britano
Máquina de asedio / Artillería de campo / (Bri_Cheiroballistra)
Escorpión britano
Los escorpiones son unas armas crueles, pero magníficas cuando se usan contra el enemigo.
40 1800 1800 39 365 2 33 11 18 26 4 20 45
200 Weroi Iwerakoi
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería con lanza / (bri_irish_champions)
Weroi Iwerakoi
(Irish Champions)

The best of the Iweriu warriors each have a tale of their personal prowess, and have the supreme honour to be called champions.

200 1101 1101 43 9 22 84 10 20 65
200 Wenoi Iwerakoi
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / (bri_irish_elite_medium_inf)
Wenoi Iwerakoi
(Irish Elite Swordsmen)

These swordsmen are older and very experienced, usually wearing a good quality helmet and leather armour under their tunics. They are elite swordsmen, using heavy javelins and longswords for devastating attacks, and are very useful as a flanking unit.

200 905 905 40 12 20 77 8 20 60
175 Weidelos
Infantería de proyectiles / Infantería de proyectiles / (bri_irish_medium_skirmishers)
(Irish Raiders)

These very common spearmen and skirmishers are generally more experienced and better equipped than most of the levied troops. They have a short sword for close fighting, but they rely on their gaiso spears first.

175 612 612 15 90 8 5 32 11 14 47 4 20 45
200 Ouxseloi Iwerakoi
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería con lanza / (bri_irish_noble_warriors)
Ouxseloi Iwerakoi
(Irish Nobles)

The nobles of Hibernia are the best equipped of all Irish warriors, with elaborate armour as well as crested, plumed, and feathered helmets, highly recognisable of the battlefield when fighting on foot.

200 1211 1211 35 9 18 73 16 20 60
300 Wiri Gurmakoi
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / (bri_irish_painted_warriors)
Wiri Gurmakoi
(Irish Painted Warriors)

Celtic painted warriors are chosen for their strength, men of above-average physique. Perfect line-breakers with their heavy swords, they can also be described as young "champions," who are either not wealthy enough to afford armour, or shun its use in order to be more agile, though some wear helmets. They are tattooed and usually half- or completely naked, their hair typically painted and coated with white cender to be more impressive.

300 653 653 40 11 21 49 3 20 60
300 Kladiwowiri
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / (bri_irish_swordsmen)
(Irish Swordsmen)

These men are the Kladibabekos, the sword-wielding warriors. With murderous blades they carve out their place in the community. Where lesser men may plough the fields to earn their porridge, these men harvest the spoils of war.

300 575 575 34 11 16 49 3 20 45
300 Karutses
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / (bri_irish_veteran_warriors)
(Irish Veteran Warriors)

These highly mobile warriors use spears as well as longswords. They wear no armour but perhaps a light leather jacket and a simple helmet, like the coolus. All is conceived for maximised mobility and speed on the battlefield. As usual, the main decisive shock is provided by a single, furious charge.

300 619 619 37 11 20 54 3 20 55
200 Kluddargos
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / (Bri_Kluddargos)
(Sword Masters)

Kluddargos (Klud-arr-gus) are British champions who use very specialized weapons. Their two-handed longswords have especially heavy blades and require years of practice to master. Able to afford such weapons, they can also afford high-quality armour, including very fine-quality chain shirts. Like other heroes and champions, they march to battle to inspire their fellow tribesmen, but their weapons also give them a tactical purpose: to annihilate enemy armour. Their swords are truly fierce and destructive: their great swings split helmets, smash shields, and collapse cuirasses into the body. The heads they collect will surely be from grotesquely mangled bodies, obliterated by the force of their blows, and the wielders of such weapons will often take satisfaction in finding their foes' bodies left in such a state.

200 1337 1337 56 13 19 55 12 20 65
300 Teceitos
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / (Bri_Teceitos)
(Britannic Axemen)

The Teceitos are an often overlooked component of a Celtic army. Many Celtic warriors are buried with axes - particularly in Britain and Eastern Europe - despite the fact that axes are neither as prestigious nor as admired as swords and spears. The Teceitos wear leather or padded vests and bronze or iron helmets to help protect themselves. They are light enough to move swiftly over the battlefield, allowing them to flank heavy infantry, and strike them from the flanks or rear. Using axes as well as javelins, the Teceitos are especially useful for breaking up heavy infantry. They are also a great asset to chariots, being able to follow them into breaches in the enemy's line.

300 884 884 39 11 15 69 8 20 55