HomeInicio / Divide et Impera / Remos (César en la Galia) / Edificios / Alojamiento para artesanos
Alojamiento para artesanos Remos (César en la Galia)Remos (César en la Galia) Industrial Level 1

Alojamiento para artesanos

Tener buen ojo para el arte puede ser provechoso.

Muchos escritores romanos intentaron reducir a los celtas a un pueblo cruel que vivía para la guerra y poco más. Polibio, al describir a los celtas del valle del Po, comentaba que "sus vidas eran muy simples y no tenían conocimiento alguno sobre la ciencia o el arte". Gracias a los descubrimientos arqueológicos sabemos que esto es una simplificación excesiva de una sociedad muy compleja; también se han encontrado bellos ejemplos de arte celta por toda Europa, lo cual confirma una realidad muy distinta. Objetos como el Caldero de Gundestrup y el Espejo de Desborough muestran que los celtas tenían gran habilidad para trabajar el metal, gozaban de sensibilidad artística y sabían contar historias a través de su arte. Los intrincados detalles del caldero se conservaron gracias a la turbera en la que fue descubierto. El vidrio usado para los ojos de las figuras nos da idea de las magníficas habilidades artísticas y artesanas de los hombres que lo hicieron.


Alojamiento para artesanos
Alojamiento para artesanos
Industrial Level 0
Taller de bronce
Taller de bronce
Industrial Level 1
Forja de bronce
Forja de bronce
Industrial Level 2
Horno de bronce
Horno de bronce
Industrial Level 3
Industrial Level 1
Industrial Level 2
Finca de caballos
Finca de caballos
Industrial Level 3
Alojamiento para artesanos

Building Name

Alojamiento para artesanos

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



+0.1% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class (this_building)
-4% provincial income (building upkeep) (regions_in_this_province)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
175 Saitores
Infantería de proyectiles / Infantería de proyectiles / (bel_archers)
(Belgae Archers)

Belgae archers are peasants recruited from the experienced hunters, who are equipped with spears in order to defend themselves against enemy assaults, especially cavalry.

175 436 436 9 165 5 15 21 9 8 28 1 20 35
300 Cingetoi (Early)
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería con lanza / (bel_heavy_spearmen_early)
Cingetoi (Early)
(Early Belgae Heavy Speamen)

Equipped with bronze discs and helmets, these are the early line spearmen. They march at a slow pace in silence, and then charge with a tremendous energy at close range, spearhead first. The spears are three meters long and designed so that the second rank can support the first.

300 644 644 26 9 10 73 6 20 45
300 Cingetoi (Late)
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería con lanza / (bel_heavy_spearmen_late)
Cingetoi (Late)
(Late Belgae Heavy Spearmen)

Cingetoi use Montefortino-style helmets and heavy leather armour. They are great defensive troops, but are also useful for slow-paced, phalanx-type battle, and their tradition is still maintained on the other side on the Alps, as testified by the Helvetii.

300 822 822 28 9 11 75 10 20 50
300 Bogiocingetoi
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / (bel_medium_axemen)
(Belgae Medium Axemen)

Axes used by Celtic warriors are a relic of the Halstatt age. By 300 BCE, they have practically disppeared off the battlefield. But in some cases, experienced warriors are needed to perform breakthrough actions or to act as sappers, particularly when the enemy is entrenched. So the Bogiocingetoi, literally puncher-walkers," are axemen well-equipped for such work."

300 745 745 34 11 11 70 6 20 45
300 Acubagaudoi
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería con lanza / (bel_medium_spearmen)
(Belgae Medium Spearmen)

These spearmen have a long Gaiso" spear for close fighting and also a complement of light "Verutum" spears for long range, so that they form a versatile medium infantry force in Belgic armies."

300 644 644 26 9 10 73 6 20 45
175 Nervii Gaesatoi
Infantería de proyectiles / Infantería de proyectiles / (bel_naked_skirmishers)
Nervii Gaesatoi
(Nervii Naked Skirmishers)

These skirmishers fight nude or half nude and are equipped with a longsword, as well as Gaiso spears which they can hurl for unnaturally long distances and deal great damage. This is not all solely due to skill and strength, though they are experienced and huge, muscular men. They imbibe a chemical before battle, making them seemingly impervious to pain.

175 699 699 16 95 7 4 48 11 17 78 3 20 75
175 Acuadrettoi
Infantería de proyectiles / Infantería de proyectiles / (bel_skirmishers)
(Belgae Skirmishers)

These light infantrymen are usually young Belgic peasants, like Bagaudas, but courageous and impetuous enough to attack the enemy from a distance. They use a small and very light wicker shield, and throw a volley of light javelins, called Verutum" by the Romans."

175 424 424 14 85 8 5 22 11 8 47 1 20 35
300 Belgae Milnath
Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / Infantería cuerpo a cuerpo / (bel_young_swordsmen)
Belgae Milnath
(Belgae Young Swordsmen)

The Milnath (big men") are a warband of skilled and exceptionally physically fit swordsmen. Perfect line-breakers, they can also be described as young "champions," not wealthy enough to afford armour. They are tattooed and usually naked, their hair painted and coated with white cender to be more impressive."

300 651 651 44 11 17 71 1 20 60
120 Leuce Epos
Caballería / Caballería cuerpo a cuerpo / (Cel_light_cav_reformed)
Leuce Epos
(Celtic Cavalry)

Leuce Epos constitute the bulk of Celtic cavalry. Well-trained compared to many other cavalry contingents, they are invaluable to a Celtic army. They throw javelins at a distance, depleting an enemy before charging with their spears. They are trained to throw javelins, charge, and withdraw repeatedly, and they do it well. They are so named for their speed, rather than equipment. A bronze helmet, shield, and light weapons may not seem the equipment of any particularly great cavalry, but they are a solid medium cavalry force, capable of running down routers, defeating light cavalry, and skirmishing if necessary.

120 1293 1293 26 9 24 44 4 20 50
120 Caballería ligera
Caballería / Caballería cuerpo a cuerpo / (Cel_Light_Horse)
Caballería ligera
Los escaramuzadores montados son una unidad eficaz para mantener alejado al enemigo.
120 1216 1216 26 9 22 39 4 20 50