HomeHome / Radious Total War Mod / ​ス​コ​ル​デ​ィ​ス​キ / ​家 / ​ス​パ​イ Household Members & Objects
​ス​コ​ル​デ​ィ​ス​キ ​ス​コ​ル​デ​ィ​ス​キ ​家

​ス​パ​イ Household Members & Objects

As experts in subterfuge, spies can move unseen and are key to improving military and provincial security. Through acts of subterfuge, they are able to inflict minor casualties against military targets, wreck supplies and buildings, steal enemy intelligence, and incite provinces to riot against their leaders.

No. Ancillary Transferrable Unique to World Unique to Faction is Wife Ancillary Effects
1 ​ら​い​病​患​者​へ​の​変​装​道​具 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_disguise_leper)
True False True False +10% ​全​行​動​の​ク​リ​テ​ィ​カ​ル​成​功​率 (this_agent)
2 ​ウ​ェ​ス​タ​の​巫​女​へ​の​変​装​道​具 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_disguise_vestal)
True False True False +10% ​全​行​動​の​ク​リ​テ​ィ​カ​ル​成​功​率 (this_agent)
3 ​占​い​師 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_magician)
True False True False +1 ​視​界 (this_agent)
4 ​東​方​の​魔​術​師 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_magus_east)
True False True False +1 ​視​界 (this_agent)
5 ​魔​女 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_1_medical)
True False True False -1 ​負​傷​回​復​に​掛​か​る​ター​ン​数 (this_agent)
6 ​賢​女 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_3_advisor)
True False True False +1 ​権​威 (this_agent)
7 ​ケ​ル​ト​人​の​魔​女 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_4_celt)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
8 ​魔​女 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_5_killer)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
9 ​賢​女 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_6_fake)
False True False False -1 ​権​威 (this_agent)
+1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
10 ​万​能​薬 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_medic_heal_all)
True False True False -1 ​負​傷​回​復​に​掛​か​る​ター​ン​数 (this_agent)
11 ​薬​草​医 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_medic_herbalist)
True False True False -1 ​負​傷​回​復​に​掛​か​る​ター​ン​数 (this_agent)
12 ​踊​り​子 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_dancer)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
13 ​巧​み​な​高​級​売​春​婦 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_skilled)
True False True False +2 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
14 ​愛​人 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_tart)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
15 ​ペ​ッ​ト​の​猿 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_pet_monkey_escape)
True False True False +5% ​敵​の​工​作​員​か​ら​逃​げ​ら​れ​る​確​率 (this_agent)
16 ​ペ​ッ​ト​の​猿 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_pet_monkey_thief)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
17 ​ペ​ッ​ト​の​蛇 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_pet_snake)
True False True False +5% ​防​衛​時​に​敵​工​作​員​を​負​傷​さ​せ​る​確​率 (this_agent)
18 ​カ​ル​ト​信​者 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_religion_cultist_secret)
True False True False +1 ​権​威 (this_agent)
+1 ​熱​意 (this_agent)
19 ​砂​漠​の​預​言​者 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_religion_prophet_desert_2)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
+1 ​視​界 (this_general)
20 ​恐​ろ​し​い​カ​ル​ト​信​者 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_religion_secret_dreadful)
False True False False +1 ​熱​意 (this_agent)
21 ​心​の​ね​じ​れ​た​暗​殺​者 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_spy_mentat_1)
False True False False +2 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
+5% ​研​究​速​度 (​勢​力​全​体)
22 ​人​間​機​械 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_all_spy_mentat_2)
True True False False +2 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
+5% ​研​究​速​度 (​勢​力​全​体)
23 ​ハー​ブ​の​睡​眠​薬 ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_potion)
True False True False +5% ​敵​の​工​作​員​か​ら​逃​げ​ら​れ​る​確​率 (this_agent)
24 ​バ​ナ​シ​ク​ス ​ス​パ​イ / (r2_sp_anc_silly_banacix)
False True False False +1 ​熱​意 (this_agent)
+5% ​防​衛​時​に​敵​工​作​員​を​負​傷​さ​せ​る​確​率 (this_agent)