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​コ​ル​キ​ス ​コ​ル​キ​ス ​家

​名​士 Household Members & Objects

As respected pillars of society, dignitaries spread their culture whilst tending to both military and civic administrative duties. Through acts of disruption, they can undermine the abilities of enemy generals, hinder government and commerce, quash foreign cultures, and incite provinces to rebel.

No. Ancillary Transferrable Unique to World Unique to Faction is Wife Ancillary Effects
1 ​金​細​工​職​人 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_govt_goldsmith)
True False True False +10% ​交​易​協​定​に​よ​る​関​税​収​入 (​勢​力​全​体)
+3 ​人​物​に​よ​る​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
2 ​ら​い​病​患​者​へ​の​変​装​道​具 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_disguise_leper)
True False True False +10% ​全​行​動​の​ク​リ​テ​ィ​カ​ル​成​功​率 (this_agent)
+1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
3 ​ウ​ェ​ス​タ​の​巫​女​へ​の​変​装​道​具 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_disguise_vestal)
True False True False +10% ​全​行​動​の​ク​リ​テ​ィ​カ​ル​成​功​率 (this_agent)
+1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
4 ​占​い​師 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_magician)
True False True False +3 ​視​界 (this_agent)
5 ​東​方​の​魔​術​師 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_magus_east)
True False True False +3 ​視​界 (this_agent)
6 ​賢​女 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_3_advisor)
True False True False -10% ​工​作​員​の​行​動​費 (this_agent)
+1 ​権​威 (this_agent)
7 ​ケ​ル​ト​人​の​魔​女 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_4_celt)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
8 ​魔​女 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_5_killer)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
9 ​賢​女 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_6_fake)
False True False False -1 ​権​威 (this_agent)
+1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
10 ​万​能​薬 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_medic_heal_all)
True False True False -1 ​負​傷​回​復​に​掛​か​る​ター​ン​数 (this_agent)
11 ​薬​草​医 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_medic_herbalist)
True False True False -1 ​負​傷​回​復​に​掛​か​る​ター​ン​数 (this_agent)
12 ​踊​り​子 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_dancer)
True False True False +2 ​狡​猾 (this_general)
13 ​巧​み​な​高​級​売​春​婦 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_skilled)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
14 ​愛​人 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_tart)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
+1 ​熱​意 (this_agent)
15 ​ペ​ッ​ト​の​猿 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_pet_monkey_escape)
True False True False +2 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
+5% ​全​部​隊​の​士​気 (​随​伴​し​て​い​る​陸​軍)
16 ​ペ​ッ​ト​の​蛇 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_pet_snake)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
+10% ​防​衛​時​に​敵​工​作​員​を​負​傷​さ​せ​る​確​率 (this_agent)
17 ​カ​ル​ト​信​者 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_religion_cultist_secret)
True False True False +1 ​権​威 (this_general)
+1 ​熱​意 (this_general)
+2 ​文​化​転​向​速​度 (​現​地​の​州)
-20% ​外​国​文​化​に​よ​る​治​安​ペ​ナ​ル​テ​ィ (​現​地​の​州)
18 ​砂​漠​の​預​言​者 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_religion_prophet_desert_2)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_general)
+2 ​視​界 (this_general)
19 ​心​の​ね​じ​れ​た​暗​殺​者 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_spy_mentat_1)
False True False False +2 ​狡​猾 (this_general)
+1 ​熱​意 (this_general)
20 ​人​間​機​械 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_spy_mentat_2)
True True False False +2 ​狡​猾 (this_general)
+1 ​熱​意 (this_general)
21 ​毒​の​使​い​手 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_all_spy_poisoner)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
​兵​糧​に​毒​を​混​ぜ​る: +8% ​全​部​隊​の​損​害 (​こ​の​行​動​の​み)
22 ​悪​女 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_spy_lady_killer)
True False True False -10% ​工​作​員​の​行​動​費 (this_agent)
​暗​殺 > ​裏​切​り​を​唆​す: +10% ​工​作​成​功​率 (​こ​の​行​動​の​み)
​潜​入: -10% ​敵​に​発​見​さ​れ​る​確​率 (​こ​の​行​動​の​み)
+1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
23 ​オ​ラ​ク​ル ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_greek_magic_oracle)
True False True False +1 ​熱​意 (this_agent)
24 ​ア​ス​ク​レ​ピ​オ​ス​の​祭​司 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_greek_religion_asklepios)
True False True False -1 ​負​傷​回​復​に​掛​か​る​ター​ン​数 (this_general)
+2 ​ター​ン​毎​の​発​展 (​現​地​の​州)
+2 ​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
25 ​バ​ナ​コ​ン ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_silly_banakon)
False True False False +1 ​熱​意 (this_agent)
+9% ​防​衛​時​に​敵​工​作​員​を​負​傷​さ​せ​る​確​率 (this_agent)
26 ​パ​ン​ク​ラ​チ​オ​ン​選​手 ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_greek_boxer_bodyguard)
True False True False +10% ​防​衛​時​に​敵​工​作​員​を​負​傷​さ​せ​る​確​率 (this_agent)
​軍​事​行​政​管​理: -10% ​維​持​費 (​こ​の​行​動​の​み)
​暗​殺 > ​挑​発: +10% ​工​作​成​功​率 (​こ​の​行​動​の​み)
27 Propheton ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_greek_delphic_interpreter)
It is useful to have someone who can truly interpret the Pythia in the correct manner.
True False True False +3 ​文​化​転​向​速​度 (​現​地​の​州)
​自​勢​力​の​文​化​に​よ​る​治​安​ボー​ナ​ス(​最​高​で+3) (​現​地​の​州)
+2.5% ​全​部​隊​の​士​気 (this_general_force)
28 ​ド​ク​ニ​ン​ジ​ン​の​チ​ン​キ ​名​士 / (r2_sp_anc_greek_item_poison_hemlock_1)
True False True False -10% ​工​作​員​の​行​動​費 (this_agent)
+2 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)