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HomeHome / Total War: Attila / Kingdom of Brittany (Age of Charlemagne) / Technologies / Trade Hubs
Trade Hubs Kingdom of Brittany (Age of Charlemagne)Kingdom of Brittany (Age of Charlemagne) Civil Tier 9

Trade Hubs

A place to congregate, to trade, to prosper.

Whilst those parts of Europe inside the boundaries of the Roman Empire prospered during antiquity, due to the great roads and merchant fleets built to facilitate commerce, northern, Germanic Europe generally languished in relative isolation. This was only made worse by the movement of the Roman capital further east to Constantinople in the 4th century AD, and the great climate change that ravaged the crops and natural wealth of much of northern and eastern Europe during the Migration Period. By the 7th century AD, however, the Merovingian Frankish kings began revitalising trade in northern Europe with a fair at St. Denis, which connected cities across the northern continent, mainly via old Roman roads and the network of rivers that lattice Europe. As the climate change abated, ports and river villages began to become important trade hubs once again, and none more so than the city of Dorestad. Ideally positioned between the Franks and the Frisians, it allowed merchants a convenient half-way point to meet and do business. Its value, however, dragged it into a battle for power between the two, a conflict that widened as the Middle Ages progressed, ultimately leading to the downfall of Dorestad as a major trading city.

Trade Hubs

Node Set

Civil Tier 9






No Effect
Requires Technologies Land GrantsLand Grants
Enables Technologies Trade RightsTrade Rights
Enables Buildings Trade CityTrade City