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Barbarian Recruits MacedoniaMacedonia Military Tier 11

Barbarian Recruits

"Trade those piteous pelts for lovely mail!"

Diocletian's military reforms ushered in many changes. Chief among them was more than doubling the number of Legions, and thus increasing the capacity of the army. These reforms came at a time when Romans were becoming more and more cynical and reluctant towards the military, with a much-reduced rate of sign-ups despite the attractive wage. To combat this, the state implemented a series of recruitment measures, such as hereditary service and a compulsory levy for landowners. However, these strategies were only mildly effective. A more dangerous but common strategy was the recruitment of barbarians into the army, often drawing on defeated enemies and those outside of the Empire to fill the otherwise sparse Roman ranks. In the Western Empire, this reliance was their undoing, as the unruly and displaced tribes took liberties that gradually eroded the Western Roman state. In the east, the Emperors kept a much tighter control on the balance of their armed forces, ensuring no one power could establish dominance of the military. The Eastern Roman army survived where the West fell because the Emperor maintained this optimal fighting force.

Barbarian Recruits

Node Set

Military Tier 11






Integrity: +2 (all forces)
Replenishment: +3% (all forces)
Recruitment cost: -15% for mercenary units (all characters)
Recruitment cost: -10% for cavalry units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Recruitment cost: -10% for ranged infantry units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Requires Technologies New Conscription SystemNew Conscription System
Enables Technologies Mercenary ExploitationMercenary Exploitation