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Maurians Maurians Household

General Household Members & Objects

Generals and admirals are used to command armies and fleets in battle. Their command rating influences the effectiveness with which their army or fleet fights. Generals can be assigned useful skills and household members or objects as they gain experience in battle and increase in rank. They can also be assigned cursus honorum offices to convey additional bonuses.

No. Ancillary Transferrable Unique to World Unique to Faction is Wife Ancillary Effects
1 Ivory Trader General / (att_eos_anc_companion_african_ivory_trader)
Ivory Trader
"See? Finest tusk. I slayed him myself."
True False True False Wealth: +10% from commercial buildings (local province)
2 Scribe General / (att_eos_anc_companion_african_scribe)
It is important to record the King's greatness for posterity.
True False True False Public order: +5 (local province)
3 Greek Merchant General / (att_eos_anc_companion_byzantine_merchant)
Greek Merchant
"Ten for that? You must be mad! Offer me twelve..."
True False True False Wealth: +10% from commercial buildings (local province)
4 Hegoumenos General / (att_eos_anc_companion_christian_monastery_head_african)
He who leads, and is in charge of, a congregation of the faithful.
True False True False Religious influence: +10 Eastern Christianity (factionwide)
5 Kommos General / (att_eos_anc_companion_christian_monastery_head_eastern)
A congregation of the faithful must have a leader.
True False True False Religious influence: +10 Eastern Christianity (factionwide)
6 Chief Eunuch General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_chief_eunuch)
Chief Eunuch
Some foxes can look after the chickens.
True False True False Cunning: +2 (character_to_character_own)
7 Eunuch Guard General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_eunuch_guard)
Eunuch Guard
Some men have nothing left to lose.
True False True False Hostile agent success chance: -10% (character_to_character_own)
8 Geomancer General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_geomancer)
The power of the earth cannot be tamed, only respected.
True False True False Wealth: +5% from agricultural buildings (local province)
9 Bodyguard General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_govt_bodyguard)
"I have a care for the person of the King of Kings, nothing more…"
True False True False Hostile agent success chance: -10% (character_to_character_own)
10 Herald General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_govt_herald)
Great men must be properly announced.
True False True False Diplomacy: Minor bonus towards all factions (factionwide)
11 Wastaryoshan-Salar General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_govt_office_agriculture)
Control of the food supply is a position of vital importance.
True False True False Wealth: +10% from agricultural buildings (local province)
12 Eran-Spahbed General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_govt_office_commander_in_chief)
On the battlefield, he represents the King of Kings, and strikes with his righteous anger.
True False True False Authority: +2 (character_to_character_own)
13 Mowbedan-Mowbed General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_govt_office_magi)
As state and religion are one, the chief high priest may also rule on legal and territorial matters.
True False True False Wealth: +5% from agricultural buildings (local province)
14 Wuzurg-Framadar General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_govt_office_prime_minister)
The King of Kings always listens to his ministers' counsel, and the grand lord's first and foremost.
True False True False Authority: +2 (character_to_character_own)
15 Shahrab General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_govt_office_province_head)
A skilled administrator to handle the day-to-day running of the province on the King of Kings' behalf.
True False True False Authority: +1 (character_to_character_own)
16 Shahrdar General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_govt_office_province_noble)
"My family have ruled this area for many generations."
True False True False Authority: +1 (character_to_character_own)
17 Mowbed General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_govt_office_province_priest)
"Look into the flames. See what is to come, what is now, what was…"
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (governed province)
18 Ho-Tokhshan-Bod General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_govt_office_trade)
This man controls the trade that flows into the coffers of the King of Kings.
True False True False Wealth: +5% from commercial buildings (local province)
19 Treasurer General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_govt_office_treasurer)
A loyal, honest fellow with a head for figures is vital.
True False True False Wealth: +3% from all buildings (local province)
20 Tender of the Royal Backside General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_govt_royal_bum)
Tender of the Royal Backside
It's not a job: it's an honour.
True False True False Authority: +1 (character_to_character_own)
21 Mohel General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_jewish_circumciser)
"Hold still, this will only take a moment..."
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Judaism (local province)
22 Mashgiach General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_jewish_food_standards_officer)
Only those who fear Heaven may judge observance of Kashrut.
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Judaism (local province)
23 Rosh Yeshiva General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_jewish_headmaster)
Rosh Yeshiva
Through study of Torah, a man may experience God.
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Judaism (local province)
24 Dayan General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_jewish_judge)
The chosen alone shall pass judgement.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Judaism (local province)
25 Posek General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_jewish_lawyer)
When views conflict, someone must be the decider.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Judaism (local province)
26 Kohen General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_jewish_priest_1)
The descendants of Aaron perform the daily sacrifices.
True False True False Public order: Up to 5 bonus from presence of your state religion (local province)
27 Levite General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_jewish_priest_2)
The sons of Levi sing the Psalms, and assist the Kohanim in the temple.
True False True False Public order: Up to 5 bonus from presence of your state religion (local province)
28 Sofer General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_jewish_scribe)
A scribe of sound character, who knows the laws, is essential.
True False True False Public order: +5 (local province)
29 Shechita General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_jewish_slaughterer)
"For reasons of purity, the Kashrut must be observed."
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Judaism (local province)
30 Leather Scribe General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_leather_scribe)
Leather Scribe
Keeping records is merely efficient government.
True False True False Corruption: -5% of current value (governed province)
31 Anunnaki Cultist General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_lizard_god_cultist)
Anunnaki Cultist
"Bow down before those of royal blood, the Great Gods!"
True False True False Zeal: +1 (character_to_character_own)
32 Local Merchant General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_merchant_1)
Local Merchant
"Twelve? For this gourd? And me with a poor, dying grandmother?"
True False True False Wealth: +10% from commercial buildings (local province)
33 Local Merchant General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_merchant_2)
Local Merchant
"Oi, Bert! This bloke won't 'aggle!"
True False True False Wealth: +10% from commercial buildings (local province)
34 Gosan General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_minstrel)
"I sing in praise of Total War…"
True False True False Morale: +2 (commanded force)
35 Arab Poet General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_poet)
Arab Poet
"One day in al-Hirah is better than a year of treatment."
True False True False Wealth: +10% from commercial buildings (local province)
36 Arab Priest General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_religion_christian)
Arab Priest
"Telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God."
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Eastern Christianity (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Judaism (governed province)
37 Spice Merchant General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_spice_merchant)
Spice Merchant
"Wow! Thanks very much for the gold and frankincense, but don't worry too much about the myrrh next time."
True False True False Wealth: +10% from commercial buildings (local province)
38 Temple Guard General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_temple_guard)
Temple Guard
Faith and bravery together are dangerous.
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Judaism (governed province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (governed province)
39 Torturer General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_torturer_1)
"Bring me the bore worms…"
True False True False Public order: +1 (local province)
40 Torturer General / (att_eos_anc_companion_eastern_torturer_2)
"You know what this is? This is my favourite axe."
True False True False Public order: +1 (local province)
41 African Turncoat General / (att_eos_anc_companion_traitor_african_generic)
African Turncoat
"I can never return to my tribe. Neither do I wish to."
True False True False Morale: +5 versus eastern empires (commanded force)
42 Eastern Turncoat General / (att_eos_anc_companion_traitor_eastern_generic)
Eastern Turncoat
"Gold? Is that what you think? You wouldn't be too far from the truth."
True False True False Morale: +5 versus eastern empires (commanded force)
43 Sassanid Turncoat General / (att_eos_anc_companion_traitor_persian)
Sassanid Turncoat
"Their crimes are without number, their villainy without end. I would rather die than return."
True False True False Morale: +5 versus eastern empires (commanded force)
44 Flayed Enemy's Skin General / (att_eos_anc_item_eastern_dead_guy_2)
Flayed Enemy's Skin
"You see, he made a fine drumhead! Now he can see all my victories from the front line."
True False True False Authority: +1 (character_to_character_own)
45 Stuffed Enemy General / (att_eos_anc_item_eastern_dead_guy)
Stuffed Enemy
Surprisingly, death isn't always the end.
True False True False Enemy morale: -5 (local region)
46 Djinn General / (att_eos_anc_item_eastern_genie_in_bottle)
Be extremely careful what you wish for...
True False True False Hostile agent success chance: -10% (character_to_character_own)
47 Inscribed Armlet General / (att_eos_anc_item_eastern_inscribed_armlet)
Inscribed Armlet
"The name of my beloved around the wrist of my sword-arm, to give it purpose."
True False True False Zeal: +3 (character_to_character_own)
48 Pharmacopoeia General / (att_eos_anc_item_eastern_poisons_book)
With which life can be either preserved or taken without a trace remaining.
True False True False Hostile agent success chance: -10% (character_to_character_own)
49 Diadem General / (att_eos_anc_item_eastern_royal_headband)
"One man rules the earth and rides the seven-headed beast."
True False True False Authority: +1 (character_to_character_own)
50 Tiara General / (att_eos_anc_item_eastern_royal_tiara)
"Cool, huh? When I tilt my head like this it goes all sparkly!"
True False True False Authority: +1 (character_to_character_own)
51 Human Foot Stool General / (att_eos_anc_item_eastern_stool_prisoner)
Human Foot Stool
They say that every conqueror walks upon his victims. This one does so literally.
True False True False Enemy morale: -10 (local region)
52 Adeile's Toga General / (att_sp_apparel_general_adeiles_toga)
Adeile's Toga
Literally 'privy' to the secrets of the latrines...
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for sanitation buildings (local province)
Public order: +3 (local province)
53 Admiral's Surgeon General / (att_sp_apparel_general_admirals_surgeon)
Admiral's Surgeon
"If it doesn't work... Well, the fish are hungry!"
True False True False Integrity: +3 when in hostile or contested waters (commanded navy)
Integrity: +3 when in shared or controlled waters (commanded navy)
Upkeep cost: -10% for naval units (commanded navy)
54 Alb General / (att_sp_apparel_general_alb)
"It's impossible to get the wine stains out."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Latin Christianity (governed province)
55 Alms Clothing General / (att_sp_apparel_general_alms_clothing)
Alms Clothing
To give alms to the poor is both an honour and a duty.
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Manichaeism (local province)
56 Altai Yurt General / (att_sp_apparel_general_altai_yurt)
Altai Yurt
"It's cool in the summer, warm in the winter, portable, and bigger than everyone else's. So there."
True False True False Morale: +3 during desert ambushes (commanded army)
Morale: +3 during desert night battles (commanded army)
Morale: +10 when reinforcing (commanded force)
57 Ancile General / (att_sp_apparel_general_ancile)
"One of the twelve sacred pledges of Rule, that Mars might protect us."
True False True False Melee damage: +3% for infantry units (commanded army)
Morale: +3 for melee infantry units (commanded army)
Shield training: +5% for melee infantry recruits (commanded army)
58 Andvari's Gift General / (att_sp_apparel_general_andvaris_gift)
Andvari's Gift
Literally, a license to mint.
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for industrial buildings (local province)
Wealth: +3% from industrial buildings (local province)
Wealth: +5% from immigration (governed province)
59 Architect's Robes General / (att_sp_apparel_general_architects_robes)
Architect's Robes
"A little to the left, a little more, a little more… uh oh!"
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for industrial buildings (local province)
60 Arian Ecclesiastical Ring General / (att_sp_apparel_general_arian_ecclesiastical_ring)
Arian Ecclesiastical Ring
"You may kiss the ring, my child."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Arian Christianity (local province)
Morale: +3 for Arian Christian armies (commanded force)
61 Arian Episcopal Gloves General / (att_sp_apparel_general_arian_episcopal_gloves)
Arian Episcopal Gloves
"A man of status must surely devote himself."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Arian Christianity (local province)
62 Arian Zone General / (att_sp_apparel_general_arian_zone)
Arian Zone
"They have on their vestures a writing which no man knoweth..."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
63 Attila's Helmet General / (att_sp_apparel_general_attilas_helmet)
Attila's Helmet
"You can spot Attila, he's the one not covered in shite."
True True True False Fatigue rate: -2% for all cavalry units. (commanded force)
Missile damage: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Battle movement speed: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
64 Augur's Cloak General / (att_sp_apparel_general_augurs_cloak)
Augur's Cloak
"See where those three sticks have landed over one another? That's a bad sign."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Germanic paganism (governed province)
Religious osmosis: +5 Germanic paganism (local province)
65 Babr-e Bayan General / (att_sp_apparel_general_babr_e_bayan)
Babr-e Bayan
Water proof, fire proof- in-fact, it's pretty much everything proof. Try not to spill anything on it.
True False True False Chance of being wounded after failure: +5% (general_to_character_own)
Hostile agent success chance: -10% (general_to_character_own)
Wound recovery time: -1 (general_to_character_own)
66 Back Quiver General / (att_sp_apparel_general_back_quiver)
Back Quiver
"Mine's made from compressed field mice, don't you know?"
True False True False Ammunition: +5% for missile infantry (commanded army)
67 Balistarii Theodosiasci Uniform General / (att_sp_apparel_general_balistarii_theodosiasci_uniform)
Balistarii Theodosiasci Uniform
"You couldn't hit the backside of a horreum."
True False True False Unit experience: +3 for siege unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -3% for artillery units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -5% for artillery units (commanded army)
68 Ballistarii Iuniores Uniform General / (att_sp_apparel_general_ballistarii_iuniores_uniform)
Ballistarii Iuniores Uniform
"You pull the lever back just like this, then I hit this bolt with my hammer."
True False True False Unit experience: +3 for siege unit recruits (commanded army)
69 Ballistarii Seniores Uniform General / (att_sp_apparel_general_ballistarii_seniores_uniform)
Ballistarii Seniores Uniform
"Do not, I repeat, do not, take a nap in the sling."
True False True False Unit experience: +3 for siege unit recruits (commanded army)
Upkeep cost: -5% for artillery units (commanded army)
70 Barbed Armour General / (att_sp_apparel_general_barbed_armour)
Barbed Armour
"Go on. Hit me. I dare you."
True False True False Chance of being wounded after failure: +5% (general_to_character_own)
Hostile agent success chance: -10% (general_to_character_own)
71 Bashlyk General / (att_sp_apparel_general_bashlyk)
"When I'm wearing the hat, I can have you sorted…"
True False True False Unit experience: +3 for infantry unit recruits (commanded army)
Upkeep cost: -5% for melee infantry units (commanded army)
72 Beaded Trousers General / (att_sp_apparel_general_beaded_trousers)
Beaded Trousers
Sometimes the best place to keep your wealth is on your person.
True False True False Growth: +10 (local province)
73 Belt Quiver General / (att_sp_apparel_general_belt_quiver)
Belt Quiver
"Do you see? Like this I can even notch while on horseback."
True False True False Missile damage: +3% for infantry units (commanded army)
Ammunition: +5% for missile infantry (commanded army)
74 Blue Robes of the Sky General / (att_sp_apparel_general_blue_robes_of_the_sky)
Blue Robes of the Sky
The everlasting sky above sees all.
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Tengrism (local province)
Morale: +3 for Tengrist armies (commanded force)
75 Boar Skin Greaves General / (att_sp_apparel_general_boar_skin_greaves)
Boar Skin Greaves
"I killed this boar myself. It was this big."
True False True False Charge bonus: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Battle movement speed: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
76 Bow of Arsaces General / (att_sp_apparel_general_bow_of_arsaces)
Bow of Arsaces
"It fires arrows over one thousand farsakhs."
True False True False Unit experience: +2 for missile unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -3% for ranged infantry units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -10% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
77 Bracae General / (att_sp_apparel_general_bracae)
"They've clearly not thought about calls of nature."
True False True False Battle movement speed: +3% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
78 Bronze-Studded Necklace General / (att_sp_apparel_general_bronze_studded_necklace)
Bronze-Studded Necklace
"A man, well dressed, can move mountains."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for port buildings (local province)
79 Calceus General / (att_sp_apparel_general_calceus)
"Kick a man with these and he isn't going to get up."
True False True False Charge bonus: +3% for infantry units (commanded army)
Battle movement speed: +3% for melee infantry units (commanded army)
80 Camelaucum General / (att_sp_apparel_general_camelaucum)
"Helps you get ahead in life."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Latin Christianity (governed province)
Religious influence: +3 Latin Christianity (local region)
Religious osmosis: +5 Latin Christianity (local province)
81 Casula General / (att_sp_apparel_general_casula)
"It's my little home away from home."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Arian Christianity (governed province)
Religious influence: +3 Arian Christianity (local region)
Religious osmosis: +5 Arian Christianity (local province)
82 Catholic Ecclesiastical Ring General / (att_sp_apparel_general_catholic_ecclesiastical_ring)
Catholic Ecclesiastical Ring
"You may kiss the ring, my child."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +3 for Latin Christian armies (commanded force)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Latin Christianity (local province)
83 Catholic Episcopal Gloves General / (att_sp_apparel_general_catholic_episcopal_gloves)
Catholic Episcopal Gloves
"A man of status must surely devote himself."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Latin Christianity (local province)
84 Catholic Zone General / (att_sp_apparel_general_catholic_zone)
Catholic Zone
They have on their vestures a writing which no man knoweth.
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
85 Festival Robes General / (att_sp_apparel_general_celtic_festival_robes)
Festival Robes
"Let us celebrate the festival of Mabon."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Celtic paganism (local province)
Morale: +3 for Celtic pagan armies (commanded force)
86 Sacrificial Robes General / (att_sp_apparel_general_celtic_sacrificial_robes)
Sacrificial Robes
"We spill this blood that it may please the gods."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Celtic paganism (local province)
87 Traveller's Robes General / (att_sp_apparel_general_celtic_travellers_robes)
Traveller's Robes
"No use walking dusty tracks in my good robes."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
88 Chainmail Shirt General / (att_sp_apparel_general_chainmail_shirt)
Chainmail Shirt
"Go on, stab me - bet you can't."
True False True False Armour: +5% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
Morale: +5 for the commander's unit (commanded force)
89 Cheires General / (att_sp_apparel_general_cheires)
"Wear these. Much harder for them to cut your hands off."
True False True False Armour: +5% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
90 Chlamys General / (att_sp_apparel_general_chlamys)
It can get cold on long marches.
True False True False Morale: +10 when reinforcing (commanded force)
91 Cincture General / (att_sp_apparel_general_cincture)
"Make sure the knot is tight or your robes will billow out all over the place."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Arian Christianity (governed province)
Religious osmosis: +5 Arian Christianity (local province)
92 Cinctus Gabinus General / (att_sp_apparel_general_cinctus_gabinus)
Cinctus Gabinus
"During times of peace, prepare your toga for war."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Roman paganism (governed province)
Religious osmosis: +5 Roman paganism (local province)
93 Clavus Angustus General / (att_sp_apparel_general_clavus_angustus)
Clavus Angustus
I can trace my lineage all the way back to Aeneas.
True False True False Unit experience: +3 for cavalry unit recruits (commanded army)
Upkeep cost: -5% for cavalry units (commanded army)
94 Cross-Gartered Leggings General / (att_sp_apparel_general_cross_gartered_leggings)
Cross-Gartered Leggings
"Left goes over, then the right goes under."
True False True False Fatigue rate: -2% for all ranged infantry. (commanded army)
Morale: +5 for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
Battle movement speed: +3% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
95 Cuirass of the Moon People General / (att_sp_apparel_general_cuirass_of_the_moon_people)
Cuirass of the Moon People
Few armourers can match the cunning of the Moon People.
True False True False Armour: +5% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
Melee attack: +2 for the commander's unit (commanded force)
Morale: +5 for the commander's unit (commanded force)
96 Diadem General / (att_sp_apparel_general_diadem)
"Kneel before Zod."
True False True False Commander's aura: +5% (general_to_character_own)
97 Drinking Goblet General / (att_sp_apparel_general_drinking_goblet)
Drinking Goblet
"Be grateful. It's not your skull!"
True False True False Recruitment cost: -3% for mercenary units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -10% for mercenary units (commanded force)
Morale: +5 for mercenaries (commanded force)
98 Druid's Cloak General / (att_sp_apparel_general_druids_cloak)
Druid's Cloak
"The white represents purity, the mud stains are where I slept last night."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Celtic paganism (governed province)
99 Elephant Plate Armour General / (att_sp_apparel_general_elephant_plate_armour)
Elephant Plate Armour
Hard on the outside, even tougher on the inside.
True False True False Armour: +5% for elephant units (commanded force)
100 Endromides General / (att_sp_apparel_general_endromides)
Stout boots are needed on the long march to the battlefield.
True False True False Campaign movement range: +10% for armies (commanded army)
101 Epigonation General / (att_sp_apparel_general_epigonation)
"Gird they sword upon thy thigh, O mighty one."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Greek Christianity (governed province)
Religious influence: +3 Greek Christianity (local region)
Religious osmosis: +5 Greek Christianity (local province)
102 Epitrachelion General / (att_sp_apparel_general_epitrachelion)
"I speak only the words of the Apostles."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Greek Christianity (governed province)
Religious osmosis: +5 Greek Christianity (local province)
103 Eran Anbaraghbad Uniform General / (att_sp_apparel_general_eran_anbaraghbad_uniform)
Eran Anbaraghbad Uniform
A man able to save money is a valuable asset indeed.
True False True False Upkeep cost: -10% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
104 Face Covering General / (att_sp_apparel_general_face_covering)
Face Covering
When digging you never know what might happen, best to stay prepared.
True False True False Attrition: -10% when laying siege (commanded force)
Attrition: -10% when under siege (commanded force)
Commander's aura: +5% when laying siege (general_to_character_own)
105 Faravahar Pendant General / (att_sp_apparel_general_faravahar_pendant)
Faravahar Pendant
The true representation of the divine mandate.
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +3 for Zoroastrian armies (commanded force)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (local province)
106 Farmer's Tunic General / (att_sp_apparel_general_farmers_tunic)
Farmer's Tunic
"It's tough work, farming. Best to have a light tunic."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for farm buildings (local province)
107 Farr General / (att_sp_apparel_general_farr)
The glory that all should strive for.
True False True False Personal influence: +1 per influence-earning situation (general_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +3% for the commander's unit (general_to_character_own)
Commander's aura: +5% (general_to_character_own)
108 Felt Tunic General / (att_sp_apparel_general_felt_tunic)
Felt Tunic
"Raise up your hands like the birch trees to the sky."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Tengriism (governed province)
109 Focale General / (att_sp_apparel_general_focale)
"This armour does chafe awfully, mother."
True False True False Public order: +10 from military presence (local province)
110 Frontinus' Ring General / (att_sp_apparel_general_frontinus_ring)
Frontinus' Ring
"What have the Romans ever done for us?"
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for sanitation buildings (local province)
Public order: +3 (local province)
Sanitation: +3 (local province)
111 Garnet-Studded Buckle General / (att_sp_apparel_general_garnet_studded_buckle)
Garnet-Studded Buckle
Sometimes you have to tighten your tunic, and just get on with it.
True False True False Attrition: -10% when laying siege (commanded force)
Attrition: -10% when under siege (commanded force)
Commander's aura: +3% when laying siege (general_to_character_own)
112 Festival Robes General / (att_sp_apparel_general_germanic_festival_robes)
Festival Robes
"Let us celebrate the festival of Eoster."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Germanic paganism (local province)
Morale: +3 for Germanic pagan armies (commanded force)
113 Sacrificial Robes General / (att_sp_apparel_general_germanic_sacrificial_robes)
Sacrificial Robes
"We spill this blood that is may be a pleasing sacrifice to the gods."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Germanic paganism (local province)
114 Traveller's Robes General / (att_sp_apparel_general_germanic_travellers_robes)
Traveller's Robes
"No use walking dusty tracks in my good robes."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
115 Gold Amulet General / (att_sp_apparel_general_gold_amulet)
Gold Amulet
The mark of a lord should be worn with pride.
True False True False Upkeep cost: -10% for naval units (commanded navy)
116 Gold Brooch General / (att_sp_apparel_general_gold_brooch)
Gold Brooch
There is absolutely nothing wrong with gold. Nothing.
True False True False Campaign movement range: +5% (commanded navy)
Upkeep cost: -10% for naval units (commanded navy)
117 Gold Buckle General / (att_sp_apparel_general_gold_buckle)
Gold Buckle
"It's nice to be wealthy. The alternatives are so... demeaning."
True False True False Upkeep cost: -10% for mercenary units (commanded force)
Morale: +5 for mercenaries (commanded force)
118 Golden Arm Ring General / (att_sp_apparel_general_golden_arm_ring)
Golden Arm Ring
"My lord gave me this. I give him my sword."
True False True False Upkeep cost: -10% for mercenary units (commanded force)
119 Golden Necklace General / (att_sp_apparel_general_golden_necklace)
Golden Necklace
Only the most accomplished may afford such luxuries
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for port buildings (local province)
Wealth: +3% from commercial buildings (local province)
Trade income: +5% trade agreement tariffs (factionwide)
120 Festival Robes General / (att_sp_apparel_general_greco_roman_festival_robes)
Festival Robes
"Let us celebrate the festival of Bacchus. Mine's a pint."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Roman paganism (local province)
Morale: +3 for Roman pagan armies (commanded force)
121 Sacrificial Robes General / (att_sp_apparel_general_greco_roman_sacrificial_robes)
Sacrificial Robes
"We spill this blood that is may be a pleasing sacrifice to the gods."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Roman paganism (local province)
122 Traveller's Robes General / (att_sp_apparel_general_greco_roman_travellers_robes)
Traveller's Robes
"No use walking dusty tracks in my good robes."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
123 Green Robes of the Earth General / (att_sp_apparel_general_green_robes_of_the_earth)
Green Robes of the Earth
The green, green grass of the steppes in spring, personified.
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
124 Ground Quiver General / (att_sp_apparel_general_ground_quiver)
Ground Quiver
Great for lazy archers - you don't even have to move.
True False True False Missile damage: +3% for infantry units (commanded army)
Ammunition: +5% for missile infantry (commanded army)
Armour: +2% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
125 Hammer Amulet of Donar General / (att_sp_apparel_general_hammer_amulet_of_donar)
Hammer Amulet of Donar
"Strength of Donar, be within me!"
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Germanic paganism (governed province)
Religious influence: +3 Germanic paganism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +5 Germanic paganism (local province)
126 Helmet Plumes General / (att_sp_apparel_general_helmet_plumes)
Helmet Plumes
"These feathers came from a roc I fought while touring the limes."
True False True False Public order: +10 from military presence (local province)
Research rate: +2% for military developments (factionwide)
127 Hip Flask General / (att_sp_apparel_general_hip_flask)
Hip Flask
Keep yourself topped up.
True False True False Attrition: -10% when laying siege (commanded force)
Attrition: -10% when under siege (commanded force)
128 Hooded Cap General / (att_sp_apparel_general_hooded_cap)
Hooded Cap
To hold back the hair, so it may not touch the sacred objects.
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
129 Howdah General / (att_sp_apparel_general_howdah)
"A bed carried by a camel?"
True False True False Armour: +5% for elephant units (commanded force)
Melee damage: +2% for elephant units (commanded force)
Morale: +5 for elephant units (commanded army)
130 Ibex Skin Hat General / (att_sp_apparel_general_ibex_skin_hat)
Ibex Skin Hat
Said to promote beard growth, don't you know?
True False True False Battle movement speed: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
131 Kamandaran Shield General / (att_sp_apparel_general_kamandaran_shield)
Kamandaran Shield
Fewer deaths means fewer new recruits to train.
True False True False Unit experience: +2 for missile unit recruits (commanded army)
Upkeep cost: -10% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
132 Kulah General / (att_sp_apparel_general_kulah)
"Hair today, cone tomorrow. Oh come on!"
True False True False Growth: +10 (local province)
Research rate: +2% for civil developments (factionwide)
133 Kusti General / (att_sp_apparel_general_kusti)
"This I wind three times. Humata, Hukhta, Huvarshta."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (governed province)
Religious influence: +3 Zoroastrianism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +5 Zoroastrianism (local province)
134 Large Saddlebags General / (att_sp_apparel_general_large_saddlebags)
Large Saddlebags
Filled to the brim with the spoils of war.
True False True False Looting income: +3% (commanded force)
Sacking income: +5% (general_to_character_own)
Zeal: +1 when leading an army (general_to_character_own)
135 Laticlavius General / (att_sp_apparel_general_laticlavium)
Those with a bright future have to start somewhere.
True False True False Growth: +10 (local province)
Tax rate: +3% (local province)
Research rate: +2% for civil developments (factionwide)
136 Linen Breeches General / (att_sp_apparel_general_linen_breeches)
Linen Breeches
Nice to get a bit of air down there.
True False True False Morale: +5 for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
Battle movement speed: +3% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
137 Linen Tunic General / (att_sp_apparel_general_linen_tunic)
Linen Tunic
It's light and keeps the arms free for shooting.
True False True False Missile damage: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Battle movement speed: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
138 Lionskin Cloak General / (att_sp_apparel_general_lionskin_cloak)
Lionskin Cloak
Convincing the enemy that Herakles himself is coming works better than surprise alone.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Roman paganism (governed province)
Religious influence: +3 Roman paganism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +5 Roman paganism (local province)
139 Mani Codex General / (att_sp_apparel_general_mani_codex)
Mani Codex
"While portable, it's quite hard to read."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
140 Map Holder General / (att_sp_apparel_general_map_holder)
Map Holder
The tourist's guide to every sewer in the Empire.
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for sanitation buildings (local province)
141 Mercury's Talaria General / (att_sp_apparel_general_mercurys_talaria)
Mercury's Talaria
"Carry me as swiftly as the talaria themselves."
True False True False Charge bonus: +3% for infantry units (commanded army)
Melee attack: +2 for infantry units (commanded army)
Battle movement speed: +3% for melee infantry units (commanded army)
142 Onager Skin Greaves General / (att_sp_apparel_general_onager_skin_greaves)
Onager Skin Greaves
Kicks like a wild ass.
True False True False Battle movement speed: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
143 Orthodox Ecclesiastical Ring General / (att_sp_apparel_general_orthodox_ecclesiastical_ring)
Orthodox Ecclesiastical Ring
"You may kiss the ring, my child."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Greek Christianity (local province)
Morale: +3 for Greek Christian armies (commanded force)
144 Orthodox Episcopal Gloves General / (att_sp_apparel_general_orthodox_episcopal_gloves)
Orthodox Episcopal Gloves
"A man of status must surely devote himself."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Greek Christianity (local province)
145 Orthodox Zone General / (att_sp_apparel_general_orthodox_zone)
Orthodox Zone
They have on their vestures a writing which no man knoweth.
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
146 Padded Armour General / (att_sp_apparel_general_padded_armour)
Padded Armour
It should be thick enough to stop a blade… I say should…
True False True False Hostile agent success chance: -10% (general_to_character_own)
147 Paenula General / (att_sp_apparel_general_paenula)
"Hey, we are the Romans - we come in your country, take all your things!"
True False True False Cunning: +2 (general_to_character_own)
Morale: +5 during night battles (commanded force)
148 Pallium General / (att_sp_apparel_general_pallium)
A symbol of the wearer's position within the Holy See.
True False True False Cunning: +2 (general_to_character_own)
Morale: +5 during night battles (commanded force)
Battle movement speed: +1% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
149 Paludamentum General / (att_sp_apparel_general_paludamentum)
"And now to business… war, gentlemen, war."
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for military buildings (local province)
Public order: +10 from military presence (local province)
Research rate: +2% for military developments (factionwide)
150 Pankration Gloves General / (att_sp_apparel_general_pankration_gloves)
Pankration Gloves
Strength, honour and courage are only found in champions.
True False True False Unit experience: +3 for infantry unit recruits (commanded army)
151 Parma General / (att_sp_apparel_general_parma)
Light enough to carry easily, strong enough to withstand a hail of arrows.
True False True False Shield training: +5% for melee infantry recruits (commanded army)
152 Pelte General / (att_sp_apparel_general_pelte)
A shield of skins may protect the bearer from slings and arrows alike.
True False True False Melee damage: +3% for infantry units (commanded army)
Shield training: +5% for melee infantry recruits (commanded army)
153 Perones General / (att_sp_apparel_general_perones)
"Come rain or shine, my hide boots will weather."
True False True False Battle movement speed: +3% for melee infantry units (commanded army)
154 Petasos General / (att_sp_apparel_general_petasos)
A winged cap to keep the sun from the face of "The Messenger."
True False True False Campaign spotting chance: +5% (general_to_character_own)
Campaign line of sight: +20% (general_to_character_own)
Campaign movement range: +10% for armies (commanded army)
155 Pluviale General / (att_sp_apparel_general_pluviale)
Allows preaching of sermons and keeps the rain off, great for any occasion.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Latin Christianity (governed province)
Religious osmosis: +5 Latin Christianity (local province)
156 Prosthetic Hand General / (att_sp_apparel_general_prosthetic_hand)
Prosthetic Hand
"Oooh! He's got such a strong grip!"
True False True False Unit experience: +3 for infantry unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -3% for melee infantry units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -5% for melee infantry units (commanded army)
157 Red Robes of Marriage General / (att_sp_apparel_general_red_robes_of_marriage)
Red Robes of Marriage
"We celebrate the union of these two under the eternal blue sky."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Tengrism (local province)
158 Robe of Glory General / (att_sp_apparel_general_robe_of_glory)
Robe of Glory
"The angels themselves guide the righteous body to the New Paradise."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Manichaeism (local province)
Morale: +3 for Manichaeist armies (commanded force)
159 Sagum General / (att_sp_apparel_general_sagum)
Warm and dry, but also a bright red target.
True False True False Cunning: +2 (general_to_character_own)
160 Salian Apex General / (att_sp_apparel_general_salian_apex)
Salian Apex
"Sing to him, the father of the gods!"
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Roman paganism (governed province)
161 Sandalons General / (att_sp_apparel_general_sandalons)
Open-toed shoes help one's feet to breathe in warmer climes.
True False True False Campaign spotting chance: +5% (general_to_character_own)
Campaign movement range: +10% for armies (commanded army)
162 Satchel General / (att_sp_apparel_general_satchel)
"My satchel holds mystery... and garum."
True False True False Looting income: +5% (commanded force)
Sacking income: +3% (general_to_character_own)
163 Shackles General / (att_sp_apparel_general_shackles)
"You're going nowhere till this wall is finished."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for industrial buildings (local province)
Wealth: +5% from immigration (governed province)
164 Shield of Light General / (att_sp_apparel_general_shield_of_light)
Shield of Light
"A representation of the shekhina, andesisn."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Manichaeism (governed province)
Religious influence: +3 Manichaeism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +5 Manichaeism (local province)
165 Silver Amethyst Necklace General / (att_sp_apparel_general_silver_amethyst_necklace)
Silver Amethyst Necklace
"I wear my successes on my person."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for port buildings (local province)
Trade income: +5% trade agreement tariffs (factionwide)
166 Silver Circlet General / (att_sp_apparel_general_silver_circlet)
Silver Circlet
"The unbroken ring symbolises immortality."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Celtic paganism (governed province)
Religious osmosis: +5 Celtic paganism (local province)
167 Gilt Harness General / (att_sp_apparel_general_silver_gilt_horse_harness)
Gilt Harness
It is only proper that a man of status' horse be arrayed also.
True False True False Unit experience: +3 for cavalry unit recruits (commanded army)
168 Silver Tusk Swords General / (att_sp_apparel_general_silver_tusk_swords)
Silver Tusk Swords
"Now do you get the point?"
True False True False Armour: +5% for elephant units (commanded force)
Morale: +5 for elephant units (commanded army)
169 Skias General / (att_sp_apparel_general_skias)
"Mother won't let me go to war without it."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for farm buildings (local province)
Wealth: +3% from agricultural buildings (local province)
Food: +5 from reserves (local province)
170 Skiddeion General / (att_sp_apparel_general_skiddeion)
"With my skin? At noon?"
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for farm buildings (local province)
Food: +5 from reserves (local province)
171 Sleeved Mantle General / (att_sp_apparel_general_sleeved_mantle)
Sleeved Mantle
Loose clothing is dangerous around the sacred flames.
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (local province)
172 Solar Wheel Amulet General / (att_sp_apparel_general_solar_wheel_amulet)
Solar Wheel Amulet
Death in life is his ideal, because life is like a wheel.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Celtic paganism (governed province)
Religious influence: +3 Celtic paganism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +5 Celtic paganism (local province)
173 Sticharion General / (att_sp_apparel_general_sticharion)
"Rejoice in the lord, for he hath clothed me in the garment of salvation."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Greek Christianity (governed province)
174 Sudreh General / (att_sp_apparel_general_sudreh)
"This shirt, the white of the asha, leads me along the good path."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (governed province)
Religious osmosis: +5 Zoroastrianism (local province)
175 Superior Lorica Hamata General / (att_sp_apparel_general_superior_lorica_hamata)
Superior Lorica Hamata
Owning good armour is prudent.
True False True False Armour: +5% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Melee damage: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Morale: +3 for cavalry units (commanded force)
176 Superior Lorica Segmenta General / (att_sp_apparel_general_superior_lorica_segmenta)
Superior Lorica Segmenta
A hero's armour is most becoming.
True False True False Armour: +5% for cavalry units (commanded force)
177 Superior Lorica Squamata General / (att_sp_apparel_general_superior_lorica_squamata)
Superior Lorica Squamata
Good armour is not cowardice. Dead men do not win battles.
True False True False Armour: +5% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Melee damage: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
178 Superpelliceum General / (att_sp_apparel_general_superpelliceum)
"Look at the lace work, most adequate."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Arian Christianity (governed province)
179 Tiara General / (att_sp_apparel_general_tiara)
"When I tilt my head like this it goes all sparkly!"
True False True False Charge bonus: +3% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
Commander's aura: +5% (general_to_character_own)
180 Toga Picta General / (att_sp_apparel_general_toga_picta)
Toga Picta
"Join the army, see the world."
True False True False Unit experience: +3 for cavalry unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -3% for cavalry units (commanded army)
Upkeep cost: -5% for cavalry units (commanded army)
181 Ul Durbe General / (att_sp_apparel_general_ul_durbe)
Ul Durbe
"Made from feathers of the sacrificial birds."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Tengriism (governed province)
Religious osmosis: +5 Tengrism (local province)
182 Varsa General / (att_sp_apparel_general_varsa)
"We hope and pray that Ahura Mazda sends the Saoshyant to defeat evil."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (governed province)
183 White & Blue Ribbon General / (att_sp_apparel_general_white_and_blue_ribbon)
White & Blue Ribbon
"That tree looks lovely covered with ribbons."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Tengriism (governed province)
Religious influence: +3 Tengrism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +5 Tengrism (local province)
184 White Cap General / (att_sp_apparel_general_white_cap)
White Cap
"As a member of the elect, this is my cap."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Manichaeism (governed province)
185 White Robes General / (att_sp_apparel_general_white_robes)
White Robes
"I wear the robes of my people."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Manichaeism (governed province)
Religious osmosis: +5 Manichaeism (local province)
186 White Stag Pelt General / (att_sp_apparel_general_white_stag_pelt)
White Stag Pelt
Is he a messenger from the Otherworld or just a loony with a deer on his head?
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Germanic paganism (governed province)
187 Wolf Pelt General / (att_sp_apparel_general_wolf_pelt)
Wolf Pelt
Winter is coming…
True False True False Morale: +5 when in own or allied territory (commanded force)
Morale: +10 when reinforcing (commanded force)
188 Wolf Skin Greaves General / (att_sp_apparel_general_wolf_skin_greaves)
Wolf Skin Greaves
The strength of the pack.
True False True False Charge bonus: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Melee attack: +2 for cavalry units (commanded force)
Battle movement speed: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
189 Zeira General / (att_sp_apparel_general_zeira)
"Awesome! It's got pockets!"
True False True False Zeal: +1 (general_to_character_own)
Looting income: +4% (commanded force)
Sacking income: +4% (general_to_character_own)
190 Acragan Olive Merchant General / (att_sp_companion_general_acragan_olive_merchant)
Acragan Olive Merchant
Athena's gift is the bountiful fruit of the olive tree.
True False True False Food: +10 from reserves (local province)
191 Advocate General / (att_sp_companion_general_advocate)
"If the accused were an honest Roman, he would be dead of shame!"
True False True False Authority: +1 (general_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +5% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
192 African Garlic Merchant General / (att_sp_companion_general_african_garlic_merchant)
African Garlic Merchant
"It's fine as long as you both have it. Otherwise she'll probably pass out in the bedroom."
True False True False Wealth: +5% from agricultural buildings (local province)
Food: +10 from reserves (local province)
193 Ambitious Equestrian General / (att_sp_companion_general_ambitious_equestrian)
Ambitious Equestrian
A favour here, a word there, and always profit for the right friends.
True False True False Morale: +10 for cavalry units (commanded force)
194 Ambitious Lanista General / (att_sp_companion_general_ambitious_lanista)
Ambitious Lanista
"Your coin secures only my finest for the primus!"
True False True False Recruitment cost: -10% for melee infantry units (general_to_character_own)
195 Ambitious Magistrate General / (att_sp_companion_general_ambitious_magistrate)
Ambitious Magistrate
The law is always the friend of the powerful.
True False True False Public order: +5 (local province)
Sanitation: +5 (local province)
196 Anchorite General / (att_sp_companion_general_anchorite)
"I have forsworn all luxury, not just butter!"
True False True False Religious influence: +10 Greek Christianity (local region)
197 Ancient Warrior General / (att_sp_companion_general_ancient_warrior)
Ancient Warrior
"Sixty summers gone, I thought as you, boy! Fight with your head as well as your sword!"
True False True False Charge bonus: +5% for the commander's unit (general_to_character_own)
198 Animal Dealer General / (att_sp_companion_general_animal_dealer)
Animal Dealer
"For my friends, and the right coin, I can always get lions!"
True False True False Melee damage: +3% for elephant units (commanded force)
Morale: +10 for elephant units (commanded army)
199 Aqueduct Builder General / (att_sp_companion_general_aqueduct_builder)
Aqueduct Builder
Thirsty men are deaf to their ruler's wishes.
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for sanitation buildings (local province)
Public order: +5 (local province)
Sanitation: +5 (local province)
200 Aquilifer General / (att_sp_companion_general_aquilifer)
The man who carries the standard carries the army's honour.
True False True False Morale: +10 for melee infantry units (commanded army)
Shield training: +3% for melee infantry recruits (commanded army)
201 Arabian Scout General / (att_sp_companion_general_arabian_scout)
Arabian Scout
"The gods did not make this place for men."
True False True False Morale: +10 during desert ambushes (commanded army)
Morale: +10 during desert night battles (commanded army)
202 Architect General / (att_sp_companion_general_architect)
Great architecture reflects the greatness of the patron.
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for military buildings (local province)
203 Arian Convert General / (att_sp_companion_general_arian_convert)
Arian Convert
A new follower is an eager assistant.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Arian Christianity (local province)
204 Arian Deacon General / (att_sp_companion_general_arian_deacon)
Arian Deacon
"I preach the word of the Lord!"
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Arian Christianity (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Arian Christianity (local region)
205 Arian Disciple General / (att_sp_companion_general_arian_disciple)
Arian Disciple
Through burning fire, torture and temptation, this man embodies his unshakable creed.
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Arian Christianity (local province)
Morale: +5 for Arian Christian armies (commanded force)
206 Arian Follower General / (att_sp_companion_general_arian_follower)
Arian Follower
"I say you are Lord, and I should know. I've followed a few."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Arian Christianity (local province)
Morale: +5 for Arian Christian armies (commanded force)
207 Arian Lector General / (att_sp_companion_general_arian_lector)
Arian Lector
"Praise be!"
True False True False Religious influence: +10 Arian Christianity (local region)
208 Arian Presbyter General / (att_sp_companion_general_arian_presbyter)
Arian Presbyter
"You're never too old to teach."
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Arian Christianity (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Arian Christianity (local region)
Religious osmosis: +3 Arian Christianity (local province)
209 Artillerist General / (att_sp_companion_general_artillerist)
"A good pounding will make them see sense. Always works."
True False True False Commander's aura: +10% when laying siege (general_to_character_own)
210 Artist General / (att_sp_companion_general_artist)
"Your dining room walls deserve images of your greatest victories, good sir!"
True False True False Public order: +5 (local province)
211 Astrologer General / (att_sp_companion_general_astrologer)
Much can be learned from this man's speculations from the stars.
True False True False Zeal: +2 (general_to_character_own)
Integrity: +5 when in foreign territory (commanded army)
212 Astronomer General / (att_sp_companion_general_astronomer)
"It's definitely moved. Last month it was over there. I've got an idea..."
True False True False Zeal: +2 (general_to_character_own)
213 Barbarian Slave Girl General / (att_sp_companion_general_barbarian_slave_girl)
Barbarian Slave Girl
"She's just an amusing little something from the frontier…"
True False True False Melee attack: +3 for the commander's unit (commanded force)
Morale: +10 for the commander's unit (commanded force)
214 Barbarian Turncoat General / (att_sp_companion_general_barbarian_turncoat)
Barbarian Turncoat
"Actually, I rather like hot water, good wine and decent food."
True False True False Morale: +15 versus barbarian kingdoms (commanded force)
215 Battlefield Runner General / (att_sp_companion_general_battlefield_runner)
Battlefield Runner
Orders must get through.
True False True False Cunning: +1 (general_to_character_own)
Battle movement speed: +3% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
216 Beastmaster General / (att_sp_companion_general_beastmaster)
"No sensible beast goes near a battle, sir…"
True False True False Armour: +2% for elephant units (commanded force)
Melee damage: +3% for elephant units (commanded force)
Morale: +10 for elephant units (commanded army)
217 Bejewelled Mincer General / (att_sp_companion_general_bejewelled_mincer)
Bejewelled Mincer
"Oh yes! Ha ha! Look at me!"
True False True False Research rate: +3% for civil developments (factionwide)
218 Berber Horseman General / (att_sp_companion_general_berber_horseman)
Berber Horseman
When you see a Berber, worry.
True False True False Armour: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Morale: +10 for cavalry units (commanded force)
219 Berber Minx General / (att_sp_companion_general_berber_minx)
Berber Minx
"I'm quite worn out. She's an in-tents lover. Oh, please yourself…"
True False True False Armour: +2% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
Melee attack: +3 for the commander's unit (commanded force)
Morale: +10 for the commander's unit (commanded force)
220 Berber Raider General / (att_sp_companion_general_berber_raider)
Berber Raider
When you don't see a Berber, worry. And check your back for daggers.
True False True False Armour: +3% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Melee damage: +2% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Morale: +10 for cavalry units (commanded force)
221 Big Sweaty Drummer General / (att_sp_companion_general_big_sweaty_drummer)
Big Sweaty Drummer
"Ramming speed? Aye! That's got a proper beat to it!"
True False True False Campaign movement range: +10% (commanded navy)
222 Biographer General / (att_sp_companion_general_biographer)
The deeds of the great should be recorded for lesser posterity!
True False True False Zeal: +2 (general_to_character_own)
Integrity: +5 when in foreign territory (commanded army)
223 Border Guardian General / (att_sp_companion_general_border_guardian)
Border Guardian
"It'll cost you 100 debens if you want to bring that in. And that's just my fee to look the other way."
True False True False Campaign line of sight: +50% (general_to_character_own)
224 Bozkurt General / (att_sp_companion_general_bozkurt)
All the trappings of a wolf. Truly a candidate Khagan.
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Tengriism (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Tengrism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +3 Tengrism (local province)
225 British Scout General / (att_sp_companion_general_british_scout)
British Scout
"Anyone nicked any caligae in my size?"
True False True False Fatigue rate: -5% for all cavalry units. (commanded force)
Battle movement speed: +2% for cavalry units (commanded force)
226 Campanian Mercenary Captain General / (att_sp_companion_general_campanian_mercenary_captain)
Campanian Mercenary Captain
"For a chance to remove the Roman yolk from the necks of my people? I'd follow you anywhere."
True False True False Recruitment cost: -5% for mercenary units (general_to_character_own)
Morale: +10 for mercenaries (commanded force)
227 Captain of Horse General / (att_sp_companion_general_captain_of_horse)
Captain of Horse
"The end with the teeth towards the enemy, you idiot!"
True False True False Melee attack: +5 for cavalry units (commanded force)
228 Cataphract Warrior General / (att_sp_companion_general_cataphract_warrior)
Cataphract Warrior
"By your command!"
True False True False Melee attack: +5 for cavalry units (commanded force)
Battle movement speed: +2% for cavalry units (commanded force)
229 Catholic Convert General / (att_sp_companion_general_catholic_convert)
Catholic Convert
A new follower is an eager assistant.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Latin Christianity (local province)
230 Catholic Disciple General / (att_sp_companion_general_catholic_disciple)
Catholic Disciple
Through burning fire, torture and temptation, this man embodies his unshakable creed.
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +5 for Latin Christian armies (commanded force)
Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Latin Christianity (local province)
231 Catholic Follower General / (att_sp_companion_general_catholic_follower)
Catholic Follower
"I say you are Lord, and I should know. I've followed a few."
True False True False Morale: +5 for Latin Christian armies (commanded force)
Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Latin Christianity (local province)
232 Pagan Convert General / (att_sp_companion_general_celtic_convert)
Pagan Convert
A new follower is an eager assistant.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Celtic paganism (local province)
233 Pagan Disciple General / (att_sp_companion_general_celtic_disciple)
Pagan Disciple
Through burning fire, torture and temptation, this man embodies his unshakable creed.
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Celtic paganism (local province)
Morale: +5 for Celtic pagan armies (commanded force)
234 Pagan Follower General / (att_sp_companion_general_celtic_follower)
Pagan Follower
"I say you are Lord, and I should know. I've followed a few."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Celtic paganism (local province)
Morale: +5 for Celtic pagan armies (commanded force)
235 Champion General / (att_sp_companion_general_champion)
"So be it. To the death!"
True False True False Morale: +10 for melee infantry units (commanded army)
236 Chief Eunuch General / (att_sp_companion_general_chief_eunuch)
Chief Eunuch
Some foxes can look after the chickens.
True False True False Tax rate: +5% (local province)
Research rate: +3% for civil developments (factionwide)
237 Chief Overseer General / (att_sp_companion_general_chief_overseer)
Chief Overseer
Unwilling backs cry out for the whip.
True False True False Wealth: +5% from industrial buildings (local province)
Wealth: +10% from immigration (governed province)
238 Chirugeon General / (att_sp_companion_general_chirugeon)
Good field surgery can save many a life after a battle.
True False True False Hostile agent success chance: -5% (general_to_character_own)
Wound recovery time: -1 (general_to_character_own)
239 Cilician Pirate General / (att_sp_companion_general_cilician_pirate)
Cilician Pirate
"I take what I will! Do you want to make something of it?"
True False True False Campaign movement range: +10% (commanded navy)
Integrity: +5 when in hostile or contested waters (commanded navy)
Integrity: +5 when in shared or controlled waters (commanded navy)
240 Coin Forger General / (att_sp_companion_general_coin_forger)
Coin Forger
"Take a bit of old tin, wrap it in foil, bash it with the right stamp and there's yer drachma. Sorted."
True False True False Trade income: +10% trade agreement tariffs (factionwide)
241 Coiner General / (att_sp_companion_general_coiner)
A king's head, stamped on a coin: that is true power!
True False True False Wealth: +5% from commercial buildings (local province)
Trade income: +10% trade agreement tariffs (factionwide)
242 Contubernalis General / (att_sp_companion_general_contubernalis)
All great men have to start somewhere.
True False True False Recruitment cost: -10% for cavalry units (commanded army)
243 Cornicularis General / (att_sp_companion_general_cornicularis)
When trumpets sound, true warriors listen!
True False True False Unit experience: +2 for cavalry unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -10% for cavalry units (commanded army)
244 Dahae Tribesman General / (att_sp_companion_general_dahae_tribesman)
Dahae Tribesman
"Quite a fellow. He sleeps on his horse. Very useful in battle."
True False True False Fatigue rate: -5% for all cavalry units. (commanded force)
Missile damage: +2% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Battle movement speed: +2% for cavalry units (commanded force)
245 Desert Scout General / (att_sp_companion_general_desert_scout)
Desert Scout
Trackless wastes are not for the faint-hearted.
True False True False Campaign line of sight: +50% (general_to_character_own)
Campaign movement range: +5% for armies (commanded army)
246 Discussor General / (att_sp_companion_general_discussor)
Is anything as satisfying as a well-squeezed taxpayer?
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for port buildings (local province)
Wealth: +5% from commercial buildings (local province)
Trade income: +10% trade agreement tariffs (factionwide)
247 Doctor General / (att_sp_companion_general_doctor)
"If it hurts, then you are not actually dead."
True False True False Chance of being wounded after failure: +3% (general_to_character_own)
Hostile agent success chance: -5% (general_to_character_own)
Wound recovery time: -1 (general_to_character_own)
248 Drillmaster General / (att_sp_companion_general_drillmaster)
"Stand still, you nasty little bastard! Fear ME! Not them simple sods yonder!"
True False True False Melee attack: +5 for infantry units (commanded army)
Battle movement speed: +2% for melee infantry units (commanded army)
249 Drinking Companion General / (att_sp_companion_general_drinking_companion)
Drinking Companion
"Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we puke!"
True False True False Melee attack: +5 for infantry units (commanded army)
250 Druid General / (att_sp_companion_general_druid)
"You want to be big and strong? Then drink the bloody potion!"
True False True False Religious influence: +10 Celtic paganism (local region)
251 Druidic Shaman General / (att_sp_companion_general_druidic_shaman)
Druidic Shaman
"Do not touch the fey folk if you value your life."
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Celtic paganism (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Celtic paganism (local region)
252 Eastern Turncoat General / (att_sp_companion_general_eastern_turncoat)
Eastern Turncoat
"Gold? Is that why you think I...? No, no. Not that."
True False True False Morale: +15 versus eastern empires (commanded force)
253 Elect General / (att_sp_companion_general_elect)
"We are born of darkness, but filled with light."
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Manichaeism (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Manichaeism (local region)
254 Elephant Driver General / (att_sp_companion_general_elephant_driver)
Elephant Driver
"Whoa, Nelly! Whoa!"
True False True False Morale: +10 for elephant units (commanded army)
255 Enslaved Debtor General / (att_sp_companion_general_enslaved_debtor)
Enslaved Debtor
Flesh pays many debts.
True False True False Wealth: +10% from immigration (governed province)
256 Epic Poet General / (att_sp_companion_general_epic_poet)
Epic Poet
"Your victories should-- no, must-- be celebrated!"
True False True False Personal influence: +2 per influence-earning situation (general_to_character_own)
257 Expert Tragularius General / (att_sp_companion_general_expert_tragularius)
Expert Tragularius
"Stay calm and remember it's nothing more than a big bow and arrow."
True False True False Unit experience: +2 for siege unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -10% for artillery units (general_to_character_own)
258 Famous Warrior General / (att_sp_companion_general_famous_warrior)
Famous Warrior
Every hero is his own story.
True False True False Unit experience: +2 for infantry unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -10% for melee infantry units (general_to_character_own)
259 Farming Expert General / (att_sp_companion_general_farming_expert)
Farming Expert
Good land and good workers: a good income.
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for farm buildings (local province)
Wealth: +5% from agricultural buildings (local province)
Food: +10 from reserves (local province)
260 Gallic Mercenary Captain General / (att_sp_companion_general_gallic_mercenary_captain)
Gallic Mercenary Captain
"No I don't speak Punic, so it's one grunt for 'yes', two grunts for 'charge!'"
True False True False Morale: +10 for mercenaries (commanded force)
261 Galloper General / (att_sp_companion_general_galloper)
A good seat, and trustworthy.
True False True False Battle movement speed: +3% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
262 Pagan Convert General / (att_sp_companion_general_greco_roman_convert)
Pagan Convert
A new follower is an eager assistant.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Roman paganism (local province)
263 Pagan Disciple General / (att_sp_companion_general_greco_roman_disciple)
Pagan Disciple
Through burning fire, torture and temptation, this man embodies his unshakable creed.
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Roman paganism (local province)
Morale: +5 for Roman pagan armies (commanded force)
264 Pagan Follower General / (att_sp_companion_general_greco_roman_follower)
Pagan Follower
"I say you are Lord, and I should know. I've followed a few."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Roman paganism (local province)
Morale: +5 for Roman pagan armies (commanded force)
265 'Healer' General / (att_sp_companion_general_healer)
"Prayers, three times a day. And beware elf-shot."
True False True False Wound recovery time: -1 (general_to_character_own)
266 Hearer General / (att_sp_companion_general_hearer)
"My life is a battle between both good an evil."
True False True False Religious influence: +10 Manichaeism (local region)
267 Herbad General / (att_sp_companion_general_herbad)
"Look into the flames. See what is to come, what is now, what was..."
True False True False Religious influence: +10 Zoroastrianism (local region)
268 Heroic Companion General / (att_sp_companion_general_heroic_companion)
Heroic Companion
The dash and speed of the charge is in a man's heart.
True False True False Authority: +1 (general_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +5% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
Commander's aura: +2% (general_to_character_own)
269 Heroic Funditor General / (att_sp_companion_general_heroic_funditor)
Heroic Funditor
"Take that, barbarian scum!"
True False True False Fatigue rate: -5% for all ranged infantry. (commanded army)
Morale: +3 for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
Battle movement speed: +2% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
270 Heroic German Warrior General / (att_sp_companion_general_heroic_german_warrior)
Heroic German Warrior
"If it bleeds, we can kill it!"
True False True False Authority: +2 when leading an army (when general)
271 Heroic Principes General / (att_sp_companion_general_heroic_principes)
Heroic Principes
Among brave men, the hero must be exceptional.
True False True False Charge bonus: +2% for infantry units (commanded army)
Melee attack: +5 for infantry units (commanded army)
Battle movement speed: +2% for melee infantry units (commanded army)
272 Heroic Velite General / (att_sp_companion_general_heroic_velite)
Heroic Velite
Lack of money is no bar to heroism for a true Roman.
True False True False Unit experience: +1 for missile unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -10% for ranged infantry units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -5% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
273 Heroic Veteran General / (att_sp_companion_general_heroic_veteran)
Heroic Veteran
"Remember, if your head comes away from your neck, it's over."
True False True False Unit experience: +2 for infantry unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -10% for melee infantry units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -3% for melee infantry units (commanded army)
274 Heroic Warrior General / (att_sp_companion_general_heroic_warrior)
Heroic Warrior
"Kiss my axe!"
True False True False Unit experience: +2 for cavalry unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -10% for cavalry units (commanded army)
Upkeep cost: -3% for cavalry units (commanded army)
275 Horse Trainer General / (att_sp_companion_general_horse_trainer)
Horse Trainer
Cruelty is foolishness, and wastes horse flesh.
True False True False Fatigue rate: -5% for all cavalry units. (commanded force)
276 Hunnic Turncoat General / (att_sp_companion_general_hunnic_turncoat)
Hunnic Turncoat
"Wherever my horse goes, I follow."
True False True False Morale: +15 versus nomadic tribes (commanded force)
277 Intrepid Explorer General / (att_sp_companion_general_intrepid_explorer)
Intrepid Explorer
Who knows where the next step will lead?
True False True False Campaign spotting chance: +3% (general_to_character_own)
Campaign line of sight: +50% (general_to_character_own)
Campaign movement range: +5% for armies (commanded army)
278 Kam General / (att_sp_companion_general_kam)
"Avoid those daughters of Erlik, who wish to lure you."
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Tengriism (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Tengrism (local region)
279 Librarian General / (att_sp_companion_general_librarian)
A man who reads is dangerous.
True False True False Growth: +3 (local province)
Tax rate: +5% (local province)
Research rate: +3% for civil developments (factionwide)
280 Local Guides General / (att_sp_companion_general_local_guides)
Local Guides
The threat of crucifixion can really focus the mind.
True False True False Morale: +10 during desert ambushes (commanded army)
Morale: +10 during desert night battles (commanded army)
Morale: +3 when in own or allied territory (commanded force)
281 Mahistan General / (att_sp_companion_general_mahistan)
"Mani himself is a child of the eternal light, teaching us our true source."
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Manichaeism (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Manichaeism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +3 Manichaeism (local province)
282 Manichaean Convert General / (att_sp_companion_general_manichaean_convert)
Manichaean Convert
A new follower is an eager assistant.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Manichaeism (local province)
283 Manichaean Disciple General / (att_sp_companion_general_manichaean_disciple)
Manichaean Disciple
Through burning fire, torture and temptation, this man embodies his unshakable creed.
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Manichaeism (local province)
Morale: +5 for Manichaeist armies (commanded force)
284 Manichaean Follower General / (att_sp_companion_general_manichaean_follower)
Manichaean Follower
"I say you are Lord, and I should know. I've followed a few."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Manichaeism (local province)
Morale: +5 for Manichaeist armies (commanded force)
285 Master Hunter General / (att_sp_companion_general_master_hunter)
Master Hunter
After man, no other prey comes close.
True False True False Armour: +5% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
286 Master of Archers General / (att_sp_companion_general_master_of_archers)
Master of Archers
Fate and the arrow: both have their targets.
True False True False Ammunition: +3% for missile infantry (commanded army)
Armour: +5% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
287 Master of Horse General / (att_sp_companion_general_master_of_horse)
Master of Horse
"Horses have wisdom, if you know how to use it."
True False True False Charge bonus: +2% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Melee attack: +5 for cavalry units (commanded force)
Battle movement speed: +2% for cavalry units (commanded force)
288 Mechanician General / (att_sp_companion_general_mechanician)
"The new bulls' sinews are nearly ready, sir!"
True False True False Unit experience: +2 for siege unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -10% for artillery units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -3% for artillery units (commanded army)
289 Mercenary Commander General / (att_sp_companion_general_mercenary_commander)
Mercenary Commander
"For that price, I will make war on my own grandmother. Or yours."
True False True False Recruitment cost: -5% for mercenary units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -3% for mercenary units (commanded force)
Morale: +10 for mercenaries (commanded force)
290 Merchant Adventurer General / (att_sp_companion_general_merchant_adventurer)
Merchant Adventurer
"A gold piece and a sword: carry both to see business done!"
True False True False Raiding income: +10% (commanded force)
291 Military Engineer General / (att_sp_companion_general_military_engineer)
Military Engineer
Fighting is only part of war. There is also a lot of digging.
True False True False Attrition: -5% when laying siege (commanded force)
Attrition: -5% when under siege (commanded force)
Commander's aura: +10% when laying siege (general_to_character_own)
292 Military Tribune General / (att_sp_companion_general_military_tribune)
Military Tribune
"A man cannot advance without military laurels."
True False True False Recruitment cost: -10% for ranged infantry units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -5% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
293 Mobed General / (att_sp_companion_general_mobed)
"I am able to recite the entire Yasna in its extended form."
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Zoroastrianism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +3 Zoroastrianism (local province)
294 Monumental Mason General / (att_sp_companion_general_monumental_mason)
Monumental Mason
Building for eternity requires a modicum of skill.
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for military buildings (local province)
Public order: +5 from military presence (local province)
295 Navigator General / (att_sp_companion_general_navigator)
Read the seas, tides and stars, and the world is yours!
True False True False Campaign movement range: +10% (commanded navy)
Integrity: +5 when in hostile or contested waters (commanded navy)
Integrity: +5 when in shared or controlled waters (commanded navy)
296 Neighbourhood Boss General / (att_sp_companion_general_neighbourhood_boss)
Neighbourhood Boss
"Nothing happens in this quarter until I say so."
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for industrial buildings (local province)
Wealth: +5% from industrial buildings (local province)
Wealth: +10% from immigration (governed province)
297 Noble Steed General / (att_sp_companion_general_noble_steed)
Noble Steed
A prince among horses to carry a leader of men.
True False True False Morale: +3 during night battles (commanded force)
Cunning: +1 (general_to_character_own)
Battle movement speed: +3% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
298 Orthodox Convert General / (att_sp_companion_general_orthodox_convert)
Orthodox Convert
A new follower is an eager assistant.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Greek Christianity (local province)
299 Orthodox Disciple General / (att_sp_companion_general_orthodox_disciple)
Orthodox Disciple
Through burning fire, torture and temptation, this man embodies his unshakable creed.
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Greek Christianity (local province)
Morale: +5 for Greek Christian armies (commanded force)
300 Orthodox Follower General / (att_sp_companion_general_orthodox_follower)
Orthodox Follower
"I say you are Lord, and I should know. I've followed a few."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Greek Christianity (local province)
Morale: +5 for Greek Christian armies (commanded force)
301 Orthodox Presbyter General / (att_sp_companion_general_orthodox_presbyter)
Orthodox Presbyter
"You're never too old to teach."
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Greek Christianity (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Greek Christianity (local region)
Religious osmosis: +3 Greek Christianity (local province)
302 Pagan Convert General / (att_sp_companion_general_pagan_convert)
Pagan Convert
A new follower is an eager assistant.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Germanic paganism (local province)
303 Pagan Disciple General / (att_sp_companion_general_pagan_disciple)
Pagan Disciple
Through burning fire, torture and temptation, this man embodies his unshakable creed.
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Germanic paganism (local province)
Morale: +5 for Germanic pagan armies (commanded force)
304 Pagan Follower General / (att_sp_companion_general_pagan_follower)
Pagan Follower
"I say you are Lord, and I should know. I've followed a few."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Germanic paganism (local province)
Morale: +5 for Germanic pagan armies (commanded force)
305 Parabalanus General / (att_sp_companion_general_parabalanus)
"The bishop says: "next time we nail your heretic tongue to the floor!""
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Latin Christianity (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Latin Christianity (local region)
306 Parthian Captain of Horse General / (att_sp_companion_general_parthian_captain_of_horse)
Parthian Captain of Horse
"Darken the heavens with your arrows! Shake the ground with your charge!"
True False True False Missile damage: +2% for infantry units (commanded army)
Ammunition: +3% for missile infantry (commanded army)
Armour: +5% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
307 Priest of Donar General / (att_sp_companion_general_priest_of_donar)
Priest of Donar
"Lord of the storms, strike down my master's enemies!"
True False True False Religious influence: +10 Germanic paganism (local region)
308 Priest of Epona General / (att_sp_companion_general_priest_of_epona)
Priest of Epona
The Goddess blesses all those who look after her horses.
True False True False Religious influence: +10 Roman paganism (local region)
309 Priest of Hercules General / (att_sp_companion_general_priest_of_hercules)
Priest of Hercules
"Strength is yours, acolyte of Hercules!"
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Roman paganism (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Roman paganism (local region)
310 Priest of Jupiter Optimus Maximus General / (att_sp_companion_general_priest_of_jupiter_optimus_maximus)
Priest of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
All honest Romans worship the Shining Father.
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Roman paganism (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Roman paganism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +3 Roman paganism (local province)
311 Priest of Teutatis General / (att_sp_companion_general_priest_of_teutatis)
Priest of Teutatis
"Father of the People, protect us now against our enemies!"
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Celtic paganism (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Celtic paganism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +3 Celtic paganism (local province)
312 Priest of Woden General / (att_sp_companion_general_priest_of_woden)
Priest of Woden
The All-Father helps those who help themselves.
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Germanic paganism (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Germanic paganism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +3 Germanic paganism (local province)
313 Priestess of Freyja General / (att_sp_companion_general_priestess_of_freyja)
Priestess of Freyja
"In beauty, death; in life, war: the Goddess looks to all things."
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Germanic paganism (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Germanic paganism (local region)
314 Primipilares General / (att_sp_companion_general_primipilares)
"I may not have the fancy trappings of those equestrians, but I have seen war. Lots of war."
True False True False Melee damage: +2% for infantry units (commanded army)
Morale: +10 for melee infantry units (commanded army)
Shield training: +3% for melee infantry recruits (commanded army)
315 Pyraethi General / (att_sp_companion_general_pyraethi)
"Keep the eternal fires burning - their light grants us wisdom."
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Zoroastrianism (local region)
316 Rabban General / (att_sp_companion_general_rabban)
"You're never to old to teach."
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Latin Christianity (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Latin Christianity (local region)
Religious osmosis: +3 Latin Christianity (local province)
317 Rhodian Captain of Slingers General / (att_sp_companion_general_rhodian_captain_of_slingers)
Rhodian Captain of Slingers
"Which eye do you want taken out?"
True False True False Fatigue rate: -5% for all ranged infantry. (commanded army)
Battle movement speed: +2% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
318 Roman Exile General / (att_sp_companion_general_roman_exile)
Roman Exile
"Wherever I wander, there's no place like Rome…"
True False True False Morale: +15 versus Romans (commanded force)
319 Sagittarius General / (att_sp_companion_general_sagittarius)
Skills learned in the arena are useful on the battlefield.
True False True False Fatigue rate: -5% for all ranged infantry. (commanded army)
320 Scout General / (att_sp_companion_general_scout)
To avoid trouble, see it first.
True False True False Morale: +10 during desert ambushes (commanded army)
Morale: +10 during desert night battles (commanded army)
Morale: +5 when reinforcing (commanded force)
321 Seasoned Marine General / (att_sp_companion_general_seasoned_marine)
Seasoned Marine
"Follow me. Kill them quick, and heave the guts over the side!"
True False True False Authority: +2 when leading a navy (when admiral)
322 Siege Engineer General / (att_sp_companion_general_siege_engineer)
Siege Engineer
"We'll have those walls down, sir, no trouble."
True False True False Attrition: -5% when laying siege (commanded force)
Attrition: -5% when under siege (commanded force)
Commander's aura: +3% when laying siege (general_to_character_own)
323 Slave Trader General / (att_sp_companion_general_slave_trader)
Slave Trader
"They will learn. The brutes are fortunate to be enslaved."
True False True False Recruitment cost: -10% for ranged infantry units (general_to_character_own)
324 Speaker in Tongues General / (att_sp_companion_general_speaker_in_tongues)
Speaker in Tongues
"Blue hedgehogs! Foopy-foopy-nongle! Everywhere!"
True False True False Public order: Up to +5 bonus from presence of Greek Christianity (governed province)
Religious influence: +10 Greek Christianity (local region)
325 Stylite General / (att_sp_companion_general_stylite)
"Praise be!"
True False True False Religious influence: +10 Latin Christianity (local region)
326 Surveyor General / (att_sp_companion_general_surveyor)
"From here, to the river, well, I do not like it."
True False True False Construction cost: -10% for military buildings (local province)
Public order: +5 from military presence (local province)
Research rate: +1% for military developments (factionwide)
327 Swineherd General / (att_sp_companion_general_swineherd)
Someone has to look after dinner.
True False True False Morale: +10 for the commander's unit (commanded force)
328 Tatar Ubyr General / (att_sp_companion_general_tatar_ubyr)
Tatar Ubyr
Sometimes a good curse can achieve as much as a silver tongue.
True False True False Religious influence: +10 Tengrism (local region)
329 Tengri Convert General / (att_sp_companion_general_tengri_convert)
Tengri Convert
A new follower is an eager assistant.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Tengrism (local province)
330 Tengri Disciple General / (att_sp_companion_general_tengri_disciple)
Tengri Disciple
Through burning fire, torture and temptation, this man embodies his unshakable creed.
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Tengrism (local province)
Morale: +5 for Tengrist armies (commanded force)
331 Tengri Follower General / (att_sp_companion_general_tengri_follower)
Tengri Follower
"I say you are Lord, and I should know. I've followed a few."
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Tengrism (local province)
Morale: +5 for Tengrist armies (commanded force)
332 Woodworker General / (att_sp_companion_general_woodworker)
"Uriens, why have you sculpted six hundred giant wooden knobs?"
True False True False Recruitment cost: -10% for artillery units (general_to_character_own)
333 Zoroastrian Convert General / (att_sp_companion_general_zoroastrian_convert)
Zoroastrian Convert
A new follower is an eager assistant.
True False True False Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (local province)
334 Zoroastrian Disciple General / (att_sp_companion_general_zoroastrian_disciple)
Zoroastrian Disciple
Through burning fire, torture and temptation, this man embodies his unshakable creed.
True False True False Construction cost: -3% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +5 for Zoroastrian armies (commanded force)
Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (local province)
335 Zoroastrian Follower General / (att_sp_companion_general_zoroastrian_follower)
Zoroastrian Follower
"I say you are Lord, and I should know. I've followed a few."
True False True False Morale: +5 for Zoroastrian armies (commanded force)
Public order: Up to +10 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (local province)
336 Hand Abacus General / (att_sp_item_general_abacus)
Hand Abacus
The means to measure an Empire, yet portable.
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for industrial buildings (local province)
Wealth: +10% from industrial buildings (local province)
337 Acinaces General / (att_sp_item_general_acinaces)
"Cool, huh? The dead bloke didn't want to let go..."
True False True False Razing income: +3% (general_to_character_own)
Sacking income: +5% (general_to_character_own)
Integrity: +10 when in foreign territory (commanded army)
338 Alexander's Sword General / (att_sp_item_general_alexanders_sword)
Alexander's Sword
"Who better than I to carry such a weapon?"
True False True False Armour: +2% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Melee damage: +5% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Morale: +5 for cavalry units (commanded force)
339 Alpha & Omega Fibulae General / (att_sp_item_general_alpha_and_omega_fibulae)
Alpha & Omega Fibulae
"For I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Arian Christianity (local province)
Morale: +10 for Arian Christian armies (commanded force)
340 Amulet of Jupiter General / (att_sp_item_general_amulet_of_jupiter)
Amulet of Jupiter
The gods help those most who ask the least.
True False True False Religious influence: +5 Roman paganism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Roman paganism (local province)
341 Amulet of Woden General / (att_sp_item_general_amulet_of_woden)
Amulet of Woden
"Woden! Woden! Grant me your vision!"
True False True False Religious influence: +5 Germanic paganism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Germanic paganism (local province)
342 Ankusha General / (att_sp_item_general_ankusha)
"At the next soldier, turn left…"
True False True False Melee damage: +5% for elephant units (commanded force)
343 Antimension General / (att_sp_item_general_antimension)
"Mine's got the hair of a saint in the middle."
True False True False Religious influence: +5 Greek Christianity (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Greek Christianity (local province)
344 Anvil of Hephaestus General / (att_sp_item_general_anvil_of_hephaestus)
Anvil of Hephaestus
What the gods forge does not break.
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Roman paganism (local province)
Morale: +10 for Roman pagan armies (commanded force)
345 Ark of the Covenant General / (att_sp_item_general_ark_of_the_covenant)
Ark of the Covenant
"March around the city, wait a few minutes, then watch the walls fall."
True False True False Morale: +5 when laying siege (commanded army)
Attrition: -3% when laying siege (commanded force)
Commander's aura: +5% when laying siege (general_to_character_own)
346 Arzhang General / (att_sp_item_general_arzhang)
"The mysteries of creation, with illustrations."
True False True False Religious osmosis: +10 Manichaeism (local province)
347 Barbarian Map General / (att_sp_item_general_barbarian_map)
Barbarian Map
A map of the rural wilds, drawn by barbarians, so it may not be strictly accurate.
True False True False Campaign spotting chance: +10% (general_to_character_own)
348 Barley Rations General / (att_sp_item_general_barley_rations)
Barley Rations
"If men disobey, this is the least of their rewards."
True False True False Upkeep cost: -10% for melee infantry units (commanded army)
349 Barsom General / (att_sp_item_general_barsom)
"O, what a blessing! For us is born The Divine Helper, Zoroaster!"
True False True False Religious osmosis: +10 Zoroastrianism (local province)
350 Betyl General / (att_sp_item_general_betyl)
This sacred stone ensures that libations are always welcomed.
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for farm buildings (local province)
Wealth: +10% from agricultural buildings (local province)
351 Birch Branch General / (att_sp_item_general_birch_branch)
Birch Branch
Wrapped in ribbon and placed by the fire, for the worship of the sky god.
True False True False Religious influence: +5 Tengrism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Tengrism (local province)
352 Black Cauldron General / (att_sp_item_general_black_cauldron)
Black Cauldron
Whoever owns it shall rule the world. Or destroy it…
True False True False Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Celtic paganism (governed province)
Religious influence: +5 Celtic paganism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Celtic paganism (local province)
353 Book of Arda Viraf General / (att_sp_item_general_book_of_arda_viraf)
Book of Arda Viraf
"Then, I was shown those souls which serpents sting, ever devouring their own tongues."
True False True False Religious influence: +5 Zoroastrianism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Zoroastrianism (local province)
354 Funerary Urn General / (att_sp_item_general_box_of_ash)
Funerary Urn
"Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."
True False True False Morale: +10 for Latin Christian armies (commanded force)
355 Burning-Glass General / (att_sp_item_general_burning_glass)
The sun's flames, in the hand of a man.
True False True False Morale: +10 for Zoroastrian armies (commanded force)
356 Caliburnus General / (att_sp_item_general_caliburnus)
"Behold…the sword of power…forged when the world was young!"
True False True False Armour: +3% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
Melee attack: +5 for the commander's unit (commanded force)
Morale: +3 for the commander's unit (commanded force)
357 Calix General / (att_sp_item_general_calix)
"More wine?"
True False True False Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Arian Christianity (governed province)
Religious influence: +5 Arian Christianity (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Arian Christianity (local province)
358 Carrier Pigeons General / (att_sp_item_general_carrier_pigeons)
Carrier Pigeons
"Fly my pretties! Fly!"
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for port buildings (local province)
Wealth: +10% from commercial buildings (local province)
359 Cera General / (att_sp_item_general_cera)
"Look, I can even rub out my mistakes."
True False True False Tax rate: +10% (local province)
360 Chisel General / (att_sp_item_general_chisel)
"Behave, or you fookin' get this!"
True False True False Armour: +3% for elephant units (commanded force)
Melee damage: +5% for elephant units (commanded force)
361 Christi Monogramma General / (att_sp_item_general_christi_monogramma)
Christi Monogramma
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Greek Christianity (local province)
Morale: +10 for Greek Christian armies (commanded force)
362 Ciborium General / (att_sp_item_general_ciborium_)
"All right, which one of you has been at the Eucharist again?"
True False True False Religious osmosis: +10 Arian Christianity (local province)
363 Composite Bow General / (att_sp_item_general_composite_bow)
Composite Bow
"Approach, draw, loose, retreat, repeat."
True False True False Missile damage: +5% for infantry units (commanded army)
364 Crocea Mors General / (att_sp_item_general_crocea_mors)
Crocea Mors
"Hail Caesar!"
True False True False Charge bonus: +5% for infantry units (commanded army)
Melee attack: +3 for infantry units (commanded army)
Battle movement speed: +1% for melee infantry units (commanded army)
365 Crucifixion Nail General / (att_sp_item_general_crucifixion_nail)
Crucifixion Nail
Lucky charms must be cherished and protected!
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +10 for Latin Christian armies (commanded force)
Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Latin Christianity (local province)
366 Cruciform Fibula General / (att_sp_item_general_cruciform_fibula_)
Cruciform Fibula
"I shall wear the suffering of our Lord like a badge."
True False True False Morale: +10 for Arian Christian armies (commanded force)
367 Crux Pectoralis General / (att_sp_item_general_crux_pectoralis)
Crux Pectoralis
"This is the cross of death and resurrection."
True False True False Religious osmosis: +10 Latin Christianity (local province)
368 Cup of Bacchus General / (att_sp_item_general_cup_of_bacchus)
Cup of Bacchus
There is enjoying a drink, and then there is worship of Bacchus!
True False True False Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Roman paganism (governed province)
Religious influence: +5 Roman paganism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Roman paganism (local province)
369 Curse Tablet General / (att_sp_item_general_curse_tablet)
Curse Tablet
"I always have one. Hatred should be acted upon."
True False True False Religious osmosis: +10 Germanic paganism (local province)
370 Depiction of the First Creation General / (att_sp_item_general_depiction_of_the_first_creation)
Depiction of the First Creation
"The mother of life sent man to battle the demon of greed."
True False True False Morale: +10 for Manichaeist armies (commanded force)
371 Depiction of the Second Creation General / (att_sp_item_general_depiction_of_the_second_creation)
Depiction of the Second Creation
"Ten heavens and eight earths are created from the light swallowed by the world of darkness."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +10 for Manichaeist armies (commanded force)
372 Depiction of the Third Creation General / (att_sp_item_general_depiction_of_the_third_creation)
Depiction of the Third Creation
"The greed of the evil being creates Adam and Eve."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Manichaeism (local province)
Morale: +10 for Manichaeist armies (commanded force)
373 Diskos General / (att_sp_item_general_diskos)
"The rim is raised up to stop anything falling out. Don't want to lose those crumbs."
True False True False Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Greek Christianity (governed province)
Religious influence: +5 Greek Christianity (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Greek Christianity (local province)
374 Dolabra General / (att_sp_item_general_dolabra)
Everybody fights. And everybody digs.
True False True False Morale: +5 when laying siege (commanded army)
Commander's aura: +5% when laying siege (general_to_character_own)
375 Dord General / (att_sp_item_general_dord)
"No, no! Circular breathing, like I showed you."
True False True False Charge bonus: +5% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Melee attack: +3 for cavalry units (commanded force)
Battle movement speed: +1% for cavalry units (commanded force)
376 Draco General / (att_sp_item_general_draco)
With sharp eye, the dragon watches over its warriors.
True False True False Morale: +5 during desert ambushes (commanded army)
Morale: +10 when in own or allied territory (commanded force)
377 Dried Heart General / (att_sp_item_general_dried_heart)
Dried Heart
"It was still beating when I took it…"
True False True False Integrity: +10 when in foreign territory (commanded army)
378 Drinking Horn General / (att_sp_item_general_drinking_horn)
Drinking Horn
"With each gulp I take in the strength of the bull!"
True False True False Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Germanic paganism (governed province)
Religious influence: +5 Germanic paganism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Germanic paganism (local province)
379 Emerald Lens General / (att_sp_item_general_emerald_lens)
Emerald Lens
"Thank the gods, I am not enfeebled in sight!"
True False True False Campaign spotting chance: +10% (general_to_character_own)
Campaign line of sight: +30% (general_to_character_own)
Campaign movement range: +3% for armies (commanded army)
380 Equipment Contract General / (att_sp_item_general_equipment_contract)
Equipment Contract
"Fight for Rome, and Rome shall arm you."
True False True False Recruitment cost: -10% for mercenary units (general_to_character_own)
381 Fasces General / (att_sp_item_general_fasces)
Law and order are two sides of the same coin.
True False True False Authority: +2 (general_to_character_own)
Commander's aura: +3% (general_to_character_own)
382 Fax General / (att_sp_item_general_fax)
Available for weddings or funerals. Probably not barmitzvahs though...
True False True False Morale: +10 during night battles (commanded force)
Battle movement speed: +2% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
383 Fine Box General / (att_sp_item_general_fines_box)
Fine Box
"Any man not by that marker by sundown will be docked a month's pay."
True False True False Fatigue rate: -3% for all ranged infantry. (commanded army)
Morale: +10 for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
Battle movement speed: +1% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
384 Fire of Ut Ana General / (att_sp_item_general_fire_of_ut_ana)
Fire of Ut Ana
"Fire must be respected, to spit on it will cause your lips to blister."
True False True False Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Tengriism (governed province)
Religious influence: +5 Tengrism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Tengrism (local province)
385 Fire Vessel General / (att_sp_item_general_fire_vessel)
Fire Vessel
To carry the sacred flame to all corners of the earth.
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +10 for Zoroastrian armies (commanded force)
Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (local province)
386 Flagrum General / (att_sp_item_general_flagrum)
It is a weakness not to use the lash.
True False True False Fatigue rate: -3% for all ranged infantry. (commanded army)
Morale: +10 for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
387 Flint General / (att_sp_item_general_flint)
Carry the daylight with you.
True False True False Religious osmosis: +10 Tengrism (local province)
388 Foedus General / (att_sp_item_general_foedus)
"These lands are yours if you serve Rome when the time comes."
True False True False Recruitment cost: -10% for mercenary units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -5% for mercenary units (commanded force)
389 Fustis General / (att_sp_item_general_fustis)
Spare the rod and spoil the soldier.
True False True False Morale: +10 for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
390 Garum General / (att_sp_item_general_garum)
"It's made of rotting fish bits! And they call us barbaric!"
True False True False Integrity: +10 when in hostile or contested waters (commanded navy)
Integrity: +10 when in shared or controlled waters (commanded navy)
391 Haoma Plant General / (att_sp_item_general_haoma_plant)
Haoma Plant
"It comprises the power of the vegetable kingdom!"
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +10 for Zoroastrian armies (commanded force)
392 Hasta General / (att_sp_item_general_hasta)
"To the victors, the spoils!"
True False True False Melee damage: +5% for infantry units (commanded army)
Morale: +5 for melee infantry units (commanded army)
393 Hearth God Statue General / (att_sp_item_general_hearth_god_statue)
Hearth God Statue
"Ancestors mine, give me your help!"
True False True False Morale: +10 for Celtic pagan armies (commanded force)
394 Herbal Sleeping Potion General / (att_sp_item_general_herbal_sleeping_potion)
Herbal Sleeping Potion
"I'm not convinced this is wor--zzzzzzz..."
True False True False Morale: +10 during night battles (commanded force)
395 Horseshoes General / (att_sp_item_general_horseshoes)
"Shoes, for horses? What will they think of next…"
True False True False Upkeep cost: -10% for cavalry units (commanded army)
396 Hunting Horn General / (att_sp_item_general_hunting_horn)
Hunting Horn
When the horn sounds, the hunters awake!
True False True False Charge bonus: +5% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Melee attack: +3 for cavalry units (commanded force)
397 Ichthys Fibula General / (att_sp_item_general_ichthys_fibula)
Ichthys Fibula
True False True False Morale: +10 for Greek Christian armies (commanded force)
398 Incantation Bowl General / (att_sp_item_general_incantation_bowl)
Incantation Bowl
"The lord of light grants us powers to banish the darkness."
True False True False Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Manichaeism (governed province)
Religious influence: +5 Manichaeism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Manichaeism (local province)
399 Ivory Drinking Bowl General / (att_sp_item_general_ivory_drinking_bowl)
Ivory Drinking Bowl
"Elephants die on campaign. It's a shame to waste them."
True False True False Armour: +3% for elephant units (commanded force)
Melee damage: +5% for elephant units (commanded force)
Morale: +3 for elephant units (commanded army)
400 Kontos General / (att_sp_item_general_kontos)
“It’s all in the knees you know…”
True False True False Melee damage: +5% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Morale: +5 for cavalry units (commanded force)
401 Kothon General / (att_sp_item_general_kothon)
"Terribly practical people the Spartans. Humourless bastards, but practical!"
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for sanitation buildings (local province)
Public order: +2 (local province)
Sanitation: +10 (local province)
402 Krater General / (att_sp_item_general_krater)
Diluting the symposium wine ensures a leisurely evening doesn't end too abruptly.
True False True False Wealth: +10% from commercial buildings (local province)
403 Labarum General / (att_sp_item_general_labarum)
"The heavenly sign is your shield and portion."
True False True False Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Latin Christianity (governed province)
Religious influence: +5 Latin Christianity (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Latin Christianity (local province)
404 Ladder General / (att_sp_item_general_ladder)
"I'm going up in the world."
True False True False Campaign spotting chance: +10% (general_to_character_own)
Campaign line of sight: +30% (general_to_character_own)
405 Laeti General / (att_sp_item_general_laeti)
"Give us your best, to defend not just your lands, but the empire itself."
True False True False Recruitment cost: -10% for mercenary units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -5% for mercenary units (commanded force)
Morale: +3 for mercenaries (commanded force)
406 Lar Familiaris Statuettes General / (att_sp_item_general_lar_familiaris_statuettes)
Lar Familiaris Statuettes
The family spirits guard every respectful son from harm.
True False True False Morale: +10 for Germanic pagan armies (commanded force)
407 Lead Scratch Pad General / (att_sp_item_general_lead_scratch_pad)
Lead Scratch Pad
"Note to self: kill everyone."
True False True False Growth: +5 (local province)
Tax rate: +10% (local province)
408 Ledger General / (att_sp_item_general_ledger)
"It's all Greek to me."
True False True False Growth: +5 (local province)
Tax rate: +10% (local province)
Research rate: +1% for civil developments (factionwide)
409 Legionary Capsa General / (att_sp_item_general_legionary_capsa)
Legionary Capsa
A little knowledge, and the right medical tools, can work wonders.
True False True False Unit experience: +1 for infantry unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -5% for melee infantry units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -10% for melee infantry units (commanded army)
410 Legionary Patera General / (att_sp_item_general_legionary_patera)
Legionary Patera
A good commander shares his troops' hardships, and honest plain fare.
True False True False Recruitment cost: -5% for melee infantry units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -10% for melee infantry units (commanded army)
411 Loaded Dice General / (att_sp_item_general_loaded_dice)
Loaded Dice
"Venus! Again! Remarkable! Pay up, old thing, pay up!"
True False True False Hostile agent success chance: -10% (general_to_character_own)
412 Lucerna General / (att_sp_item_general_lucerna)
"He smells a bit 'of the lamp' if you know what I mean?"
True False True False Hostile agent success chance: -3% (general_to_character_own)
Morale: +10 during night battles (commanded force)
Battle movement speed: +2% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
413 Mantlets General / (att_sp_item_general_mantlets)
"These wicker shields should stop us getting a face full of arrows."
True False True False Upkeep cost: -10% for artillery units (commanded army)
414 Mattock General / (att_sp_item_general_mattock)
"We'll have this wall down before daybreak."
True False True False Morale: +5 when laying siege (commanded army)
415 Measuring Rod General / (att_sp_item_general_measuring_rod)
Measuring Rod
"This is how we built the Empire - ten feet at a time."
True False True False Wealth: +10% from industrial buildings (local province)
416 Military Diploma General / (att_sp_item_general_military_diploma)
Military Diploma
"The things you have to do to become a citizen of the greatest city in the world…"
True False True False Morale: +10 when in own or allied territory (commanded force)
417 Mistletoe of the Valonia Oak General / (att_sp_item_general_mistletoe_of_the_valonia_oak)
Mistletoe of the Valonia Oak
"A sprig, cut with a bronze sickle on the full moon."
True False True False Religious influence: +5 Celtic paganism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Celtic paganism (local province)
418 Tauroctony General / (att_sp_item_general_mithras_bull_model)
Mithras! Grant me your strength!
True False True False Religious osmosis: +10 Roman paganism (local province)
419 Mithridatium General / (att_sp_item_general_mithridatium)
Which of the gods, in the name of truth, fixed these absurd proportions?
True False True False Chance of being wounded after failure: +10% (general_to_character_own)
Hostile agent success chance: -3% (general_to_character_own)
Wound recovery time: -1 (general_to_character_own)
420 Odin's Bow General / (att_sp_item_general_odins_bow)
Odin's Bow
"I bet you five solidi that I can loose ten arrows before you finish that mead."
True False True False Missile damage: +5% for infantry units (commanded army)
Ammunition: +2% for missile infantry (commanded army)
Armour: +3% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
421 Olive Oil Amphora General / (att_sp_item_general_olive_oil_amphora)
Olive Oil Amphora
"Get my strigil, it's time for a wash!"
True False True False Campaign movement range: +3% (commanded navy)
Integrity: +10 when in hostile or contested waters (commanded navy)
Integrity: +10 when in shared or controlled waters (commanded navy)
422 Orthodox Bible General / (att_sp_item_general_orthodox_bible)
Orthodox Bible
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +10 for Greek Christian armies (commanded force)
423 Ostensorium General / (att_sp_item_general_ostensorium)
"Inside the very finger bone of Saint Simon."
True False True False Religious influence: +5 Latin Christianity (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Latin Christianity (local province)
424 Parthian Bow General / (att_sp_item_general_parthian_bow)
Parthian Bow
Make every shot count.
True False True False Missile damage: +5% for infantry units (commanded army)
Armour: +3% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
425 Paten General / (att_sp_item_general_paten)
"How do they fit bread in it?"
True False True False Religious influence: +5 Arian Christianity (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Arian Christianity (local province)
426 Perfume Burner General / (att_sp_item_general_perfume_burner)
Perfume Burner
The smell of burning flesh must be disguised.
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for sanitation buildings (local province)
Sanitation: +10 (local province)
427 Pharmacopoeia General / (att_sp_item_general_pharmacopoeia)
"Now, that's a cure!"
True False True False Morale: +5 during desert night battles (commanded army)
Morale: +10 when in own or allied territory (commanded force)
Morale: +3 when reinforcing (commanded force)
428 Pilum General / (att_sp_item_general_pilum)
Thrown with enough force and skill, the pilum will pierce a cuirass.
True False True False Unit experience: +3 for missile unit recruits (commanded army)
429 Practice Dummy General / (att_sp_item_general_practice_dummy)
Practice Dummy
"His name's Genseric, he likes pain."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for military buildings (local province)
Public order: +3 from military presence (local province)
Research rate: +3% for military developments (factionwide)
430 Prosphora General / (att_sp_item_general_prosphora)
"We've got loaves of it 'round the back."
True False True False Religious osmosis: +10 Greek Christianity (local province)
431 Pugio General / (att_sp_item_general_pugio)
A good stabbing is generally fatal.
True False True False Melee damage: +5% for cavalry units (commanded force)
432 Pulleys General / (att_sp_item_general_pulleys)
It certainly takes some of the effort out of loading.
True False True False Unit experience: +1 for siege unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -5% for artillery units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -10% for artillery units (commanded army)
433 Recurve Bow General / (att_sp_item_general_recurve_bow)
Recurve Bow
A pre-stressed bow allows much greater power from the draw.
True False True False Missile damage: +5% for cavalry units (commanded force)
434 Rhomphaia General / (att_sp_item_general_rhomphaia)
"Use it like a spear, use it like a sword. Cut a man clean in two. Nice."
True False True False Melee attack: +5 for the commander's unit (general_to_character_own)
435 Sacrificial Bread General / (att_sp_item_general_sacrificial_bread)
Sacrificial Bread
"Rye so serious? No? Oh well suit yourselves!"
True False True False Wealth: +10% from agricultural buildings (local province)
436 Salpinx General / (att_sp_item_general_salpinx)
"Sound the charge!"
True False True False Charge bonus: +5% for cavalry units (commanded force)
437 Sampsera General / (att_sp_item_general_sampsera)
"That's not a sword! This is a sword…"
True False True False Armour: +3% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
Melee attack: +5 for the commander's unit (commanded force)
438 Sardinian Oil Lamp General / (att_sp_item_general_sardinian_oil_lamp)
Sardinian Oil Lamp
"Much nicer than that Italian rubbish."
True False True False Sanitation: +10 (local province)
439 Sarissa General / (att_sp_item_general_sarissa)
It's surprisingly easy to kill an enemy when he's twenty feet away from you.
True False True False Melee damage: +5% for infantry units (commanded army)
440 Sceptre General / (att_sp_item_general_scepter)
"Behold… the staff of power!"
True False True False Authority: +2 (general_to_character_own)
441 Shamshir General / (att_sp_item_general_shamshir)
A most deadly blade, curved like the lion's claw.
True False True False Charge bonus: +5% for infantry units (commanded army)
Melee attack: +3 for infantry units (commanded army)
442 Sica General / (att_sp_item_general_sica)
The curved blade, used with skill, can hook a shield and unbalance the bearer.
True False True False Charge bonus: +5% for infantry units (commanded army)
443 Sinew Springs General / (att_sp_item_general_sinew_springs)
Sinew Springs
"Right men, I need you to go and find cats, lots of cats."
True False True False Recruitment cost: -5% for artillery units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -10% for artillery units (commanded army)
444 Spangen Helmet General / (att_sp_item_general_spangen_helmet)
Spangen Helmet
"I took this from a barbarian, rather fetching, no?"
True False True False Unit experience: +1 for cavalry unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -5% for cavalry units (commanded army)
Upkeep cost: -10% for cavalry units (commanded army)
445 Spear of Woden General / (att_sp_item_general_spear_of_woden)
Spear of Woden
Why should cowards thrive in battle?
True False True False Melee damage: +5% for infantry units (commanded army)
Morale: +5 for melee infantry units (commanded army)
Shield training: +2% for melee infantry recruits (commanded army)
446 Statuette of Bellona General / (att_sp_item_general_statuette_of_bellona)
Statuette of Bellona
"Maiden of Battle, I need your aid!"
True False True False Morale: +10 for Roman pagan armies (commanded force)
447 Statuette of Ceres General / (att_sp_item_general_statuette_of_ceres)
Statuette of Ceres
"Let the harvest be bountiful, Lady Ceres!"
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for farm buildings (local province)
Wealth: +10% from agricultural buildings (local province)
Food: +3 from reserves (local province)
448 Statuette of Cernunnos General / (att_sp_item_general_statuette_of_cernunnos)
Statuette of Cernunnos
"Horned God, lord of the woods and fields, protect us."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +10 for Celtic pagan armies (commanded force)
449 Statuette of Eje General / (att_sp_item_general_statuette_of_eje)
Statuette of Eje
"Eje, Eje, bless these lands, that our horses may feed and our children may live in peace."
True False True False Morale: +10 for Tengrist armies (commanded force)
450 Statuette of Kuar General / (att_sp_item_general_statuette_of_kuar)
Statuette of Kuar
"Strike down your enemies with lightning."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +10 for Tengrist armies (commanded force)
451 Statuette of Mars General / (att_sp_item_general_statuette_of_mars)
Statuette of Mars
"Mars! Give your servant victory, or death!"
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +10 for Roman pagan armies (commanded force)
452 Statuette of Nerthus General / (att_sp_item_general_statuette_of_nerthus)
Statuette of Nerthus
"Nerthus, protect us from harm and bring peace to the world."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Germanic paganism (local province)
Morale: +10 for Germanic pagan armies (commanded force)
453 Statuette of Tengri Han General / (att_sp_item_general_statuette_of_tengri_han)
Statuette of Tengri Han
"Lord of the undying sky, protect your faithful and bless these plains with abundance."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Tengrism (local province)
Morale: +10 for Tengrist armies (commanded force)
454 Statuette of the All-Father General / (att_sp_item_general_statuette_of_the_all_father)
Statuette of the All-Father
"Great and powerful Dagda, strike down my enemies and protect my family."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Celtic paganism (local province)
Morale: +10 for Celtic pagan armies (commanded force)
455 Statuette of Ziu General / (att_sp_item_general_statuette_of_ziu)
Statuette of Ziu
"May the god of law bring us balance and victory over those who would betray us."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +10 for Germanic pagan armies (commanded force)
456 Steppe Saddle General / (att_sp_item_general_steppe_saddle)
Steppe Saddle
"Comfy, and I can store my meat rations underneath."
True False True False Recruitment cost: -5% for cavalry units (commanded army)
Upkeep cost: -10% for cavalry units (commanded army)
457 Stuffed Enemy General / (att_sp_item_general_stuffed_enemy)
Stuffed Enemy
Death is no escape for some enemies.
True False True False Looting income: +2% (commanded force)
Sacking income: +2% (general_to_character_own)
Integrity: +10 when in foreign territory (commanded army)
458 Sword of Mars General / (att_sp_item_general_sword_of_mars)
Sword of Mars
"Who better to carry this blade?"
True False True False Authority: +2 (general_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +2% for the commander's unit (commanded force)
Commander's aura: +3% (general_to_character_own)
459 Szarv Bow General / (att_sp_item_general_szarv_bow)
Szarv Bow
Made from the horn of the ibex, it is both flexible and deadly.
True False True False Fatigue rate: -3% for all cavalry units. (commanded force)
Missile damage: +5% for cavalry units (commanded force)
Battle movement speed: +1% for cavalry units (commanded force)
460 The Avesta General / (att_sp_item_general_the_avesta)
The Avesta
"A knife of the keenest steel requires a whetstone, and the wisest man needs advice."
True False True False Public order: Up to +3 bonus from presence of Zoroastrianism (governed province)
Religious influence: +5 Zoroastrianism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Zoroastrianism (local province)
461 The Coat of Padarn Beisrudd General / (att_sp_item_general_the_coat_of_padarn_beisrudd)
The Coat of Padarn Beisrudd
Only those of the nobility may wear this garment
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for port buildings (local province)
Wealth: +10% from commercial buildings (local province)
Trade income: +3% trade agreement tariffs (factionwide)
462 The Evangelion General / (att_sp_item_general_the_evangelion)
The Evangelion
"Spread the good news about the world of light."
True False True False Religious influence: +5 Manichaeism (local region)
Religious osmosis: +10 Manichaeism (local province)
463 The Teachings of Arius General / (att_sp_item_general_the_teachings_of_arius)
The Teachings of Arius
"If God and Christ were equal then Christ should be God’s brother, not his Son."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +10 for Arian Christian armies (commanded force)
464 The Vulgate General / (att_sp_item_general_the_vulgate)
The Vulgate
"The testing of faith develops perseverance."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for religious buildings (local province)
Morale: +10 for Latin Christian armies (commanded force)
465 Tincture of Hemlock General / (att_sp_item_general_tincture_of_hemlock)
Tincture of Hemlock
"A little eases my war-weary joints."
True False True False Chance of being wounded after failure: +10% (general_to_character_own)
Wound recovery time: -1 (general_to_character_own)
466 Training Bow General / (att_sp_item_general_training_bow)
Training Bow
"Today we hunt moving prey."
True False True False Unit experience: +3 for missile unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -5% for ranged infantry units (general_to_character_own)
Upkeep cost: -3% for ranged infantry units (commanded army)
467 Training Butte General / (att_sp_item_general_training_butte)
Training Butte
"If you can hit that, you can hit a man."
True False True False Unit experience: +3 for missile unit recruits (commanded army)
Recruitment cost: -5% for ranged infantry units (general_to_character_own)
468 Votive Offerings General / (att_sp_item_general_votive_offerings)
Votive Offerings
"Throw these into the river and be blessed in battle."
True False True False Religious osmosis: +10 Celtic paganism (local province)
469 Weighing Scales General / (att_sp_item_general_weighing_scales)
Weighing Scales
"I'm a Libra. No, really..."
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for industrial buildings (local province)
Wealth: +10% from industrial buildings (local province)
Wealth: +3% from immigration (governed province)
470 Weighted Practice Shield General / (att_sp_item_general_weighted_practice_shield)
Weighted Practice Shield
"It keeps me strong, and ready for trouble!"
True False True False Construction cost: -5% for military buildings (local province)
Research rate: +3% for military developments (factionwide)
471 Black Jug General / (att_sp_item_general_wine_amphora)
Black Jug
"Last one to down theirs is a member of the Theban Sacred Band!"
True False True False Integrity: +10 when in hostile or contested waters (commanded navy)
Integrity: +10 when in shared or controlled waters (commanded navy)
Upkeep cost: -5% for naval units (commanded navy)
472 Wooden Lathed Bow General / (att_sp_item_general_wooden_lathed_bow)
Wooden Lathed Bow
With lathes of wood added, the power of the bow increases greatly.
True False True False Fatigue rate: -3% for all cavalry units. (commanded force)
Missile damage: +5% for cavalry units (commanded force)
473 Wooden Sword General / (att_sp_item_general_wooden_sword)
Wooden Sword
"Practice twice as hard and battle's half as easy!"
True False True False Research rate: +3% for military developments (factionwide)