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Scabby Eye Scabby Eye Technologies


Greenskin Military Tech

No. Technology research_points cost_per_round Requires Effects Enables
1 Goblin Tinker Crew Military Tier 1
Goblin Tinker Crew
Some gobbos are blessed by the Green Godz to create "worky bitz".
Beasts of Burden Betta Stikkas Betta Arrer 'Eads
2 Betta Arrer 'Eads Military Tier 1
Betta Arrer 'Eads
Copying the designs from stinky Elves, gobbos noticed that slimmer, sharper arrer 'eads could punch through enemy armour more easily.
Goblin Tinker Crew
    Missile damage: +10% for Greenskin bow units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
3 Betta Stikkas Military Tier 1
Betta Stikkas
The sharper the spear tip, the nastier the hole a gobbo can make in his enemy.
Goblin Tinker Crew
    Weapon strength: +10% for Greenskin units with spears (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
4 Beasts of Burden Military Tier 2
Beasts of Burden
Docile or older boars are used to pull big carts that can be piled high with shiny stuff following a raid.
Goblin Tinker Crew
    Ammunition: +20% for Greenskin bow units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Big 'Un Bullies Boar Breedin' Fasta Wolves
5 Boar Breedin' Military Tier 2
Boar Breedin'
Boar breedin' is more than just a spectator sport, the aim being to produce even tougher mounts.
Beasts of Burden
    Armour: +10 for Orc Boar Riders and Orc Boar Big 'Uns units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Squig Ridin'
6 Squig Ridin' Military Tier 2
Squig Ridin'
Some say it’s an art, others a science. Mostly, it’s just blind luck if you stay upright and alive.
Boar Breedin' Night Goblin Squig Hoppers
7 Fasta Wolves Military Tier 2
Fasta Wolves
Even Greenskins have realised that getting fast wolves to mate produces even speedier beasts!
Beasts of Burden
    Speed: +10% for Wolf Rider units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
8 Big 'Un Bullies Military Tier 3
Big 'Un Bullies
The looming presence of a gnarled and muscular Orc amongst the Goblin mobs helps keep discipline and the gobbos focused on "wot matters".
Beasts of Burden
    Leadership: +5 for Goblin units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Big Lever Black Orc Bellow 'Eavy Clubs
9 Black Orc Bellow Military Tier 3
Black Orc Bellow
Black Orcs can't stand the cowardice rife in other Greenskins, should they witness it they bellow out threats to keep the others in line.
Big 'Un Bullies
    Leadership: +5 for Orc units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
10 'Eavy Clubs Military Tier 3
'Eavy Clubs
Bigga clubs make for betta bashing.
Big 'Un Bullies
    Weapon strength: +10% for Giant units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Weapon strength: +10% for Trolls units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
11 Arachnarok Spider Military Tier 4
Arachnarok Spider
In the deepest, webbed lairs lurk the Arachnaroks, now lured to battle by the Forest Goblins.
Big Lever Spider Worship Spider Hatchery Arachnarok Spider
12 Goblin Doom Diver Military Tier 4
Goblin Doom Diver
Flung into the air by a ramshackle catapult, the Doom Diver lands on the enemy in a flurry of Squig-leather wings and squishy body parts!
Big Lever Troll Sinew Bigga Goblin Rock Lobber Doom Diver Catapult
13 Big Lever Military Tier 4
Big Lever
Even the thickest of gobbos can operate a war machine if it has a big enough lever for their scrawny hands to pull.
Big 'Un Bullies
    Reload time reduction: +10% for artillery (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Bigga Wheelz Arachnarok Spider Goblin Doom Diver
14 Bigga Goblin Rock Lobber Military Tier 4
Bigga Goblin Rock Lobber
The Goblins steal ideas as much as anything else - they saw the deadly catapults of the Dwarfs and knew they needed a larger stone thrower of their own.
Goblin Doom Diver
    Range: +15% for Goblin Rock Lobber units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Reload time reduction: +35% for Goblin Rock Lobber units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
15 Spider Worship Military Tier 4
Spider Worship
Worship of the many-eyed god - the Feaster from Beyond, as it is known to the Forest Goblins - ensures its children stay in the fight.
Arachnarok Spider
    Leadership: +5 for Spider Riders units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
16 Red Paint Military Tier 5
Red Paint
It's true. Red Onez do go fasta!
Bigga Wheelz
    Speed: +5% for Greenskin Chariot units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
17 Bigga Wheelz Military Tier 5
Bigga Wheelz
Orcs like things that are bigga, so they "pimp" their chariots with large wheelz!
Big Lever
    Charge bonus: +10% for Greenskin Chariot units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
'Eavy Metal Red Paint 'Normus Loot Cart
18 Betta Bowstrings Military Tier 5
Betta Bowstrings
Goblins copied the bowstrings of other races, twisting the twine and even combining it with sinew.
Troll Sinew
    Reload time reduction: +15% for Greenskin bow units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
19 'Normus Loot Cart Military Tier 5
'Normus Loot Cart
A wagon for keepin’ the Boss’ stuff in stops the more unscrupulous among da boyz from nickin’ it for themselves.
Bigga Wheelz
    Income from post-battle loot: +10% (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
    Income from raiding: +10% (all forces)
20 Spider Hatchery Military Tier 5
Spider Hatchery
Taking spider eggs and broodlings from nests in the forests is a deadly undertaking, but can create more vicious mounts.
Arachnarok Spider
    Melee attack: +10 for Spider Rider units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
21 Troll Sinew Military Tier 5
Troll Sinew
Goblin devices rely on "springy stuff" for power, and there is none better than cured Troll intestines.
Goblin Doom Diver
    Range: +5% for Goblin infantry units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Live Ammo Betta Bowstrings
22 Longa Chains Military Tier 6
Longa Chains
Fanatics with longa chains have a larger arc of death - bad news for any unfortunates caught up in the loon's lethal cyclone!
Live Ammo
    Weapon strength: +15% for Night Goblin (Fanatics) units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
23 Massive Choppas Military Tier 6
Massive Choppas
Orcs like a big choppa, they like the feel of it in their hands and the weight of the hefty weapon as it pulverises the foe!
'Eavy Metal
    Weapon strength: +10% for Orc units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
24 Tuff Chassis Military Tier 6
Tuff Chassis
Orcs like to make their chariots as tough as possible - although if they're too heavy even boars struggle to pull 'em!
'Eavy Metal
    Armour: +10 for Greenskin Chariot units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
25 Live Ammo Military Tier 6
Live Ammo
Before you can operate a Doom Diver catapult, you need "willing" volunteers to be shot into oblivion. Fortunately, there's rarely of shortage of nutters.
Troll Sinew
    Ammunition: +10% for artillery (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Strap-On Gear Longa Chains
26 'Eavy Metal Military Tier 6
'Eavy Metal
Orcs like a bit of 'Eavy Metal, especially on their chariots - not only is it good for defence, it also gives them something to paint on…
Bigga Wheelz
    Melee defence: +5 for Greenskin Chariot units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Spikes 'n' Scythes Tuff Chassis Massive Choppas
27 Beast Armour Military Tier 7
Beast Armour
Greenskins begrudgingly see the logic of barding their mounts, but it's not an easy thing to do considering what they ride to battle on!
Strap-On Gear
    Armour: +10 for cavalry units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
28 Spikes 'n' Scythes Military Tier 7
Spikes 'n' Scythes
Greenskins have always loved to put spiky bitz on their stuff, because they like things to be as stabby as possible.
'Eavy Metal
    Weapon strength: +10% for cavalry units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Weapon strength: +10% for Greenskin Chariot units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
29 Strap-On Gear Military Tier 7
Strap-On Gear
Greenskins have embraced wearable technology by strapping on bits of metal to form crude armour - or even wings!
Live Ammo
    Armour: +10 for infantry units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Beast Armour