Has received training at a military academy, improving his ability to lead modern gunpowder troops. 軍校教育背景令此人能迅速掌握火槍部隊指揮技巧
+1 Command 統率力+1
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : IsGeneral EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 SettlementBuildingExists >= military_academy Affects : AcademyTrained 1 Chance : 10 %
Officer Training 出身名校
Benefits from the best military training available, making him a better commander. 此人曾受訓於最優秀軍校,指揮才華出眾
+2 Command 統率力+2
Respected by Pope 教皇尊敬
Lords who have no qualms about travelling to far off lands for noble, spiritual causes serve as a great example to their men. 此人身為貴族,對遠征異端作戰責無旁貸,深受教皇尊敬
+1 Piety, +1 Command when fighting against Muslims 虔誠+1,對抗穆斯林統率+1
When to test : LeaderMissionSuccess Condition : MissionID return_papal_settlement Affects : AdoredByPope 1 Chance : 100 %
When to test : LeaderMissionSuccess Condition : PaybackID pope_rome_min_penalty_major_reward Affects : AdoredByPope 1 Chance : 5 %
When to test : LeaderMissionSuccess Condition : PaybackID pope_rome_min_penalty_major_reward Affects : AdoredByPope 1 Chance : 5 %
When to test : LeaderMissionSuccess Condition : PaybackID pope_rome_min_penalty_major_reward Affects : AdoredByPope 1 Chance : 5 %
Adored by Pope 教皇寵愛
Some show their devotion through prayer, but this man shows it through battling in God's name. 有些人用祈禱來顯示自己的虔誠,但此人在基督名義下奮勇作戰,以此證明自己對天主的信念,故而深受教皇寵愛
+2 Piety, +2 Command when fighting against Muslims 虔誠+2,對抗穆斯林統率+2
Exhalted by Pope 全心奉獻
To devote one's life to the Crusades is the sort of thing even most knights would deem to be above and beyond the call. 響應天主召喚,為神聖的十字軍事業付出生命,是每個騎士的應盡職責
+3 Piety, +3 Command when fighting against Muslims 虔誠+3,對抗穆斯林統率+3
the Adored 奉獻者
An Eye for Beauty 多愁善感
This man's eyes tend to be drawn toward all things beautiful. 此人目光總是為那些淒美事物所吸引
-1 Command 統率力-1
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= artist_studio Affects : Aesthetic 1 Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement Treasury > 50000 Affects : Aesthetic 1 Chance : 3 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement Treasury > 100000 Affects : Aesthetic 1 Chance : 3 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement Treasury > 150000 Affects : Aesthetic 1 Chance : 3 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : FatherTrait Aesthetic >= 1 Affects : Aesthetic 1 Chance : 15 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : FatherTrait Austere >= 1 Affects : Aesthetic 1 Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 SettlementBuildingExists = coaching_house Affects : Aesthetic 1 Chance : 3 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 SettlementBuildingExists >= theatre Affects : Aesthetic 1 Chance : 3 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 SettlementBuildingExists >= merchants_quarter Affects : Aesthetic 1 Chance : 3 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 SettlementBuildingExists >= artist_studio Affects : Aesthetic 1 Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : IsGeneral Affects : Aesthetic 1 Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : Trait Aesthetic >= 1 Affects : Aesthetic 1 Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : IsGeneral EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 SettlementBuildingExists >= ikoner_studio Affects : Aesthetic 1 Chance : 3 %
Admirer of Beauty 天性唯美
Actively seeks to gaze upon things of true beauty, and possess them if possible. 此人經常對美麗事物讚歎不已,並盡可能擁有這些珍品
-2 Command, 10% decrease to cost to bribe, -1 from squalor (increases public order and population growth) 統率力-2,賄賂費用-10%,城邑髒亂-1
Aesthete 憧憬夢幻
Seeks a paradise where nothing is displeasing to the eye. In love with beauty itself. 此人終日憧憬夢幻天堂,那裡任何事物都是如此賞心悅目,充滿著迷人愛情
-3 Command, 20% decrease to cost to bribe, -2 from squalor (increases public order and population growth) 統率力-3,賄賂費用-20%,城邑髒亂-2
AgentPiety 聖靈降世
DO NOT TRANSLATE - Hidden trait for agents 事務官隱藏天賦
+10 Piety 虔誠+10
Hidden 隱藏
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin Affects : AgentPiety 1 Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = diplomat Affects : AgentPiety 1 Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant Affects : AgentPiety 1 Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : AgentType = princess Affects : AgentPiety 1 Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = spy Affects : AgentPiety 1 Chance : 100 %
Easily Riled 暴躁易怒
It only takes the mention of the wrong people or topic to set this man's temples throbbing. 此人但發現不遂其意之事,當即失去控制,厲聲怒喝
+1 Authority 威望+1
When to test : BrotherAdopted Condition : Affects : Anger 1 Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : IsGeneral Affects : Anger 1 Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : Trait Anger >= 1 Affects : Anger 1 Chance : 4 %
Seethes with Anger 怒火中燒
Fists clenched, nostrils flared, somebody would say something if anyone dared. 此人目齜欲裂,鐵拳緊握,隨時準備予冒犯者以沉重教訓
+1 Dread, +1 Command, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield 殘暴+1,統率力+1,作戰部隊士氣-1
Driven by Rage 怒氣勃發
So constantly maddened with rage is this man that he is quite frightening to behold once he unleashes his anger. 此人性格暴烈,一旦怒氣勃發,極為恐怖
+2 Dread, +2 Command, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield 殘暴+2,統率力+2,作戰部隊士氣-2
the Wrathful 暴烈者
Uninhibited 過於熱情
Not at all embarrassed about embracing another man. 此人對任何人都熱情擁抱,令他人頗為尷尬
-1 Authority 威望-1
When to test : BrotherAdopted Condition : Affects : Arse 1 Chance : 1 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : IsGeneral Affects : Arse 1 Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : Trait Arse >= 1 Affects : Arse 1 Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : IsGeneral AtSea Affects : Arse 1 Chance : 3 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 RandomPercent > 90 Affects : Arse 1 Chance : 1 %
Shameful 舉止失儀
Aware that his unholy urges to be with other men could see him in trouble. 此人與眾相處,舉止頗為失態,令他人鄙視
-2 Authority 威望-2
Too Well Groomed 注重修飾
Just one step too pretty and polished for his sexual preference to escape a discerning eye. 此人過於注重自身修飾,企圖引誘無知異性好感
-1 Command, -3 Authority 統率力-1,威望-3
Shameless Queen 不知羞恥
An embarrassing parody of an ugly woman, endlessly prattling on about young boys. 這位醜陋女士舉止笨拙,尚且向年輕男性媚眼頻拋
-3 Command, -5 Authority 統率力-3,威望-5
the Queen 淫賤者
Survivor 大難不死
This man had the strength of character to learn from the attempt on his life rather than fear impending doom. 此人善於從自身經歷險境中總結經驗,而非終日惴惴不安
+1 Chivalry, +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) 騎士美德+1,個人安全+2
When to test : ExecutesAnAssassinOnAMission Condition : Affects : AssassinCatcher 1 Chance : 100 %
Blessed Survivor 屢脫險境
Has survived enough assassination attempts to be able to claim either divine protection, or a sixth sense. 此人屢次逃脫暗算,皆歸於天主庇佑,以及其敏銳直覺
+1 Chivalry, +3 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) 騎士美德+1,個人安全+3
Instinctive Survivor 機警敏銳
Although clearly fortunate to be alive, this man is now genuinely adept at avoiding attempts on his life. 多次死裡逃生令此人目前機警敏銳,極為重視個人安全
+2 Chivalry, +1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted), +4 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) 騎士美德+2,視野+1,個人安全+4
the Fortunate 機警者
Open to Murder 廣蓄死士
Willing to turn to hired blades to take out targets that armies would struggle to reach. 此人更傾向於通過暗殺來剷除敵軍重要將領
+1 Dread, 10% discount on agent training costs 殘暴+1,事務官訓練費用-10%
When to test : LeaderOrderedAssassination Condition : MissionSucceeded Affects : AssassinMaster 1 Chance : 100 %
When to test : LeaderOrderedAssassination Condition : not MissionSucceeded Affects : AssassinMaster 1 Chance : 10 %
Mixes with Killers 剷除政敵
Regularly employs assassins to see the interests of the people done, without them knowing who did it. 此人時常僱用刺客剷除政敵,手段無所不用其極
+2 Dread, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts), 20% discount on agent training costs 殘暴+2,個人安全+1,事務官訓練費用-20%
Master of Assassins 刺殺大師
Has recruited enough killers in his time to know the measure of a man almost immediately. 此人收攬大批刺客,以剷除任何前進阻力
+3 Dread, +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts), 25% discount on agent training costs 殘暴+3,個人安全+2,事務官訓練費用-25%
the Killer 殺手之王
Assassins' Guild Apprentice 刺客行會中階成員
The presence of a Master Assassin's Guild within the kingdom has made this man a more effective operative. 王國內成立的刺客大師行會,令此人技藝進步顯著
+1 to agent's skill 刺客技能+1
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin FactionBuildingExists >= m_assassins_guild Affects : AssassinsGuildMember 1 Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin FactionBuildingExists = gm_assassins_guild Affects : AssassinsGuildMember 1 Chance : 100 %
Assassins' Guild Journeyman 刺客行會高階成員
The presence of Assassin's Guild HQ within the kingdom has afforded this man significantly enhanced training. 王國內成立的刺客行會總部,令此人技藝更上一層
+2 to agent's skill 刺客技能+2
Trained Killer 哈薩辛行會低階成員
The influence of one of the more dubious guild houses have made this man a more precise instrument of death. 王國中成立的哈薩辛行會,令此人刺客技藝明顯提高
+1 to agent's skill 刺客技能+1
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin SettlementBuildingExists >= assassins_guild Affects : AssassinsGuildTrained 1 Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin SettlementBuildingExists >= eastern_assassins_guild Affects : AssassinsGuildTrained 1 Chance : 100 %
Severe 嚴厲無情
This man's basic manner and lifestyle lean towards being severe and unforgiving. 此人性格逐漸轉變為嚴於律己,毫無同情心
100% increase to cost to bribe, 2% bonus on tax income 賄賂費用+100%,稅收+2%
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : FatherTrait Aesthetic >= 1 Affects : Austere 1 Chance : 15 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : FatherTrait Austere >= 1 Affects : Austere 1 Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : not EndedInSettlement InEnemyLands Affects : Austere 1 Chance : 2 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : IsGeneral Affects : Austere 1 Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : Trait Austere >= 1 Affects : Austere 1 Chance : 4 %
Austere 嚴於律己
This man is not interested in luxuries or beautification. Restraint is the path to perfection! 此人對一切享受和浮奢都興趣索然,堅信唯有嚴謹方可通向完美
+1 Loyalty, 200% increase to cost to bribe, 5% bonus on tax income 忠誠+1,賄賂費用+200%,稅收+5%
Severely Austere 嚴峻不苟
This man is a bastion of self restraint and purity, in a manner that is overbearing and boorish. 此人嚴峻不苟,心地正直
+2 Loyalty, 300% increase to cost to bribe, 10% bonus on tax income 忠誠+2,賄賂費用+300%,稅收+10%
Firm Ruler 嚴厲總督
This man believes that exerting authority is necessary to maintain order. 此人篤信亂世用重典,如此方能維持城邑安寧
+1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +2 to law (improves public order) 城邑動亂+1,法律+2
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : Trait StrategyDread < 1 Trait StrategyChivalry < 1 SettlementBuildingFinished >= town_hall Affects : Authoritarian 1 Chance : 7 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : Trait StrategyChivalry >= 1 SettlementBuildingFinished >= town_hall Affects : Authoritarian 1 Chance : 5 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : Trait StrategyDread >= 1 SettlementBuildingFinished >= town_hall Affects : Authoritarian 1 Chance : 10 %
When to test : ExterminatePopulation Condition : Affects : Authoritarian 1 Chance : 3 %
When to test : GovernorCityRiots Condition : Affects : Authoritarian 1 Chance : 20 %
When to test : GovernorCityRebels Condition : Affects : Authoritarian 1 Chance : 50 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : IsGeneral Affects : Authoritarian 1 Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : Trait Authoritarian >= 1 Affects : Authoritarian 1 Chance : 4 %
Strict Ruler 嚴酷總督
This man will not tolerate excuses - It is the people's duty to respect the authority of the rules laid out before them. 此人從不接受任何借口,堅稱服從國家法令乃民眾本分
+1 Authority, +2 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +4 to law (improves public order) 威望+1,城邑動亂+2,法律+4
Total Authoritarian 獨裁總督
Believes that rigid law and order are both an absolute necessity, oppressively so. 此人認為酷刑重典乃必要統治手段,因此治下民不聊生,怨聲載道
+2 Authority, +3 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +6 to law (improves public order) 威望+2,城邑動亂+3,法律+6
the Harsh 嚴酷者
Poor Administrator 無能總督
Not one to entrust a complicated civil problem with. 此人不適合處理複雜民政事務
3% penalty on all trade income 城邑貿易收入-3%
When to test : GovernorCityRiots Condition : GovernorTaxLevel > tax_low Affects : BadAdministrator 1 Chance : 50 %
When to test : GovernorCityRebels Condition : GovernorTaxLevel > tax_low Affects : BadAdministrator 1 Chance : 100 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : GovernorLoyaltyLevel > loyalty_disillusioned GovernorTaxLevel < tax_high SettlementBuildingExists >= wooden_pallisade Affects : BadAdministrator 1 Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : IsGeneral Affects : BadAdministrator 1 Chance : 4 %
Inefficient Administrator 拙劣總督
Sloppy with paperwork and government issues, this man makes a poor governor. 此人終日陷於文牘,缺乏管理才幹
5% penalty on all trade income 城邑貿易收入-5%
Total Incompetence 可悲總督
Utterly clueless in administrative roles, choosing to simply make something up when asked questions. 此人全無管理才能,終日窮於應對各種突發事件
10% penalty on all trade income 城邑貿易收入-10%
Poor Ambusher 無能伏擊將領
This man has yet to learn the subtleties necessary to launch a successful ambush. 此人尚未掌握伏擊作戰真諦
-1 Command when ambushing 伏擊作戰統率力-1
When to test : PostBattle Condition : WasAttacker IsGeneral not WonBattle BattleSuccess >= clear I_ConflictType FailedAmbush BattleOdds > 0.4 Affects : BadAmbusher 1 Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : IsGeneral Affects : BadAmbusher 1 Chance : 4 %
Clumsy Ambusher 拙劣伏擊將領
Although capable of positioning for an ambush, this man has only ever failed at executing his plans of attack. 儘管軍隊每次都妥善進入伏擊地點,但此人從來無法按預案成功重創敵軍
-2 Command when ambushing 伏擊作戰統率力-2
Brutally Obvious 可悲伏擊將領
This man is so unsubtle he could wake the dead. Why he continues to attempt to take his foes by surprise is a mystery his troops want solved. 此人作風魯莽,連死人都能驚動,可偏偏醉心於伏擊對手,令部下大惑不解
-3 Command when ambushing 伏擊作戰統率力-3
Killer on Edge 無能刺客
This man has proven prone to losing his focus at the moment of truth. 此人總是錯過行動最佳時機
-1 from agent's skill 刺客技能-1
When to test : AssassinationMission Condition : not MissionSucceeded Affects : BadAssassin 1 Chance : 50 %
Not an Assassin 拙劣刺客
Assassins are paid to kill people… This man has thus far been paid to apologise for his failures. 刺客受人錢財替人謀取生命,此人接受訂金後則忙於為自己的失誤道歉
-2 from agent's skill 刺客技能-2
Not a Killer 惡劣刺客
It would seem this man simply isn't capable of killing people - ironic given his choice of profession. 此人完全不適合刺殺他人,從事刺客職業實為莫大諷刺
-3 from agent's skill 刺客技能-3
Flawed Attacker 無能攻擊將領
This man has yet to show the right mindset to lead an attack. 此人對攻擊作戰不甚在行
-1 Command when attacking 攻擊作戰統率力-1
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : IsGeneral Affects : BadAttacker 1 Chance : 4 %
When to test : PostBattle Condition : WasAttacker IsGeneral not WonBattle BattleSuccess = crushing I_ConflictType Normal BattleOdds >= 0.5 Affects : BadAttacker 2 Chance : 50 %
When to test : PostBattle Condition : WasAttacker IsGeneral not WonBattle BattleSuccess = clear I_ConflictType Normal BattleOdds >= 0.5 Affects : BadAttacker 1 Chance : 50 %
Incompetent Attacker 拙劣攻擊將領
There is something fundamentally wrong with this man's plans of attack. 此人攻擊計劃總存在致命缺陷
-2 Command when attacking 攻擊作戰統率力-2
Pathetic Attacker 可悲攻擊將領
It were as if this man were incapable of launching a successful attack. 此人攻擊作戰從未得手
-3 Command when attacking 攻擊作戰統率力-3
Usless Attacker 惡劣攻擊將領
As much as this man has tried, it would seem attacking is not something he can succeed at. 儘管此人數度嘗試,但對攻擊作戰委實力不從心
-4 Command when attacking 攻擊作戰統率力-4
the Foolhardy 蠻勇者
Not Constructive 厭惡建設
Is not one to take the initiative to oversee the construction of a new building. He may requires some reminding. 此人從不主動視察基礎設施修建狀況,需要他人時時提醒
5% increase to construction costs, +1 to squalor (decreases population growth and public order) 建築修建成本+5%,城邑髒亂+1
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : IsGeneral Affects : BadBuilder 2 Chance : 4 %
Sloppy Builder 漠視建築
Not at all focused on the process of urban development, this man makes mistakes when it comes to financing a new building. 此人向來漠視城邑發展,亦從不撥款修建基礎設施
10% increase to construction costs, +2 to squalor (decreases population growth and public order) 建築修建成本+10%,城邑髒亂+2
Abhors Construction 憎恨建築
This man hates little more than commissioning the construction of a new building. He does so poorly as a result. 此人頗為厭惡興工修建基礎設施,因而每次都敷衍了事
15% increase to construction costs, +3 to squalor (decreases population growth and public order) 建築修建成本+15%,城邑髒亂+3
Poor with Cavalry 無能騎兵將領
Not good at dealing with the risks facing cavalrymen in battle. 此人指揮騎兵部隊作戰,根本無法規避面臨危險
-1 Command when commanding cavalry 指揮騎兵統率力-1
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : IsGeneral Affects : BadCavalryGeneral 1 Chance : 4 %
When to test : PostBattle Condition : IsGeneral not WonBattle BattleSuccess = crushing PercentageUnitCategory cavalry > 50 Affects : BadCavalryGeneral 1 Chance : 50 %
Inept with Cavalry 拙劣騎兵將領
Liable to send more of his cavalry into certain death than to glory. 此人令騎兵出擊,通常非但無法獲得勝利,反而令人馬俱入死地
-2 Command when commanding cavalry 指揮騎兵統率力-2
Shameful with Cavalry 可悲騎兵將領
Prone to sending horsemen to their doom, a fact his current riders are well aware of. 部下盡皆深知,追隨此人作戰,無疑於自尋死路
-3 Command when commanding cavalry 指揮騎兵統率力-3
Unproven Commander 無能將領
This man is yet little to show signs of ever being effective or confident in command. 此人尚未顯示出統軍作戰的基本才能
-1 Command 統率力-1
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : IsGeneral Affects : BadCommander 1 Chance : 4 %
When to test : PostBattle Condition : IsGeneral not WonBattle BattleOdds > 1.5 Affects : BadCommander 1 Chance : 50 %
Incompetent Commander 拙劣將領
This man has a knack for making a meal of things when attempting to take command. 此人統軍作戰,素來毫無章法
-2 Command 統率力-2
Pathetic Commander 可悲將領
This man could clutch defeat from the jaws of victory. 原本必勝之役,此人亦會一敗塗地
-3 Command 統率力-3
Useless Commander 惡劣將領
This man's troops say at least two prayers before entering battle - he seems destined to command his armies to their doom. 此人麾下部隊每臨戰陣必反覆祈禱——因為在此人指揮下作戰實在九死一生
-5 Command 統率力-5
the Inept 無能者
Poor Plotter 無能事務官
Suspects he is a capable plotter, but not the fact that he's wrong. 此人自以為思慮周密,但事實總是無情證明他的謬誤
-1 from agent's skill 事務官技能-1
When to test : SabotageMission Condition : not MissionSucceeded Affects : BadConspirator 1 Chance : 33 %
Silly Schemes 拙劣事務官
Let's ludicrously elaborate ideas work their ways into his plans, ones that he won't realise are dumb until the moment of truth. 此人總沾沾自喜自己算無遺策,唯有冷峻事實方能令其清醒頭腦
-2 from agent's skill 事務官技能-2
Lost the Plot 可悲事務官
This man's left hand would readily plot against his right, but would he notice? His skills as a conspirator are worthless. 此人所謀之事,無異於令左手背叛右手,孰能無知,實乃可笑至極